Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 831: Master Tianshuang

After Xuanyuan and his party teleported away, many powerful saint-level figures also urged the teleportation jade platform to escape from this place. After all, the 'East China Sea' is not their own territory, and people have ulterior motives. Naturally, they dare not stay longer, otherwise I'm afraid I don't know how he died. In the "East China Sea" area, even if the two terrifying evil forces, the Thirty-six Heavenly Fiend and the Seventy-two Pirates, are pulled out, it doesn't mean that the others are all Pure and good people, these Tianjiao Shengzi figures, except themselves, no one else will trust.

The beating people dispersed, and the people watching naturally all left, only the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" looked at Xuanyuan's departure direction and sighed empty, as if she wanted to leave with him, but she was afraid of becoming his burden, and some things can only be thought about in her heart after all. She understands very well that everything is too close and the fate will end early. , which may be the best option.

After all, there are so many excellent women around Xuanyuan, Shihou, Yin Zhenluo, Bai Youniang, Fang Yuyou, Zhixie, Mochou, etc. These people have a good relationship with him, but they seldom spend time with Xuanyuan, let alone After I figured this out, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' was relieved, and I could only be Luo Zixi in front of Xuanyuan, and I could only be the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' in front of others.

"Xuanyuan, I hope you have a safe journey." The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' sighed, and then left with a flick of her sleeves. A flicker was thousands of miles away, and now she is planning to return to the 'Hantian Immortal Mansion'. Besides, she didn't know where else to go.

However, almost at the same time, an extremely terrifying aura came chasing after him. The murderous intent was overwhelming, revealing a great hatred, as if the resentment that only his own son had died, made people palpitate, and the terrifying power rolled , rushing and churning, soaring into the sky, it is amazing.

"You first hope that you can have a safe journey!" From the clear sky, above the nine heavens, a purple starburst fell down, piercing the sky. This is the starburst emanating from the Ziwei Emperor Star, Wuyang Stepping out of the void, behind him a phantom of the 'Emperor Ziwei' manifested, standing between the heaven and the earth, with boundless domineering aura and flowing imperial air.

Obviously, he has been lurking for a long time, and he is planning to intercept and kill the 'Holy Maiden' here, and everything is premeditated.

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' raised her eyebrows coldly, she was not afraid, and looked at Wuyang with a little contempt in her eyes:

"'Son of Zongheng', it seems that you have also fallen into the ranks of first-class villains, and joined hands with 'Son of White Tiger' to attack and kill Xuanyuan who is two or three realms lower than yourself. It's fine if you lose, and now you still have face To intercept and kill me, it is in vain for others to call you 'Xiaoyao Daoxian', you can only do such shameful deeds."

Wuyang's expression turned cold, and he said:

"How despicable? I just want to fight you fairly. I've been waiting for you for a long time. Today I want to see how powerful the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Heaven' is. I want to teach you about the power of the 'House of Cold Heaven'." Absolutely learned Taoism."

"Hehehe..." The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' looked very cold, and said: "Really? Then why didn't you dare to come out when Xuanyuan and the others were there just now, but why did you come out to show off your power after they left? Obviously you Afraid of them, alas, you keep saying that you are the 'Emperor Ziwei', you keep saying that you are the future emperor, so it turns out that you are just so determined, so big-hearted, and it will be difficult to achieve it in a lifetime!"

The words and phrases of the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" are like sharp and sharp heavenly knives, breaking Wuyang's heart and stinging Wuyang.

"'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', you don't have to try to break my Dao Heart, Xuanyuan and his party are just relying on the existence of the Supreme Dao Artifact, I will not kill you today, I will capture you alive, and see if Xuanyuan will do it Come to the Zonghengjiao to rescue you, see how deep the bond between you two is! You said that after you fell into my hands, Xuanyuan would risk his life to come to my Zonghengjiao for you Is it the hinterland?" Wu Yang looked gloomy and smiled ferociously. He originally wanted to catch Xuanyuan by surprise and kill Xuanyuan with one blow. If it wasn't because Peng Fei came out suddenly and possessed such a terrifying supreme Taoist weapon, he would have been there long ago. Let's do it!

Wu Yang didn't say any more, the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' in his hand led down the sky full of purple stars, and for a moment, the bright Ziwei stars were like exploding fireworks, extremely beautiful, filling the whole world bit by bit Among them, the Seven Immortal Rings from the back of his head exuded an indescribable divinity, exuding an endless breath of faith. Hundreds of millions of people worshiped and believed in him, making him look like a god.

His body turned into a streak of purple lightning, and at an extremely fast speed, he held the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' and slashed towards the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky'.

With a flash of light in the hand of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', a 'Sky Shuang Dao Sword' appeared. To be able to control the unique one, its power is very terrifying, at the moment it appeared, with a radius of 100,000 feet, the sky was full of snowflakes, and each snowflake shone brightly, revealing the sharp light, making people feel that the body is full of lust. Cracked, as if the muscles, bones, and flesh in the body were to be cut apart, filled with endless pain, followed by numbness, this is an invisible force that kills people.

Centered on the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky", the surface of the deep sea with a radius of 100,000 feet is covered with a thick layer of frost, and the inscribed Dao patterns are gathered on it, and the deep sea under the feet quickly condenses into an ice field. 'The beautiful eyes are shining with a fierce light, which moves the avenue.

The hexagonal sharp-edged snowflakes all over the sky were spinning wildly at a high speed, making a screaming sound, which made the scalp numb. With a finger of the "Sky Frost Dao Sword" in the hand of the "Cold Sky Maiden", the "Cold Sky Immortal Mansion" was activated in an instant One of the lore Taoism inside.

"One hundred thousand days of frost and snow, the lore is full of heaven and earth!"

Countless snowflakes with sharp blades pierced the air and attacked Wuyang, tearing apart the purple starlight, and the terrifying cold air permeated the nine heavens and ten earths. His qi and blood seemed to be frozen, as if he hadn't been a 'Pure Yang Physique' and had a certain resistance to the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique', the situation would have been even more miserable.

The figure of the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' was like electricity, holding the 'Sky Shuang Dao Sword' to meet Wu Yang, the two figures collided and passed by, the clanging sound of the golden sword resounded through the nine heavens, and countless snowflakes seemed to have their own wisdom. Qi attacked and killed Xiang Wuyang, and the seven fairy rings on the back of Wuyang's head were shining brightly, he let out a roar.

Immediately, as if hundreds of millions of people roared together, the terrifying power of faith rolled out, Dao Xuanyin rushed out, turning into waves of ripples, shattering all the snowflakes and sharp blades that attacked him, and the ice island under his feet was also shattered. A trace of cracks began to appear!

'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' didn't take it seriously, cold light flowed from her precious body, penetrating the heart and stabbing one's consciousness, as if looking at her more, the consciousness would be frozen to death, there are countless frosts and snows in the sky , the falling is endless, extremely beautiful, where it falls, everything turns into solid ice, freezing and killing everything, countless sea beasts have no time to escape, turning into ice sculptures, and the life essence in their bodies is swallowed by the sky frost , into the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique', which is a means of fighting to support the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique', but it is not as violent as Xuanyuan's 'Myriad Transformation Physique'. Devouring, she can only absorb life essence purely to replenish herself, which is very rare.

Shackle the other party's life essence from the extreme cathode cold, and then absorb it for your own use. This is one of the methods of the "Sky Frost Immortal Physique".

Even though Wuyang broke through the Tianshuang Xueren who were attacking and killing him with the Dao Xuanyin, there was still a steady stream of Tianshuangxue flying down from the nine heavens, making terrible screams, and the cold air became more and more mysterious. People, all the water elements in the four directions have turned into ice, and the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' definitely occupies a favorable position here, and she and Wuyang once again fought together.

The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' has flying blue hair, her figure is elegant and agile, and she shuttles back and forth in the sky. Purple starlight hangs down from Wuyang's body, covering her whole body. Don't show weakness, the spirit of killing goes straight to the sky.

Thousands of miles of solid ice, thousands of killings, fighting against the purple starlight, fighting back fiercely in Wuyang's killing technique, the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" is not inferior, and even vaguely has the upper hand.

Wuyang's speed is getting slower and slower, and the blood in his body is getting weaker and weaker. In this area, he has no advantage at all. Even if he has condensed the belief of the Seven Immortal Rings, he is still at a disadvantage. Seeing that Wuyang is about to lose, At this moment, from behind him, a phantom of the 'Emperor Ziwei' stepped out of the air, the sky frost and snow blades that were attacking him all over the sky shattered, and the majestic imperial aura billowed, all of a sudden, countless All the frost and snow in the sky can't get close to Wuyang's body.

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' killed decisively, the battle energy from her body was rolling, and the 'Sky Shuang Dao Sword' in her hand was shining with cold light, piercing through the hearts of the people. A phantom of the Dao emerged from it, a masked woman, as cold as ice, with every gesture, it seemed that the whole world would be frozen, which was extremely terrifying.

Wuyang's expression changed, his face became ferocious, and he smiled sinisterly:

"Master Tianshuang, it seems that this should be your last resort. It turns out that the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' is nothing more than that. Today I will show you what is the 'Pure Yang Body' and what is the 'Xiaoyao' Daoxian, do you really think that I, Wu Yang, have been practicing outside for so many years, killing monsters and touching, and suffering life and death for nothing?"

The qi and blood on Yu Wuyang's body that had declined suddenly became incomparably vigorous. His body was billowing with essence and blood, like a round of scorching sun. The pure yang aura radiated, echoing with the phantom of the 'Emperor Ziwei' behind him. Let's fight against the phantom of the Taoist master Tianshuang together!

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