Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 500 Sprinkling Beans into Soldiers

Xuanyuan only felt that these Yin soldiers passed through his body, but did not cause any harm to himself, and he couldn't help but sigh the magic of the ancient art practiced by Peng Fei! There are really two brushes, presumably this strange technique must come from the method in "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art".

The two of them quickly entered the ancient city. In this ancient city, there was an empty space without civilian houses. Countless Yin soldiers and ghost generals rushed towards Xuanyuan and Pengfei like a tide, passing through their empty bodies. And that's all.

The only building is a palace, this palace is very vast, the whole body is piled up with a kind of white boulders, like a white dragon entrenched, Xuanyuan couldn't help but feel shocked when he saw these white boulders:

"This 'White Dragon Stone', every piece of 'White Dragon Stone' is incomparably precious, and its texture is so strong that even celestial beings can't be smashed. How many 'White Dragon Stones' are needed to build a palace here? It's simply extravagant, prodigal son, what kind of sage is this, using this precious 'White Dragon Stone' to build a palace for himself after death!"

"What's so strange about this? In the ancient times, this kind of stone was not uncommon. In other words, in the domain of the ancient royal family, this kind of stone was not uncommon. The human race swept away many ancient alien races and obtained countless Benefits, especially for the sages, it is not surprising that they can use the 'White Dragon Stone' to build a palace to bury themselves, but it would be strange if their cemeteries are dilapidated and vulnerable!" The greedy old man responded.

"Boy, hurry up and rush with me, as far as you can go." Peng Fei shouted, and the two of them, like ghosts, drifted towards the palace with Xuanyuan.

"It's strange, why don't these Yin soldiers and generals treat us?" Xuanyuan was stunned for a moment and asked.

"Nonsense, because they can't see us. Damn it, it won't last long. This kind of magic can't last long. My strength is not enough!" Peng Fei's face turned blue, obviously he has been persisting.

The two continued to rush forward, only to see that the palace became bigger and bigger, and finally Xuanyuan couldn't see its top even when he raised his head.

On the palace, all kinds of exquisite lines are intertwined, expounding a kind of principle of heaven and earth. These are the lines left by the sages, and they have their own mysteries hidden in them, which are unfathomable. Insignificant, like ants and dust.

"Damn it, I can't hold on anymore." Peng Fei yelled, his body was covered in cold sweat, his face was pale.

Xuanyuan only felt a weight in his body, but at this moment, in the ancient city, there were many ghost soldiers and ghost generals, so he looked at Xuanyuan and Pengfei in surprise.

Countless guardians of the ancient city stared at the two of them coldly. The two of them had goose bumps all over their bodies and felt chills all over their bodies, jumping up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Xuanyuan didn't hesitate at all. The naturally formed exquisite pagoda of Tianlingyuan spewed out various colors of radiance, covering the lower pagoda, intertwined with the lines left by the "Qinghuang Emperor" on this exquisite pagoda, and a special breath of the emperor spewed out. Go out and protect Xuanyuan.

On the top of Peng Fei's head, he held the black iron bowl, and saw that the black iron bowl released black light, and this aura was also an aura that even the existence of the emperor could reveal. The black awn flowed, and the aura was deep .

Peng Fei almost screamed:

"You kid actually has the emperor's thing on you? 'Tiantian Lingyuan', the exquisite pagoda appearance, tsk tsk, a treasure comparable to a foreign fairy source, oh my god, the 'Shentian Lingyuan' has an exquisite pagoda appearance, specially for the suppression It is too precious, how did you get it, there are emperor patterns on it, this is only a character in the realm of a great emperor can be portrayed, could it be that your old man 'Ji Wukong' has already stepped into the realm of a great emperor ?”

"Isn't your broken iron bowl also exuding the aura of the Great Emperor? What kind of Great Emperor did you make?"

Naturally, Xuanyuan couldn't take out all of his own bottom, and he also wanted to take a little from this Pengfei.

"Well, I accidentally picked up this broken iron bowl on the road." Peng Fei stammered, and after hesitating for a moment, he simply said nonsense.

"I also picked it up next to the latrine." Xuanyuan laughed.

Pengfei: "I¥%...\u0026*()"

Around the two of them, there are countless Yin soldiers, a hovering Yin dragon knight, a chariot capable of crushing everything, and a ghost general with unfathomable strength. The terrifying breath makes people feel flustered. Eyeing like a tiger, his aura is terrifying.

In an instant, I saw these terrifying existences guarding the ancient city rushing towards Xuanyuan and Pengfei in unison, with an extremely powerful momentum.

The whole space seemed to be collapsing, and Xuanyuan felt the horror of these terrifying existences.

From the palm of Xuanyuan, the 'Heaven-Suppressing Spiritual Source', the Linglong Pagoda released radiance, and a power to suppress everything spread out. Suddenly, the phantom of a great emperor is looming.

Absolute protection was formed around Xuanyuan, and when the Yin soldiers and ghosts who rushed to kill Xuanyuan were about to rush to Xuanyuan, they touched the aura of the emperor in the radiance of the 'Suppressing Heaven Spirit Source', and saw their The body shattered inch by inch, and began to turn into fly ash, and then from the fly ash, red beans fell to the ground one by one. On the red beans, lines were engraved, full of endless mysteries!

"Tsk tsk, scatter beans into soldiers, damn it, this sage is definitely not an ordinary person, I thought how could there be so many ghost soldiers, even if they were formed naturally, there would be so many. It turned out that he did it on purpose, so it’s no wonder!" Peng Fei quickly picked up a few red beans on the ground: "This is the pattern left by the sages, you must not miss it, otherwise you will lose a lot, take it back It’s time to study and study!”

The same is true for Xuanyuan, he quickly picked up a few red beans, the lines on each red bean are different, they are Yin soldiers, Yin dragon riders, chariots, and ghost generals. The lines on each red bean are given to Xuanyuan. A kind of great comprehension made Xuanyuan's heart tremble, as if he had touched the portal that seemed to be able to approach the Immortal of Destiny, and the same flash of inspiration reappeared!

The situation is more critical at the moment, Xuanyuan has no time to catch that momentary aura, and feels a little regretful, so he can only find it later, to see if he can find it. Xuanyuan knows that it will take a very long time to break through the realm of Destiny Immortal. He is not in a hurry.

Along the way, countless yin soldiers, ghost generals, and dragon riding chariots rushed up, but they were shattered by Xuanyuan and Peng Fei's aura of the emperor's possession. It can be seen how powerful the emperor is, far surpassing everyone imagined.

"Let's go! Go to the palace, there is definitely a treasure!" Peng Fei rushed forward quickly, and since his eyeballs glowed green, the treasure is right in front of him!

Xuanyuan followed closely behind, and he couldn't help throbbing in his heart, wondering what kind of treasure the sages would leave behind? Just when the two of them were about to approach that extremely huge palace, a yin that was two meters high but exuding an extremely terrifying aura stopped them.

The aura of this respectable yin is extremely terrifying, and even the existence of life immortals can be torn apart. They are dressed in black iron armor, holding a sword and long sword, and their eyes reveal a peerless murderous intent. The feeling of softness, if Xuanyuan and Pengfei hadn't possessed the emperor's property, it would be absolutely hard to resist.

Peng Fei's heart was shocked, he took a breath, and scolded his mother:

"This is the general king. Damn it, this general king is enough to cause damage to the earth immortals. It's too terrifying. No matter how many there are, if they rush over, I don't believe that they can resist the breath of the emperor!"

Xuanyuan nodded when he heard the words. In the 'Longevity Palace', those murderous spirits gathered with murderous aura could not resist the breath of the emperor, especially the generals here.

"Come on!" The voice fell.

Xuanyuan flew up through the sky quickly, and intertwined with the aura of the great emperor on Pengfei's body. The two emperors descended, and the aura was even more vast. I saw several generals who couldn't resist the aura of the emperor, and were shattered into pieces, leaving behind A different red bean with more complicated lines, Xuanyuan is like a treasure, and put them into the ring, and I will have time to study them carefully in the future! You must know that each line is the perception of the sages, and the means contained in it are not trivial!

Even the general king was smashed to pieces by Xuanyuan and Pengfei's aura of great emperor. Those ghost soldiers, ghost generals, and dragon riding chariots couldn't help but stop. Only a general king said slowly:

"The descendants of the great emperor have come, let them go, the sages are waiting for them! Kill all the intruders outside!"

Apparently this general king has already developed his own spiritual wisdom. He looked at Xuanyuan and Pengfei's objects with the emperor's aura. He wanted to get closer to find out, but after thinking about it, he stopped because It is very dangerous in the palace, and it dare not set foot in it, and now it can only kill all the intruders outside first.

Countless yin soldiers and ghost generals who were chasing Xuanyuan and his party, the guardians of the ancient city, stopped chasing them and let them go to the palace, and then they continued to rush outside the ancient city!

The sky was gloomy, and the breath oppressed people's hearts, and the ghostly aura intertwined together.

Ghost soldiers and ghost generals charged all over the sky, and huge chariots swallowed a rain of thousands of ghost rockets, sweeping across the sky.

Countless Yin Dragon Riders descended from the sky very rhythmically, massacring one after another.

Several Mingxian figures from the nine major forces have been seriously injured in order to protect the Tianjiao figures in their sects. There are black blood lying on their bodies, and their flesh and blood are about to rot. Their bodies were about to turn into a puddle of black water, and they all had high-level elixir. After taking them, their injuries recovered gradually.

The war is still going on.

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