Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 805 You Can't Tell!

In the sky above a piece of sea area four million miles to the north of the 'Island of Immortals', fairy light is lingering, the sky is full of auspiciousness, all kinds of necklaces are dotted, and Taoist lotus manifests, floating in the huge fluctuations of heaven and earth fighting spirit.

In the auspicious celestial light, there is also a monstrous demonic energy billowing in the sky, like a demon god derived from the light, extremely ferocious, a bloody light penetrating tens of thousands of miles, frightening and heart-rending.

In this piece of sky.

"Zhongzhou Dynasty", "Dongzhou Dynasty", "Mozhou Dynasty", "Doulong Immortal Mansion", "Linglong Immortal Mansion", "Xuanwu Immortal Mansion", "Hantian Immortal Mansion", countless strong men from the Jiang family hang down in it.

They used their great supernatural powers to evolve everything that happened here. They saw a middle-aged man dressed in the Jiang family's costumes, displaying the Jiang family's unique supernatural powers, and a woman in white with white hair, Yan Ziyun. , After fighting for three hundred rounds here, the two of them saw their moves, and each move was extremely vicious, enough to be fatal. It can be said that each step was murderous, and a moment of distraction would lead to the demise of the other party. In the end, Yan Ziyun finally resisted. The middle-aged man of the Jiang family couldn't help but he beat her seriously with an extremely magnificent palm, then restrained her, and finally took Yan Ziyun away.

All this happened right in front of our eyes. It was manifested by restoring history with great supernatural powers. It is impossible to deceive people. The members of the Jiang family are irrefutable. Jiang Fengtian frowned and said in a heavy voice:

"We didn't bring such a number one person this time. If I were a child of the Jiang family, with such superb fighting skills, I would definitely be deeply impressed. I have never seen this person before! There must be a misunderstanding! Don't be misled, everyone!"

"That's right, if there is such an outstanding strongman in my Jiang family, we will all be impressed. The person in front of me looks very strange, and I have never seen it before!" Jiang Fengdi said heavily, he I'm sure I haven't seen the Jiang family in this picture, but why is he wearing the Jiang family's costumes, and how can he explain all of this?

"Come on, at this point, your Jiang family still wants to deny it. If it's not true, then what is true? I know that Jiang Yitian was cut off by Yan Ziyun's magical power of suffering, and became a eunuch. Although your Jiang family is the biggest victim of this incident, when we cooperated, we explained in advance that no matter who gets any news or finds someone, he must notify the other party as soon as possible, and Your Jiang family violated our previous agreement, it is really hateful!"

Mo Shuai looked at the old man of the Jiang family coldly. At this moment, he appeared to be stronger. The collision between the peerless Taoist artifact and the incomplete supreme Taoist artifact was activated that day. After the eternity of the Tianjiao figure has a greater understanding, so in terms of realm cultivation base, it has advanced a lot.

"Hand over Yan Ziyun, let's bring Xuanyuan out together, this son is definitely not to be underestimated, do you Jiang family really think that his strength has improved by leaps and bounds over the years, and there might be no one behind him to support him? Maybe he has long been involved in the ancient royal family, I am afraid that Yan Ziyun will not be able to bring great luck to your Jiang family, but will only bring bad luck."

The 'Son of the Ancient Devil' gave the Jiang family a cold look, everything in front of him was irrefutable, everyone thought that the Jiang family had captured Yan Ziyun but didn't want to hand it over!

"Yan Ziyun is really not in my Jiang family. Although I don't know what's going on, this incident must be a misunderstanding. Maybe someone deliberately pretended to be my Jiang family and captured Yan Ziyun?" It's green, how can he explain this, Yan Ziyun is indeed not in Jiang's house, but everything he sees in front of him is extremely real!

"There's nothing to say, hand over Yan Ziyun, and several of our powerful forces will set a trap together. At that time, there will be many supreme Taoist weapons to suppress it. Even if Xuanyuan invites the great supernatural powers of the ancient royal family, it will not be easy. If you can retreat, it will depend on your ability to get the treasure on Xuanyuan, this is the most fair way!" 'Xuanwu Shengzi' smiled lightly, his expression very calm.

"Damn tortoise, a despicable and shameless villain like you can only use this method to plot against my master. Come on, come on, I will fight with you and sign the life and death certificate, no matter which party is from the older generation The characters are not allowed to shoot, I want to see if the shell of your dead turtle is really that hard."

Fu Jingxuan couldn't restrain himself anymore when he heard the words of 'Xuanwu Shengzi'. He knew about Yan Ziyun. He was the one who provided Xuanyuan with a few strands of Yan Ziyun's white hair. Finally, Xuanyuan was able to find Yan Ziyun. Now Yan Ziyun is Catch, Fu Jingxuan was already burning with rage. Fu Jingxuan couldn't bear the words of 'Xuanwu Shengzi' again. He just wanted to kick the balls of 'Xuanwu Shengzi' to kill himself. hatred in my heart.

The expression of 'Xuanwu Shengzi' was calm, he looked at 'Fu Jingxuan', and said with a smile:

"Now your master Xuanyuan is not in our hands, what are you anxious about with us, right? Instead, your teacher's wife fell into the hands of the Jiang family, but you didn't go to save your teacher's wife, but came to provoke me. very?"

"Damn tortoise, you wait until one day I will kick your balls and make you like Jiang Yitian lose your sons and grandchildren and become a useless eunuch, hahaha." Fu Jingxuan looked at 'Xuanwu' very contemptuously. Sheng Zi took a look, then looked at the Jiang family, sneered and said:

"Hurry up and hand over my teacher Yan Ziyun, otherwise, your Jiang family will not want to leave today."

Fu Jingxuan stepped forward, staring coldly at the terrifying existences of the Jiang family in front of him. You must know that these old men in front of him have the "spiritual whip" on them, but he does not have the slightest fear. A calf is not afraid of a tiger, that's all.

"Fu Jingxuan, don't forget, what is your identity now? Is that little bastard Xuanyuan worthy of you doing this for him? And I'm afraid that even if you want to do anything about this matter, the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' will not Can you just let you do whatever you want?" Jiang Yitian said coldly, his face sinking like water.

"Hahaha, Jiang Yitian, these words are different. Xuanyuan is Jingxuan's enlightenment person. He saved Jingxuan's life, and taught Jingxuan the supernatural powers of the Dao, so that he can walk on the road of cultivation. He has a great kindness for Jingxuan. Now that Jingxuan, as the future King of my 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', has such a noble status, he can still not forget his roots. I am very relieved to want to help Xuanyuan. How can it be possible for me, 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' To let him down, at this moment he can still respect Xuanyuan so much, and in the future he will take up the responsibility of the entire "Zhongzhou Dynasty" generation king with such an attitude. This is exactly what we want to see. Is it comparable to someone with a petty heart like you?"

'Fu Diyi' laughed loudly, and there was a trace of disdain for Jiang Yitian in his eyes. If it was before, Jiang Yitian might just feel uncomfortable, but now a contemptuous look from 'Fu Diyi' is enough to make him feel A feeling of wanting to be crazy, because of his own incompleteness, incompleteness, and the root of lust being cut off, which made Jiang Yitian want to kill the Quartet at this moment, but after all, his rationality still overwhelmed his demons, and now such a scene It's too bad for the Jiang family.

"Hand over Yan Ziyun, otherwise, no one in your Jiang family will leave today." Fu Jingxuan strode forward, word by word, like Hong Zhong Dalu, and the space in all directions vibrated, piercing the soul, Obviously, in a short period of time, he has made great progress again, obviously because of the benefits brought to him by the 'Human King Seal', which made many terrifying existences in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' happy.

Fu Jingxuan already has the courage of a generation of young kings, and every gesture of his hands and feet has the majesty of commanding the world, with boundless domineering, this is all the credit of the "Human King Seal". The strength has greatly increased.

The 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' has added another imperial object, the supreme imperial object like the 'Renwang Seal', which is hard to find in the world, but it is the seal used by the 'Emperor Qiankun' during his lifetime, suppressing the aura of a dynasty. Luck, the rise and fall of the people under the ruler's jurisdiction, as long as the interests of the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' are not jeopardized.

"Fu Jingxuan, although you are honored as the 'Human King Saint Physique', sometimes it is best not to be too aggressive. Yan Ziyun is not in the hands of my Jiang family, but you want us to hand her over. How is that possible?" Jiang Tu God was a little angry, but facing the approach of the major forces, he also knew that the current situation was extremely unfavorable for the Jiang family.

"Hehe, there are some things I don't want to say. Yan Ziyun is a disciple of the 'Yuehua Gate' under my 'Doulong Xianfu'. Speaking of which, she is still a member of my 'Doulong Xianfu'. Anyway , the complicated relationship between her and Xuanyuan should be handed over to me, "Doulong Xianfu", so don't deny it anymore, Jiang family, as long as you hand over Yan Ziyun, we will treat it as if this incident never happened "The celestial light behind the head of the 'Fighting Dragon Son' is as sharp as a sword, and each ray of light is like a sword pillar piercing the sky, piercing through the clouds and mists, and the aura of the avenue that hangs down makes it look like a god, and the rhythm of the armor is flowing, There is an indescribable sacredness.

This time, even if the Jiang family had nine mouths, they couldn't tell. The facts were in front of them. They said they hadn't caught Yan Ziyun, but the major forces present didn't believe it. The matter fell into a stalemate for a while.

"No matter what, Yan Ziyun is indeed not in the hands of my Jiang family. Whether you believe it or not, it doesn't matter if there is no one. If you want to do something to my Jiang family, my Jiang family is not to be bullied. I really want to think clearly." An ancestor-level figure of the Jiang family has a gloomy face, obviously facing the hardships of so many powerful forces, he must be under a lot of pressure.

As soon as his voice fell, the atmosphere present suddenly became tense.

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