With Xuanyuan as the center, in the sky with a radius of ten thousand feet, there are billowing clouds, extremely gloomy, and the destructive aura of heavenly punishment spreads for hundreds of thousands of miles, causing many creatures to flee and retreat in the distance, for fear of being affected by this heavenly punishment, you must know If one is hit by this method of punishment from heaven, it will be a catastrophe, one's soul will be scattered, and one will never be reborn forever.

Countless people watching were terrified. The scene in front of them made them unbelievable. Some of them said in horror:

"It turned out to be the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', which only appeared in the records. Only those who have passed the 'Baptism of Sin' can trigger the Seven Soul Thunder Tribulation. It is extremely terrifying. According to legend, in my 'Eastern Sea' There used to be a few celestial beings who were born out of nowhere and caused the "baptism of sin". However, there are only a handful of people who can withstand the "baptism of sin". It can trigger the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation'!"

"Yes, 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', every thunder is like a heavenly sword, which contains the power to destroy and kill the gods, so it is called 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', even if it is an ordinary fairy facing the Tianchong Thunder Tribulation They won't be able to resist!"

"Since ancient times, those who can arouse the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' will be either the ancient great emperor or the ancient sages, or another end will be death, death without a name, I don't know what Xuanyuan's achievements will be. How high? He has crossed the "Baptism of Sin", but some thresholds in the future, especially when he breaks through the three thresholds of life immortal, earth immortal, and heavenly immortal. I don't know if I can get through it?"

"I don't think it's possible. Since ancient times, people who can cause catastrophe against the sky, more people have fallen. It is not so easy to become an existence like the ancient emperor or the ancient sage. You have to understand, how many people are there? People fall on the road of becoming emperor and sages. The population of this fighting spirit world can be tens of trillions. Now how many people can step into the realm of sages? The vast and vast East China Sea is now in the "Island of Ten Thousand Immortals". Reward and punish Ye Wushuang, the master of the hall? After all, the human race does not have such a terrifying and powerful physique like the ancient royal family."

In the eyes of outsiders, it seems that the characters of the older generation have already fallen. They don't know that in the depths of the Reward and Punishment Hall, there are still a few immortal characters hidden. However, by being unexpected, this is the only way to ensure completeness. It is not necessary to show a little bit of strength for everyone to see.

"Do you think Xuanyuan can survive this catastrophe this time? 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', look at his body, even in the form of a green dragon, he still can't resist, the dragon scales on his body are about to shatter! "

"I don't think so. He seems to want to use the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' to kill the 'White Tiger Son'. This method is a way to hurt himself by one thousand and kill eight hundred enemies, not to mention that there is another' Wuyang Shengzi of the Zongheng Sect is eyeing him, look, Wuyang Shengzi has made a move to save the 'White Tiger Shengzi', he will be benevolent if he doesn't succeed!"

"Xuanyuan is in danger. Without the protection of that protective barrier, it is impossible for him to resist the fierce power of Wuyang Shengzi. I am afraid that this time, he will fall here. There is no suspense. If he supports the terrifying Restriction, 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' will only become more terrifying, he is pushing himself to death!"

In the distant night sky, Xuanyuan turned into a green dragon, bathed in the "Heavenly Thunder Tribulation", and endured the terrifying baptism of "Heavenly Thunder Tribulation". The dragon scales on his body were shattered, but the 'Tian Chong Lei Jie' was also washing Xuanyuan's body while causing trauma to Xuanyuan. The Dao power contained in "Thunder Tribulation" is transported one by one, absorbed into Xuanyuan's body, and gradually develops resistance to "Tian Chong Thunder Tribulation", and it is precisely because of this that "Tian Chong Thunder Tribulation" can do harm to Xuanyuan. The damage of the body is getting weaker and weaker, and this is the horror of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations' that can eliminate all attacks and kills in the world.

Ye Wushuang watched this scene from afar, and felt that Xuanyuan's physical body was getting stronger all the time. Such subtle changes cannot be felt by people who have not reached the level of Ye Wushuang. She sighed in her heart:

"This Xuanyuan is indeed an extremely terrifying existence. No wonder Yi Pengfei's temperament is full of praise for him. The 'White Tiger Son' seems to be dangerous. I am afraid that it will be difficult for the younger generation of Tianjiao to be able to resist him. , unless you have the supreme ancient art!"

Xuanyuan's body flashed with five-color spiritual light, the power of the five elements was co-operating, and the power of the seven stars blessed his body. In a short time, the power was boundless. Not only that, in his sea of ​​consciousness, a round of clear moon sprinkled Qinghui, and the rotation was ten times , with ten times the combat power, came out quietly, but at this time Wuyang had already killed him, and saw the "Tianyi Ziwei Sword" in his hand rippling out the profound sound of the great way, shaking people's hearts, and condensed purple all over him. The tiny stars, the phantom of the 'Emperor Ziwei' manifested, evolved into the principles of heaven and earth, and they all attacked and killed Xuanyuan.

Qinglong Tianwei is rolling, facing the aura of 'Emperor Ziwei' without fear, the two emperor shadows manifest behind Xuanyuan, the majestic imperial aura resists, making people tremble, only to see Xuanyuan ignoring Wuyang's attack and killing himself Killing the 'White Tiger Son', there is a tendency of breaking the boat.

There was a trace of fear in the eyes of the 'White Tiger Son', and he roared crazily. The tiger roared and shook the sky, and the power of the great way contained in the sound waves shattered the sea water, even those who watched from afar heard This Tiger Roaring man felt like his heart was jumping and his heart was falling apart.

Now the 'White Tiger Son' can only pin his hopes on Wu Yang, and he will fully cooperate with Wu Yang's attack, and it is impossible for him to dodge. The 'White Tiger Son' has already prepared for the worst.

However, at this moment, the "Human Emperor's Brush" on Xuanyuan's dragon claws danced in an instant, and a "Dun" flashed by, and Xuanyuan's body disappeared directly from Wuyang's sight. In an instant, he suddenly felt an extremely terrifying force of destruction attacking from behind him, all of which reflected in an instant, Xuanyuan flashed behind Wuyang with a 'Dun', it was unbelievably fast, unexpectedly, he Gathering the power of the five elements with the dragon's claws, the prestige of the seven stars, and blessing his body with ten times the combat power, even a celestial being would be torn to pieces without the slightest protection. It was such a blow that smashed Xiang Wuyang!

Seeing that Wuyang was about to be split in half from behind, suddenly, the seven fairy rings behind his head shone with infinite light, converging into a killing power, condensed into a point, and aimed at Xuanyuan. If he was cut in half with one blow, Xuanyuan would also be pierced by the terrifying killing power condensed by the seven fairy rings from the center of his brows. The Son of Wuyang is an extremely extraordinary Son of Heaven's Chosen, and at this time he is still Being able to have such a reaction, its terrifying strength can be seen from this.

Xuanyuan's heart sank, knowing that it was impossible to kill him, the dragon body twisted and turned to one side, narrowly dodging that terrifying point kill, even so, Xuanyuan still didn't want to let go. Passing Wuyang, the dragon claw shot like lightning, a blue light flashed past, passing through Wuyang's shoulder blade, blood splashed into the sky, Xuanyuan twisted vigorously with the dragon claw, clicked, and directly took off Wuyang's left arm, and threw it into the It was swallowed by a chaotic black hole, and at Wuyang's broken arm, blood gushed out like a gush.

Wu Yang howled miserably, with a ferocious face, wanting to kill Xuanyuan, but at this moment, a clear shadow stepped into the air against the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', her expression was cold, ice and snow were like frost, she came from the sky , Pieces of hexagonal snowflakes fell down, the chill of each snowflake penetrated into the void, and the crystal cold light shone all over the sky, making people tremble, as if it could freeze everything.

In Luo Zixi's eyes, there was only killing. She looked at Wuyang, and in an instant, the hexagonal snowflakes all over the sky spun crazily, making a terrible whistling sound.

"One hundred thousand days of frost and snow, the lore is full of heaven and earth."

This is the ultimate move of the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion'. Luo Zixi, who is the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique', performed it, and it was even more terrifying. Even though he has seven belief rings, he is not absolutely sure about the joint attack of Xuanyuan and the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky'. He looked ferocious and vicious. He glanced at Xuanyuan and the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', and said coldly:

"'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', I have no grievances with you, yet you dare to kill me, please remember, the next time Xuanyuan meets again is your death date, I will not let you survive."

Pure Yang Xianguang rolled from Wuyang's body, a few rays of blood flashed by, and he escaped directly by means of blood escape. The frost and snow blades all over the sky slashed towards the 'White Tiger Son'.

Seeing Wu Yang's defeat, the 'White Tiger Son' also wanted to escape, but Xuanyuan's reaction was so quick, and he flashed another escape word, and the ten times combat power broke out again, gathering into one claw and directly grabbing the 'White Tiger Son'. There was a puff in the abdomen, blood splattered, and blood gurgled. From the huge body of the white tiger, Xuanyuan directly grabbed a large piece of flesh and blood.


The 'White Tiger Son' was in pain. Facing the 100,000 days of frost and snow that were attacking and killing all over the sky, he felt that the blood in his body was about to be frozen. If he was in his prime, he would naturally be able to resist it, but at this moment he How could it be possible for Xuanyuan and the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Heaven' to be rivals with one enemy and two?

Immediately, the 'Sacred Son of the White Tiger' also used the blood escape method of the 'Battle Heaven Immortal Mansion', and fled from this place through the air, and the whole person was directly submerged in this space.

(PS: I have been taking medicine to regulate my body these days...)

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