Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 481 Ambushes!

"Tianluo is dead, it's good, I didn't leak my affairs..." The face of the 'Dragon Fighting Son' was gloomy, and he didn't expect that the chess piece he had cultivated so hard would die like this, and there were seventy-one others. Zhuan Douxian's killer, such a loss is too great for him, he knows that the sound transmission of "Dongzhou Dynasty" and "Samsara" did not mention him, because if "Donglong Saint" is mentioned If the child's words, 'Doulong Xianfu' may intervene, because 'Doulong Shengzi' is equivalent to the facade of 'Doulong Xianfu', it is impossible to hand it over and let others kill it!

"Yin Qianxun, Di Shitian, the sky is sympathetic, you probably haven't imagined that after I become the master of Xuanmen, how many elders in it are my people, just wait, sooner or later, you will all die in front of me." hands." A cold light flickered in the pupils of the Doulong Shengzi, it is naturally impossible for a character like him not to leave behind in the 'Reincarnation' Taoism!

A ball of fire rose into the sky, shattering the clouds that were blood-red by the setting sun.

The green dragon scales in Xuanyuan's body covered his skin, and the "Disc of Reincarnation" from the vision of "killing life into reincarnation" on his body resisted in front of Xuanyuan.

I saw the 'Disc of Reincarnation' cracked inch by inch, Xuanyuan's whole body was rushed out by the terrifying power of self-explosion prohibition, even though it was the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' that dissipated a large part of the power, but the part on the skin Layers of dragon scales could not help but appear cracks.

It's just that this kind of injury is nothing to Xuanyuan. You must know that Xuanyuan's physical body is already comparable to the general three-turn Douxian peak powerhouse. The Dragon Scale Bodyguard is comparable to the peak Rank 4 Fighting Immortal, and even against the Fifth Rank Fighting Immortal, not to mention that Xuanyuan also has a low-grade 'Reincarnation Thorn Robe' on his body. The body has a strong protective ability, but the self-explosion restriction is too insidious. Through a part of the restriction power and the protection of the low-grade fairy artifact, even if the ordinary three-rank Dou Xian is not careful, he will be seriously injured and die!

"Brother Shi Tian, ​​are you alright?" Tian Youqing and Yin Qianxun rushed up and asked.

"It doesn't matter." Xuanyuan smiled, and said: "Poor Tian Luo, he was tricked by the 'Dragon Fighter', and he didn't even know that he had been with the 'Dragon Fighter' for so long, and knew so much,' How could the Son of Dragon Fighting let him be captured alive!"

"That kind of person deserves his death. Well, now we should go back to 'Samsara' to hand in the task. Brother Shi Tian, ​​you must not miss the great immortal technique." Yin Qianxun laughed.

"Haha, it's natural, but I still want to kill a few people, so you can help me take over the task." Xuanyuan said.

"Oh? Brother Shi Tian, ​​who are you going to kill?" Tian Youqing's eyes lit up, as if he was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

"Lu Tianxiang, Hua Wushang, these two are the right-hand men of the 'Dragon Fighting Son', I will kill them, and dare to kill so many people in my name, I have long been displeased with that 'fighting dragon' Long Shengzi, now there are some things and some accounts, and it is time to settle them."

In Xuanyuan's eyes, there was a cold light, which made people feel palpitating. The 'Sharon Bone Sword' in his hand contained the endless murderous aura of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood. I don't know how many lives were gathered to refine this mid-grade The fairy artifact sets off Xuanyuan like a great killing god.

"Okay, Brother Shi Tian, ​​then I'll go with you to the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' too." Tian Youqing's golden radiance radiated from the back of his head, and the treasure looked solemn.

"Brother Gu Chen is also at the Green Dragon Gate of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion', planning for that Miss Mo Chou. I don't know if Miss Mo Chou will fall in love with him?"

Xuanyuan couldn't help being taken aback when he heard the words, and smiled in his heart:

"Mochou will never be tempted by him..."

"Okay, Brother Qianxun, I will trouble you to go back and help the two of us take over the task of beheading Lu Tianxiang and Hua Wushang." Tian Youqing smiled, and at this moment he did not look like an eminent monk, because the thought of When he went to the 'Doulongxian Mansion', he could not help but feel excited when he saw such stunning women as Bai Youniang, Fang Yuyou, and Mochou.

Yin Qianxun nodded and said:

"Okay, Brother Shi Tian and Brother Youqing, be careful, I'm leaving first."

As soon as the words fell, Yin Qianxun left through the air.

Xuanyuan and Tian Youqing headed towards the direction of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' all the way through the sky.

"Goodness, Brother Shi Tian didn't expect that you have become so powerful in just over half a year. I really admire you. I really don't know how the outcome will be if you meet Xuanyuan?"

Tian Youqing is wearing a floral dress, very coquettish, giving the impression of a flower monk, but he is handsome and innocent, with a delicate face, red lips and white teeth, which makes people not think about that, and is in a contradiction.

"If I am facing Xuanyuan, I don't know how the two will win or lose, but I dare say that if you dare to assassinate Lu Tianxiang and Hua Wushang in this outfit, you will definitely be killed by the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' and the Lu family's family. Fighting immortals are chasing and killing all over the world!" Xuanyuan sighed, Tian Youqing didn't know what it meant to be low-key at all.

"Hmph, so what, look at Xuanyuan, the current price on the list of joint killings, tsk tsk, is enough to drive countless people crazy, he is the enemy of the world, what a fascination, this is a hero, heroes are chased Killed it! The little monk also has the air of a hero!" Tian Youqing said with pride.

"He is the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', and there are 'Land of Darkness' and 'Land of Profound Forbidden' where you can seek protection and hide in them, if you enter these two mysterious places, you won't be beaten into scum? "Xuanyuan laughed teasingly.

"That's good, brother Shi Tian is right, I have no choice but to be upright for a while." As soon as Tian Youqing said, a 'Reincarnation Thorn Robe' was added to his body, which was similar to Xuanyuan's 'Reincarnation Thorn Robe' 'Qualities are equal, and similarly, they must all be rewarded by the elders in Tianmen.

The two of them were covered by the black cloak, and they quickly broke through the air in the direction of the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion'.


'Tianxiang Gate'.

Lu Tianxiang sits on the top of the fairy mountain. He has long flowing hair and a handsome face. He plays chess alone, as if everything is on the chessboard and under his control.

Just when Lu Tianxiang placed a sunspot on Tianyuan on the stone table chessboard, a voice came.

"This subordinate has met the door master!"

"Well, tell me." Lu Tianxiang said.

"Fang Yuyou came out of Qinglongmen, and now he has rushed to the 'Dragon City', if you want to kill him, this is a good opportunity." The voice came again, he was sent to monitor day and night People who go in and out of Qinglongmen.

"Well, it's okay, this time, I will personally kill her, and before killing her, with her body of Yin Yin, let me break through to the third rank fighting immortal realm, but it is not bad. "Lu Tianxiang smiled brightly. Although his cultivation qualifications are not as good as those of Wan Jianran, Tianluo, and Xiaoxuan, he thinks that he is more than enough to deal with Fang Yuyou. He is able to take on the big task because of his deep scheming. , Lu Tianxiang continued:

"Let the twelve from Xitianluo's side assassinate Dou Xian in one turn, and help me kill Fang Yuyou!"

"Yes, this subordinate obeys!"

Lu Tianxiang has always been able to bear it very well. If he doesn't make a move, he will be killed. If he makes a move, he will be killed. The reason why he can reach the peak of the second rank Douxian is because he has cultivated for a full year in the 'Time and Void'. Only then did he break through to this level!

"Fang Yuyou, if you had chosen me from the beginning, how could you have ended up like this? It seems that you were once my fiancée, so I will let you die more easily and let you experience what it is like to be a man. I don't know your Xuanyuan After hearing the news, will you be so angry that you will rush back and look for the murderer?" Lu Tianxiang was determined to win, and he gave a serious smile, which made people feel chills.

In less than a moment, twelve black-clothed killers bowed to Lu Tianxiang's side, each of them surging with murderous aura, each of them was like a cold sword unsheathed, and the eyes alone would make people feel frightened. The invisible aura that has been experienced in this fight.

"Come with me to the 'Dragon City'!" Lu Tianxiang smiled, waved his hand, and stepped out of the air. The twelve elite killers from Tianluo looked indifferent, as if they were in front of them. With only killing in his eyes, he responded and merged into the void, ready to kill Fang Yuyou just waiting for Lu Tianxiang to make a move.

'Dragon City'.

Fang Yuyou is almost used to running to the "Taibai Chamber of Commerce" every seven days. On the one hand, it is the news from Xuanyuan in the hall, and on the other hand, it is because Qinglongmen is becoming more and more powerful and needs more and more things. She is in charge of the entire Qinglongmen. , These things have to be handed over to her.

This entry took two days, because there were too many things to discuss.

After the third day, Fang Yuyou came out from the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce', and saw two men in the 'Samsara Immortal Robe' walking towards the 'Taibai Chamber of Commerce' without the slightest fear, these two 'Samsara' killers, It also made countless people terrified.

Fang Yuyou brushed past these two men in the 'Samsara Thorn Robe' without noticing anything, but his eyes felt extremely jealous of these two killers in the 'Samsara Thorn Robe'.

The moment they passed each other, Fang Yuyou was always on guard. As long as the other party made any changes, she would explode in an instant, but nothing happened. This made Fang Yuyou heave a sigh of relief. Longxian Mansion':

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time. I didn't expect that there would be a 'Samsara' killer who dared to appear here aboveboard. It seems that some bad things will happen again recently. I have to go back to Qinglongmen quickly and let the disciples of the sect be more careful."

Fang Yuyou left quickly, but she didn't know that an ambush had been prepared for her, and she was only waiting for the moment when she left 'Dragon City'!

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