Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 801 The Jiang Family Are All Eunuchs!

On this day, an explosive news broke out from the 'Red Calyx City', which caused the whole of the 'Red Calyx City' to boil completely, because this news was so unbelievable and unbelievable.

It turned out that Jiang Yitian, the son of the head of the Jiang family, was actually a eunuch. This sounded like a ridiculous effect, but someone confirmed that it was true!

No matter what era it is in, there will always be many people who regard some things as jokes and talking points, and like to add fuel to the flames, add fuel to the fire, spread false rumors, and the more they spread, the more powerful they become, and the more they spread, the more outrageous they become.

The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention.

Xuanyuan just used his avatar to talk about this matter everywhere, and soon this matter reached the ears of the high-level officials in the 'Red Calyx City'. For them, it is undoubtedly a venting It's a good opportunity, it's a good thing to hurt the Jiang family's face, after all, it's impossible for the Jiang family to attack 'Little Penglai Island' just for this matter, right? ,

Moreover, these words came from the people, and he, 'Little Penglai Island', did not have the obligation to suppress these words for the Jiang family.

Who does 'Little Penglai Island' hate the most? Naturally, it was the Jiang family. Last time in the battle of the 'Sea Burial Taoist Tomb', the supreme Taoist weapon hit the magic whip, which caused heavy losses to 'Little Penglai Island'. Most of the elite disciples of the younger generation died unexpectedly, and there were countless casualties, which the 'Little Penglai Island' could not bear.

So after the 'sea burial of Daoist tomb' was over, 'Little Penglai Island' never participated in other matters, and has been resting and recuperating.

Now it is rumored that Jiang Yitian, the holy son of the Jiang family, is actually an eunuch. No matter what, no matter if it is true or not, such news must be spread, so as not to argue for steamed buns.

Recently, the major powers in the Central Plains came to the "East China Sea" to kill the pirate Tiansha. They are all people's talk at this stage, especially for the brave and good fighters of the younger generation, such as Jiang Tushen, Jiang Yitian, Ji Chen, Fu Jing Xuan, etc., these Tianjiao Shengzi figures, once they are mentioned, people will all praise them. It is true that the younger generation overseas is indeed somewhat inferior to them.

After all, the background background is not as strong as that of the other party, and the gap cultivated since childhood will naturally become more obvious in the future practice.

However, now that the news that Jiang Yitian is an eunuch suddenly broke out, the gossip souls of countless people are burning. It turns out that these heavenly favored sons are not as perfect as the rumors say, and there are still quite a few incomplete ones.

"Why do you think this Jiang Yitian is an eunuch? Such a handsome young man, why is he an eunuch? I originally wanted my sister to marry him, but it seems that I can't do it. My sister won't suffer if I marry him. What? What a pity, what a pity!"

"Maybe this Jiang Yitian is a lustful person. When he wanted to rape a woman, the woman suddenly resisted violently, so he was accidentally kicked and his balls exploded, and he became a eunuch. Alas, people should not be judged by appearances. I think Jiang Yitian looks like a hypocrite with a human face and a beast heart!"

Just when there were countless versions of the story, opinions were divergent, and the world was shocked, when suddenly an extremely outrageous story came out.

"In fact, it is also possible that the entire Jiang family is full of eunuchs, do you believe it?"

Once such nonsense words came out, not only did they not throw everyone aside, but they became even more attractive.

"How do you say that, some people can't hold back immediately, people just can't help their curiosity!" Countless people are very curious in their hearts.

"It is said that this is a secret of the Jiang family. Men and women in the family are not allowed to intermarry with foreigners, for fear that they will give birth to some special physique unique to the blood of the Jiang family. If they are left outside, the orphans will be killed after they have the next generation. Carry out a kind of castration from the seven emotions and six desires, to prevent the danger of the secrets of the Jiang family's physique from being leaked, otherwise, if a Jiang family's "Slayer God Immortal Physique" or "Demon Slayer Immortal Physique" is born, it will be left outside and be peeped by others If you break the mystery of this physique and keep it for yourself, wouldn't the Jiang family suffer a lot?"

Who else is speaking this version besides Xuanyuan's avatar?

As soon as this remark came out, the people present were in an uproar, screaming again and again, and couldn't help being shocked, curious, and moved with emotion.

"I didn't expect the Jiang family to be so cruel and inhumane. It's so pitiful. I would rather be a dog in troubled times than the Jiang family. It's just for a physical secret. It doesn't matter whether it's male or female. It's so cruel. What's the point of living? If a dog in troubled times meets a bitch, he can still climb up..."

"How do you understand? Why the people of the Jiang family are so powerful is precisely because they abstain from lust, ask what love is in the world, and only make life and death promises, and ask what hurts the most in the world, and the word love hurts the most, even It is difficult for the ancient emperors to avoid being hurt by love. Only the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" forged a wisdom sword that could cut through love. Yes, otherwise, why did he come up with the idea of ​​refining the Wisdom Sword to cut the thread of love?" Xuanyuan spoke in a very high voice, despising that everyone didn't understand some of the mysteries, he spit and said loudly:

"Actually, the dual cultivation of men and women, the ancestors of the Jiang family have long stated that, except for the first accident of dual cultivation of men and women, the subsequent effects will not be great, and it will damage the physical body in the future. Only abstinence can live longer and improve one's own cultivation. Speed, that's why the Jiang family has a way to kill lust!"

"Yes, in the ancient books, it seems that I have heard similar information. At that time, I didn't pay much attention to it. I didn't expect it to be true. The ancients do not deceive me..." At this moment, an old man beside him interjected. He said a word, which made countless people believe it was true and applauded him. Unexpectedly, the Jiang family would do such a thing in order to increase their lifespan and cultivation.

"It seems that the people of the Jiang family can live so long and are so powerful, which has a lot to do with abstinence. It's just that Jiang Yitian hasn't married a wife and had children yet? How could he be a eunuch?"

"Stupid, after living so many years, in a big family like the Jiang family, what is his status, does he need to blatantly marry a wife and have children? After finding a few outstanding Jiang family women to double cultivate, and giving birth to a child is over! Double practice with a few women a few times, increase your cultivation base, and see if you can regenerate a "demon-slaying fairy body". There is no way to do it, it can't damage the body, right? Otherwise, you think Jiang Yitian may have such strength at a young age powerful!"

"It makes sense..."

In the beginning, it was only the news that Jiang Yitian was a eunuch, but later, the whole Jiang family wanted to cultivate and suppress their lust, and the news spread only for Daotianli, which caused countless people to be shocked.

All of a sudden, all the people under the jurisdiction of the major forces in the entire 'East China Sea' were all talking about it, and some people wanted to cut off their lusts. After all, some people couldn't find a reason that suits them. Being able to cut off one's lust can make oneself live longer, and increase the speed of cultivation, it's not impossible...

An isolated island in a sea.

A furious sound came out, and the sound wave shook the waves of thousands of miles around the isolated island. The angry waves smashed into the air, and the turbulent waves rushed, and the weak sea beasts were shocked to death.

"Bastards, you have lost all the face of the Jiang family, and you can't keep the safety of Yitian's child. Now there is such a scandal because of this, and even my entire Jiang family has been implicated. If I hadn't asked, how long would you want to keep this matter from me!"

Jiang Fengtian, Jiang Fengdi, and Jiang Fengxian all knelt down.

"Ancestor forgive me!"

"What the hell is going on!" The old voice came out, shaking the three elders' hearts, and their livers were about to burst.

The three Supreme Elders didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly explained what happened that day clearly. Everything was for Jiang Yitian. After all, Jiang Yitian didn't want others to know about this kind of thing. He may have inherited the position of Patriarch, among other things, such things as being cut off from lust are inherently detrimental to face, as the Patriarch, there is no need to say more.

"No wonder you are so furious. You want to chase and kill that Yan Ziyun at all costs. In the end, you end up being plotted against. My Jiang family suffered such a heavy loss. Hmph, if you told me earlier, there would be no such things."

Every syllable of this old voice contained a terrifying power of the Great Dao, which shook the three Supreme Elders deafeningly. This is the difference in strength.

"Ancestor, please forgive me! At that time, you were chasing and killing the Thirty-Six Heavenly Fiends and the Seventy-two Pirates with the supreme Dao weapon. How dare we bother you!" The three Supreme Elders trembled in fear. It can be seen that the anger of the ancestors of the Jiang family penetrated into their hearts.

"Hmph, a bunch of useless things, have you found out where these rumors came from?"

"Report to the ancestors, it has been found out that it is from the 'Red Calyx City'!" Jiang Fengtian said heavily.

"Red Calyx City?"

"This is the main city of 'Little Penglai Island'. My Jiang family was a little unhappy at the 'Sea Burial Road Tomb' that day. I think they deliberately spread rumors to seriously hurt my Jiang family!" Jiang Fengdi said angrily.

"Trash, 'Little Penglai Island' is a powerful force that has been passed down for countless years. How can it use such a boring method and be so accurate? It is obvious that someone deliberately hid in' In Red Calyx City, I want to seek the protection of 'Little Penglai Island', and use the power of 'Little Penglai Island' to expand my speech to slander my Jiang family. Hmph, Yan Ziyun must be hiding in it, after all, she is just a woman. If you are not careful enough, with the strength of my Jiang family, how can I not find out where these rumors come from?"

"The old ancestor is wise!"

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