Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 480 Breaking the formation and cutting the sky

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The junction of 'Dongzhou Dynasty' and 'Doulong Xianfu' covers an area of ​​several million miles, and it is hard to tell which side's land it belongs to. The two powers have often argued over this, and several battles have taken place here , so this border land has been turned into a wasteland by people!

The residual red is like blood, and the sun is setting.

The barren hills are undulating, and occasionally there will be a few green pines standing proudly, because these are the spiritual species in the world, and they can survive in this barren hill area.

In the sky, a prescription with a radius of ten miles was shrouded in a pitch-black sea of ​​murderous intent. Seventy-two black shadows were like seventy-two ghosts, surrounding Xuanyuan and his party tightly in the center.

Tian Youqing solemnly said:

"Shanzai, Luo Wudi, oh no, I should call you Tianluo, I'm afraid you have a home now and can't go back, it's so pitiful, you didn't even dare to fight Xuanyuan, who was only in the seventh-rank Doudi realm, and wanted to kill him!" us?"

"Hmph, what is a mere Xuanyuan, if he dares to show up, I'll kill him right now, this little bastard just has better luck than others." Tianluo's expression turned extremely ugly when he mentioned Xuanyuan At the beginning, he was blackmailed by 10 million catties of pure Douyuan. He held his breath in his heart and was very angry. Because of this incident, his reputation in the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' has dropped a lot.

It's just that Xuanyuan even defeated Jiang Yitian later, which made Tianluo heaved a sigh of relief. If it was him, he would probably die too. This made Tianluo believe even more that the decision of the "Dragon Saint Son" was wise, so He swore allegiance to the 'Dragon Son'.

"What a big tone, let the little monk break your so-called bullshit 'the heavenly net to kill the immortals' first!" Tian Youqing's golden light shone behind his head, setting him off like a solemn Buddha with a treasured appearance, suddenly from between his long sleeves , Throwing a terrifying fourth-grade fairy talisman.

This fourth-grade immortal talisman is called the 'Scorching Sun Burning Heaven Talisman', and it evolved into a round of scorching sun rotation, countless murderous auras turned into streaks of green smoke, and a terrifying force rushed directly, with extremely terrifying killing power.

Tianluo shouted loudly:

"The sky and the earth net, collect!"

In an instant, the vast sea of ​​murderous aura became incomparably condensed, each wisp of murderous aura turned into strands of mesh, capturing the scorching sun, under the joint force of seventy-two killers fighting immortals, forming a terrifying killing array Next, with a flick of a finger, this 'Scorching Sun Burning Heaven Talisman' was smashed into pieces.

Even so, the murderous aura all over the sky has faded a lot, Tian Luo sneered:

"Die to me, 'Dark Arrow Killing Immortal Talisman', kill them!"

A total of seventy-one defected killers moved together, and repeatedly played the "Stalking Immortal Talisman". The penetrating black light, like long arrows, shot at Xuanyuan and his party.

Yin Qianxun's expression changed, and he shouted sharply:

"Not good, this piece of void is blocked, block it!"

From Yin Qianxun's palm, he struck out a fourth-grade defensive fairy talisman, and from this fourth-grade defensive fairy talisman, an astonishing sound wave of dragon chant came out, rolling and rippling, and an incomparably huge celestial dragon coiled around the three of them The periphery is extremely mighty, like a sky wall!

Seventy-two 'Dark Arrow Killing Immortal Talismans' bombarded the sky wall formed by the entanglement of the sky dragon, and it was shattered, without causing any waves, but the light on the surface of the sky dragon wall gradually dimmed. In the end, it was reduced to ashes, and there were still more than a dozen dark arrows left to bombard everyone.

The 'Dragon Immortal Sword' in Yin Qianxun's hand let out a dragon chant, and the moment he swung the long sword, a celestial dragon practiced fighting spirit and swept away, sweeping away eight black-light and dark arrows in an instant, and then a vision rose up, From under Yin Qianxun, a heavenly dragon rolled and rose, stepping forward with one step.

"Tianlong Yaojiuyou!"

An extremely gloomy Jiuyou Hell appeared, and an extremely huge sky dragon hovered in the sky of Jiuyou, with murderous aura soaring, shaking countless ghosts in Jiuyou Hell.

This heavenly dragon stepped out with one step, and with a bang, the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, shaking for a while, and the remaining nine black light and dark arrows were smashed to pieces by this step, and annihilated in flying ashes.

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart, Yin Qianxun is worthy of being called the "Tianlong Xunsha Physique", this kind of physique is not weaker than the "Tianlong True Immortal Physique", it is the lifeblood of the Yin family, no wonder that Xuan Di dare not let Yin Chihiro died in the 'samsara', if this physique is really dead, then the 'samsara' Taoism will probably be wiped out.

Tian Luo's heart was shocked, he never thought that one of the most terrifying trump cards he deployed would be blocked by Yin Qianxun alone!

"Do you think you are the only ones who have the fourth-grade fairy talisman?" Tian Luo's expression was ferocious, and with a roar, an extremely dark fourth-grade fairy talisman burst out from his hand. The sound was endless, and there were hundreds of thousands of ferocious Shura ghosts coming to kill, each of them had the power of fighting immortals of rank three to fight with their bodies, so terrifying to the extreme!

"This is the 'Sura Hungry Ghost Talisman'!" Tian Youqing's face changed drastically. With the realm of fighting immortals of the second rank, it can activate the immortal charm of the fourth rank. Risky, he has a fifth-grade fairy talisman on him, but he is afraid that he will change after he activates it, just like Xuanyuan will be suppressed if he activates the "Qinghuang Town Tianlong Talisman". , is a limit that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve.

"Hmph, if you use other fourth-grade fairy talismans, I really can't do anything to you. If you use this 'Sura Hungry Ghost Talisman', I will accept them all!" The Shura evil spirits were included one by one, and this fourth-grade fairy talisman did not cause any harm to Xuanyuan and his party!

Tian Luo's face was shocked, full of shock and anger:

"How is it possible, how is it possible!"

The 'Nightmare Ghost Talisman' can not only restrain the appearance of all ghosts, but also restrain all ghosts' supernatural powers, and the Immortal Talisman is no exception.

"Slay a bloody road." Xuanyuan held the 'Shadron Bone Sword', and his body was filled with murderous aura. The murderous aura he endured in the 'Xuanhan Mountain Region' was thousands of times stronger than the sea of ​​killing that filled the sky. Xuanyuan even resisted it. What's more, it's here?

From behind Xuanyuan, a penetrating vision rose up, and the 'Disk of Reincarnation' appeared behind it, with mountains of swords and seas of fire, countless evil spirits roaring ferociously, killing prisons all over the sky, accompanied by Xuanyuan's thoughts:

"Killing into reincarnation!"

The 'Disc of Reincarnation' floating in the vision came out in an instant, and the three one-turn immortal killers had no time to resist, and were crushed by the 'Disc of Reincarnation', and were taken in, leaving no place for burial. !

Tian Youqing is serious, and his vision is fully revealed at this moment:

"The world of mortals is rejoicing!"

In an instant, the heavens were full of fat and powder, and there were patches of Qionglou Yuyu, carved beams and painted buildings, exquisite corridors, and beside the lotus pond. I saw three thousand stunning beauties in thin clothes dancing gracefully, revealing their unconcealed beauty. Winding and rippling, the extremely tempting desires are rippling, but the heavenly treasure in it is solemn, sitting still, like a holy monk who is not confused by desires, the corners of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched violently, and the corners of Yin Qianxun's eyes twitched. Also kept jumping wildly.

Desires sweep out and attack people's hearts!

Nearly two-thirds of the more than sixty Dou Xian killers burned their entire bodies in an instant. It was the fire of endless desire and desire, burning their bodies and minds. Forty-nine Dou Xian killers were burned to ashes.

Even a miserable howl was heard, and he died without a sound. The 'Slaying Immortal Formation' collapsed and shattered in an instant.

Tian Youqing displayed his own vision and killed forty-nine first-rank fighting immortals in one fell swoop. Yin Qianxun and Xuanyuan couldn't hide their shock. That wave of desire swept over them and did not affect them. What a temptation!

"Good, form is emptiness, emptiness is form, Tianluo, take a punch from the little monk, form is emptiness!"

Tian Youqing, who was originally sitting in mid-air and surrounded by countless fleshy beauties, suddenly opened his eyes and punched out.

With this punch, three thousand beauties danced, the beauties played the xiao, the clear songs danced wonderfully, and the fairy sounds burst out. It didn't seem like punching power, but it contained endless temptation!

Tianluo roared, and a "Tianluosha Sword" in his hand erupted with infinite murderous aura. Behind him, nets of heaven and earth shrouded down, and each net of heaven and earth was interwoven with terrifying giant pythons. The vision formed by Tian Luo's practice, "Tian Luo Covering the Earth Net" is extremely terrifying, and he hit Tian Youqing's punch with one sword point.

Fighting with fists and swords, Tian Youqing's body was intertwined with endless golden Buddha light, and the momentum was as mighty as the sea, sweeping across the sky.

Terrifying fluctuations of battle energy swept away, and there were bursts of roars. Xuanyuan took advantage of the battle between Tianyouqing and Tianluo, and sank into the void like a ghost. The 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword' is like the scythe of the god of death, and within a few breaths, it has harvested the lives of seven first-rank fighting immortals.

Yin Qianxun's fighting spirit was like a sea, and he swept in all directions, the vision of 'Tianlong Yaojiuyou' shrouded him, holding the 'Tianlong Immortal Sword', like harvesting rice and wheat, and beheaded all the remaining fighting immortals Killing to pieces, extremely domineering.

Tian Luo, who was originally extremely powerful, suddenly had only one bare commander left. Tian Luo was about to burst into tears, his heart was shocked, he didn't dare to resist anymore, he turned and fled.

Tian Youqing gave a long laugh:

"Brother, don't run away."

The corner of Xuanyuan's mouth twitched, and from behind him, the 'disc of reincarnation' burst out, hitting the net made of countless giant pythons intertwined, breaking the so-called net of heaven and earth, and the giant python hissed miserably.

Yin Qianxun was even more ferocious. A heavenly dragon rushed out, grabbed it by the terrifying dragon claws, and instantly shackled this vision of 'the sky covered the earth'. Tianluo's expression changed drastically, and he seemed to be trapped In the seclusion, even if you want to escape, you can't escape.

Xuanyuan held the 'Evil Dragon Bone Sword' and pointed directly at Tianluo's eyebrows, Tianluo laughed wildly:

"Di Shitian, you die first!"

From between Tianluo's brows, a terrifying force of restraint rolled up, but in the next instant, it cut his body into pieces, and he died in shock and remorse. His soul was all smashed into it together. Under this terrifying power fluctuation, thousands of lines intertwined together, sacrificed the power of Tianluo's body and soul, and saw a group of terrifying battle energy exploded. Come!

Boom, the earth shakes and the mountains shake!

"Brother Shi Tian, ​​be careful!" Yin Qianxun and Tian Youqing exclaimed in unison!

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