Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 476: Half of Ancient Arts!

in Dongzhou.

In the past six months, there has been a new rookie named Di Shitian from reincarnation.

This name made the 'Dongzhou Dynasty' Yin family, Hai family and 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' extremely angry, especially Feng Lie from Qinglong Gate of 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' shouted a word.

This man named Di Shitian must be killed!

Yin Qianxun from the Yin family also yelled this sentence, Di Shitian, get out, I'll meet you.

In half a year, twenty-eight young strongmen from the Yin family went out to practice and were beheaded, nine young strongmen from the Hai family were beheaded, and one hundred and eight young elite disciples from the Qinglongmen were beheaded in a row.

After these people died, the name of Di Shitian was engraved next to their bodies.

However, no one saw the trace of Di Shitian, he seemed to be everywhere, extremely miraculous.

The great aristocratic families asked the strong men of Tianji to speculate on this Di Shitian, but they couldn’t figure it out, as if there was nothingness, because Di Shitian didn’t leave anything behind, which was enough for them to speculate on the ‘Tianji’, and they had no way to do it. .

The assassination has been going on, this is a conspiracy, one of the three princes of Xuanmen, Luo Wudi used the means to force Di Shitian out, under the guise of Di Shitian, beheaded the disciples of the Qinglongmen, and wanted to make him Internal and external troubles followed one after another at Qinglongmen, and Fang Yuyou was the one who suffered in the end.

They hunted down a Di Shitian who didn't seem to exist day and night, wasting a lot of time, and let Qinglongmen suffer several heavy blows from Wushangmen, Tianxiangmen and Xitianluo!

Fortunately, their abilities were all extremely strong, which allowed Qinglongmen to survive. The Douxian Pill left behind by Xuanyuan made Qinglongmen have a total of twenty-nine Douxians!

During this period of time, two rookies rose up in the "Reincarnation" Taoist sect, who were enough to compete against Luo Wudi.

From then on, there were three more princes in Dongzhou's "Samsara" headquarters, and one of them was undoubtedly Di Shitian, who committed all kinds of murders in Dongzhou, fearing that the world would not know about it.

The other two were Tian Youqing and Zui Guchen. The two of them provoked Luo Wudi in public, but they were besieged by Luo Wudi and thirty-six Rank 1 Fighting Immortals as the leader.

The two teamed up and were undefeated. After breaking through the killing formation and escaping with some injuries, they assassinated Luo Wudi at different times in a few months, and Luo Wudi was seriously injured twice. Although both of them survived, but Prestige has dropped a lot.

On this day, Xuanyuan returned to Xuanmen. He was dressed in a blood-red battle armor. , he intends to make a name for himself in the 'Reincarnation', so he doesn't hide it anymore.

When everyone saw Xuanyuan's appearance, they all had doubts in their eyes, because they had never seen Xuanyuan before.

The sky was gloomy, and there were not a few people in the Jiebang Square. There was only a big shiny bald head in the crowd, which was particularly conspicuous. His handsome appearance was enough to make any woman jealous. A new prince born in the Taoist sect of "Reincarnation" in Zhouzhou, Prince Qing, that is, Tianyouqing!

Sensing an unusual killing intent, Tian Youqing looked at the visitor, a hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he laughed loudly:

"Hahaha, Brother Shi Tian, ​​you are finally back. In the past six months, your reputation has been resounding throughout Dongzhou. I really admire you!"

Tian Youqing's words immediately attracted the attention of countless people. This is Di Shitian.

Many people were terrified. This Di Shitian was so daring. He didn't even make it to the list. He assassinated again and again, and then left his name behind, which made people puzzled.

Xuanyuan's heart paused, and he was stunned for a moment, but he still hadn't come to his senses. He had been hiding in the 'Longevity Palace' for more than half a year, and nothing happened. What did it mean that his reputation was resounding throughout Dongzhou?

"Brother Youqing, what do you say?" Xuanyuan looked confused.

At this moment, an extremely terrifying murderous aura suddenly approached Xuanyuan's eyebrows, and a long howling sound like the god of death came from the Nine Nether Hell, and the sword light was so sharp that it made people's hearts startled.

"Di Shitian, return the life of my son of the Yin family. I will kill you today." Yin Qianxun held a low-grade immortal long sword. This low-grade immortal sword rolled and surged like a heavenly dragon, spitting out amazing dragon breaths one after another. The momentum is crushing like the sky.

Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, it's okay to ask other people, but it was Yin Qianxun, so now he can only resist first.

A terrifying evil spirit rolled up, and a bone sword appeared in Xuanyuan's hand. It was the middle-grade fairy weapon, the 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword'. The moment he saw it, his eyes couldn't hide his shock. The murderous intent in it was too terrifying. I don't know how many people's lives gathered for this killing intent.

Without any moves, fighting with pure strength, Xuanyuan swung his sword and slashed, the two immortal swords clashed together, clang, a contention resounded through the sky!

Yin Qianxun was shaken out by the huge force of Xuanyuan's sword, Xuanyuan swayed, and took a few steps back. Unexpectedly, Yin Qianxun had already stepped into the pinnacle of the second-rank fighting immortal. You must know that Xuanyuan is a The Body of Myriad Transformations', the physical body is much stronger than ordinary people, with boundless power, it can use up all power, but Yin Qianxun's "Tianlong Xunsha Body" is extraordinary, it is a big realm higher than Xuanyuan, It is not surprising that Xuanyuan can be shaken.

"Wait a minute, there must be a misunderstanding. That day I broke through the Immortal Realm in the 'Tiansha Mountain' and triggered the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation'. I was severely injured by the 'Crossing the Immortal Tribulation'. I hid myself for more than half a year and did not move. How could I kill your Yin family disciple!" Xuanyuan said in a serious voice.

Yin Qianxun was startled when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that Di Shitian in front of him was also an existence that triggered the 'Crossing Immortal Tribulation'.

"If you have any evidence, you will die today if you don't have any evidence!" Even so, Yin Qianxun is not afraid, but Di Shitian wiped out the 'Tiansha Mountain', which made him very admired, at least destroy the 'Tiansha Mountain' Shan' didn't have any rewards, but he was willing to stand up for the suffering local people. This is something that many people find it difficult to do, so he decided to give Di Shitian a chance to clarify himself, and Di Shitian can wipe out by himself' Tianshashan', his strength is also terrifying, Yin Qianxun is not completely sure, he is not reckless.

"Brother Qianxun, in fact, I also think that Brother Shi Tian is not that kind of person. He is very low-key, and I wonder why at this stage he keeps killing people and leaving his name, but he has never been seen." He also felt that something was wrong, and now that Di Shitian said it wasn't him, he was sure that that person should not be Di Shitian himself!

Xuanyuan remembered that when he was destroying the 'Tiansha Mountain', the bandits of the 'Tiansha Mountain' bluntly said that he cooperated with Luo Wudi inside and outside, and the engraving of Xuanyuan's eradication of the 'Tiansha Mountain' appeared immediately.

After reading all this, Yin Qianxun and Tian Youqing understood.

"It's Luo Wudi!"

No one is a fool, and the matter has come to this point, anyone can see that Di Shitian was framed.

Luo Wudi is simply so bold that he dared to cooperate with the outside world and kill the disciples in the 'Reincarnation'.

Although 'Samsara' allows disciples to assassinate each other, but that is only in 'Samsara', once outside to receive the task of assassination, they must take the honor and disgrace of 'Samsara' as the most important, kill the target, If you cooperate with the enemy inside and outside, 'samsara' is absolutely intolerable.

"This Luo Wudi, I must kill him. He plotted against me last time. As soon as I escaped, the head of the 'Tiansha Mountain' came to chase and kill me. That's why, hmph!" Yin Qianxun was very murderous. , Straight through the gloomy sky, shattered the clouds, and countless people were shocked, knowing that the 'reincarnation' Taoist door might not be peaceful.

"Di Shitian, you have been seriously injured. Why don't you use the 'Reincarnation Profound Order' to send you back so that we can heal your wounds?" Suddenly a stooped old man with no breath on his body was like a mass of nothingness. Walked out from the void and looked directly at Xuanyuan.

"Come back after being seriously injured, isn't that courting death? Come back here to be assassinated? I am confident in myself, and I will not entrust my life to anyone." Xuanyuan looked at this old man. Elder Xuan, Xuan Cheng!

"Well, that's a good point, but you have to remember that if you are seriously injured during a mission and return with the 'Reincarnation Profound Order', we will heal your wounds and no one will assassinate you. You just entered the 'Reincarnation' Knowing some of the rules, I don’t blame you, just come back. There are elders in Tianmen who have come to check on you many times, but you are not seen. You should prepare well. I will notify the elders of Tianmen to meet you. Yours Good luck!" Xuan Cheng's old face was wrinkled, and his smile was extremely ugly, his voice was hoarse, like a ghost laughing, which made people feel chills.

Xuanyuan couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, and said:

"Old Xuan, there's no need. I want to enter the Tianmen step by step from the Xuanmen by myself, and I don't want to rely on others to enter the Tianmen."

What kind of place does Tianmen exist? Those who can enter Tianmen must at least reach the realm of Mingxian, and they are all extremely powerful killers. If Xuanyuan enters it, there will be too many variables.

"Hahaha, don't worry about this, you can ask Tian Youqing, and Zui Guchen, they are all valued by the two elders of the 'Samsara' Tianmen, and they still stay in Xuanmen to practice, and now they just changed to a stronger one. People are here to guide you. Although you are under my name, I can no longer teach you anything. Disciples who can be valued by the elders of Tianmen can even cultivate the supreme assassination technique without spending any 'reincarnation points' , have you thought about it?" Xuan Cheng laughed.

"Boy, promise him that you will sneak into the Tianmen of 'Samsara', and one day sooner or later, you will have the opportunity to come into contact with an ancient art of 'Samsara'!" The greedy old man's voice sounded from Xuanyuan's heart:

"'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' each hold half of one of the nine ancient arts. Even if you can only get half of the ancient arts, for you, it can benefit you endlessly."

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