Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 467 Azure Dragon, Immortal Phoenix, Join Forces!

Chapter 467 Azure Dragon, Immortal Phoenix, Join Forces!

(Chapter 2, 6,000 words!)

A "Xuanhan Ice Wolf" with a size of about ten feet has a terrifying breath. Its strength is in the realm of fighting immortals at rank four. After sensing the movement here, it immediately led many fierce beasts to rush back, but it was too late.

Eyes the size of copper bells revealed an endless fierce light, looking down into the abyss.

Except for the 'Xuanhan Ice Wolf King', the strength of these ferocious beasts ranges from Rank 2 to Rank 3 Fighting Immortals. Their physical bodies are extremely strong, and they are cultivated in this 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' day and night. of beasts.

Now that Xuanyuan and his party entered this abyss, they wanted to chase them down, but they didn't dare, so they could only keep roaring and screaming.

They seem to be calling for something, trying to prevent Xuanyuan and his party from entering the abyss!

The roar, the roar turned into a terrifying sound wave, straight through the dome in the abyss!

The endless abyss, pitch black, in all directions, I don't know what will rush out at any time.

Murderous aura surged like a sea, terrifying aura surged from bottom to top, and the cold current became more and more terrifying.

Xuanyuan and his party slowly descended from the sky, and the fire rain and tassels covered a radius of ten feet, forming a fireball that shone in all directions.

Through the light of fire and rain tassels, Xuanyuan saw that shocking traces were engraved on the mountain wall of this abyss.

A sword mark is tens of feet deep and thousands of feet across, exuding a violent killing intent. This sword mark is extremely ferocious, decisive in killing and destroying everything. You must know that the inner mountain wall is extremely hard. Even if Xuanyuan strikes with all his strength, it may not be able to leave a trace. How strong is it necessary to be able to leave such a sword mark?

Xuanyuan also saw a deep pit. The gap from the edge of the deep pit seemed to be dented by someone punching the mountain wall by nearly a hundred feet. It was terrifying and gloomy. Seeing this, Xuanyuan couldn't help but gasped. Who was it? so scary? Such a punch?

All kinds of traces of fighting are especially obvious here, and the protective restriction formed by Xuanyuan's fire rain and tassels makes them the most conspicuous existence in this abyss.

Xuanyuan was dressed in burlap clothes, which were refined from the skins of the ancient royal family. 'Emperor Yingtian' had been wearing them for a long time, and the majestic aura of the emperor was stained on them. The surging terrifying murderous aura was forced to retreat without any influence.

The cold current is rushing, the cold wind is howling, and the whistling and whistling sound can be heard endlessly.

Xuanyuan's expression was dignified, the murderous aura rushed down and became more terrifying, Xuanyuan even doubted that if it wasn't for the aura of the coarse linen clothes left by 'Emperor Yingtian', his fire rain and tassels would be restrained by this murderous aura It burst open.

"This is really a place of death, dead pig, be ready to send the restriction at any time, otherwise, even if there is a relic of 'Emperor Yingtian', we will die here!" Xuanyuan looked at the mountain through his real eyes. The terrifying cold air flowing inside the wall made him know that he had come to the innermost part of the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region'.

"The qi machine here is too terrifying. I really don't know if my teleportation restriction will work. Let's see, and then we'll talk about it!" The pig-headed emperor said seriously.

Xuanyuan's face turned green when he heard the pig head emperor's words. Originally, Xuanyuan thought that no matter how bad it was, he could escape at any time due to the pig head emperor's teleportation restriction. The pig-headed emperor really wanted to strangle the pig-headed emperor to death.

"Damn it, dead pig, you are too unreliable. If you know that your restraint method can't be used, you should say it earlier!"

The pig-headed emperor was so pinched by Xuanyuan that he rolled his eyes, foamed at the mouth, and twitched his limbs:

"Cough, cough... Let go, you boy don't ask yourself first, if you strangle me now, don't even think about going out."

Xuanyuan let go of the pig-headed emperor, took out the 'Yingtian Immortal Sword' and hung it on his waist. Although this supreme celestial weapon was half destroyed, it could still play a significant role. In his bosom, this is a third-rank immortal talisman, named 'Heisha Poison Immortal Talisman', its lethality is extremely astonishing, even if it is a fourth-rank fighting immortal, it will be severely injured!

"Everyone, be careful." At this point, Xuanyuan knew that what he said was meaningless, and he could only go one way to the end.

Qian Duoduo was bouncing around, and said with a little excitement:

"I'm so nervous, I don't know if something interesting will come out? I'm so looking forward to it, just thinking about it makes my blood boil!"

Hearing Qian Duoduo's words, Xuanyuan felt his scalp go numb. This girl's nerves are simply not ordinary.

Huang Yuechan also finally comprehended Qian Duoduo's top quality. She was the one who said the danger at the beginning, but now she was the one who was so excited that she wanted to encounter danger. Obviously, the aura here made Huang Yuechan feel extremely palpitating, and also Fortunately, Xuanyuan's sackcloth coat drove back the murderous aura.

"If something jumps out, I'll take you away first." Huang Yuechan threatened Qian Duoduo.

"I'm not afraid. With Xuanxuan here, nothing can threaten us." Qian Duoduo chuckled.

Surrounded by eerie silence, Xuanyuan and his party slowly descended, neither fast nor slow.

It's getting colder and colder, and the murderous aura is rushing like a sea, which makes people feel scared. Fortunately, Xuanyuan and his party are all talented people. Otherwise, ordinary fighting immortals will have all kinds of hallucinations when they come here.

Suddenly, a scream sounded, beeping——

It was like the long cry of a goshawk, followed by whirrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr of wind, Xuanyuan's arresting sound was located, and a ray of light flew out from his eyes, rolling the supreme pressure of the green dragon from his body, ready to Fight!

I saw a sword eagle with a size of 100 meters, it was extremely ferocious, covered with frost flowers, it was extremely strong, every feather was as sharp as a sword, its eyes were like knives, its claws were sharp, its mouth seemed to be able to tear apart Everything, this is a 'Xuanjian Tianying', its strength is at least in the realm of four-turn fighting immortals, this is a 'Xuanjian Tianying King', it has been summoned by those ferocious beasts, and it chases and kills at the fastest speed Come.

I saw this 'Xuanjian Sky Eagle King' spread its wings, whirring, and the terrifying sound rang out. In an instant, a hurricane swept across, and twelve horn whirlwinds gathered endless murderous aura and cold currents, sweeping towards Xuanyuan and his party.

Almost in an instant, Xuanyuan saw a vision rise up behind him, "All the sons of heaven shouted together", a hundred arrogances unleashed all kinds of magical powers in unison, facing the whirlwind of sheep's horns, smashing two whirlwinds of horns.

"'Money rainstorm'!" Qian Duoduo's body, Jinhua circulated, and I don't know how many pieces of Douxian coins appeared, and each piece of Douxian coins was intertwined with mysterious runes, running through them together, accompanied by money. Duoduo let out a stern shout, and immediately hit the remaining ten claw whirlwinds.

whoosh whoosh...

Like thousands of arrows, the power of the 'money rainstorm' is extremely terrifying. In the endless darkness, countless fighting coins turned into a golden dot net, shining in all directions, the 'Xuanjian Sky Eagle King' His face was revealed before the people.

The moment the 'Money Rain' collided with the ten horn whirlwinds, a deafening explosion resounded through the entire abyss, and Xuanyuan and his party were rushed down even more violently due to the wave of battle energy collided by the two forces.

The eyes of the 'Xuanjian Sky Eagle King' were extremely sharp, Zhan Yi rushed towards Xuanyuan and his party.

Xuanyuan crazily poured fighting energy into the 'Fire Lotus Terrace', only to see the golden light of the 'Fire Lotus Terrace' loudly, and faintly, an emperor's shadow appeared, that was the 'Red Lotus Immortal Emperor', and the blossoming fire lotus appeared The cultures are intertwined and blended into the fire and rain tassels.

This 'Xuanjian Sky Eagle King' hit Xuanyuan's 'Fire Lotus Terrace' with its own body, and with just one blow of terrifying power, it sent Xuanyuan and his party flying three thousand feet away and fell down at an extremely fast speed.

Xuanyuan spit out a big mouthful of blood directly, this force is really too terrifying, there are deep cracks appearing in the fire rain fringe poured like crystal jade, as if it will collapse in the next moment, Xuanyuan dare not There was the slightest stagnation, and a huge battle energy was poured in continuously, quickly repairing the ban on the fire rain tassel.

However, at this moment, the 'Xuanjian Tianying' struck again, and drove Xuanyuan and his party into a deeper place. Its power was extremely terrifying, and its body was strong enough to withstand the 'red lotus industry' on the surface of the fire rain tassel. Fire' power.

Xuanyuan, who was supporting the prohibition of the fire lotus platform, spit out a big mouthful of blood again, and the fire rain tassels had broken a lot. The pig-headed emperor used the 'power of all transformations' to dissipate the huge momentum and was ready to go.

However, at this moment, seeing Xuanyuan's Hungry Phoenix Yuechan vomiting blood again and again, she couldn't bear it any longer, she yelled angrily, and let out a long cry of the fairy phoenix.

I saw Huang Yuechan transformed into a 5,000-foot-sized fairy phoenix in an instant, with an incomparably terrifying aura, and colorful tassels fell down, illuminating half of the abyss, it was incomparably miraculous!

From within her body, the terrifying coercion of the fairy phoenix spread out, and the head of the 'Xuanjian Tianying King' was as small as an ant in front of Huang Yuechan at the moment, and it emerged from the eyes of the 'Xuanjian Tianying King'. There was a trace of fear, this is a kind of inter-ethnic, supreme coercion, absolute suppression on the blood, just when the 'Xuanjian Tianying King' is about to retreat.

Endless 'Fire of Nirvana' spewed out from Huang Yuechan's body. It was extremely terrifying. When the huge phoenix claws grabbed it, the body of 'Xuanjian Tianying King' was pierced in an instant, and the terrifying 'Fire of Nirvana' gushed out. Into its body, it burned up, and the shrill eagle's cry stirred.

'Xuanjian Sky Eagle King' shook vigorously, and flew straight up through the air. Huang Yuechan did not pursue, but turned into a human form, and returned to the fire rain and tassels that Xuanyuan cast, looking at the sky in the sky. The 'fire of nirvana' that was burning ragingly, I saw that this 'fire of nirvana' became smaller and smaller, and finally turned into a mass of nothingness.

The pig-headed emperor sighed and said:

"It's such a pity, it was directly burned to ashes, without even a drop of life essence, how can I live, these days are getting more and more sad, bitter!"

The pig-headed emperor, who had always seldom made a move, said sarcastic remarks, and Xuanyuan wanted to slap him to death.

Huang Yuechan's face turned pale, obviously she had consumed a lot just now, Xuanyuan looked at Huang Yuechan with some worry, and said:

"How are you doing?"

"It's okay, my little husband cares about it, so it's okay, hehe, fortunately, this 'Xuanjian Tianying King' only has the lethal power of a four-turn fighting immortal, otherwise, it would be quite difficult for me to deal with it, after all, I am just now It's only at the peak of the second turn Douxian, and it occupies a favorable location here. I can still resist the murderous pressure. Being able to kill it across two realms is already my limit. I just hope that no more terrifying beasts will appear !"

Huang Yuechan's power was revealed, which made Qian Duoduo very amazed. Obviously, the three people present were all the favored ones, and they all had extremely strong cards. Qian Duoduo believed that Huang Yuechan's cards were not just that.

"Little husband, you should practice "Azure Dragon Taoism". Among the supernatural powers of the heroic soul, there is a supernatural power called 'The Horn of the Blue Dragon'. As long as it is refined, our two supernatural powers can attack across several realms together." Kill the enemy."

The moment Xuanyuan got the 'Qinglong Neidan', he had already obtained all the inheritance of the ancient Qinglong. Even without practicing by himself, he could draw that magical power from the 'Qinglong Neidan' and integrate it into his heroic soul. Of course Correspondingly, Xuanyuan needs to step into the realm of fighting immortals.

Xuanyuan also saw that day in the strange rock, the Qinglong and the phoenix appeared from a joint attack. Its power was so terrifying that no one could match it. Can't see the next screen.

Now that Xuanyuan knew it, he could only draw it out from the 'Qinglong Neidan'.

From Xuanyuan's body, the 'Qinglong Neidan' circulated, and a supernatural imprint flowed into his heroic spirit.

In "Azure Dragon Taoism", there is also a method of condensing the seven souls, which also uses the power of the green dragon and seven stars to cultivate the seven souls in the body, but the movement is too loud, Xuanyuan doesn't want to show it to others, and there is no practice along the way. However, this does not prevent Xuanyuan from performing "Qinglong Daoshu". You must know that Xuanyuan is a "body of all transformations", which can transform ten thousand kinds of Taoism for his own use. Qinglong grudge, displaying the 'horn of the blue dragon'.

"Understood, now I have only cultivated to the level of heroism, and I can only cast the 'horn of the black dragon'." Xuanyuan was dressed in coarse linen, exuding a vast imperial aura, resisting the vast sea of ​​​​murderous aura around him, like a statue The emperor of the world has come to hell.

Huang Yuechan's unparalleled glamorous face was filled with blush, and she was delighted in her heart, nothing else, just because she was able to perform a joint attack with Xuanyuan, which was what she had been longing for all along, and it finally came true.

The fire rain and tassels released by the fire lotus platform continued to protect Xuanyuan and his party as they sank downward.

The pig-headed emperor looked very strange, and said with a cheap smile:

"Not bad, the combination of Qinglong and Xianhuang's supernatural powers is simply irresistible for ordinary people, they are a natural pair!"

Huang Yuechan gave the pig-headed emperor a straight look, and said with a smile:

"Emperor Tun, you have finally spoken the truth."

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes.

At this moment, an incomparably terrifying energy surged in. Xuanyuan looked up, and in his real eyes, a brilliant light burst out, and he saw a group of 'Xuanjian Tianying' with a size of several tens of feet swarming towards him. , each of the 'Xuanjian Tianying' is in the realm of three-turn fighting immortals, and the number is astonishingly large!

Xuanyuan's eyelids trembled, and he said angrily:

"Silly pig, if you dare to pretend to be dead again this time, I will use the jade platform to teleport you away!"

As soon as the words fell, from Xuanyuan's body, the vision of "all the sons of heaven screaming together" rose, and hit the "Xuanjian Tianying" flying all over the sky.

In desperation, the Pig-headed Emperor pierced through the air, his golden fur trembling all over, and twelve huge black holes appeared directly from its side, bearing the brunt of it, twenty-four 'Hanging Sword Sky Eagles' were directly involved, and the Pig-headed Emperor quickly Back in the fire and rain tassel, I only felt the twelve black holes derived from it, shaking constantly, and an extremely terrifying devouring vindictiveness rushed, as if it was crushing something, it was extremely frightening.

Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, and he was just about to ask Qian Duoduo where she went when she was with Zhutou Dadi. Obviously Zhutou Dadi's strength has recovered even more terrifyingly now, but Qian Duoduo sacrificed the 'Great Treasure Cauldron' from the mouth of the tripod. In an instant, a long river formed by the collection of immortal coins spewed out. Where this long river passed, there were bursts of terrifying explosions and roars, traversing a radius of thousands of feet. I don't know how many 'Xuanjian Tianying' died in it. In his hand, he died extremely miserable, and disappeared in an instant, not even the essence of life was left behind.

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, this is the real meaning of beating people to death with money, I don't know how many Dou Xian coins were spent just now, only a rich woman like Qian Duoduo can use it without feeling distressed.

"Little husband, let's use the supernatural powers of combined attacks!" Huang Yuechan's smile was brimming, and her figure was as startled. The supreme aura emanating from it made the 'Xuanjian Tianying' tremble, and saw the 'Fire of Nirvana' burning wildly, covering her whole body like an impenetrable moat.

Xuanyuan turned into a ten thousand zhang green dragon, soaring into the abyss, from Xuanyuan's body, the huge green dragon's energy and blood rolled, and the dragon's chant was surging, flowing together with the coercion released by the fairy phoenix. .

It's just that when Xuanyuan turned into a green dragon, he also felt the mad murderous aura from all directions, and the suppression made him extremely uncomfortable!

Azure Dragon, Immortal Phoenix, and two great immortal beasts gathered together, forming an extremely terrifying momentum in an instant.

I saw that the head corner of the green dragon transformed by Xuanyuan exploded with infinite sharp light, smashed out, the green dragon descended to the world, and hundreds of millions of creatures worshiped it, supreme, like a fairy emperor, the head horn of the green dragon is the most sharp existence.

"The Horn of the Canglong!"

The wings of the fairy phoenix transformed from Huangyuechan's body spread out, and the phoenix feathers were colorful, exhaling violent power, dazzlingly beautiful, with the aura of an empress, mothering the world.

"The Feather of the Immortal Phoenix!"

Green glow, colorful light burst out.

In an instant, the two forces merged together and turned into a river of dou qi, sweeping a radius of three thousand zhang.

There is no terrifying roar, only silent death!

Countless 'Xuanjian Skyhawks' that came in were shattered one after another, blasting out a rain of blood all over the sky.

Without the slightest suspense, the combined attack of Qinglong and Xianhuang was so terrifyingly powerful.

Even the pig-headed emperor couldn't help but be dumbfounded:

"Too, too strong!"

You know, even the pig-headed emperor has only heard the legend of Qinglong and Xianhuang, and has never witnessed how terrifying the supernatural power of the two combined. He only knows that Xianhuang helped Qinglong to defeat Xuanwu, Baihu, Suzaku, Ying The terrifying existence among many fairy beasts such as dragons and Kunpeng.

Even Qian Duoduo was dumbfounded. The moment the two great beasts, Azure Dragon and Immortal Phoenix, appeared, they formed a terrifying power to counteract the surging murderous intentions here, and the magical powers they displayed catered to the mystery and power of the Dao of Heaven and Earth. Doubling, to the extreme.

Almost in an instant, Huang Yuechan and Xuanyuan regained their adult bodies and returned to the fire rain and tassels of the Fire Lotus Terrace. Xuanyuan once again resisted the rushing killing sea with the godless spirit in the burlap clothes, If Qinglong resists with coercion, it will consume too much.

At this moment, Huang Yuechan and Xuanyuan's faces were extremely pale, Xuanyuan said in shock:

"At first, I thought that the power in my body was inexhaustible and inexhaustible, but I didn't expect that one blow of the 'Blue Dragon Horn' would consume 70% of the battle energy in my body."

"After the two of us turned into Qinglong Xianhuang, our bodies are too big, and we consume a lot of battle energy, but our strength is also extremely terrifying. This is the combination of Qinglong and Xianhuang. My husband, if you can double cultivate with me, The strength of the two of us will improve by leaps and bounds." Huang Yuechan's pale jade face blushed, and her winking eyes were like silk, tempting Xuanyuan.

Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly and said:

"Let's wait until we get out of here, who knows what terrifying monsters we will encounter next!"

"That's good, little husband, then after we go out, we will double cultivate together." Huang Yuechan didn't care whether Xuanyuan agreed or not, she just assumed that Xuanyuan did.

Women are always unreasonable, Xuanyuan deeply understands, so he didn't argue.

The joint attack of Qinglong and Xianhuang just now gave Xuanyuan a great shock, directly killing a large area, and double cultivating with Huangyuechan, it would be a lie to say that they are not tempted.

"Boy, feel free to double cultivate with her. This is the fate of the two of you. No one can change it. You will be together after all." The voice of the greedy old man suddenly came out.

Xuanyuan didn't respond to the greedy old man's words, and was very silent in his heart. He looked around, and as he went down, the traces of fighting left in the mountain wall became more and more ferocious.

Finally, Xuanyuan saw the moment at the bottom of the abyss through the light released by the fire and rain tassels, and Xuanyuan's heart was shocked.

The expressions of Qian Duoduo and Huang Yuechan couldn't hide their shock!

At the bottom of the abyss, there are corpses. Among these corpses are human races. They wear clothes from unknown ages ago. There are also ancient alien races. They are huge in size, and the scales on their bodies have faded. One would think that the endless murderous sea of ​​this abyss emanated from them.

Eternal immortality, what kind of tragic war was it that made their murderous aura so amazing?

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