Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 496: The Controversy of the Chosen Ones!

In the sky, there are many terrifying and powerful forces from various forces, and extremely majestic auras hover from them, as if they are going to crush the entire world. Not to mention, if the major forces are really as the 'Suzerain of the Ancient Demon Sect' said, each relying on their own abilities, I am afraid that if something extremely extraordinary is born by then, I am afraid that everyone will use the Supreme Dao Artifact.

You must know that the Supreme Dao Artifact is an extremely terrifying existence. It is all refined by people in the realm of the Great Emperor. If there is a single blow, I don’t know how many people will be killed or injured. The city will be turned into fly ash, and the consequences will be disastrous.

'Linglong Immortal Mansion' has always been aloof from the world, but at this time, it is very common to stand up and act as a middleman, so 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is respected by all major forces, because they are peaceful, Don't compete with others, but consider the general trend of the human race.

As soon as the words of 'Palace Master Linglong' came out, no one refuted them, only the Patriarch of the Wang Family 'Wang Wudao' said with a light smile:

"'Palace Master Linglong' please say so."

"Why don't you just let the young people experience it? Several parties have brought the supreme Taoist artifacts. If there are really some unworldly treasures in the ancient tombs of the sages, I am afraid that when the time comes, everyone will fight and the consequences will be unimaginable. For the sake of the common people, don't use the Supreme Dao Artifact rashly!"

The phoenix hairpin on the head of 'Linglong Mansion Master' is covered with white gauze, and her temperament is dusty and refined, just like a goddess descending to earth, she is indescribable, and there is an aura of compassion flowing from her, making it impossible for people to feel malicious towards her. Her voice is soft and soft, but powerful enough to spread far:

"Don't forget, although our human race is leading the world now, but the ancient royal family all hide their strengths and bide their time, hiding in the forbidden areas, and their strength may have surpassed ours. If our human race is still killing each other for the ancient relics of the sages, if he The birth of the Taikoo royal family, what should be used to resist it?"

The words and sentences of the master of the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' penetrated into the hearts of the people, and all the major forces fell into silence after hearing the words.

'Wang Wudao' nodded, and was the first to agree:

"Forget it, 'Palace Master Linglong' is right. We are all human races. Why should we kill each other for what our ancestors left behind? The ancestors of my family left us the Supreme Dao Artifacts, not for us to treat each other. Those of the same clan face each other, but protect the same clan!"

"That's right, what 'Palace Master Linglong' said is true, and I agree with Brother Wang's statement!" "Palace Master Doulong" obviously agreed.

"I don't know if the rookie of the demon race would dare to compete with the rookie of the human race. Regardless of whether the ancient tomb is the ancient tomb of the ancestors of the human race, the demon race, or the demon race, let the younger generation compete. We will sit here Here, winning or losing will be decided by their younger generation!" The voice of 'Master Xuanwu Palace' is very gentle, but every word and every sentence is as heavy as a mountain, making people breathless.

"Jie Jie, of course I dare, there is nothing my demons dare not dare to do!" The very old "Sect Master of the Ancient Demon Sect" also agreed to come down. It has always been fair, and this is indeed the best way.

"May I ask 'Master Linglong', what are the rules?" Yun Danfeng, the old demon master of the 'Chaos Immortal Demon Mansion' said lightly, but it made many people feel hard to breathe!

"Each faction sends two young rookies, one heavenly, two earthly, and three lifeless, to protect their young rookie disciples from the horrors of ancient tombs. To fight, they must not shoot and kill the other party's saints and saints, otherwise everyone has the right to besiege them. If the rookies of the major forces leave the ancient tomb with a fairy in their hands, then that item belongs to that party. No one is allowed to snatch it, anyone who dares to violate the rules, everyone will attack! Do you have any objections?"

'Palace Master Linglong' has both hardness and softness, she knows that there must be rigid rules to restrain her, otherwise it will be easy to lose control of the situation! You must understand that the things born in the ancient tombs of the sages are not trivial. If someone can't help but be tempted to make a move, it will be messed up. Now let's make it clear. Can't stop it!

Each of the major forces present has their own ulterior motives, and they wish they could die. Everyone will be very cautious and will not violate the rules, and no one will deliberately let the enemy find an excuse!

"Su Wen'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is fair and impartial. When I saw it today, it really deserves its reputation. Well, according to what the 'Linglong Palace Master' said, I have no objections from the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'." That person The old demon master has spoken.

"I don't have any objections from the Northern State Dynasty." The Northern State Emperor said.

"My Dongzhou Dynasty also agrees!" Dongzhou Emperor said.

"My Jiang family will have no objection." Jiang Yixian said calmly.

"Okay, I, the Mozhou Dynasty, also agree." In the end, there was only one old man in the Mozhou Dynasty who couldn't see what he looked like.

"Okay, let's each decide which disciples to go out with!" As soon as the 'Palace Master Linglong' finished speaking, all the major forces sent out their own disciples.

"Dongzhou Dynasty" consists of "Dongzhou Divine Body" Ji Chen and "Tianlong True Immortal Body" Yin Zhenluo.

"Beizhou Dynasty" is played by brothers Cheng Yin and Cheng Yang of "Zhiyin Immortal Physique" and "Zhiyang Immortal Physique".

"Dragon Immortal Mansion" is represented by "Dragon Saint Son" and "Dragon Saint Lady".

'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is represented by Mo Chou, the Body of Thousand Spirits, and Zhixie, the 'Linglong Holy Maiden'.

'Xuanwu Xianfu' is represented by 'Xuanwu Saint Son' and 'Xuanwu Saint Lady'.

The 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' is represented by the 'Son of Hantian' and the 'Sage of Hantian'.

The 'Ancient Demon Sect' is represented by the 'Son of the Ancient Demon' and the 'Saint of the Ancient Demon'.

The "Mozhou Dynasty" is represented by the "Physical Body of Ten Thousand Medicines" Shi Wan and the "Physical Demon Body" Shi Ba.

The "Ruined Immortal and Demon Mansion" is represented by the "Ruined Fairy Saintess" Tsing Yi and the "Random Fairy Saint Son".

The Wang family of the ancient family is represented by Wang Yuchen and the maid Qinglian. Such a decision has aroused many people's surprise. No one would have thought that the Wang family would send a maid as the representative.

The Jiang family is represented by Jiang Yitian and Jiang Tushen, who has the 'Fighting Immortal Physique'!

This is definitely a feast, the battle of the saint child class figures, although not all the saint child class characters from the entire fighting spirit world came, but this shows how fierce the holy child class battle in Zhongzhou will be in the future.

"Okay, since the major forces are ready, let's start.

The voice of 'Palace Master Linglong' is calm, but it gives people a kind of supreme majesty. As soon as the voice fell, the representatives of the major forces all rushed to the east of the 'Undead Mountain'. At the same time, it blocked the void with a radius of a million miles, preventing other major forces from getting news and opening up a new road with the Supreme Dao Tool to plug in, and then it will be messed up. This is not allowed by everyone !

This area leading to the ancient tombs of the sages is a bloody cemetery, and the people buried here are all once supreme figures.

When everyone arrived in the sky above, they all looked solemnly at the old corpses that swallowed the essence of the sun and the moon, because some of these were their ancestors, making it difficult to calm down, just when they were about to break through the sky to go to the ancient tombs of the sages , when passing through these terrifying old corpses, in an instant, the entire Scarlet Cemetery rioted.

A group of terrifying old corpses soared into the sky. Their physical bodies were extremely strong. The war was imminent, and no one could escape. Sometimes even facing the corpses of their ancestors, they had to smash them to pieces, because they were no longer human. , but dead bodies, exist only for killing.

There was a violent collision between the terrifying corpse group and this absolutely elite team, the terrifying battle qi roared, and the powerful force caused the whole world to burst apart, and the void collapsed everywhere, even if there were celestial masters Sitting in the town also felt a little strenuous, the blood-colored ground cracked, and all kinds of douqi brilliance pierced through the Nine Heavens, shaking for tens of thousands of miles around!

Saints and saints of various strengths rushed in one after another, which made Xuanyuan and Pengfei feel a little tingly.

"Damn, this is simply bullying. Even the characters of heavenly and earthly immortals are matched, and they are not allowed to live!" Peng Fei cursed a few words viciously, his eyes twitching. , nine times out of ten, my life will be lost!

Xuanyuan did not expect that the birth of the ancient tomb of the sages would cause such a big shock, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, his eyes turned around, and he looked to the rear. He did not expect to see a few old acquaintances, especially When Shihou was with Yin Zhenluo, Xuanyuan's heart throbbed.

At this moment, under the guidance of Peng Fei, the two of them have arrived at the outer periphery of the ancient tomb of the sages. There are ten roads in the outer periphery of the ancient tomb of the sages, leading to ten directions respectively.

"Finally here, let's go in quickly, don't let others find out, it will be miserable!" Zi Pengfei's eyes, one black and one white, yin and yang eyes are running, nine roads of murderous aura rising, all the way full of vitality , Nine deaths, that's the case, if you don't have unique insights into Fengshui, it's impossible to see through it. You must know that Peng Fei is practicing "Fengshui Ancient Magic".

"Haven't you already been here several times to investigate? Do you still want to watch?" Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, if this Pengfei is as unreliable as the pig-headed emperor, it will be miserable.

"Of course, in the ancient tombs of the sages, there are nine deaths and one life, and nine changes every day. Do you think that each one is fixed?" Peng Fei rolled his eyes, paused, and immediately pointed out a way out.

"Go, Mr. Ji, go here."

Xuanyuan and Pengfei immediately moved forward quickly. Suddenly, Xuanyuan suddenly remembered something, paused, and said:

"No, you have to leave something first."

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