Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 833 Dilu broke through on his own!

Wu Yang is extremely rampant, humiliating the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' with words, trying to disturb the mind of the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', otherwise, it is really not an easy task to restrain the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' for a while!

'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' raised her eyebrows coldly, and shouted sharply:

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' was furious, and the 'Sky Frost Dao Sword' in her hand erupted with an even more terrifying cold light, sweeping across all directions, freezing the space, and breaking the Golden Immortal.

The moment the streaks of golden vertical and horizontal battle energy were cut off, they were reassembled again, the speed of which was jaw-dropping. Even so, it also delayed the time for the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' to be shackled.

'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' was angry on the surface, but her heart was not angry. She was as calm as water. She had been thinking about how to break through these golden threads, but this kind of fighting energy was too weird. , Unexpectedly, they were all cut continuously, since the seven fairy rings behind Wuyang's head were shining brightly, the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' knew that the secret of this was probably in the seven fairy rings of faith behind Wuyang's head.

"Haha, 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', I want you to be my slave girl and give birth to a child for me. Then I want to see what kind of expression Xuanyuan has." Wu Yang laughed more and more wildly, The golden vertical and horizontal fighting energy on his body continuously rushed out, attacking and killing the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky'.

"'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', don't resist, I will rule the world sooner or later, and then you will be my concubine, what else are you dissatisfied with?"

I saw the golden dou qi impacting on the Heavenly Frost Armor on the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky', and it was resisted and shattered in an instant. Obviously, it is not easy to restrain the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky'.

Wuyang knows that the heart of the 'Holy Maiden' is higher than the sky. If he wants to get rid of the 'Holy Maiden' as soon as possible, he must first break the Dao heart of the 'Holy Maiden'. Every word he speaks contains the profound sound of Dao , dedicated to attacking the mind.

The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' remained unmoved. In a radius of one hundred thousand feet, the runes on the Tianshuang Prison were shining brightly, shooting streams of ice-colored light, shooting and killing the Ziwei Chunyang True Dragon, in the big prison. Among them, the nine Ziwei Pure Yang True Dragons derived from Wuyang began to lose the wind, while in the small cage, the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' fell the wind, and now it depends on who on both sides can't resist first.

"What? Wuyang, are you afraid? I want to see if your nine worms can last longer, or I can last longer. As long as they are shattered, you will be crushed to death in an instant The ashes annihilated and ceased to exist." The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' remained undisturbed in the face of danger, and instead used the voice of the avenue to attack Wuyang's original heart.

Wu Yang smiled and said:

"'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', do you really think that this is all I can do? That's fine, I'm here today to punish you right here, to imprison your supernatural powers, and then to destroy your yin body. Let everyone in the East China Sea know that you, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', are my Wuyang's woman."

As soon as the words fell, the light contained in the seven fairy rings behind Wuyang's head soared into the sky, and another Wuyang evolved.

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' looked condensed, and her heart shook:

"The Dao Body! This is the Dao Body condensed with the power of faith. It has the same strength as Wu Yang, but without the blessing of the Seven Immortal Rings, even so, I can't resist it!"

The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' deeply understands what the appearance of this Dao body means. Wu Yang watched the subtle expression changes of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' and laughed loudly:

"'Holy Maiden', how about it, just accept your fate. If you compromise obediently and double cultivate with me, I guarantee that you will also get great benefits. Otherwise, don't blame me for robbing you with the way of harvesting yin and nourishing yang." Supernatural powers have been cultivated."

The expression of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' was determined, and she was ready for a desperate blow. Seeing her eyes, Wu Yang's expression changed, and said:

"'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', don't get me wrong. You have a great identity, and I can let you go. As long as you cooperate with me and set a trap to capture and kill Xuanyuan, I can still divide his body. The treasure is for you."

If the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' seeks death, Wu Yang will definitely not be able to stop it, and 'Zonghengjiao' will forge a dispute with the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion' because of this. Wu Yang can still measure the pros and cons.

"Wishful thinking, Wu Yang, you will never be Xuanyuan's opponent in your whole life. There is only one end for you, that is, a dog in the water. If Xuanyuan can kill you once, he can kill you a second time. If you are in this state of mind, let alone Great Emperor, you can't even step into the realm of the sages." Every word of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' hurt Wu Yang's heart.

Wu Yang looked very cold, said:

"Do you think Xuanyuan is worth your life?"

"It's worth it." The "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky" clanged forcefully and resounded loudly.

"Okay, then I'll kill you. Let's see if Xuanyuan dares to kill the 'Zonghengjiao' to find me for you." Wuyang looked fierce, the young Tianjiao generation was against the enemy, and killing the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' was a big deal for him. It's nothing, even if you form a bridge with the 'Han Tian Immortal Mansion', it is impossible for the two Immortal Mansions to go to war, but you have to be more careful when you travel in the future, at worst, you will retreat for thousands of years, and when your strength is great, "Han Tian The grand masters of Xianfu' can't do anything to him either.

At this moment, a clear shadow suddenly stepped into Tianshuang's cage without a sound. She was wearing a white gauze, her long hair was like a waterfall, fluttering in the wind, her clothes were fluttering, her figure was agile, and her breath was like dust. Goddess descended, her eyes were full of divine light, Dao was friendly, and Wu Yang was extremely sensitive, and directly shot out golden lines of vertical and horizontal fighting energy, trying to entangle her, but I saw the golden lines of vertical and horizontal fighting energy hitting her The moments on his body were shattered inch by inch, and would no longer be reassembled.

"What, you were able to kill my mortal fighting spirit..." Wuyang looked startled, and looked at the person who came. She knew who this person was, and it was the saint of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', Zhixie.

"What I practice is the way of the world. I have no heart in the world of mortals. How can the things of the mortal world restrain me? You have a fighting spirit in the world of mortals, and you have not yet achieved the Dao. If you can integrate all the three thousand mortals, seven emotions and six desires into it, I'm afraid Unceasing chopping..." Zhixie spoke softly, stepped out of the air, and lotus sprouted every step of the way, and the Daoguang was like rain, turning into thousands of golden threads of fighting spirit. She looked at Wuyang and said slowly:

"'Zongheng Shengzi', why don't you turn the fight into a treasure, and let this matter go?"

"It turned out to be the Holy Maiden Zhixie from the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion', well, since the Holy Maiden Zhixie said so, how could I, Wuyang, not sell the face of the Holy Maiden Zhixie, this time I will let 'Han Tian' go for now Saintess', there is a saying that 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is merciful, does not compete with others, and specializes in fighting with others. When I saw it today, it is really extraordinary. The lineage of 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' inherits the style of Taizu, which is admirable."

Wuyang is no longer a ferocious look, but a refined senior, bowing and saluting, with a warm smile, and the method of changing his face is astonishingly fast.

In fact, Wuyang also understands that Zhixie and Xuanyuan have a very good relationship, and he must not be able to resist the methods of the two saintesses when he came to save the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' this time. Under the steps, he still has a clear idea of ​​the gains and losses. Today, the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' might not be able to be caught. Wuyang felt a great hatred in his heart, wishing to tear Zhizhi to shreds, but he could only behave like this.

"Thank you, Son of Wuyang, for showing me your face, then 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky', you should stop here!" Zhixie looked at the 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' and smiled slightly.

The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' didn't say much, the frost and ice dragons all over the sky dissipated, and the frost prison that day also turned into nothingness in an instant, Wu Yang didn't say anything, and bowed again to Zhixie, saying:

"The Holy Maiden Zhixie must have a lot of knowledge in the way of cultivation. If Wuyang has the opportunity in the future, she will definitely visit the house in person. I hope that the Holy Maiden Zhixie will give me some advice."

"You are always welcome." Zhizhi smiled lightly.

"Haha, okay, since that's the case, I, Wuyang, will take my leave." As soon as the words fell, Wuyang took his Taoist body away and disappeared in front of their eyes. He felt great hatred, this Taoist body was his secret , People who have seen his Taoist body all died, all because Zhixie ruined his plan, he already hated Zhixie to the bone.

"Why did you let him go?" The 'Holy Maiden of the Cold Sky' looked at Zhixie and asked, "You and I will surely kill him if we join forces. Letting him go is letting the tiger go back to the mountain, and it will only be bad for Xuanyuan in the future."

"When is the time for retribution? Junior Brother Xuanyuan carefully entrusted him before he left, and it seems that he guessed it right." Zhixie jade spewed out a few rays of fairy light, which merged into the body of the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Heaven', repairing her dark wounds .

"A person like Wu Yang would not have a heart like yours. He would definitely be detrimental to Xuanyuan. Letting him go would mean giving Xuanyuan another formidable enemy." The 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' bowed to express her gratitude , but expressed incomprehension of Zhixie's behavior.

"Junior Brother Xuanyuan's Emperor's Road was achieved by ourselves, not by us opening the way for him. All we can do is to quietly watch him grow all the way, protect the people around him from harm, and take good care of him." Improving one's own practice is the best help for him." Zhixie's words were gentle, like spring wind turning into rain, moistening things silently, 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' heard the words, seemed to have an epiphany, and was convinced.

"I've been taught..." the 'Holy Maiden of Cold Sky' relieved, and said, "Today I'm lucky enough to be able to meet the Holy Maiden Zhixie, why don't we walk together, talk about the scriptures and Taoism, and discuss how each of us cultivates our hearts and virtues?"

"I can't wish for it..." The two saintesses stepped away, leaving only Wu Yang who was peeping in the dark. His teeth were almost crushed, and he said viciously:

"Two stinky bitches, I want you all to surrender under my feet from now on, Xuanyuan, even if you flee to the ends of the earth and I can't hunt you down, I will never let go of any of your women..."

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