Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 477 I want him to die!

Hearing this, Xuanyuan was completely tempted. He knew that sooner or later he would also get mixed into the Tianmen of 'Samsara'. Xuanyuan was not tempted by the supreme Taoism in 'Samsara'. That half of the ancient art, no wonder 'Samsara' and 'Six Paths' dared to assassinate the ancient sages, holding this ancient art, naturally have the capital, even the ancient emperor dared to contend! This is relying on it, you must know that this is an ancient art that even the ancient emperors wanted to learn!

The mystery of "Liuyue Fighting God's Ancient Jue" has already made Xuanyuan fully appreciate the power of ancient art, and now that he knows whether there is an ancient art in 'Samsara', Xuanyuan naturally cannot refuse.

"Okay, since that's the case, Lao Xuan will make arrangements." Xuanyuan readily agreed.

"Haha, good!" Elder Xuan smiled happily. He obviously received a lot of benefits from Xuanyuan, Zuiguchen, and Tian Youqing. He gave Yin Qianxun a deep look. Why didn't Yin Qianxun Being valued by the elders of Tianmen, everyone knows it well, because Yin Qianxun is always a member of the Yin family, and cannot be absorbed into the core of 'Samsara', and those who finally return to the Yin family, 'Samsara' will not waste their efforts .

Elder Xuan smiled, and his whole body disappeared into the void, leaving only one sentence, Sen Leng, Kill.

"Block all news, wait for Luo Wudi to come back, kill Wushe! Let the three of you kill him together!"

"Xuancheng, do you think that you are enough to be the master of Xuanmen after accepting three proud disciples? Don't forget, I am the master of Xuanmen!" Suddenly a cold voice came out, Like the magic sound of death, it makes people feel cold all over.

Terrifying murderous fluctuations shot out from the void, making Xuanyuan feel a layer of goosebumps all over his body at this moment. The strength of this Xuanmen master is at least at the same level as the "Dragon Saint Son" In contrast, Xuancheng's strength, based on Xuanyuan's estimation, is probably only in the realm of fighting immortals at rank four!

"Don't dare, it's just that Luo Wudi colluded with outsiders and framed my disciple in 'Samsara'. If I don't kill him, it would be too chilling for others? In this way, who will dare to join 'Samsara' in the future? "Xuan Cheng's voice came out from the void. This is a battle between the high-ranking figures of the Taoist sect. Some killers in the 'reincarnation' are not involved in it. They don't have that ability or qualification.

"Joke, in my opinion, Luo Wudi not only has no faults, but also has merit. Those who come to my "reincarnation" to practice are those who are proud of the sky. When they come to "reincarnation", they should have done well. Prepare to die, this is the way of cultivation, if they die, it can only show that their luck is not good, Luo Wudi kills them and strengthens himself, it is also a good thing." The voice of the master of Xuanmen came out , gloomy, chilling, defending Luo Wudi everywhere in his words.

"Really? One of my Yin family also went to encircle and suppress the 'Tiansha Mountain' with several other people who are the pride of heaven. It happened that Luo Wudi also went there that day, so he escaped back. If it's just this incident, it's fine. In the past six months, Luo Wudi has killed dozens of young rookies of my Yin family, how can I not avenge such a great enmity, hmph, my Yin family will definitely pursue this matter to the end." Yin Qianxun snorted coldly, I'm about to break through and leave.

Suddenly, a terrifying murderous intent enveloped him, and he saw a sharp beam, killing Yin Qianxun directly.

Yin Qianxun didn't expect that the master of Xuanmen would dare to kill himself so blatantly?

In an instant, another sharp light shot out, destroying the sharp light that was beheading Yin Qianxun.

"Master, I advise you not to make mistakes. Luo Wudi is nothing more than Luo Wudi. If this matter gets out, the Yin family, Dongzhou Dynasty, Hai family and other major forces will not let it go. If you kill Yin Qianxun I can assure you that the Yin family will definitely lead an army of hundreds of millions to conquer the Taoist sect, what is your intention behind this move, do you want me to 'reincarnate' and start a war with the Yin family?"

An old man stood in front of Yin Qianxun. Although he knew that Yin Qianxun was a child of the Yin family, they had different ideas about what to do and what not to do.

"Thank you, Teacher Xuan Die." Yin Qianxun knew that he was definitely no match for the master of Xuanmen, thanks to Xuan Die this time.

"Would it be good for 'Samsara' to spread this matter? Xuancha, you have to think about it clearly." The stern voice of the master of Xuanmen came out again.

"Naturally, you can't move Yin Qianxun. If the big families pursue it, just hand over Luo Wudi." Xuan Die said slowly.

"Master, Elder Xianyue of Tianmen has received the news. I am afraid that he will go to Xuanmen to meet Emperor Shitian in a short time. Why don't we leave it to Elder Xianyue to make a decision at this time? What do you think?" Xuan Cheng's voice Passed out.

"Hmph, since you want to do this, then do as you please." Apparently, the master of Xuanmen is extremely jealous of Elder Xianyue who came down from Tianmen, even he would not dare to offend an elder who came down from Tianmen.

"Qianxun, this matter has always been done by Luo Wudi alone, and has nothing to do with 'reincarnation'. I hope you will think about it in your heart." Xuan Di, unable to see his face, was covered by a black cloak, His tone is very peaceful, not gloomy, not killing, and his strength seems to be much higher than that of Xuancheng, at least he can compete with the master of Xuanmen.

"Blood debt is paid in blood. With Luo Wudi alone, I will definitely not be able to kill so many Yin family children. Over the years, I have been winning people's hearts and eliminating dissidents. Those who follow Luo Wudi will die." Yin Qianxun's voice killed Decisive and non-negotiable.

The moment Yin Qianxun finished speaking, another man in black came out and said coldly:

"Seventy-two 'Samsara Profound Orders' were broken, and Luo Wudi led seventy-one 'Samsara' disciples to defect."

"Hmph, the news is really well-informed. It seems that someone in Xuanmen has already been bribed by him." Tian Youqing sneered, he hated Luo Wudi very much, and wished to cut him into pieces. This is a justifiable opportunity to kill him openly.

"Brother Qianxun, kill Luo Wudi, and add me!" Tian Youqing sneered again and again.

"Forget it, this is all the murder they created, and they will bear it themselves. This is the 'Samsara Wanli Soul Chasing Mirror'. You can hold this treasure and hunt down the 'Samsara' traitor Luo Wudi and the other seventy-one disciples. Redeem my reputation of 'Samsara', come and see me, rewards and punishments are clear." Xuan Die obviously has more rights than Xuan Cheng, he said coldly:

"If you really think that destroying the 'Reincarnation Profound Token' can avoid the pursuit of my 'Samsara', then my 'Samsara' will not be called 'Samsara'."

"Thank you, Teacher Xuan Die." Yin Qianxun's eyes showed a murderous intent.

Xuanyuan's heart was equally angry, the master of Xuanmen actually wanted to cover up Luo Wudi, before he entered the "reincarnation" and was assassinated by Luo Wudi, but now Luo Wudi actually used his own name to behead the young son of the Yin family How could Xuanyuan not be angry with dozens of people.

"Dare to ask, how many people did Luo Wudi kill in the name of Di Shitian? Let me hear."

Tian Youqing said calmly:

"Twenty-eight elite children of the Yin family, nine elite children of the Hai family, the original Xuanyuan Gate of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and now the Qinglong Gate is the worst, with 108 people killed..."

When Xuanyuan heard the words, his heart was furious, and his murderous aura was soaring:

"You actually killed so many people in my name, and killing Luo Wudi is also my share. Since he wants me dead, I can't let him live. I hope that 'Samsara' can clarify this matter for me!"

"It's natural!" Xuan chattered.

At this moment, a man in white, wearing a fang mask and fluttering white hair, had a round of clear moon flowing from the back of his head, and he stepped out of the void and strolled in the courtyard.

Seeing this white-clothed man coming, Xuan Die, Xuan Cheng who was hiding in the dark, and the master of Xuanmen appeared one after another, and bowed to the white-clothed man:

"I've seen Elder Xianyue!"

The other 'Samsara' disciples in Jiebang Square also saluted one after another.

"Xuanchi, you did a good job, Xuanmeng, you disappointed me very much. My 'reincarnation' is based on eternity. Don't you know what it is based on?" Xianyue wore a fang mask, but his The voice is gentle and elegant, but it has an awe-inspiring majesty.

"This subordinate knows his mistake!" The master of Xuanmen said hastily.

"This is not an example." Xianyue looked at Xuanyuan, and said slowly: "Are you Di Shitian?"

"Disciple Di Shitian, I have met Elder Xianyue!"

"Well, very good, from today onwards, you are my Xianyue's disciple, are you willing?" Xianyue said.

"Yes, but with one condition!" Xuanyuan said.

"Say!" Xianyue smiled, obviously a little surprised, it was too late for ordinary people to agree, how could they make conditions.

"Killed the master of Xuanmen, he shielded Luo Wudi, Luo Wudi killed too many people in my name, anyone who shielded him and helped him will die." Xuanyuan pointed at the master of Xuanmen, the master of Xuanmen There was a good feeling that made him very uncomfortable.

"So, I want him to die!"

"Bold, Di Shitian, what do you think you are?" The master of Xuanmen was furious.

"Oh? What capital do you think you have to let me kill the master of the Taoist sect at the headquarters of 'Reincarnation' in Dongzhou in exchange for you to be my disciple?" Xianyue asked in a still calm tone.

"That's it." From behind Xuanyuan, an extremely terrifying vision appeared. I saw a mountain of swords and seas of fire rising up, and an extremely ferocious god of killing held a sharp sword and slaughtered everything. Behind the sea of ​​swords and fires, there was an extremely huge The roulette is spinning.

Xuan Die was shaken all over, and screamed almost out of breath:

"This is the disk of reincarnation! My 'samsara' supreme tool, the 'disk of reincarnation'."

Xianyue's body visibly shook, she paused, and then laughed loudly:

"Okay, okay, I didn't expect that my 'samsara' could produce such a disciple, 'killing life into reincarnation', this kind of vision does not appear in ten thousand years, very good, you have the right to let me kill him , be my disciple."

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