The vast heavenly sound resounded over the entire 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

"Xitianluo, whose alias is Luo Wudi, is one of the three Taoist princes of the Dongzhou 'Reincarnation' headquarters. Under the guise of Emperor Shitian, he beheaded twenty-eight rookie disciples of my 'Dongzhou Dynasty' Yin family and nine of the Hai family's rookie disciples." The name, one hundred and eight rookies of Qinglongmen, the crime is unforgivable, I hope that 'Doulong Xianfu' can drive Tian Luo out of the 'Doulong Xianfu', as an example to others!"

This voice is the terrifying existence of the "Dongzhou Dynasty" and the great supernatural being in the "Reincarnation" who came from thousands of miles with great supernatural powers, which shows the horror of their strength.

From the "Doulong Immortal Mansion" and "Xuanyuan Immortal Mountain", a man with disheveled hair and the appearance of a madman swept across the world from his body. It was extremely terrifying. It was Feng Lie, and an angry roar came out:

"Tianluo, I will kill you."

The sound of Feng Lie went straight to the sky, shattering the clouds in the sky. There was a moment of silence in the depths of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', and then a sentence came out:

"Tianluo murdered his disciples, and his crime should be punished. The 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' will never protect him. The captain of the special law enforcement team, Feng Lie, hunts down and kills Tianluo, and must bring him to justice!"

This voice spread out, and in an instant, everyone was silent, Xi Tianluo was about to collapse.

"Disciple obey!" Feng Lie was about to be driven crazy by that Di Shitian at this stage, so that the people of "Tianji" couldn't figure it out at all. He could only look for it, but he couldn't do it. Now the right master has appeared. Naturally, he would not let Feng Lie go.

The face of the 'Doulong Shengzi' was dark and terribly gloomy. Everything he had painstakingly managed was destroyed. He thought that Yin Qianxun would let the Yin family send a notice to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', but he didn't expect to come. So fast!

"Di Shitian, I will let you die without a place to bury you." Between the eyebrows of the 'Dragon Fighting Son', a celestial light flew out and sank into the void.

Now Tian Luo can only live in the dark, "Doulong Immortal Mansion" can no longer accommodate him, and "Samsara" can't accommodate him, Yin family, Hai family, the children of the big families who were killed by Luo Wudi, They couldn't tolerate him, he became a street mouse, and everyone shouted and beat him.

Tianluo is a pawn carefully arranged by the "Dragon Fighting Son", and now it has ended up like this because of a Di Shitian. If the "Dragon Fighting Son" knew that Di Shitian was Xuanyuan, he would probably be so angry that he would vomit blood.

Although Tianluo's situation is not optimistic, Tianluo controls seventy-one killers who have turned into the realm of fighting immortals. If this power is used properly, it can do a lot of things, so the "Dragon Saint Son" has not yet If you want to give up Tianluo, unless he completely loses his use value!

At the junction of 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and 'Dongzhou Dynasty'.

Tian Luo, he is wearing a 'Reincarnation Immortal Clothes' that wraps his whole body, so he can't see his face clearly. This 'Reincarnation Immortal Clothes' is a low-grade immortal artifact, although it is the same as Xuanyuan's 'Reincarnation Immortal Robe'. In the same realm, but definitely not in the same quality.

At this moment, Tianluo's strength has reached the peak of the second-rank fighting immortal, and his killing power is amazing. In addition, he is the "body of Tianluo", and it is not difficult to kill ordinary third-rank fighting immortals, let alone him. There are seventy-one one-turn fighting immortals around him, which is a terrifying force.

He is leading this new blood absorbed from 'Reincarnation' to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.

Suddenly, a ray of spiritual light broke out from the void and merged into Tianluo's sea of ​​consciousness. This is the 'Sage Fighting Dragon' who let Tianluo know all the situation and ordered Tianluo to find a place to hide and wait." Fighting Dragon Son' orders.

Got the news.

Tian Luo's face was pale, as if struck by lightning, he didn't expect the matter to develop to this point, he finally understood what is called the world's common enemy, Xuanyuan has the protection of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy', what do he have? Now it's just Dongzhou's common enemy, and Tianluo has a feeling that he has nowhere to escape.

"Let's go, find a remote wasteland, and set up the 'Tian Luo Di Net Killing Immortal Formation'. Since Yin Qianxun is holding the 'Samsara Wanli Soul Chasing Mirror' to chase us down, then we will kill them all. Now we have no way out. Now, if we don’t kill them, we will all die, and everyone has benefited from the benefits obtained on the ‘Tiansha Mountain’!” Tian Luo’s expression was ferocious, he was afraid that people’s hearts would flutter, and sure enough, when he said this, those who turned around The killer of Dou Xian also has the determination to kill the comer.

Tian Luo didn't believe that he could not kill Yin Qianxun, Di Shitian, and Tian Youqing with the killing array composed of seventy-two heavens!

Headed by Tianluo, seventy-two people, dressed in black, submerged into the void, like a group of gods of death, waiting for the arrival of the enemy, and harvesting the enemy's life!

In the "Reincarnation" teleportation elders used their supernatural powers to teleport Xuanyuan, Yin Qianxun, and Tian Youqing to the junction of "Dongzhou Dynasty" and "Doulong Xianfu". This is a vast land with a size of a million miles. Even the teleportation elders in 'Reincarnation' couldn't teleport them to a precise point.

Yin Qianxun held the 'Tianlong Immortal Sword' in his right hand and the 'Samsara Wanli Soul Chasing Mirror' in his left hand. With a thought, he saw seventy-two red dots flashing rapidly in the mirror, and fled in the northwest direction.

"It seems that they want to escape to Beizhou for refuge, let's chase after them!" Yin Qianxun immediately chased towards the northwest direction.

Along the way, Xuanyuan asked Tian Youqing what happened in the past half a year.

Heaven has affection and said:

"Good, Brother Shi Tian, ​​you don't know, it's a big loss if you didn't go to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', Xuanyuan, you deserve to be the number one on the list of total kills, grandma's, it actually triggered the baptism of sin. The terrifying Thunder Tribulation still survived, and he created the terrifying vision of 'all the sons of heaven are singing together'. It is so powerful that even the monk can't help but marvel. No wonder there are so many beautiful girls in the sky. , It's a pity that the little monk has a handsome skin, if compared with Xuanyuan, the little monk would be ashamed of himself!"

Xuanyuan smiled and didn't make any comments.

"If I can't find Xuanyuan, I really want to be sworn brothers with him. Hero, you are so courageous. The world is a common enemy. Have you ever seen the supreme demeanor of the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy'? Killing seventeen with one sword The famous Earth Immortal, the six Fighting Immortals, separated hundreds of millions of miles away, and severely injured the Jiang Family's Heavenly Immortals. It's a pity that Jiang Yixian didn't know what secret treasure he had, and he survived, and Jiang Yitian didn't die..."

Along the way, Tian Youqing talked endlessly, basically talking about Xuanyuan's affairs. After Xuanyuan left, how much turmoil occurred in the entire fighting qi family, and told them all about it one by one.

Xuanyuan listened carefully and sorted out what happened in the past six months. He didn't expect that he was hunted down by various forces, and they even searched the entire Dongzhou. 'Once this kind of physique is born, you will die when you see the light!

Xuanyuan knew that although they couldn't find him for a while, sooner or later, they would still be exposed. Now they can only strengthen their own strength as soon as possible, otherwise, there will be no place for them in the world in the future. Once the 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' is gone, Xuanyuan will lose the capital to be dreaded if he can live a life without sun.

Thinking of "Nightmare Ghost Fairy", Xuanyuan is really grateful to him from the bottom of his heart. If there is no "Nightmare Ghost Fairy", I am afraid that he is dead at this moment. The three promises have passed, and "Nightmare Ghost Fairy" will still help him. Xuanyuan couldn't express in words after hurting himself so much. Besides, Xuanyuan also learned what happened in Beizhou.

Lu Tianxiang, if he hadn't said that Xuanyuan might be in Beizhou, the 'Nine Heavens Xuannv' and 'Hantian Saintess' wouldn't have been chased by so many powerful forces, and there was almost danger for Shiwei, you know that was An extremely terrifying figure, but fortunately, the Demon Race sent a terrifying existence protector, Gu!

"Lu Tianxiang, this account will be settled with you sooner or later." Xuanyuan's eyes were filled with murderous intent.

Qinglongmen, because of the "Tianxiangmen" and "Wushangmen", Xuanyuan also learned about all the people who suffered a lot. There is no doubt that Xuanyuan will not let these people go.

Because of Xuanyuan, the Fang family and the Feng family were even threatened. If they dared to help Xuanyuan, the Fang family and the Feng family would be completely wiped out. This was what the big men of the Jiang family said, and Xuanyuan also remembered it.

Xuanyuan knew his current status, and many people wanted to kill him. A friend in adversity sees the truth. Some people can help him when he has come to this point, which is enough proof.

Fang Yuyou, Bu Jingsha, and Feng Lie always stick to the Qinglongmen, not afraid of the oppression of powerful forces, and fight against the "Dragon Fighting Son". They have been hit hard many times, but they still maintain the Qinglongmen with difficulty.

The 'Nine Heavens Profound Girl' confessed frankly to the major forces that if Xuanyuan was in the Beizhou Dynasty, she would also protect Xuanyuan.

"Sky Maiden" said sonorously and forcefully:

"If Xuanyuan is in the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion', you won't be able to take him away. I also want to know his whereabouts."

Shihou also didn't hide his worries about Xuanyuan. I don't know where Tianyouqing heard the news. It is said that someone in the demon clan asked Shihou and Xuanyuan to draw a clear line, but Shihou made an extremely strong response:

"Even if Xuanyuan is the enemy of the world, I still believe that he is my guardian, and I will always wait for him to come back, and live and die with him with my life."

Xuanyuan remembered all the people who were still kind to him when he was in trouble, especially Shihou, who was always gentle, and Xuanyuan was moved by such a strong response.

"Second sister was also grounded by the family's ancestors because of Xuanyuan, and she was not allowed to go out, and she was not allowed to have any contact with Xuanyuan. Even if Xuanyuan is a 'body of all transformations', I believe he will not do anything to hurt the second sister. Come!" Listening to Tian Youqing talking about Xuanyuan, Yin Qianxun also interjected, his expression was a little sad, and after a pause, Yin Qianxun's face became extremely fierce, and said:

"Okay, Tianluo and the others are nearby, find them and kill them!"

"Hmph, there's no need to look for it, we're right here, and you three still want to kill us? Why don't you worry about whether you can save your own life, 'Slaying Immortal Formation', Qi!"

A voice came out from the void, and in an instant, a murderous aura surged towards the sky like a sea.

I saw seventy-two black-clothed killers forming an extremely terrifying killing formation, surrounding Xuanyuan and his party of three!

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