Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 804 The Rumor Resurrection?

Chapter 804 Rumors Resurrection

In the sky above the 'Red Calyx City', several ancestors of the Jiang family glanced at each other.

"You can't trust the words of the people in the 'Red Calyx City'. Let's use our supernatural powers to search the sky and search the earth together."

I saw the 'God Whip' tremble slightly, and an unfeelable aura passed through layers of void restrictions, and silently merged into the 'Red Calyx City' during their operation.

"Okay, Mr. Daoyang in 'Tianji' has captured Yan Ziyun's aura. If 'Little Penglai Island' is willing to cover up, we will not be afraid to destroy 'Little Penglai Island' by then, but I think' Little Penglai Island' shouldn't be so unwise to fight us for such a woman who doesn't want to do it."

"Let's search out the people first, they have already sent disciples from the sect to investigate, let's search the world several times, and don't let anyone slip through the net!"

During these three days.

The entire "Red Calyx City" was restless up and down, and countless casual cultivators panicked, fearing that they would be implicated because they said something bad about the Jiang family, so they dispatched 100,000 "Little Penglai Island" The disciples are checked one by one. This kind of investigation is very close, but many questions can't ask the key points, such as.

"Do you know who reported that Jiang's family is all eunuchs?"

"I don't know." This kind of answer has the most results, and there is no reward at all. Who would take such a risk to offend someone who dares to discredit the Jiang family? Don't care about yourself, don't worry about yourself, hang on high, what if someone retaliates afterwards? No one wants to cause trouble for the upper body, even if they know, they will pretend not to know.

"Do you know who said that Jiang Yitian belonged to the eunuch?"


"Forget it, you don't know, come on, get another one, you? I don't think you know, so let's do it..."

The three-day thorough investigation is roughly the same. There are a few more troublesome people who speak the truth and brag about it. They just want to make some contributions. What they say is true, so they are quickly invited into the Among the main cities of the 'Red Calyx City', several positions were determined after careful screening by many high-level officials of the 'Little Penglai Island'.

"Hehehe, three days are up, I've done my best on 'Little Penglai Island', I hope the Jiang family members will not be offended, according to our investigation results, the person who spread your Jiang family's remarks has long since left , now there are three clues, one is that the person is likely to go in the direction of 'Ten Thousand Immortal Island', the other is that she is likely to go in the direction of 'Shanglong Mountain', and the last direction is that someone said she was seen going to The location of the 'Five Heavens Temple' is gone. You Jiang family can go to these directions to check thoroughly, but I don't guarantee that these are the correct directions. She may change her mind halfway, okay. Well, my 'Little Penglai Island' can only do this. As for whether you can find it or not, it depends on you. I believe that with such a long and ancient inheritance as the Jiang family, we won't feel sorry for us small sects. "

The ancestors of 'Little Penglai Island' laughed and said a few words, and they were going to expose this matter lightly. In fact, the Jiang family couldn't ask for more. 'Little Penglai Island' has done a very good job on the surface. , so as to make them impenetrable.

"Okay, thank you 'Little Penglai Island' for giving me such a face to the Jiang family. If my Jiang family has offended me before, please forgive me a lot. Since there are clues, we must pursue them. Let's leave first and say goodbye!"

"Hehe, it's okay to send it away." 'Little Penglai Island' sent the Jiang family away like this, and many casual cultivators in 'Red Calyx City' breathed a sigh of relief. They have been scared these days. Bad, if a big war really breaks out, I'm afraid the consequences will be unimaginable, and they will all be implicated in it.

The terrifying existences of the Jiang family drove away through the sky like this. It can be seen that they were divided into three parts and flew in three completely different directions, looking for the identity of the rumor maker. The whereabouts, and those three directions are exactly the directions of 'Wanxian Island', 'Shanglong Mountain' and 'Five Heavens Temple'.

In the 'Red Calyx City', many high-level figures saw this scene bursting with laughter.

"Haha, I didn't expect that there were so many idiots in the Jiang family. They believed us after we said a few words, and it took so much trouble to divide the troops into three groups. It seems that the so-called ancient inheritance is nothing more than that, is it true? So what about the Dao weapon, isn’t it going to be played around by us?”

"They would rather believe it. Now that things have come to this point, they can't help but not believe it. With the power of the supreme Taoist weapon, they searched the 'Red Calyx City' silently. Obviously, they didn't find it. If they find the person they want to find, if they don’t believe us, who else can they trust? Maybe we can still hit the right one?”

An old voice let out a sigh, and many people were shocked, saying:

"What, they searched all of the 'Red Calyx City' with the Supreme Dao Tool? Why didn't we feel it?"

"Otherwise, what do you think, the Jiang family is a vegetarian. If that person is really in my 'Red Calyx City', I'm afraid they will force us to hand him over. If we don't hand him over, I think they will attack him. , if I hadn't controlled the 'Red Calyx Dao Ring', I wouldn't have sensed that the three of them joined forces to exert their power to search the world."

"Uh, if you have the Supreme Dao Artifact, maybe you can search all the way, and you might be able to find it."

"There is no such thing as easy. It is extremely difficult for a person who can create such a huge rumor. It seems that this should be a game between an individual and a big family. The strengths of the two sides are very different, but this person is extremely good at Strategies and mental tricks, as well as extremely powerful means, otherwise, how could the Jiang family have been able to support it for so long?"

"I'm guessing that the person who spread the rumors is most likely Xuanyuan. Recently, people from all major forces are looking for a young man named Xuanyuan all over the world? What do you think of this young man?"

"Looking at the domineering style of the Jiang family, who is good and who is evil, you can tell at a glance. You must know that this Xuanyuan has Mr. Wuchen as a storyteller. Mr. Wuchen's heart is not tempted by all kinds of fame and interests in the world. , nothing can shake his determination to appraise, time is good and evil, storytelling travels the world, speech does not violate the heart, and proves the truth. This is Mr. Wuchen's way, unless he wants to abolish his own way, otherwise, absolutely It is impossible to lie, he chose this path, if he tells a lie, there will be flaws in his Dao heart, in the days to come, not only will he not be able to make any further progress, but his strength will also retreat thousands of miles , and finally die!"

Hearing this, all the people present sighed with emotion.

"For so many years, countless years have witnessed that only the person who can stand the temper and test of time is the most authentic person. He has been advocating justice for good and evil for the 'East China Sea'. I don't know how many hypocritical people have torn apart. Face, let us suddenly realize, I believe this time, Mr. Wuchen's eyes are also right, what is ridiculous is that these big forces just killed the thirty-six gods and seventy-two pirates, and immediately won over many Few people think that these big forces are right!"

"Forget it, things in the world are like this. Haven't you and I seen enough? This Xuanyuan is alone, what kind of threat can he pose to these big forces? I'm afraid it's because these big forces know that he has got the 'swallowing' The Great Emperor's inheritance does not allow him to grow up, and he wants to kill the grass and roots, just as Mr. Wuchen said!"

"If what these big forces say is true, Mr. Wuchen will not be assassinated. Obviously they are already guilty. This time it is not for Xuanyuan. We should also contact the big forces and unite. If anyone dares to fight Mr. Wuchen is going to kill, we will launch the most powerful counterattack, no matter who it is, we will definitely kill them together, and we will never let them go."

"Okay, that's right, there must be major forces responding to this incident, why do these major forces only know about the Seventy-two Pirates and the Thirty-six Heavenly Demons, it seems that they can fight in this 'Eastern Sea' Sea Territory' is like walking sideways, can it be true that I'm 'Eastern Sea Sea Territory' is a subsidiary of them?"

In this article, "Little Penglai Island" sent an urgent secret letter to the major forces in the "East China Sea", and got the support of various major forces. Without him, Mr. Wuchen's character is trustworthy to them, and it is very important One of the reasons is that these big forces from the Central Plains have been rampant in the "East China Sea" for too long, because they killed seventy-two pirates and thirty-six gods, so many overseas big forces kept silent, after all Regardless of whether their actions are for public or private purposes, they always cut off two major threats to the major forces in the 'East China Sea'. The threat of greater power makes them less and less status!

Just a few days after the big and powerful forces in the 'East China Sea' reached a consistent point of view, another explosive news came out.

The Jiang family captured Xuanyuan's woman, Yan Ziyun. This woman received the inheritance of the way of bitterness. Jiang Yitian's lust root was cut off by her, and this woman knew Xuanyuan's whereabouts.

As soon as the news came out, those Yida forces who were originally searching for Xuanyuan's whereabouts gathered from all directions like a stabbed hornet's nest, looking for the whereabouts of the Jiang family.

But the Jiang family denied it, saying that they never caught Yan Ziyun at all, and that they had been looking for it all along.

But at this moment, an extremely firm voice came out, saying that the Jiang family had caught Yan Ziyun in a sea area four million miles north of Wanxian Island.

As a result, as the rumors said, the Jiang family had indeed captured Yan Ziyun, and the various forces were furious, and one after another accused Jiang Jiaxing of his crimes.

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