Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 802: The Secret of the Artifact!

'Red Calyx City'.

It was a very unsettled day. In the sky, the aura was mighty, like millions of heavenly soldiers descending from the sky.

All kinds of warriors stand in great numbers, above the 'Red Calyx City', there are innumerable figures, all of whom are full of precious light, and everyone's strength is above the realm of earth immortals. This kind of formation is not small .

In the sky full of fairy light, there is an extremely terrifying aura hanging down from the sky, overwhelming countless people. It made countless people tremble.

Some weak people can't even bear it, and want to prostrate themselves on the ground. It seems that this is the only way to make themselves feel better. The supreme Taoist artifacts are all made by ancient emperors or ancient sages. The extremely unique breath makes people unable to resist, kneeling and submitting. This is a kind of human race's awe of the great achievements of the ancestors.

Just like the Jiang family's "Magic Whip" is a piece of extraterritorial divine iron named "Luo Shen Huang Iron". The ancient sages, painstakingly sacrificed from generation to generation, integrated the Taoism, spirit, and thoughts of the Jiang family into it, exhausted their painstaking efforts, and finally at the moment when the ancient emperor of the Jiang family became enlightened, he borrowed the help of the dark energy between heaven and earth. It is the power of the gods that has achieved the supreme power of the supreme Taoist instrument 'Shen Whip'.

Every piece of supreme Taoism is hard-won. Take the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Taoism" as an example, it is not without cost to be able to achieve the Supreme Taoism in a short period of time. During this period, he was hunted down day and night, making enemies all over the world. In countless trials of life and death, he killed countless strong men, swallowed up many life essences, and the essence of Dao artifacts. The spirit, devouring Wushuang, and the will of Wanhua Tianxia, ​​finally achieved his own body. Although he is not the ancient emperor, he has the will of the ancient emperor, which is comparable to the adventure of the ancient emperor, and the catastrophe he encountered , Unprecedented, even the ancient great emperor is difficult to achieve, the particularity of the "body of myriad transformations" makes every advancement of the "body of myriad transformations" extremely difficult, what Xuanyuan has experienced before is not worth mentioning Yes, stepping into the three great realms of life, immortality, earth, immortality and heaven, each of these great realms is a threshold that even a young emperor and a talented person can hardly cross.

It is also because of this that the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact" is an existence that shocked the world. Even the "Swallowing Emperor" can refine the Supreme Dao Artifact in the realm of quasi-emperor, what else can't be done? The impression given to the world by the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" is too terrifying, and it is precisely because of this that people are so deeply afraid. If the achievement of "Swallowing the Great Emperor" reaches the realm of the ancient Great Emperor, I am afraid that the consequences will be even more unimaginable. It is not allowed by the major forces, they do not want anyone to break a balanced world pattern.

Especially when the various forces attacked and besieged the "Swallowing Emperor" that day, he actually wanted to break through the shackles of the Supreme Dao Artifact with his life's cultivation base and life essence, and even said that he wanted to attack the Divine Artifact, which is even more shocking. Such behavior is simply against the sky.

All the major forces broke out in a lot of cold sweat, scared out of their wits. If the attack is really successful, even if there are supreme weapons of the major forces, they will not be able to stop the power of the divine weapon!

Divine artifacts only lie in legends, and the two words of divine artifacts came from the mouths of those terrifying beings who were sealed in the major forbidden areas. The "Emperor Devourer" has always been alone, entering the forbidden areas of these ancient royal families, To find the secrets of these suppressed beings.

They knew that the 'Emperor Devourer' was very strong, with billions of supernatural powers, and he could strike with his hands up, and his power was boundless, but what they never imagined was that the 'Emperor Devourer' would be so whimsical and wanted to break through that legend Among them, the artifacts mentioned by those terrifying existences.

Even the ancient emperor did not dare to do these things, because the price to be paid was too great. The loss of a supreme Taoist weapon is extremely rare for any big force, and it is the existence of suppression background. If it is lost, it will not be able to hurt them. To them, the loss of a supreme Taoist weapon is likely to damage the whole, a dynasty, a fairy mansion, the foundation of a family's luck For various considerations, in this world, even the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' has never considered the idea of ​​impacting the divine weapon.

No one has dared to try it all the time, but the 'Swallowing Emperor' was forced to a desperate situation, so he made an attempt. On that day, the strength of the 'Swallowing Emperor' was indeed terrifying, but the most terrifying thing was the 'Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Weapon' 'When impacting the divine weapon, the terrifying visions and the catastrophe caused all the existence around him. This is the real reason why those talented and peerless young emperors are about to perish with the supreme Taoist weapon in hand.

In the catastrophe and punishment of that day, even the Supreme Dao Artifacts trembled and trembled. All the existences had already broken through the scope that every major force could understand. At that moment, they knew that the so-called artifacts might be real. , and 'Swallowing the Great Emperor' was only one step away from success, because every young emperor figure felt that at that moment, the terrifying aura of the evolution artifact made them feel trembling, but they didn't know why they still failed in the end. From that day until now, this period is still a secret that the major forces do not spread to outsiders.

They would rather let the world think that it was the "Emperor Devourer" who killed their young emperors one by one, rather than let other great powers know that in this world it is really possible to have a divine weapon that surpasses the supreme Dao weapon.

This is a taboo. Even some ancient inheritances with a long history do not know this secret, because the behavior of hitting the artifact is too crazy. If someone knows, it is very likely that they will try to break through the artifact , In the changes of the years, there will always be some big forces being eroded, just like the Ouyang family of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion', if they all try to break through the artifact at the last moment and fight with their backs, what kind of consequences will it cause?

If the breakthrough is successful, it goes without saying that the balance of the entire battle qi world will be broken in an instant. With the divine weapon as the respect, he can dominate the world and control the lives of the world's living beings.

If it fails, it will lead to extremely terrible disasters. Even the young emperors who have stepped into the realm of quasi-emperors are extremely difficult to resist with the supreme Taoist weapon. In the end, the supreme Taoist weapon supported them, but these young emperors who are amazingly talented However, all the characters were wiped out one by one in the terrible catastrophe. For the major forces, it has to be said that this is an extremely huge loss.

Moreover, when the Supreme Dao Artifact impacts the Divine Artifact, it seems that another portal will be opened, and the terrifying aura emitted from it can smash the entire Dazhou into pieces. It is a destructive force, extremely terrifying , Even tens of thousands of years ago, when those great powers were much stronger than they are now, they were hard to resist. The disaster that even the supreme Taoist weapon could not protect was too terrible, no one could bear it!

If a few extraordinary beings pop out of it, the entire battle qi world is likely to be in chaos, and this possibility cannot be ruled out.

So even if someone knew that the "Emperor Devourer" had an impact on the so-called artifact, all the major forces that participated in it thought it was nonsense. If you want to follow suit, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Only tens of thousands of years ago, the high-level figures of the older generation could know this secret, and it was recorded in the ancient books of secrets of each major force. Only those who have become the real helm can see this big The secret, this secret needs to be passed on, and when the various families are in danger of genocide, you can try it!

On this day, there is the arrival of the supreme Taoist weapon. In terms of "Red Calyx City", it has to be said that this is a huge threat. The power of the "God Whip" can even beat gods. One can imagine.

From the sky of 'Red Calyx City', an old voice came out. This voice was like the sound of heaven and earth, rolling mightily, shockingly, rolling down towards 'Red Calyx City'.

"'Red Calyx City', find out who is spreading rumors in your 'Red Calyx City' within three days, and I will keep 'Red Calyx City' safe and sound."

"Joke, your Jiang family is too domineering. There are eunuchs in your family, and rumors spread, and you blame me on 'Red Calyx City', even though the rumors really came from my 'Red Calyx City' , I want to find the person who said that, I'm afraid I won't be able to find it, my 'Red Calyx City' has always been open to casual cultivators, I think that person should have left long ago, what fool will wait for you Come to catch him?"

In addition, the momentum of the voice that arrived was not weak at all. If the Jiang family dared to attack with the supreme Dao weapon "Shen Whip", the "Red Calyx City" occupies a favorable location, but it can be resisted. There is no evidence at all, the worst result That's it.

"What's more, this is not a rumor. It should be a real thing. Is your Jiang family going to destroy my 'Little Penglai Island' because of this fact? You have the supreme weapon, and you may win, but I 'Little Penglai Island' isn't vegetarian either, it can't destroy the Supreme Dao Artifact, so it's okay for all of you to stay here."

The tone of the helmsman of 'Little Penglai Island' is extremely tough. If the Jiang family dares to do something, then he will fight to the death. This makes the respect of the helm of the Jiang family fall into the category. The greatest shame in this life is now known to everyone, and it made him, who cherishes feathers very much, have the urge to die.

If he didn't cherish the feathers, he would have killed Xuanyuan that day, so why would he act in front of everyone?

Now this incident had a great impact on Jiang Yitian, and the atmosphere between the Jiang family and the two major forces of 'Little Penglai Island' fell into a stalemate for a while.

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