Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 499: Guardian of the Ancient City!

An ancient city stands in front of the eyes of everyone. It is extremely vast and majestic, like a prostrate prehistoric beast, with an amazing atmosphere. Every brick and tile on the ancient city flows the rhythm of vicissitudes, simplicity and long history. I don’t know that this ancient city has already It has existed for many years, and it gives people an indescribable sense of weight!

On the walls of this ancient city, all kinds of mysterious lines are intertwined, forming a series of protective formations, but obviously after a very long time, these city protection restrictions have long since disappeared, losing the divine power of the year, but the lines An extremely deep brand is protecting the ancient city, wanting to keep the ancient city immortal!

When the Jiang family finally arrived, it attracted the gazes of countless people. The gazes were different, some were surprised, some were cold, some were ridiculed, some were contemptuous, and they were all different. The Grand Master of Beizhou smiled and said:

"I don't know if this way of life is easy to go?"

The old man of the Jiang Family Celestial Immortal's face was as gloomy as water, and he said coldly:

"It's easy to go, thank you for your concern!"

Wang Yuchen had a smile on his face. The Wang family and the Jiang family were not usually very friendly, and he couldn't see the behavior of the Jiang family. He immediately shook his head and sighed:

"Xiao Qinglian, this story tells us that people should not be too smart sometimes, otherwise, cleverness will be misunderstood by cleverness, and it is not beautiful to be generous. Look, this living example is right in front of us. "

The immature Qinglian nodded, her face blushing:

"Understood, Master Chen!"

"Wang Yuchen, get out and fight me!" Jiang Tushen's face was full of murderous intent, his whole body was full of fighting spirit, he wanted to fight Wang Yuchen very much before, but now Wang Yuchen laughed repeatedly The Jiang family made Jiang Tushen furious, and finally couldn't hold back anymore.

"Okay, I still want to try the strength of the Jiang family's 'hitting the immortal body', so let's do a few tricks!" Wang Yuchen held a fairy fan in his hand, and unfolded it with a swish. , a scholar with a blue shirt and a sword, stepping on a purple-gold dragon, wandering the sword rivers and lakes, a sense of carefree flow, this fan is called 'Xiaoyao Jianghu', it is a middle-grade fairy weapon, extremely amazing .

Wang Yuchen wore the 'Purple Gold Chime Dragon Crown' on his head, from which dragon aura soared into the sky, turning into small dragons and hanging down on his body. Complete, the defensive power is extremely amazing, and there is an unshakable feeling.

The 'Purple Gold Chime Dragon' is an existence that ranks fifty-fifth on the fairy beast list. It is a stone fairy dragon, covered in purple gold, hovering like a mountain, unshakable, and its defense power is extremely amazing.

Wang Yuchen was able to refine magic weapons with the dragon scales on the 'Purple Gold Chime Dragon', so one can imagine how strong the Wang family's heritage is.

Just when Wang Yuchen and Jiang Tushen went out to start a fight, the old Jiang Family Celestial Immortal shouted coldly:

"If the two of you want to compete, we'll see you when we get inside. What's the point of fighting here now?"

Wang Yuchen shrugged, indifferently said:

"If that's the case, then let your Jiang family's 'Dark Immortal Physique' live a little longer, and live a little longer. Don't worry, if there is any funeral, it's best to tell Xing An."

Jiang Tushen's face was gloomy. If it wasn't for the ancestors of the Jiang family, he would have rushed forward.

"Hmph, Wang Yuchen, just wait and see."

Qing Lian lowered her head, and on that delicate little face, a fierce murderous intent flashed in an instant, making one's heart palpitate. Few people noticed this timid little girl.

On the wall of the ancient city, I saw a group of warriors in battle armor parading back and forth. They were full of ghosts and gloom, holding knives, guns, swords and halberds, with fierce eyes. Beizhou Taibao sighed:

"Look, those are Yin soldiers. In the cemetery, Yin Qi has accumulated and condensed all the year round. It is also the ancient tomb of the sages, so they were bred. Their strength is extraordinary and extremely terrifying. Every Yin soldier is at least It has the killing power of Rank 3 Fighting Immortal, but fortunately it is only killing power, after all, these Yin soldiers are only composed of Yin Qi and ghost Qi, breaking them is easy, as long as you don't get killed by them!"

"At this point, we can only break through this ancient city and find the place where the sages were buried." The 'Xuanwu Holy Son' stepped out with a body as thick as a mountain.

"That's right, everyone, let's attack the ancient city together. I'll make a move first to see if I can lure these evil soldiers out! After all, there are signs left by the sages in these ancient cities. If we rashly attack the ancient city, we may be punished." It is better to lure out the Yin soldiers, slaughter them all, and kill them all!" The celestial light in the back of the 'Dragon Fighting Son''s head turned into one hundred and eight fighting dragons. The 3,000-foot-long Doulong Waterfall fell down and bombarded the walls of the ancient city. In an instant, a dozen Yin soldiers were smashed to pieces.

In an instant, the entire ancient city rioted, and the gates of the ancient city were wide open, and cavalry charged one after another, the killing sound shook the sky, the horses neighed and people roared, and the terrifying yin and ghost aura intertwined together , They all crushed the figures facing the nine major forces, their cries were like thunder, and the earth shook.

The nine angels snorted coldly at the same time, and made their move in an instant, and the huge fighting spirit swept the whole world, only to see that under the attack of the nine angels, these mighty ghost cavalry collapsed in an instant, turning into Yin Qi, Scattered between heaven and earth, not even a trace of breath left.

But at this moment, whoosh whoosh.

Everyone looked up and saw the rain of arrows gathered and intertwined by the Yin Qi all over the sky. There were hundreds of thousands of arrows, densely packed, coming towards everyone.


The nine celestial beings attacked at the same time again, and all kinds of dou qi soared into the sky, and the terrifying power made the nine heavens and ten earths tremble.

Hundreds of thousands of Yin Qi arrows were shattered under their blow, and they no longer became a threat.

The strength of Tianxian can be seen from this, but the strength in the ancient city is naturally not limited to this.

I saw a series of Yin dragons covered in cold light, with sharp scales, ferocious faces, sharp fangs, one after another roaring in unison, with a monstrous momentum, they soared into the sky, and extremely mighty Yin dragons will appear in the sky , overlooking the nine major forces, condescending, and quickly gathered.

This is Yinlongqi, and the strength of each one has surpassed the realm of Rank 5 Fighting Immortals, and their strength is terrifying.

Soon, in the sky, a large area of ​​Yin Dragon Knights was covered in darkness. There were at least more than 100,000, which made people feel scalp numb. The number was really too many, and there were still many Yin Dragon Knights flying into the sky from behind.

A shocking cry of killing rang out, killing the whole world to change its color. These Yin Dragon Riders have no magical powers, but their lethality is at least at the level of Rank 5 Fighting Immortals. It is extremely terrifying, even The lethality has reached the realm of fighting immortals at rank six, but their defense capabilities are still vulnerable.

I saw countless magic weapons of the nine major forces soaring into the sky, and the terrifying fighting spirit swept across the entire sky like a galloping vast sea. Countless Yin soldiers and dragon knights were smashed to pieces, and the killing sound continued. It rushed out like a tide, as if it could never be killed.

Seeing the nine major forces fighting against millions of Yin soldiers, Xuanyuan who had arrived here early with Peng Fei, but was hiding at the side twitched violently, cursing in a low voice:

"Mother, you are too unreliable. In the ancient city, there are so many Yin soldiers. If you and I came here, wouldn't they be drowned?"

Peng Fei laughed dryly a few times, and said:

"Don't you have something terrifying enough to resist the aura of the sages? These yin soldiers are all made up of yin and ghost auras. As long as they get close to us, they will be shattered, but now nine major forces are willing to lure us away Concentration is the best thing."

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched a few times, this Peng Fei is indeed not a kind person, so he must be on guard.

Shocking shouts of killing rolled over, and from behind the Yinlongriders all over the sky, one saw terrifying chariots soaring in the sky. These chariots looked extremely ancient, and after the baptism of blood and fire, there were thousands of wounds on them. Hundreds of holes, densely covered with traces of swords and swords, the power of each chariot is comparable to the immortals of life! The momentum is mighty, all roar!

In a blink of an eye, there were tens of thousands of chariots, and countless saint-level figures present looked shocked. They saw fairy talismans flying out of the air, explosions sounded again and again, and terrifying fighting energy waves swept through, breaking many chariots.

Thousands of spear-like sharp arrows spewed out from these dilapidated chariots, and each sharp arrow emitted thick black smoke, and the arrowheads were stirred up by will-o'-the-wisps and burned, which was extremely frightening.

In an instant, a sea of ​​will-o'-the-wisps intertwined overwhelmingly crushed the nine major forces.

The nine celestial beings had the same expression, unmoved, they shot out the Taoist weapons from their bodies one after another, and the battle energy on their bodies turned into an endless sea, submerging the sky, and the terrifying sea of ​​will-o'-the-wisps was smashed to pieces, not even a strand of fire was left!

Xuanyuan couldn't help but gasped:

"The celestial beings are so terrifying!"

"Nonsense, your heavenly immortals are all made of paper, let alone heavenly immortals, these earth immortal characters can resist, have you seen that handsome boy with white hair in 'Doulong Xianfu' , His name is 'Dou Cangtian', his strength is very terrifying, ordinary immortals are no match for him, and all those who come here this time are super powerful beings." Peng Fei sighed.

"Let's go, let's sneak in while they are fighting with these Yin soldiers and ghost generals." Xuanyuan sensed:

"The void in this place has been suppressed. Do you have any special skills that allow us to enter this ancient city silently?"

"Hey, there's no three-thirds, how dare you enter this ancient tomb of the sages, you are smart." Peng Fei was not so polite to Xuanyuan, and he saw strange black and white two-color flow in his yin and yang eyes, dotted On Xuanyuan and him, the two of them turned into nothingness, as if they had become the existence of these ghost soldiers and ghost generals, their bodies fluttering lightly!

"Hurry up, this strange technique won't last long, take this opportunity to rush in."

Ever since, when millions of Yin soldiers and ghosts were rushing out as if they were dead, two deserters fled to the city without attracting anyone's attention, and the scene was extremely strange.

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