Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 497: Get Tricked!

In the sky in the distance, the radiance is shining, and the terrifying fighting energy fluctuations sweep across the entire world, the momentum is vast, tearing everything apart, the void is shattered, the old corpses are flying and breaking, and the corpses are all over the sky, killing them again and again , but the elite selected from the major forces in this branch can be imagined as terrifying, how could it be possible to resist it?

Seeing that Xuanyuan stopped and did not leave, Peng Fei became impatient:

"It's all on fire. If those old corpses didn't die, it would be easy to kill them, and they would be piled up to death. But now, the body alone can't hold them for a long time. What are you still doing here?"

Xuanyuan didn't talk nonsense, and took out the 'Emperor Death Douyuan' and 'Miexian Douyuan' from the Dou Ring.

These two peerless fighting sources both contain incomparably terrifying power. The 'Emperor Death Douyuan' forms the appearance of an emperor's coffin, and the 'Miexian Douyuan' forms the appearance of an immortal tomb, which is no different from the alien spiritual sources. Because they have already generated their own heaven and earth dharma, the power is monstrous!

Xuanyuan repeatedly outlined the interweaving patterns of the "Emperor's Fallen Immortal Potential" and the Heaven and Earth Avenue on the "Emperor's Death Douyuan" and the "Miexian Douyuan" fairy tomb, and then integrated it into this one At the intersection of the way of life, five thousand catties of pure spiritual sources were used to support the movement of the "Emperor's Fallen Immortal Force", and an extremely terrifying terrain was formed like this.

The speed of Xuanyuan Bushi is at your fingertips. In an instant, the lines have been intertwined with this piece of land. There is no slight difference, and people can't notice it at all. But as long as someone steps into this place, an extremely terrifying explosion will erupt. Power, there is no doubt about it.

Seeing Xuanyuan's actions, the corners of Peng Fei's mouth twitched a few times, and the corners of his eyes twitched wildly:

"Damn, I didn't expect you to be more ruthless than me! Okay, well done, you can have this!"

Xuanyuan smiled without saying a word, and the two of them ran towards the depth of this road for a hundred miles, and Xuanyuan stopped again.

On this road again, a "Five Elements Fate Emperor Power" was laid down. This was originally Xuanyuan's trump card in order to stay and fight with Jiang Yitian, but he did not expect that Jiang Yitian actually restrained the power of the terrain, making Xuanyuan unable to use it. Take the shot, but if you stay now, whoever comes here is unlucky!

The power of the 'Five Elements of Life' is also extremely terrifying. It took Xuanyuan a long time to describe it. Seeing Xuanyuan's flick of a finger, he laid down another terrifying great fairy power, which made Peng Fei's eyes go crazy Jump:

"Okay, I, Peng Fei, did not misunderstand the person! Bubble up a few more, blow up those scumbags to death, bullying people with power, it's too bullying!"

In fact, Xuanyuan knows that in a narrow escape, nine of them lead to death and one leads to life.

Among these people were Shihou, Yin Zhenluo, Mo Chou, Zhixie, and the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky'. He didn't want anything to happen to them. Source' and 'Destroying Immortal Douyuan' put this terrain at the intersection of the road of life. From the eyes of others, it must be a deadly momentum, but in their eyes, it is a healthy momentum.

Xuanyuan can only hope that they can feel it. You must know that Xuanyuan has risked exposing himself, because many people were present on the day when he and the Eight Sage Kings were fighting stone arts, even Sangong was present. There are also "Emperor's Coffin" and "Emperor's Douyuan" and "Miexian Douyuan" in the form of the emperor's coffin, but is this too coincidental? Thinking about it, it is not difficult to guess, although it is not absolute, but Xuanyuan just appeared in 'Xuanwu City' not long ago and is now here, so it can be guessed.

Naturally, Peng Fei didn't know about these things, but he just felt that Xuanyuan was very cunning, very despicable and shameless, which was very much in line with his wishes.

After finishing all this, the two of them flew for nine hundred miles, and finally approached the ancient tomb of the sages. In front of their eyes, there was a tomb. Obviously, this tomb was the passage leading to the ancient tomb of the sages!

At this moment, the voice of the greedy old man sounded in Xuanyuan's heart:

"Boy, you have to be careful. They have blocked the void with a radius of millions of miles with the supreme Taoist weapon. They don't want other big forces to intervene. I'm afraid the jade platform given to you by Emperor Tun is useless, even though it is the imperial forbidden jade. Taiwan, but with so many pieces of Supreme Dao Artifacts united, not even a speck of dust can fly out, nor can it enter!"

"It turned out to be so, forget it, now that we have reached this point, we can only give it a go, and there is no turning back now."

In front of the tomb, the two of them entered the dark tomb without saying a word.

The tomb is very gloomy, with a ghostly aura, which makes people's hairs stand on end, and the cold air penetrates into the bone marrow. There are faint ghost screams, which make people's scalp tingle and goosebumps all over their body involuntarily. .

Xuanyuan frowned, and said in doubt:

"Didn't you say that this place is a way of life? Why is there such a strong ghost?"

Peng Fei paused, trying to find some words to explain, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't understand the reason, so he immediately said confidently:

"This is the tomb of the dead. Naturally, there is a ghostly aura. Hurry up and go in!"

The tomb is very spacious, with a length and width of 100 meters. It is a very long corridor. Xuanyuan was a little worried and Peng Fei immediately activated his real eyes. Sure enough, there was no danger at all along the way.

All the way was fast, unimpeded, but when Xuanyuan and his party were about to reach the end of the tomb, a terrifying ghostly force surged, and the murderous aura radiating from the light made Xuanyuan feel that his body was about to split, and his heart was full of pain. Horrified, the death energy permeates the whole body, as long as one accidentally steps into this terrain, there will be no bones left!

Peng Fei's yin and yang eyes were running, looking at the terrifying terrain, his face turned green, and he cursed loudly:

"Fuck, this sage is too deceitful. I understand. Nine deaths, birth from death, and death from life. There is a road we are walking. It seems to be a way of life, but it is a situation of inevitable death. Deception, I Got it, I got it, this sage set up such a trap because he was afraid that some Feng Shui experts would come to rob the tomb, this is a place where he must die."

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched violently, wishing he could beat Pengfei to death on the spot, it's simply a villain!

Xuanyuan turned his real eyes and looked at the terrain in front of him. It was an earth fairy power. This is a terrifying terrain that can kill earth immortals. It is called "Heavenly Ghost Slaughtering Immortal Power", which is extremely terrifying!

Fortunately, Xuanyuan has a way out of this terrifying and ominous spirit, otherwise, if he goes out again, he will definitely meet other people, and then there will be death and no life. The Dao Artifact sealed the void, and he couldn't escape even if he wanted to run.

"If this terrain is broken, can we enter the ancient tomb of the sages? You'd better look carefully, otherwise we will both die!" Xuanyuan looked at Peng Fei and said solemnly.

Peng Fei trembled for Xing An, his yin and yang eyes were running, black and white qi rose, he paused for a moment, then Peng Fei patted his chest and promised:

"Okay, I guarantee it with my life, but can you crack this situation?"

"It can't be broken, but it should be able to pass, you follow me!"

"Should?" Hearing what Xuanyuan said, Peng Fei's face darkened.

In Xuanyuan's body, the "Nightmare Ghost Talisman" was activated, and an extremely mysterious power made Xuanyuan merge into the "Heavenly Ghost Slaughtering Immortal Power". Xuanyuan even felt that he could manipulate the terrain in a faint way. , Xuanyuan can't unify people and power, but with the help of the 'Nightmare Ghost Talisman', it is possible.

If it wasn't for the fact that the other party had a strong celestial being in charge, Xuanyuan would have wanted to hide in the situation and see if he could assassinate a few of his opponents. Unfortunately, the other party was guarded by a strong celestial being. It would only kill him. .

Seeing that Xuanyuan was able to blend into the 'Heavenly Ghost Slaughter Immortal Power' without any damage, Peng Fei was shocked:

"You boy, why are you so powerful? Is 'Emperor Da Luo' your father?"

"Stop talking nonsense, don't come with me, I'll go first." Xuanyuan rolled Peng Fei's eyes, and Xuanyuan had already labeled him as unreliable. Only by relying on the 'Nightmare Ghost Talisman' can we overcome the difficulties, otherwise, we will die unexpectedly, there is no suspense at all.

Peng Fei didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately followed Xuanyuan, merging into this 'Heavenly Ghost Slaughter Immortal Power'.

Countless heavenly ghosts roared, and the power of each heavenly ghost was enough to tear apart a Mingxian, majestic, murderous, and ghostly.

They roared wildly, extremely terrifying, and made people feel weak. Pengfei held an iron bowl in his hand, as if he was ready to resist these ghosts at any time. Xuanyuan took a look and felt that the iron bowl in Pengfei's hand seemed ordinary, but absolutely It's not an ordinary thing. You must know that Peng Fei is a person who has practiced incomplete ancient arts, so he has some abilities, there is no doubt about it!

It's just that when these terrifying heavenly ghosts approached Xuanyuan, they retreated again and again as if they had seen a ghost, as if they had met the king of ghosts, each of them had a shocked look on their faces, and some even surrendered and retreated, which made friends Fei's pair of small eyes turned around, he was sure that there must be something extraordinary on Xuanyuan's body! I even want to play Xuanyuan's idea.

Xuanyuan only knew that it would be no problem to get through this 'Heavenly Ghost Slaughter Immortal Power', but he was a little worried about Yin Zhenluo, Shiwan, Mochou, Zhixie, and the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky':

"What should they do if they enter this way of life, damn it, this Pengfei is too unreliable, and the ancient art of cultivation is not good enough."

"Well, find a chance to kill him, and search for the remnants of "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art". This "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" didn't even collect the 'Swallowing Emperor' at the beginning!" The greedy old man said. Extreme greed, said:

"You don't have to worry too much about Master and the others. If you can't break through by force, there are angels who will take them away. Are your angels just paper? Even if you are not proficient in the terrain, you can sense the danger in advance. "

When Xuanyuan heard the words, he also thought it made sense, so he didn't think about it too much. Just when Xuanyuan and Pengfei started to walk through this "Heavenly Ghost Slaughtering Immortal Power", in the periphery, the arrogances of the nine major forces had come one by one. In front of the ten roads around the ancient tomb of the sages.

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