Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 832 Confrontation between two poles!

'Tianshuang Daozhu' is the first generation of 'Skyshuang Immortal Physique', this is an extremely terrifying figure in the realm of the Taoist Emperor, equivalent to the ancient emperor of the human race, it is the beginning of the founding of the 'Cold Heaven Immortal Mansion', An extremely terrifying existence that can challenge the great emperor of ancient times. His power is so powerful that it has laid a solid foundation for the "Hantian Immortal Mansion" in Beizhou, so that the "Hantian Immortal Mansion" has been revolving over the years and has always stood firm in the historical inheritance. This has a lot to do with 'Taoist Master Tianshuang'!

And 'Emperor Ziwei' has a mysterious origin and can echo with the emperor star. Although he is not the lord of a dynasty, he is free and easy in the world. No matter where he goes, he is like the lord of a dynasty. figure.

Now the phantoms of the two figures at the level of the ancient great emperor are crushing each other, the majestic imperial aura is rolling, and the force of the collision is deafening, like thunder from the nine heavens, it makes people's liver and gallbladder crack, and they attack and kill in all directions. The solid ice cracked inch by inch, and the void collapsed piece by piece. Many overseas casual practitioners only dared to watch from a distance, for fear of being involved.

Diwei is too terrifying, and the two are at loggerheads, evenly matched.

Wuyang's sword eyebrows raised, a sinister smile appeared on his handsome face:

"'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' is definitely necessary for you today, don't resist, obediently follow me back to the 'Zonghengjiao' to save you from suffering."

"Stop talking nonsense." The characters of "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" are like swords and knives, with clanging sounds and murderous aura intertwined.

Wu Yang smiled coldly, the pure yang energy rolled from his body, shining golden light, like a round of scorching sun, releasing endless heat, spewing out thousands of brilliant rays, flying towards the nine heavens and ten earths, only to see the sky falling The moment the frost and snow of the sky touched the golden light, there was a collision between the two poles, and both of them collapsed. The originally incomparably cold and hot airflow suddenly became warmer, and the extreme cold and extreme heat collided violently.

"You found the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' by yourself, no wonder I, today I will suppress you until you will never recover, even if the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion' knows about it, they have nothing to say."

At this moment, Wuyang finally showed his strength without reservation. Before that, he was just testing.

At the back of his head, the Seven Paths Immortal Ring erupted with brilliant brilliance, and the mighty power of faith surged into the sky, as if there were hundreds of millions of sentient beings behind Wuyang begging, praying, standing with him, this is an extremely scary scene.

Hundreds of millions of sentient beings jointly curse a person's life and death. Among other things, the power of that emotion is unbearable for ordinary people. Hundreds of millions of sentient beings pray for Wuyang together, and in the dark, their thoughts will become one The mysterious power was used by Wu Yang to help him kill the enemy.

Wu Yang's eyes were shining brightly, and he roared:


Boom... The whole world trembled violently. Behind him, it seemed that hundreds of millions of people followed him and yelled a killing word, which shook the nine heavens and ten earths. All blended together, and the frozen ice under his feet shattered and disintegrated. It seemed that the supreme Taoism of the 'Holy Maiden' could no longer restrain him.

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' has a dignified expression, Wuyang's strength is unquestionable, especially the seven fairy rings behind her head, each of which contains a mysterious power that is unfathomable, extremely powerful, not to mention the huge faith The power of ordinary people is not his opponent at all.

The reason why the decline was revealed just now is because Wu Yang wanted to find out the trump card of the 'Holy Maiden', because for many Tianjiao people, if the opponent's decline appears, it is the outbreak of the trump card, and naturally it is a blow to avoid any accidents.

Attacking later has always been Wu Yang's usual method, first let the enemy underestimate the enemy, find the enemy's shortcomings, and then explode instantly, hitting the target with one blow.

The majestic and mighty power of faith is rolling, condensed around Wu Yang's body, making his body invulnerable, frost and snow hard to hurt, and road hard to damage. His speed is as fast as lightning. The scorching sun, filled with endless light and heat, he carried the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' to attack and kill the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky'.

At this moment, Wuyang's strength erupted without the slightest concealment, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' was still fearless, the 'Tianshuang Dao Sword' was so cold that it seemed to be able to freeze everything, and the breath of the 'Sky Frost Daoist' came out behind him, Daowei is as vast as the sea, and the imperial aura emanating from the phantom of the 'Emperor Ziwei' behind Wuyang suppresses each other.

One ice and one fire, one cold and one hot, pieces of space were frozen, then melted, and finally exploded, shocking the hearts of those who watched from afar, even an ordinary earth fairy would die if he intervened. The attack and killing of these two celestial arrogances was terrifying.

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' and Wu Yang fought hard for a 100-round round, and at the beginning they were already slightly invincible. Wu Yang's 'Pure Yang Body' had no fear against the 'Sky Frost Immortal Body', and Wu Yang could also arouse the power of Ziwei Emperor Star. Power, the intersection of stars and sun, the power is even more powerful, and more importantly, the seven fairy rings, the power is too terrifying, the power of faith, this is a kind of impact on the soul, as if you are facing the gods, it is like facing the gods. When dealing with hundreds of millions of living beings, the involuntary powerlessness derived from the heart is extremely terrifying. The "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" was forced to retreat again and again. If it hadn't occupied a favorable location, the "Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky" would have been unable to hold on long ago.

Even so, she never backed down. From her fairy body, layers of fine frost appeared, which was extremely delicate, beautiful, and shone with crystal luster. I saw this little bit of frost quickly condensed into a protective body. Wearing precious armor, the cold air emitted by it is enough to freeze and kill ordinary seven-rank fighting immortals. At this moment, the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" is urging Tianshuang Baojia to fight against Wu Yang's power of faith. In addition, Wuyang is a 'Pure Yang Body', and the 'Sky Frost Immortal Body' can hardly hurt him, but at least he can't put himself at a disadvantage.

At this moment, the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' became even fiercer. She raised her sword to point at the sky, and used her fairy body to move the avenue. Fighting energy rolled from all over her body. Killing God is heartbreaking.

"The sky is frosty and snowy, the wind returns to the dance, the sky is high and the sun is crystal, piercing the flesh and bones, the nine dragons soar to the sky, and the prison is trapped..."

The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' screamed, from a radius of one hundred thousand feet, on the ice surface formed by the condensed power of the 'Sky Frost Immortal Physique', one after another obscure avenue runes manifested, flowing with light and light, soaring into the sky, cold Awns overflowed the entire world, and one after another water jets shot up into the sky, freezing together with the space, like a huge cage, trapping Wuyang in it, and countless runes manifested.

Those condensed ice surfaces seem to have a spiritual intelligence, and they move, condensing out a series of terrifying ice dragons, with bodies of ice crystals, and the coldness of the sky, with an extremely cold light in their eyes, piercing through the bones of the heart, piercing into the heart. Sea of ​​Consciousness, covered with thorns and ferocious sharpness, dragon claws are sharp, fangs piercing through the bones, if it is stalked by it, even an earth fairy will die, but there are nine such terrifying ice dragons, Pentium tumbling, coming from the sky.

Wuyang raised his brows, his fighting spirit soared to the sky, a momentum that crossed the world rose, and it went straight to the bullfighting. Golden vertical and horizontal golden lines intertwined and evolved, and nine pure yang dragons evolved around him, criss-crossing, making this piece of heaven and earth It became incomparably hot, and at the same time, the 'Ziwei Starburst' brilliance he aroused hung down and shrouded, and merged into the bodies of the nine pure yang dragons. Gold and purple intersected, stars and sun intersected, and there was Ziwei emperor Qi four. Yi, each of them is like a true dragon with purple energy and pure yang, with a mighty momentum, and there is no fear of this day's frost and ice dragon.

From behind the two, Emperor Ying soared out of the sky, driving the nine dragons, attacking and killing each other, criss-crossing, dragons roared and shook the sky, terrifying bombardment sounded one after another, and the fluctuations of battle energy turned into ripples overflowing, and the sea surface below them For a while it condenses into frost, and for a while it is scorching hot like a sea of ​​fire. Two completely different avenue forces collide with each other, two extreme forces conquer.

Wuyang's face was full of confidence, and he was sure of winning. He held the 'Tianyi Ziwei Sword' and killed the 'Saint Hantian'. The girl wanted to trap and kill Wuyang with a big cage, while Wuyang wanted to capture the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" alive with a small cage. As long as the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" was shackled, the big cage would naturally break down.

"Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" held up the "Sky Frost Dao Sword" to slash repeatedly, and the dazzling and sharp Dou Qi slashed in all directions, but she kept chopping the golden Dou Qi strips, and saw the golden net of Wu Yang's Dou Qi moving towards the " The Saintess of the Cold Sky closed in, and the two fought with swords for hundreds of rounds, the weakness of the Saintess of the Cold Sky became more and more obvious.

I saw that the whole body of the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" was wrapped in golden vertical and horizontal battle energy, and there were runes flashing on it, as if there were still the will of hundreds of millions of sentient beings, making it impossible for the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" to do anything.

"What is this?" The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' looked cold, the Sky Frost Ice Dragon he was controlling was entangled by Ziwei Chunyang's deafness, and he couldn't tell the difference to kill Wuyang, and the golden thread that Wuyang displayed The vertical and horizontal battle qi is extremely weird, she has no back-up at all.

"It's okay to tell you, this is the fighting spirit I have integrated into it with the desires and thoughts of millions of living beings in the world of mortals. If you ask me what is the most difficult to cut off in the world, it is naturally the three thousand mortals with seven emotions and six desires. As long as you can't let go of the three thousand mortals, as long as you If you can't let go of Xuanyuan in your heart, you will continue to cut, unless you can condense a sword of wisdom to cut the world of mortals like the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor'..." Wu Yang couldn't stop laughing, capturing the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' alive is just a matter for him. It's just a matter of time.

"You really know how to put gold on your face, what do you imply that no one can kill your golden fighting spirit except the 'Emperor Hongmeng'?" 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' was serious and wanted to delay time, but Wu Yang didn't Not being fooled, he attacked and killed again and again, and the laughter went straight to Jiutian.

"Where do you come from so much nonsense, 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', it's useless for you to delay, Xuanyuan and the others have already left, they can't save you, you should just obediently catch them, tsk tsk, I didn't expect that you are still in the body of Yuanyin, Then I will break your yin body in a while, and nourish my pure yang body, and the blending of yin and yang will definitely bring me to a higher level, hahaha..." Wu Yang's expression was rampant, and there was a burning heat in his eyes , Staring at the 'Holy Maiden', he wants to conquer the 'Holy Maiden'!

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