Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 817: Attacked

Luo Zixi stared at Xuanyuan, a piece of ice-blue jade pendant rose from the palm of her hand, undulating up and down, exuding a icy breath, giving people a very mysterious feeling, one couldn't see clearly what was hidden in the jade pendant, and there was a kind of spirituality. Sex is something that ordinary babies don't have.

"What is this?" Xuanyuan looked at this piece of ice blue jade pendant, it was shaped like a butterfly, the whole body was crystal clear, but he couldn't feel any power in it, but Xuanyuan couldn't see what this butterfly jade pendant was Such a history.

Today, based on Xuanyuan's understanding of "Da Luo Tian Shu", there are very few stones and jades that he can't see the material and type of.

This piece of jade pendant obviously gave people a very different feeling, Luo Zixi put it in Xuanyuan's palm, and said softly:

"I got this piece of jade pendant in an adventure. Although I don't know what it's useful for, I can feel that this piece of jade pendant is definitely not an ordinary product. You have seen a lot, and you may be able to see through the mystery of this jade pendant. , take it with you, I have nothing to give you, I know that you have a lot of treasures, treasures, gods and gods, and you may not be able to use other gifts, but this may be useful to you Useful!"

Xuanyuan knew that this was Luo Zixi's wish, so he didn't want to refuse, and put the mysterious jade pendant into his waist.

"Thank you Miss Luo, then I'll leave first, if you need anything, you can go to Fu Jingxuan, he can find me!"

"Well, be careful all the way. If you encounter any danger, put your safety first and don't be brave!" Luo Zixi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, smiling quietly, as if he was a wife nagging her husband before his death.

Xuanyuan waved his hand, it seemed that Luo Zixi didn't have a heart, he didn't look back, he took a step, and the whole person appeared in the sky thousands of miles away from the 'Island of Immortals', the sky at this moment was already dark night, in the sky, there were stars Bright, the moon hangs high, and the night scene is intoxicating.

"It's a pity, it's a pity, the body of Yuanyin, if you can double cultivate with her, I'm afraid you will break through to the peak of the seven-turn fighting immortal in an instant, and even break through to the realm of the immortal, isn't it impossible? Possibly!" The greedy old man's laughter resounded from Xuanyuan's heart, what was silent just now is now an afterthought.

"If you don't have such a big head, don't wear such a tall hat. I don't know how to deal with Ziyun, Yuechan, and Shiwan. Youniang and Yuyou have wronged me so much, but I don't want other people to continue doing this, I'm not the ancient emperor, maybe I can reach that realm, maybe it's hard to reach it in my whole life..."

Xuanyuan gave a wry smile, and looked into the distance. Now is the time to leave the "East China Sea". The anticipation and longing, he wants to go to the former residence of the Wu clan, maybe he can find something!

This race, at the end of the chaos, was the strongest at that time. Even the monster race and the demon race were incomparable. It was it that led the rise of all races and resisted the evil gods. It was it who took the lead and took the lead. It has made countless contributions and achieved others, and finally it perishes, laying a very solid foundation for the prosperity of all races, and achieving the current pattern of the world, all over the world and nine states, and it has never changed.

If there is no it, I am afraid that today's battle qi world will change a bit, maybe it will be completely destroyed. At that time, the Wu Clan played a great role in the reason why the ten thousand races were able to defeat the fierce gods. If there were no Wu Clan, Maybe all races will perish under the wrath of the fierce god.

Now in Nanzhou's "Savage Fanlin", the barbarians are the sub-clans of the Wu Clan at that time, and they have been inherited by the blood of the Wu Clan's branch, and the magical powers they practice are extremely ancient Wu Clan supernatural powers.

The barbarians have always been aloof from the world, living in seclusion in the mountains and forests, and rarely have any disputes with other major forces, which has been passed down to this day.

Now it is the overlord of Nanzhou, and no one dares to provoke it.

Because the barbarians are too powerful, once they fight, the consequences will be unimaginable, and the blood of war flows in the blood of this tribe. They are the least afraid of war, but are extremely warlike and extremely united. the most important.

Last time in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' it was reported that there was a 'Warrior Battle Body'. As a result, there was a movement in the 'Wild Fanlin', and three extraordinary figures came out, and they came to the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty' to 'Fu Diyi' Inquiring about the situation, several great figures appeared immediately in the 'Zhongzhou Dynasty', and they all treated them with courtesy and hospitality. One can imagine how powerful the barbarians are.

This matter is because Xuanyuan is going to Nanzhou, Fu Jingxuan told Xuanyuan, he did not expect that he fabricated it at will last time, and it would cause a shock in the "Wild Wilderness". In terms of satisfaction, it is indeed a big deal. If it can be cultivated, it must be a generation of barbarian kings, and it will definitely add a lot of power to the barbarians.

"Let's go, 'East China Sea', goodbye, Nanzhou, here I come!"

Xuanyuan sighed in his heart. Originally, he wanted to meet Ye Wushuang, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was inappropriate. He thought it would be better if his strength was higher.

Just when Xuanyuan was about to leave, suddenly there was an extremely terrifying aura coming from all around him. The grudge contained in it was so terrifying that it was enough to instantly destroy a life fairy. The majestic power Squeeze so that it is difficult for others to breathe.

Xuanyuan's heart was shaken, and the "Swallowing Myriad Transformation Dao Artifact" on his body was immediately activated, and the "Wanhua Kingdom" protected Xuanyuan's body, resisting all the fighting energy that came towards him, "Wanhua Kingdom" 'It's just a tiny ripple.

"As expected of the 'Physical Body of Myriad Transformations', it has received the inheritance of the 'Emperor Devourer'. It is indeed extraordinary when I saw it today."

A laugh came, and Xuanyuan saw that this person was none other than Wuyang. His 'Purple Qi Donglai Robe' was fluttering in the wind, and there were countless purple clouds rising around his body, and the 'Purple Dragon Dao Crown' on his head A purple dragon evolved, surrounding it, and the "Tianyi Ziwei Sword" in his hand breathed out a strange breath, evoking a mysterious force, unfathomable, corresponding to the Ziwei star in the night sky , seems to be able to mobilize the power of the heavens, earth and stars at any time for his own use.

The seven celestial rings behind Wuyang's head released a bright dao light, and the huge power of faith was rolling. Facing Wuyang was like facing hundreds of millions of people, which created a great pressure in people's hearts, as if one person and hundreds of millions Xuanyuan felt a sense of oppression in his heart like a confrontation. In the night, Wuyang looked like a god descended from the world.

"Who are you?" Xuanyuan naturally knew Wuyang's identity, but at this moment he pretended not to know, and looked at Wuyang coldly. Could it be that he had already exposed himself after meeting Luo Zixi for a while? Yet?

"Zonghengjiao, 'Zongheng Shengzi', Wuyang, Xuanyuan, I have been looking forward to fighting with you for a long time, but I have waited for you. It is really not easy to find you Xuanyuan!" In between, there is already a kind of self-confidence that the winning ticket is in hand. You must know that Xuanyuan is only in the realm of fighting immortals at rank six at this moment. No matter how powerful the inheritance is, the gap in this realm will never be made up, let alone' Zongheng Shengzi himself has condensed the power of the seven fairy rings, the power is boundless, even the gods can fight, let alone Xuanyuan, who is only in the realm of fighting immortals at the sixth rank?

"How did you know that I would come here?" Xuanyuan frowned.

"It's very simple. The relationship between you and the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' is not ordinary. You can see that she is willing to turn against the 'Holy Son of the Cold Sky' for you. I see that she seems to be waiting for someone. I think she should I was waiting for you, as long as I have a little patience, I can wait for you, the fact proves that I am right." Wu Yang smiled slightly, and pointed the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' in his hand to Xuanyuan.

"Hahaha, I have known for a long time that Brother Wuyang is extremely intelligent and unparalleled in intelligence. Instead of searching alone in this vast East Sea, it is better to follow Brother Wuyang, and there will be great gains." An extremely wild laughter came out, The 'White Tiger Saint Son' is wearing a mighty battle armor. He holds the 'White Tiger Opening Sword' and is full of domineering. He stepped forward step by step. Wherever he passed, the space seemed to be unable to bear the breath of him, and he was chopped into pieces .

"Hehe, 'Sage White Tiger' Xuanyuan is my prey, so don't you want to interfere?" Wu Yang looked at 'Sage White Tiger', obviously he was not that easy to deal with.

"Brother Wuyang, what you said is wrong. The root cause of crimes like Xuanyuan, everyone can get rid of it. How can I not intervene? Killing him can be considered as a contribution to the world, and I'm also thinking about those treasures on Xuanyuan's body, if I don't work hard, it won't be good to get ready-made ones, are you right?" With a smile on his face, the 'White Tiger Son' picked up the With the 'White Tiger Opening the Sky Sword' in his hand, the entire space is going to be shattered, every movement of his hands and feet is filled with supreme power, and his aura is so fierce that it is hard for ordinary people to resist.

"So the 'Sage White Tiger' wants to compete with me?" Wu Yang sneered.

"We can't talk about the competition, but it can be said to be a discussion. Let's kill Xuanyuan together. As for the treasures on his body, we can grab as many as we can. How do you feel about blocking 100 billion Earth Immortal Coins?" 'Sacred Son of the White Tiger' laughed cheerfully, as if he was not afraid that Xuanyuan would be able to escape at all, because all the surrounding spaces had been sealed off.

"Haha, okay, if that's the case, let's try it." Wu Yang laughed loudly, and the 'Tian Yi Zi Wei Sword' in his hand let out a whistling sound, which was shocking. He took a step forward, and the blade trembled slightly. Point to kill Xiang Xuanyuan's heart.

"Eat me!" The 'White Tiger Holy Son' laughed loudly, swung the 'White Tiger Opening Heaven Sword' in his hand, and slashed down with a heavy blow, the whole space was torn into pieces. Numb, bang!

Xuanyuan's expression changed drastically!

(I went to the hospital to prescribe medicine, and I felt a little sleepy after eating, so I’m sorry!)

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