Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 816 Sticking to Your Warmth

These three words came so suddenly, and Xuanyuan said it so happily, even Luo Zixi, who once proposed to Xuanyuan to practice double cultivation, couldn't help but blushed, her heart beat faster, and her delicate body trembled slightly. She looked at Xuanyuan with eyes wide open. There was a look of brilliance in the eyes, and the ups and downs of the tall and straight peaks were a little hasty.

"Master Xuanyuan, have you finally agreed to double cultivation with me? If so, that would be great!"

Luo Zixi is not good at words, every word and every sentence is full of frankness and straightforwardness, she is not like Bai Youniang, who is good at dancing with long sleeves, and has a good face, nor is she like the "Nine Heavens Profound Girl", who can talk to all officials, because her He has a very cold personality and doesn't like too much hypocrisy, so his words are also very straightforward, and he never pretends.

The reason why she fell in love with Xuanyuan is very simple, that no matter what Xuanyuan does, he is very real, treats friends with sincerity, and never hypocrisy. She thinks that only such a man is worthy of liking and entrusting her. Throughout his life, even though he came from a humble background and did not have a huge power behind him, he has an upright and brave heart and will not abandon others for himself.

She grew up in the "Hantian Immortal Mansion". She is used to intrigue and selfishness. She has seen too many hideous things exposed for her own benefit. Even her mother is hand in hand. Luo Zixi wanted to plot against someone, or how to prevent being plotted against, but the appearance of Xuanyuan completely subverted her thinking and gave her a completely different feeling, so she liked Xuanyuan very much. Thoughts from the heart.

She just wants to have a simple world, with her own blue sky and white clouds, her own place of practice, and a person who can know and accompany her. It is really not easy, and Xuanyuan is what she sees. only.

She has always closed herself in her own world, telling her thoughts to the 'Hundred Aperture Stone Statue', even if it is her biological mother, the master of the 'Han Tian Xian Mansion', it is difficult to enter her world and be able to talk to her. There are always only a few people she can talk to, and she always ignores the others, those who take the initiative to get close to her. Over the years, the people in the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion' have gotten used to it, and she seems to have grown up. The 'Cihangdaolian' at the top of 'Hantiandao Mountain' is quiet and lonely.

Xuanyuan's face turned red when he heard the words. He didn't expect that after so many years, the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" would still have the idea of ​​dual cultivation with him, which made him flattered. Xuanyuan coughed a few times, and said in embarrassment:

"Miss Luo, I let you go to bed because I want you to try this 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', how does it feel? Treasure, it has something in common with the supernatural power you cultivated. It is useless for me to hold it. It is better to give it to a person who is suitable for it. I think with her, your cultivation speed will be great in the future, maybe Maybe you can discover some secrets from it!"

Hearing this, Luo Zixi blushed, and almost buried her face on the ground, it was so embarrassing, she didn't know where she was thinking!

"Mr. Xuanyuan, why don't you let me tell you about you? Aren't you bullying others? It made me happy for nothing!"

"It's nothing, I just pretended I didn't hear it, double cultivation or something..." Xuanyuan blushed more and more as he spoke. The lonely man and widow were in the same room, but he didn't expect that the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" was as direct as before, never procrastinating.

"You still say, if you say any more, I will force you to double cultivate with me..." 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' blushed pretty, Liu Mei raised her eyebrows, her almond eyes were charming, she was about to take off her clothes, and warned Xuanyuan gently Saying that, Xuanyuan looked at it, his face changed, and he waved his hands again and again.

"No, Miss Luo, this matter is my fault, don't take it off..."

Seeing Xuanyuan's anxious look, Luo Zixi looked at it, paused for a moment, and then laughed loudly:

"Look, you're nervous, don't you think it's so difficult for me to cultivate both together?"

Xuanyuan frowned, shrugged and said:

"It's not that it's difficult or not. It's just that I have already said that double cultivation is a lifelong event for a woman, and it should be done with caution."

"I'm not being careless. Over the past few years, I always feel that no one is more suitable for me than Mr. Xuanyuan. After these years of precipitation, Mr. Xuanyuan still has too many things that I like!" Luo Zixi smiled at the corner of his mouth, obviously very proud, and felt that his eyes were right from the beginning.

"People in the world are too hypocritical, only Mr. Xuanyuan is so real, Zixi thinks Mr. is a person worth entrusting for life."

Luo Zixi climbed onto the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' that could hold two people, stared at Xuanyuan, and said tenderly:

"This bed is indeed a good bed. It's just that there are so many people on the bed, and it's too lonely for Zixi to be alone. Mr. Xuanyuan, can you come and accompany Zixi?"

Xuanyuan's mind was fluttered by Luo Zixi's words, and his mind was swaying. How many men in the world can still be so calm in the face of such a peerless saint? Especially the saintess throwing herself into her arms is even more irresistible.

"Okay, then I can only be with you..." What Xuanyuan said was so pissed off.

Luo Zixi looked at Xuanyuan angrily and amusedly and said:

"When people see me, they post it up. You are good. Seeing me is like hiding from the plague. Am I that scary?"

"How come, Miss Luo is like a goddess descending to the earth, she is a rare and rare beauty, she is so terrifying, it is too late for people to love her." Xuanyuan sat on the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' and explained.

"Really?" Luo Zixi looked at Xuanyuan with a smile on his lips.

"It's natural!" Xuanyuan said.

"Then Mr. Xuanyuan just take good care of Zixi, is that okay?" Luo Zixi looked at Xuanyuan very seriously, with throbbing hidden in the depths of his eyes.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, his heart was beating very violently, like a drum beating, bang bang, finally he nodded, took Luo Zixi into his arms, and remained silent.

The two slowly lay on the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', Luo Zixi felt the warmth of her body clinging to Xuanyuan, she enjoyed this feeling very much, Xuanyuan was very disciplined and did not dare to move rashly, just moved Luo Zixi Xi hold, so simple.

"Miss Luo is the best in the world in terms of talent, wisdom, appearance, temperament, and cultivation aptitude. Why bother to stick to Xuanyuan alone? There are so many excellent men in the world, like Ji Chen, and senior brother Feng Lie are also excellent!" Xuanyuan has always had a hard time. I understand, in fact, I and Luo Zixi have not met many faces. For so many years, Luo Zixi has been secretly helping Xuanyuan, maybe only a few words, maybe only her lonely opposition, but nothing. No doubt it worked.

"But Zixi's heart has long been on Master Xuanyuan, and I can't tolerate other people. I grew up in the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion', and I am used to seeing their cold-blooded and ruthless ones, their intrigues, and their intrigues. Their selfishness is ferocious, even when they are cultivating outside, I also found that almost everyone is like this, maybe it is in line with the sentence, people are not for themselves, let the heavens and the earth be destroyed, but even if Master Xuanyuan is the enemy of the whole world, he can still fight for others Regardless of your own safety."

Luo Zixi nestled in Xuanyuan's arms and said softly:

"The appearance of Mr. Xuanyuan has changed my opinion. I always feel that if I want to find a lifelong partner, I must find someone like Mr. Xuanyuan. Days, is the time when you go to the "Hundred Immortals Sheji Palace" with him? It was the most depressed, painful and helpless time in her life, but you stood by her side to support her, regardless of danger, and walked with her Face it, this incident is enough for her to remember for a lifetime."

Xuanyuan was silent in his heart. The heart of the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" is very cold, as hard as ice, and it is difficult for outsiders to get close to her. She has a great rejection of outsiders, but she doesn't treat herself. He smiled lightly:

"Actually, I just want to do things with a clear heart. Shiwan is very kind to me, so I naturally can't leave her alone, so I did such an ignorant thing that day."

"Master is really enviable. It is so rare to have a Daoist like Mr. Xuanyuan. I really want Mr. Xuanyuan to help me protect the Dao, but I understand that this is impossible, so I don't want anything." , I don’t ask for anything, I just ask Mr. Xuanyuan to stay with me for a while, so that I can feel the warmth of Mr. Xuanyuan’s arms!”

Luo Zixi smiled slightly, her eyes were very bright, she could see her heart through her eyes, it was very clear, she was close to Xuanyuan, curled up in his arms, like a quiet cat, peaceful , Lazy, relaxed, and at ease, this is something no one has ever seen before.

On the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed', the two were lying quietly, Xuanyuan felt emotional in his heart, the Saintess of Hantian stared at his face in Xuanyuan's arms, with a quiet and beautiful smile on her lips, she said softly:

"Master Xuanyuan, do you have any plans for the future?"

"I don't have any plans, just go to Nanzhou for a while and let them look for me in the East China Sea." With a smirk on Xuanyuan's face, the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" lightly thumped Xuanyuan's chest and said:

"Did you also plan to let me wait for a few years?"

"Ha, I don't dare, what about you?" Xuanyuan smiled.

"Me? I don't know. Let's find a place to practice. For me, it's the same everywhere. This 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' is indeed very powerful. I think it should take a while to understand it, and it will be faster to practice. "Luo Zixi caressed the 'Xuanhan Jade Bed' under her body. This gift was very precious, and she was thinking in her heart, what would be a better gift for Xuanyuan.

"Well, you should practice hard, I'm leaving, take care of yourself." Xuanyuan got up and let go of the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky'.

A trace of disappointment flashed in the eyes of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', she nodded and said:

"Then take care of yourself. Please accept this thing and bring it with you. Maybe it will be useful!"

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