Xuanyuan's dragon claws were dripping with blood, and the life breath of the majestic white tiger blood was billowing, extremely strong. He threw a large piece of flesh and blood dug from the white tiger into the black hole that he had derived, making greedy The old man went to devour it, and he was still wearing a fighting ring on Wuyang's left arm. He was afraid that the treasure inside would be indispensable. No matter what, this battle was won, and it was already a privilege to be able to dig out the flesh and blood of these two heavenly pride sons. It was very worthwhile, although they were not beheaded, but as long as the greedy old man obtained the supernatural powers they practiced through their flesh and blood, he could understand their supernatural powers.

Covered by the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', Luo Zixi took a look at Xuanyuan, and said softly:

"Mr. Xuanyuan, you must be careful. I can only help you. Concentrate on surviving the tribulation, and I will protect you."

Xuanyuan nodded, said nothing more, and concentrated on fighting the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', he dared not be careless.

Luo Zixi has withdrawn from the category covered by the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', she has already stepped into the realm of the earth fairy, but it is impossible for her to persist under the cover of the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' for a long time.

Those who had been watching the battle between Xuanyuan and Wuyang, the White Tiger Son, couldn't help being dumbfounded when they saw this scene. Anyway, Xuanyuan turned defeat into victory in just a few snaps of their fingers? It's unbelievable, the appearance of the 'Holy Maiden' was an accident.

However, since Wuyang was able to join hands with the 'Son of the White Tiger' to attack Xuanyuan, it would be of no use for the 'Sage Maiden of Cold Sky' to help.

"Xuanyuan actually won..."

"Yeah, it's too unbelievable. Wuyang and the 'White Tiger Son', the two Heaven's Chosen Sons, are both extremely remarkable. I never thought they would lose so suddenly."

"Xuanyuan's stroke just now is simply a stroke of genius. No matter who it is, he never thought of it."

"Yeah, I always thought that it was right to kill one of the 'Sage White Tiger' first while taking advantage of the heavy damage. As long as I kill the 'Sage White Tiger', and then deal with Wuyang, there is no need to fight two against one."

"But Xuanyuan's goal has always been Wuyang, and the 'White Tiger Son' is just a cover..."

"Unrivaled Tianjiao is Unrivaled Tianjiao, and his fighting skills are beyond our comprehension, but the appearance of 'Holy Maiden' has really helped Xuanyuan a lot. Have you seen it just now? Wuyang seems to have a lot of cards that he hasn't used yet. , but he was severely injured, and he had to face Xuanyuan and the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', so he left, otherwise, Xuanyuan's life and death may still be a matter of choice!"

"That's true, but this 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' is a big difficulty. You see, Xuanyuan is trying to shake 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', but he didn't retreat and counterattack!" Xuanyuan's behavior once again shocked the onlookers .

From the bright stars of the seven stars in the east, there is a real shadow of a green dragon swimming on the seven stars, which seems to echo Xuanyuan, and transmits the vast star fighting energy to Xuanyuan. The body 'hardly shakes' the sky rushes to the Thunder Tribulation', and goes straight up.

I saw the surface of the sea below me, the moment it was hit by the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', it turned into nothingness in an instant, many creatures in the sea died, and countless sea beasts frantically fled towards the distance, otherwise, Once hit, it will be a catastrophe, but water can conduct electricity. I don’t know how many monsters in the sea are not hit by the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', but the conductive force still kills many monsters. The fierce beasts in the sea were stunned, and even electrocuted to death!

The five elements on Xuanyuan's body are co-existing and revolving, and their power is boundless. In the form of a green dragon, he repeatedly punched out the 'Five Elements Reincarnation Fist', smashing the treasure chest in the sky, and smashing the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' that was smashed down one after another. smashed.

Xuanyuan charged straight up, the higher the "Heavenly Thunder Tribulation" the greater the power, and the stronger the power of the Dao Law contained in it, in fact, crossing the Thunder Tribulation is a kind of counterbalance to the heaven, only the power to withstand the heaven , Integrate the law of heaven's punishment into oneself, and only then can one's own strength become stronger!

Everyone saw the green dragon transformed by Xuanyuan, soaring up to the sky, and his whole body was wrapped in blue starlight. He looked up to the sky and screamed, confronted the heavenly law, and shook the heavenly punishment. From his whole body, he punched five elements killing fists , smashing the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' like a heavenly sword into pieces and turning it into fly ash, countless people marveled at the terrifying power of Xuanyuan.

Ye Wushuang looked up at the sky, and only she could see it. At this moment, the dragon scales on Xuanyuan's body were shattered inch by inch, which was obviously dangerous. She frowned and sighed in her heart:

"This son is really determined and resolute. He can be compared with 'Di Shitian'. He could have survived safely, but now he is facing the sky and rushing towards the sky. Obviously he wants to be baptized by a deeper level of heavenly punishment, and he wants to train his body. Punishment, tempering one's body, although it can bring huge benefits to oneself, but risks also coexist. Once any accident occurs, one will die. This is too risky after all. Lei Jie'laid a foundation for himself to resist robbery."

Under the intensive bombardment of the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation', Xuanyuan broke the dragon's body, and the thick green dragon blood flowed out, but he didn't pay any attention to it, and just activated the power of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations', The killing power penetrating into the body is transformed, while the physical body is repaired on its own, echoed by the starry battle qi of the seven eastern constellations, and transformed into a steady stream of battle qi for supply, so there is no fear of exhaustion of the battle qi in the body.

However, the Heavenly Punishment and Killing Dao contained in the "Sky Thunder Tribulation" is too terrifying. It penetrates into Xuanyuan's body and causes great damage to his flesh and blood. It is not so easy to restore it. Fortunately, Xuanyuan has a source The constant starburst battle qi surrender, otherwise, I'm afraid it will be a huge waste!

Xuanyuan used the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations" to continuously transport and transform the Heavenly Punishment and Killing Dao contained in the "Heavenly Thunder Tribulation". In the midst of the violent thunder and lightning, his heart became calmer than ever before, and he carefully felt the heavenly evil. Punish the Dao of Killing, and use the Dao of Killing to transform into one's body, thereby increasing the resistance to the Heaven's Punishment Thunder Tribulation.

Xuanyuan knew that when he stepped into the realm of life immortal, he might lead to an unprecedented catastrophe. If he didn't have a deep understanding of Heaven's Punishment and Killing Dao, he might die a miserable death at that time, so he had to do it at this time. Lay a solid foundation for yourself, and then you will be able to use Dao to protect Dao. This is an excellent opportunity. Even if there is danger, Xuanyuan still does not want to give up. There is no need to say more about the catastrophe.

Xuanyuan activated his seven souls at the same time, forming a line from the tail to the head of the green dragon. The seven souls were closely connected, and they worked together to absorb the principles of the heavenly punishment and thunder calamity. He penetrated his spiritual consciousness into the In the billowing calamity cloud, one can feel the power of this mysterious heaven.

The thunder light flew, the avenue rolled into the sky, and the robbery clouds rolled in. Xuanyuan was immersed in it, carefully comprehending the truth contained in it, and faintly, it seemed that strands of the avenue and heavenly voice were transmitted, all of which were absorbed into Xuanyuan's mind.

"The world is orderly, and the way of heaven is permanent. If you want to enter the Tao, you must first transform into the Tao. Therefore, with the punishment of God, those who survive will prosper, and those who fail will die. Natural selection will allow the fittest to survive..."

Xuanyuan listened to the intermittent Dao Tianyin, and his heart fell into an unprecedented tranquility, trying to understand the mystery contained in that syllable.

"The universe is orderly, and the way of heaven is permanent? What does the universe mean? The universe? Is there really a world outside the territory?"

Xuanyuan was puzzled, but even so, the connection between his physical body and the heaven and the earth has become extremely natural, and it is in harmony with the heavenly punishment thunder calamity, and the damage caused by the "Heaven Chong Thunder Tribulation" to Xuanyuan is getting smaller and smaller. , the originally shattered dragon body is gradually recovering at this moment.

Under the body, many onlookers saw that Xuanyuan was motionless, and the five-color Daoguang on his body was restrained, all of them frowned:

"What's going on here? Could it be that Xuanyuan can't hold on any longer?"

"It seems that he wants to show some limelight. Being so close to Jieyun, the power of 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' is naturally greater. Now that he is sitting there, it should be a sign that he is about to transform."

"That's right, otherwise, how could it be possible to be continuously hacked by the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' and still be able to remain motionless?"

"Oh, what a pity. I didn't expect that another future emperor would fall here. It's really regrettable. Sure enough, this road is extremely difficult. I don't know how many ancient traditions have been passed down since ancient times. All the characters of Tianjiao Shengzi have been turned into bones!"

"It's been seven days. The power in his body has gone from being so strong to now that it seems to be drying up. Could it be that Xuanyuan really can't break the fate of the 'Body of Ten Thousand Transformations'?"

"There is no doubt that he will die. You must know that this person is the root of evil, the incarnation of all evil, and it is just right to die here. If you kill him with the punishment of heaven, he can die in peace."

However, at this moment, Xuanyuan, who was originally in the form of a green dragon, suddenly transformed into his own human form.

At this moment, Xuanyuan's whole body is extremely clean, without a trace of blood stains. On his skin, there is an aura of heaven's punishment and Dao. All the truths are understood.

"Look, Xuanyuan is dying, hahaha, it's really miserable to be beaten back into human form." Many people laughed loudly at the scene, obviously these people were all people who were hostile to Xuanyuan.

However, the moment Xuanyuan stood up, their eyeballs almost fell to the ground.

Xuanyuan stood in the sky, using his body to embody the Dao. At this moment, he was the Dao of Heaven's Punishment.

From the sky chakra at the top of his head, the Daoguang light rolled straight into the sky, and the sky full of "Heavenly Thunder Calamity" could no longer cause damage to Xuanyuan, and what was even more shocking was that the top of Xuanyuan's head actually began to absorb the "Heavenly Thunder" The terrifying lethal power of "Jie" has been transformed into a steady stream of battle energy and integrated into the "Heavenly Punishment Soul".

"It's done, Xuanyuan survived the 'Heavenly Thunder Tribulation' safely, there is no limit, no limit, if he can still step through the three gates of life immortal, earth immortal, and heavenly immortal, can the world compete with him? "

Someone was amazed at the scene!

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