Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 468 Longevity Palace

Chapter 468 Longevity Palace

bottom of the abyss.

The moment Xuanyuan and his party stepped on the ground at the bottom of the abyss, they only felt a murderous intent rushing straight to their foreheads through the soles of their feet, and this breath made them really excited.

Fortunately, everyone is a strong-willed person, otherwise, this murderous intent alone would be enough to scare an ordinary Douxian into a lunatic or a fool.

This place is the source of murderous aura. If it weren't for the godless aura released by the burlap clothes of "Emperor Yingtian", the bodies of Xuanyuan and his party would have been torn apart by this huge murderous aura.

The fire and rain tassels illuminated the road with a radius of thousands of feet, and there were densely packed corpses everywhere.

It seems that there is a supreme killing intent coming from every corpse, no matter whether it is human race or ancient alien race, they seem to be fighting for a treasure, and they seem to be fighting to defend something, everyone's will is extremely firm , no one knows what they are fighting for, perhaps only those who lived in that era know.

"This tragedy happened in the era of the coexistence of thousands of races, and it is longer than the 'Emperor Yingtian'." The pig-headed emperor said slowly. Seeing the scene in front of him, it was obvious that the pig-headed emperor also had something in his heart.

"Why are they fighting?" Qian Duoduo looked at the scene in front of him and asked.

"I don't know, let's look around, maybe we can find some clues."

Xuanyuan walked a few steps, looked around, and suddenly saw a faintly shiny object in the corpse of an ancient foreign race, bent down, and the moment he opened the corpse, a violent killing intent came, directly Xuanyuan's skin was broken.

Xuanyuan only felt a pain in his fingertips. With his physical body capable of resisting the three-turn Douxian, plus the power of the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" that can dissipate damage, Xuanyuan was still overwhelmed by the sudden burst of murderous aura. Cutting his finger, the aura of Qinglong blood essence swept out, and the corpse of that ancient alien race was impacted by the aura, and turned into flying ash in the next instant.

I saw a lantern under his body, this is a magic weapon, made of supreme fairy materials, just when Xuanyuan picked up this dimly luminous lantern, it dimmed Now, as if that was its last glory just now!

The pig-headed emperor sighed:

"This is a low-grade Taoist artifact. After countless years, it has been buried here. Even the Taoist artifact that has obtained the Dao pattern of heaven and earth will perish. Just now, it felt our breath and emitted the last glimmer of brilliance."

Xuanyuan's hand pressed lightly, and this once low-grade Taoist artifact was shattered and shattered on the ground. No matter how powerful the power is, in the face of time, there will be a day when it will be completely lost.

When the bones and the magic weapon of the lantern were shattered, Xuanyuan discovered that the murderous aura did not emanate from these bones, but was formed by their blood integrated into their will and watered on this piece of land. .

The scene here has an indescribable sadness and desolation, which touched Xuanyuan's heart, and he kept thinking about it.

What are they fighting for, what are they fighting for?

Along the way, corpses were lying around. They were either entangled in twos, piercing each other's body with magic weapons, or destroying each other's body with their own supernatural powers. All kinds of killing methods were vividly reflected here. The mountain wall was blasted to such an extent that it seemed that it was about to collapse at any moment. Xuanyuan looked at the lines of the terrain and was sure that this place was not so wide in the first place, but was forcibly blasted away during the war.

Countless broken magic weapons, broken spears, swords, bows, broken sabers, cauldrons, bells, lanterns, etc., either penetrated into the enemy's body, or lay quietly on the ground. , they have dimmed.

"There are so many magic treasures, but after countless years, the power of these magic treasures has dissipated. Otherwise, they could be used to refine a lot of immortal coins." Qian Duoduo couldn't help but sighed, feeling that it was a pity , Judging from these broken magic weapons, their refining techniques and their quality are far superior to the current ones. If these magic weapons are still there, among other things, the lines carved on them can make people She learned a lot.

"Could it be that there is a treasure hidden here?" Huang Yuechan was also shocked by the scene in front of her. Looking at the corpses scattered all over the place, they were still intact, but the flesh and blood had dried up. She had doubts in her heart, and said:

"I don't know why they haven't decayed. Is it because of this place that they have all been preserved? Is it the reason for this chill?"

Xuanyuan also felt very strange. It stands to reason that bones are more likely to rot than magic weapons. Now some magic weapons have been broken, but these bones have not yet turned into ashes. Is it because of the terrain?

Xuanyuan was puzzled, and immediately turned his real eyes, and looked around, every inch of the mountain wall, every inch of land, Xuanyuan has explored it once, through some broken dodges, and the unsettled ground, in which to see There are some incomplete lines, these lines are not complete, but they are still running, they are extremely mysterious, giving people a feeling that seems to last forever, Xuanyuan's fine perception, let the trajectory of these lines flow in the heart, memories Everything recorded in the "Da Luo Tian Shu".

Suddenly, Xuanyuan opened his eyes, with a look of shock on his face, and lost his voice:

"This is, the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' turned out to be the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power'. People who practice here can live forever, quench their bodies with cold currents, and even delay aging. This place is a holy place for cultivation. This 'Longevity Great Immortal' Although most of the potential' has been destroyed, some of the potential patterns are still functioning, so let them survive for a long time! This is the reason!"

After Xuanyuan finished speaking, he immediately bent down and stroked the ground with his hands. Apart from the endless murderous intent, there was also an extremely strong vitality. Xuanyuan looked ecstatic and said:

"That's right, this used to be the place where the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' was located. These strong men fought bloody battles here, and watered this land with their blood, so their killing intent will last forever, because 'Longevity The Great Immortal Power is still alive!"

"Little husband, do you mean that as long as the 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' is not destroyed, these dry bones will never rot?" Huang Yuechan could not help but sigh in her heart at the miraculous power of the terrain, if ordinary people came here , How can we see the mystery in it?

"No, it's just that it can make them last longer, and it's only on the surface. Even if the 'Longevity Immortal Power' is intact, it can't make a person live longer than ten thousand years. This is a limit, even if it is 'Longevity' The Great Immortal Power can't be broken through, but it can make people not grow old, enough to keep people's fighting power at the peak, maybe they fought for this holy place of cultivation!" Xuanyuan sighed, kicked lightly, and a body fell under his feet. The corpses of the ancient alien race were instantly reduced to ashes all over the place.

"Now these skeletons are just superficial, and they are actually vulnerable. It's just because of the incomplete 'Longevity Great Immortal Power' that they left their superficial shapes."

Xuanyuan turned his real eyes, and wrote down the patterns of the "Great Immortal Potential of Longevity" naturally formed here one by one. In the "Da Luo Tianshu", there is no complete "Great Immortal Potential of Longevity". Xuanyuan knows that he will see you later To more powerful terrain, "Da Luo Tian Shu" needs to make it more perfect by itself.

"There are dead people all over the place, I want the treasure! Where is the treasure!" The pig-headed emperor came back from his sigh, like a demon like a madman, and saw twelve black holes emanating from his body, and each black hole contained an extremely terrifying power. Swallowing the power, with the thought of the pig-headed emperor, I saw the black holes vibrating, and the terrible force rolled out, shaking these bones and those broken magic weapons into pieces. It seems that he wanted to see See if there is any treasure left behind.

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes couldn't help twitching, the pig-headed emperor is really too cruel, these people are dead, and they are not allowed to be at peace. up.

A large number of corpses turned into fly ash. The Pig-headed Emperor didn't have any respect for these dead people. To him, everything was less important than treasures.

Looking at the behavior of Zhu Tou Dadi, Qian Duoduo seems to have gotten used to it, because at that stage with Zhu Tou Dadi, she has seen too many superb behaviors of Zhu Tou Dadi, but she has not seen Huang Yuechan's eyelids of Zhu Tou Dadi He also twitched a few times, and sighed with emotion:

"Emperor Tun really lived up to his reputation back then. I am finally lucky to see this scene today."

The pig-headed emperor swept all the way, but did not find a so-called treasure. After being stimulated by Huang Yuechan, the pig-headed emperor said nonchalantly:

"Hey, when you see your little husband plundering things, you will know that the two of us are actually on the same level. The wealth of the dead is not white, and their bones can be given by the emperor." Sweeping, that is their supreme honor!"

At the bottom of the abyss, there is a passage with a width of 3,000 feet, and it does not know where it extends. Along the way, Xuanyuan and his party walked not fast. The pig-headed emperor swept everything, but Xuanyuan didn't care, because Xuanyuan felt that the pig-headed emperor could not get anything .

"Xuanxuan, shall we go inside? I always feel that it will be more dangerous inside!" Qian Duoduo said.

"I also feel the same way, but since I have already come here, I would be unwilling to return empty-handed. Mo Chou will definitely not guide you indiscriminately. There must be something strange here, but we haven't discovered it yet." Xuanyuan moved his eyes and looked around. From time to time, he could see the broken pattern of the 'Longevity Great Immortal', and he remembered it in his heart.

"Little Husband is right, that little girl never tells a lie, let alone her elder brother Xuanyuan." Huang Yuechan chuckled lightly.

When it was loaded, a scream came suddenly.

"Ah...haha." The pig-headed emperor trembled all over, very excited, and saw a mottled black chain suspended in mid-air, Xuanyuan saw this mottled black chain, couldn't help being shocked, his eyes twitched, and he screamed road:

"This is, the 'Chain of Devouring', why is it here!"

"Haha, thanks to this great emperor, without this great emperor, even if we collect eight keys in the future, we will miss the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion'." The pig-headed emperor was in a state of madness, obviously extremely excited. It is a relic left by the 'Emperor Devourer'!

Xuanyuan couldn't help feeling rejoicing, he didn't expect that one of the keys of the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" would fly here. It seems that no matter where he goes in the future, he must clean it up and scrape it. It's not big, but it's not impossible. In order not to want the "Swallowing Immortal Mansion" to be obtained by others, the 'Swallowing Emperor' splits the key nine times and puts it in all parts of the Dou Qi world, where it is possible!

The pig-headed emperor immediately took this 'chain of devouring' into his own world, and Xuanyuan didn't say much, it's the same in anyone's place, when the day when the 'swallowing fairy mansion' can be opened, they will gather together .

"'Swallowing Immortal Mansion', is the legend true? 'Swallowing the Great Emperor' left behind a fairy mansion, which is what he got all his life. It is said that there is a supreme medicine that can prolong life by nine thousand years..." Huang Yuechan was very surprised , Listening to the words of the pig-headed emperor, it is obvious that the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' really exists!

"Hey, that's right, I didn't expect you girl to know a lot. When the major forces attacked and killed the 'Swallowing Emperor', many people were for that supreme medicine. Everyone wanted to step into the realm of God. Realm, however, the fact is not as simple as they imagined. If that magical medicine could be digested so easily, the "Emperor Devourer" would have devoured it long ago, so why suppress it in the "Emperor Devourer"? In the house? What is the supreme magic medicine, they still don't understand the meaning of it!"

When the pig-headed emperor said this, his expression was very ferocious. Obviously, the time when the "Swallowing Emperor" was besieged, it would never forget it. This was the pain of its life, and it was also because of that time that it fell to this stage. Otherwise, it would still be a high-ranking 'sacred beast of all transformations', an existence capable of rivaling the Great Emperor!

"Waiting for the day when the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' opens, I will let them pay off all the debts owed by the major forces on that day."

"Zizhu, don't you want to be so resentful, it's been so long, hurry up, there may be a key to the 'Swallowing Immortal Mansion' ahead! Don't miss it!" Qian Duoduo grinned, Dispelling the tyranny of the pig-headed emperor, let it regain its greedy look, laughed loudly, and swept across the road.

Xuanyuan has been very silent about the past of the pig-headed emperor. Everyone has their past. Xuanyuan feels that he can't stop anything, and the pig-headed emperor can only decide what to do.

Just like Lone Star, this past period has always been a pain in his heart, and no one can stop himself from avenging Jiang Yitian for Lone Star, and don't do to others what you don't want yourself to do to others.

The following raids turned the greedy pig-headed emperor from hope to despair and walked for fifty miles. His body was covered with bones, all of which were shattered, but not even a single hair from the ancient times was left on him. The pig-headed emperor looked up to the sky and sighed. :

"My God, you should leave me something good."

Xuanyuan rolled his eyes and said contemptuously:

"You are too ignorant of common sense. If you can find the 'Chain of Devouring', you should feel satisfied. When such a terrible war broke out here, I don't know how many people have come to clean up the battlefield. You can still Immortal things must be extremely cherished, and who can leave them for you?"

The pig-headed emperor is mourning his concubine:

"Could it be that what Mo Chou is referring to is the 'chain of devouring'?"

Xuanyuan shook his head and sighed:

"I don't know, since we've come here, let's take a look ahead, maybe we can really have some treasure!"

The more you walk forward, the more intense the murderous aura, Xuanyuan felt that the murderous aura and cold current here are no longer able to be resisted by existences below the level of fighting immortals at rank six. I am afraid that even a saint-level figure like "Donglong Shengzi" will come. Here, it will be difficult to move an inch!

Unless they can fight the fire between heaven and earth, enough to resist the cold current here, and have something that can stop this terrifying murderous aura, otherwise, the more they go in, they can only die inside.

When Xuanyuan got closer and closer, he found some corpses who entered this place later, because their clothes were too different, and the degree of newness and oldness can be seen at a glance, they are not from the same era at all, they are all separated by thousands of years , or enter by accident, or have their own purpose, come here, and unfortunately die here in the end.

Even so, the result was the same, and the pig-headed emperor still didn't get even a hair.

There are thousands of miles of corpses everywhere. The great battle back then was far more tragic than Xuanyuan imagined. The further inside, the murderous intent became more violent, and the traces left on the mountain walls became more hideous and frightening.

Those corpses were swept clean by the pig-headed emperor. He was like a selfless cleaner, dedicating everything.

Finally, a sliver of white light appeared in front of them, making the hearts of Xuanyuan and his party very hot. Obviously, there is something hidden here.

"Look, there is a white light ahead!" Qian Duoduo was the first to jump up excitedly.

"Haha, the treasure must be ahead." The pig-headed emperor was very excited. If it wasn't for the terrifying murderous aura, he would have rushed forward a long time ago.

"Go forward and have a look." Huang Yuechan said.

Xuanyuan nodded, and the group got closer and closer, only to see a snow-white palace appearing in front of everyone.

This palace is built like a pile of frost and snow. It is magnificent and exudes an ancient and vicissitudes of life. I don't know how many years have passed, and the precipitation of history has been preserved until today.

Everyone feels that in front of this palace, they have become extremely small. It represents the history of a long time ago. After countless years of circulation, it has proved its value to the world.

On the high place of the palace, there are three extremely strange runes engraved on them. These are the characters of ancient alien races, and Xuanyuan can't understand them.

"This is the Longevity Palace." The Pig-headed Emperor said in shock.

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