Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 478: It's time for revenge!

The vision displayed by Xuanyuan came from a "reincarnation" Tianjiao who also died in the baptism of sin. Xuanyuan resonated with him and realized the vision of the Dao of heaven and earth he had comprehended, and thus derived, 'Wan Transformation Body' is such a horror!

Seeing that Xuanyuan had evolved into 'killing life into reincarnation', the body of the master of Xuanmen couldn't help but tremble. It is said that an extremely terrifying supreme killing immortal in 'reincarnation' also comprehended 'killing life into reincarnation', Extremely powerful, it can kill the existence of sages.

Unexpectedly, Di Shitian would be able to comprehend this kind of vision, the sky was covered with killing thoughts, and the "Disk of Reincarnation" appeared, which was too shocking.

Now I am afraid that Xianyue is really going to kill herself, the master of Xuanmen already knows it.

Xianyue looked directly at the master of Xuanmen, without any words, she pointed and killed. This finger, like the sharpest existence between heaven and earth, is omnipotent. In an instant, murderous intent swept across the sky. In the void, it was shattered into pieces by this pointing, making it impossible for people to hide. Even if they hid in the void, they would all be killed, and there was no way to escape.

"Xianyue, do you dare to kill me?"

The lord of the Xuanmen had already prepared in his heart. The brilliance from his body exploded, and he saw thousands of immortal flowers flowing down from the back of his head, and a fairy mirror appeared, resisting the shocking attack of the lord of the Xuanmen. one finger.

Even so, the master of Xuanmen was still blown away by the force of this finger, spitting out a big mouthful of blood, his whole body was shaken, and the black cloak that covered his original face was blown into pieces all over the sky in an instant, Flying like a butterfly, he has a completely new look. His whole body is covered with a fairy light soaring to the sky, the fairy light behind his head is shining, his long hair is flying, he is extremely heroic, his eyes are like lightning, and his aura is high. Son of the Dragon'.

Seeing this scene, Xianyue couldn't help but smile:

"I didn't expect that the master of Xuanmen in the headquarters of "Reincarnation" in Dongzhou turned out to be the "Sage Son of Fighting Dragon" in "Doulong Xianfu". I have long suspected that Luo Wudi's "Tianluo Body" is the Xi Tianluo from Longxian Mansion, but my 'Samsara' never refuses anyone who comes, so I didn't do much, now that you want to ruin my 'Samsara' reputation, I can't keep you."

"Xianyue, do you dare to kill me? Are you not afraid that my 'Doulong Xianfu' and your 'Samsara' won't be able to fight?" 'Donglong Shengzi' had long hair fluttering around, with a stern look on his face, he looked straight at Xian without the slightest fear. moon.

"As you said, the so-called proud son of heaven has his eyes high above the top and is self-righteous. Before entering the 'reincarnation', he must be prepared to die. So what if I kill you, how can 'Doulong Xianfu' treat me again?" How about 'Samsara', you're just a mere 'Dragon Fighting Son', you must think too highly of yourself."

Xianyue came out again with one finger pointing, shocking the world, almost in an instant, the 'Dragon Fighting Son' directly crushed a jade slip, the radiance soared to the sky, piercing through the void, the terrifying power fluctuated, and in the blink of an eye, He disappeared in front of everyone, leaving only an extremely gloomy sentence.

"Di Shitian, you have ruined everything that this Holy Son has painstakingly managed. You will not live long. No matter where you go, this Holy Son will definitely kill you!"

"Dragon Saint Son" asked Tianluo to win over the killers in the entire Xuanmen, hoping that one day, he could take over the position of the master of Xuanmen, and then he would enter the Heavenly Gate or a higher level of Heavenly Gate. Unfortunately, the current plan, But they were all ruined at once, just because of Xuanyuan.

"Huh, I didn't expect it to be the 'Dragon Fighting Son'. Hmph, this matter is endless." Yin Qianxun's eyes showed murderous intent, and he was about to set off. Although he couldn't kill the "Dragon Fighting Son", he had to kill him first. Let's talk about Luo Wudi, that is, Tianluo! Make a handprint from Yin Qianxun's hand and sink into the void, this is sending a message to the Yin family!

Xuanyuan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold feeling appeared in his heart:

"No wonder they will behead the disciples of Qinglongmen. In the name of 'reincarnation', they will severely injure Qinglongmen. This idea is really loud. One hundred and eight young rookies, just died like this, 'Dragon Saint Son', Tianluo, I will pay you with your lives."

"Worthy of being the 'Dragon Fighting Son', he has the means to save his life. I am beyond my strength and cannot kill him in an instant. Di Shitian, are you still my disciple?" The eyes in the fang mask remained calm, without any change.

"Of course." Xuanyuan said happily.

"Okay, come on, I'll pass on your supernatural powers, and then you can hone them yourself!" Xianyue laughed.

"No, you won't get rewarded for nothing, let me pass on my supernatural powers after I kill Xi Tianluo and the seventy-one traitors." Xuanyuan rejected Xianyue, wanting to catch him.

Xianyue was taken aback for a moment, then laughed loudly and said:

"Okay, but it's not without reward. You destroyed the 'Tiansha Mountain' by one person, which caused a great impact in the local area, and established the prestige of my 'Reincarnation' in the hearts of many people. This is a great achievement." , but since you insist on this, I won't force you, but now your armor is not suitable for assassination, this 'Reincarnation Thorn Robe' should be put on first, and this 'Reincarnation Thorn Crown' are all low-grade immortals device, you bring it!"

As soon as the words fell, two streams of light shot directly at Xuanyuan, and Xuanyuan was not polite, and immediately put on the 'Samsara Immortal Robe', only feeling that all the energy in his body was covered, and his whole body seemed to be drawn into the void In the midst of it, he brought the 'Samsara Thorn Crown', which made Xuanyuan feel as if he was a ghost walking in the world. Ordinary people can't detect it at all. This is simply a fairy weapon that exists for assassination! The means of protection are extremely amazing!

There is no doubt that the two low-grade fairy artifacts that Xianyue gave her are absolutely top-grade, comparable to ordinary middle-grade fairy artifacts. After being valued by the elders of the "Samsara" Tianmen and accepted as apprentices, there are many benefits.

"Thank you, Teacher Xianyue." Xuanyuan bowed and saluted.

"Hahaha, go ahead, when you come back after beheading the traitor, I'll pass on to you my 'Reincarnation' Supreme Immortal Art." Xianyue smiled, and the whole person fell directly into the void, leaving only one sentence in the end :

"Xuan Die, you will take over the position of master of Xuanmen."

"Your subordinates obey!" Xuan Die bowed and saluted, watching Xian Yue leave.

Xuanyuan looked at Yin Qianxun and said:

"Let's go, kill them now."

Tianyouqing recited a Buddha's name:

"It's good, I can finally kill them openly and aboveboard. The little monk is very angry, and the consequences are very serious."

Yin Qianxun nodded, holding the 'Mirror of Reincarnation Thousand Miles of Pursuing Soul', and saw that this 'Mirror of Reincarnation Thousand Miles of Soul Pursuit' immediately showed seventy-two red dots appearing in the 'East The border between State Dynasty' and 'Doulong Xianfu'.

"Let's go." A group of people walked directly to the direction of the teleportation restriction formation, and it was time for revenge.

'Sky Gate'

This is the original fairy mountain of Zhong Yitian, but now it is owned by Lu Tianxiang.

On this fairy mountain, there are green mountains and clear waters, surrounded by vitality, and streams of fairy energy hang down from the highest point, like a fairy river, covering the whole fairy mountain, like a dream.

At the peak of the 'Tianxiangmen', the sun is shining brightly!

A ray of brilliance shrouded it, and I saw the 'Dragon Fighting Son' walking out of this portal, with an ugly look on his face.

Lu Tianxiang and Hua Wushang, who were playing chess, quickly stood up and bowed to the "Dragon Fighting Son":

"I've seen the 'Dragon Fighting Son'."

'The Son of Fighting Dragon' looked very bad, and said nothing, Lu Tianxiang and Hua Wushang felt a huge oppression, suffocated, and felt like they couldn't breathe, they knew that something bad must have happened things.

"During the time I was in 'Reincarnation', how is the situation at Qinglongmen?"

Lu Tianxiang hurriedly said:

"Reporting to 'The Son of the Fighting Dragon', Feng Lie of the Qinglongmen has been drawn away. Day and night, he searched for the whereabouts of Di Shitian, but Fang Yuyou and Bu Jing killed these two people too much. Although the young disciples were repeatedly assassinated, they persisted, and no one withdrew from Qinglongmen! On the contrary, within half a year, a total of 36 disciples in the "Qinglongmen" broke through to the realm of fighting immortals, and their strength increased greatly. Fortunately, we beheaded eighteen of them and suppressed their arrogance!"

"Well, what's the situation of the 'Tianxiang Gate' and the 'Wu Shang Gate'?" The look of the "Dragon Fighting Son" improved slightly.

"The 'No Wound Gate' is developing extremely fast, without any constraints."

"The same is true for the 'Tianxiangmen'. As long as our three major forces are united, it will not take much effort to suppress Qinglongmen. Qinglongmen will publish a list of good and evil. Under the banner of doing justice for the sky, eradicating evil and supporting good, let them in The area under the 'Doulong Xianfu' has a strong prestige." Lu Tianxiang said.

"Huh, the list of good and evil? It's nothing more than imitating the 'Chivalry List' in 'Samsara'. It's ridiculous. Let them go. Now, what methods do you have to make the Qinglongmen hit hard?" said the 'Dragon Fighting Son'.

"Kill Fang Yuyou, or Bu Jing, as long as one of them dies, the 'Qinglongmen' will be in chaos." Hua Wushang's pair of pupils gleamed coldly, he had been waiting for this moment for a long time.

"Let's kill Fang Yuyou first. Xuanyuan's whereabouts have not been found these days. The relationship between Fang Yuyou and Xuanyuan is obvious. This woman is willing to be Xuanyuan's confinement and use by her. If Fang Yuyou can be killed, maybe It will be able to lead out the location of Xuanyuan." Lu Tianxiang's expression was ferocious, originally Fang Yuyou was his fiancée, but she was snatched by Xuanyuan, now since he can't get it, he will not let Fang Yuyou be used by Xuanyuan.

"Okay, as Junior Brother Lu said, if you find a chance to kill Fang Yuyou, you will definitely not allow Qinglongmen to develop." As soon as the "Dragon Fighting Son" finished speaking, he stepped out of the air and left the place.

Lu Tianxiang and Hua Wushang heaved a sigh of relief, at this moment, a vast heavenly sound came from the sky of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', shocking...

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