The iron-colored military boots are like a fairy mountain, heavy and mighty, the space they pass through is shattered, roaring to the sky, seeing that Peng Fei is about to be trampled to death, but a young figure quietly appeared in front of Peng Fei, He had a ferocious animal face, no one could see his expression clearly, his hands were behind his back, his breath was calm, and the power of his bloodline made all the soldiers of the Liang family tremble. This is the direct bloodline of Emperor Liang!

"return to!"

His words were short and powerful, and each word clanged like a golden spear and iron horse. Those three words forced the iron-colored military boots to stop abruptly, without any further movement.

"Liang Zhan, people's hearts are sinister. These people have evil intentions. If you kill them, you will kill them. Why are you protecting them? You must know that you are the future helm of my Liang family!"

"Master Thirteen, what kind of meddling do you, an older generation, have in the fight between younger generations? You don't even look at what generation you are, if you kill a few younger generations, if it spreads, it's like throwing my Liang family away! Anyway, you How can you be so shameless when your identity is there?"

Liang Zhan didn't pay any attention to Liang Shisan's words, and asked back, his words were sharp and he didn't give in.

Although his strength is far behind Liang Shisan, Liang Zhan has enough confidence to talk to him. Without him, he is the inheritor of Emperor Liang's bloodline. With his status, there is no doubt that the Liang family will take it as his own. The most important thing is to keep him no matter how big a mistake he makes!

"Liang Zhan, do you know who you are talking to?" Liang Shisan's voice rolled over, deafening people's ears and tearing their guts. Every syllable seemed to contain thousands of troops. Talking to him like this already made him a little angry.

"Liang Shisan, the thirteenth master of the Liang family, led the thirteenth army to quell countless chaos, slaughtered eighteen supreme gods with one man's power, half a foot stepped into the realm of a half-step sage, but so what? What should a person of your status do?"

Liang Zhan stared coldly at the sky, his long hair fluttering, he looked at Liang Xiaoman in the sky, and said:

"Xiao Man, I originally wanted to pass on the position of Patriarch to you, but now your behavior has disappointed me too much. With such a narrow mind, if the Liang family is in your hands, I'm afraid it will go into decline. Liang Xiaoman imprisoned me in the 'Crag of Suffering' and was confined for 30 years to think about my mistakes."

"Obey!" Two elite soldiers of the Liang family rose into the air, they were Liang Zhan's personal guards, and their strength was terrifying.

"I'll see who dares to touch Xiaoman." At this moment, Liang Shisan's voice rolled down, causing the two guards to stagger to the ground and almost vomit blood. Liang Xiaoman is his granddaughter, and all her actions More or less with his hint, Liang Shisan did not have the slightest affection for the ancient royal family!

For a moment, swords were on the verge of breaking out, and the internal conflicts of the Liang family were completely ignited by Xuanyuan and his party. In the past, due to the marriage with the Blue Demons, there were several conflicts within the Liang family, but none of them reached the point of fighting. They couldn't stop arguing, but now they have already started to fight. For the Liang family, tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

"Xiao Man first disrespected Lan Die's guests. I helped her resolve the matter, but I didn't expect her to do such a chilling thing behind my back, splashing sewage on my Liang family's name, If I don't cure her, the Liang family will be ruined in the future? Let me take it down." Liang Zhan's tone suddenly became hardened, and he confronted Liang Shisan without flinching at all.

Liang Zhan's two guards wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths and walked towards Liang Xiaoman's direction. Liang Xiaoman looked terrified and shouted loudly:

"Grandpa, it's clear that the little bitch Lan Die has evil intentions and wants to enter my Liang family and fight for power. She doesn't even look at her own identity. She's just a bastard of mixed blood. She must not be allowed to establish any influence in my Liang family. , Liang Zhan has been confused by her. As a future patriarch, how can he be swayed by a woman? I don’t think Liang Zhan is suitable to be the patriarch of my Liang family. Peaceful coexistence!"

Seeing that Liang Zhan's two guards were indifferent to Liang Xiaoman's roar, Liang Shisan's voice came out again.

"I see who dares?"

Every syllable in his voice is extremely powerful and heavy, like a million troops pressing down on the land, causing the bones of the two guards to be broken, and they are paralyzed on the ground, unable to move. The soldiers of the Liang family were oppressing Xiang Xuanyuan and his party, obviously they had made up their minds to kill them here, the situation was extremely dangerous.

"You don't need to do anything, I just left the Liang family. What you want to do is to force me to leave the Liang family, don't you? Don't worry, starting today, I will leave the Liang family. From now on, I have nothing to do with the Liang family. I hope The Liang family focused on withdrawing the army from my 'Blue Demon Abyss'. Don't think that I don't know what your Liang family's army is planning. On the surface, it mediates the wars of the various ancient royal families, but in fact it is not because you want to contain the battlefield at one hundred thousand. Dashan waits for them to take a share of the pie and reap a lot of benefits when they each suffer heavy losses, but your ideas will only come to nothing, and I will not let you succeed."

Things have developed to this point, Lan Die has no consideration for the Liang family, her voice is full of sarcasm and sneer, she is going all out, and she doesn't believe that the Liang family dares to kill her.

Hearing Lan Die's words, the expressions of many Liang family soldiers changed drastically, and they did not dare to move a little bit. Liang Shisan said slowly:

"Lan Die, don't get me wrong, these people are all harboring evil intentions and inciting you and Xiaoman to fight each other, so they must die. You must know that half of my Liang family's blood is flowing through you. How could it force you to leave? After this incident, I will take you to practice in Emperor Liang's territory, and you should practice hard, hoping to achieve greater achievements."

Liang Shisan obviously wanted to force Xuanyuan and his party to death in front of Lan Die, and he didn't want the Liang family and the Blue Demons to tear each other apart, so he proposed the cultivation emperor realm that only Liang Zhan could enter, and hoped that Lan Die could weigh the benefits in it , think twice.

"Come here, beat these few people who harbor evil intentions and want to cause civil turmoil in my Liang family to death." Liang Shisan never showed up. This is the breath that has been experienced after going through thousands of battles.

"Yes!" In the sky, hundreds of Liang family elites came together, and Xuanyuan and his party were overwhelmed by the terrifying aura. After Liang Shisan appeared and broke the Fengshui dragon, they seemed to have a backbone all at once. , the momentum is getting higher and higher, gathering together, they are completely different from before. At this moment, even if there is a Fengshui dragon, they may not be able to repel them.

Xuanyuan and the others looked grave. It would not be an easy task to escape from the Liang family at this moment, it was too scary.

At this moment, Lan Die stood directly in front of Xuanyuan and his party, and said coldly:

"Whoever you dare to do, I will die in front of you. I will tell my father and queen to kill me. At that time, the Liang family's 100,000 troops will not be able to return. You will pay a certain price."

Liang Zhan was startled, looking at Lan Die with a sad expression, he could understand the anger in Lan Die's heart, but this was not the time to act on his will.

"Lan Die, don't be impulsive, the matter will be resolved." Liang Zhan dissuaded.

"Liang Zhan, have you seen it? This is your blue butterfly. A bastard like this is a bastard, and his heart will always be on the side of the ancient royal family. Forget it, let her bring her people back to the 'Blue Demon Abyss' Well, anyway, it's the same if my Liang family doesn't need her. Don't use my Liang family's army as a threat. If your Blue Demons dare to act rashly, see if my thirteenth grandpa leads an army of one million and razes your Blue Demons to the ground! "

Liang Xiaoman smiled very elegantly, taking pleasure in other's misfortune, this is the ending she would most like to see, this is the best, seeing Lan Die's angry face turn blue, she felt even more indescribably happy.

"Liang! Xiao! Man!" Although Liang Zhan had a ferocious animal face, he still couldn't hide his angry expression. He looked at Liang Xiaoman, and his figure moved at a dazzling speed, until he heard a crisp sound. , Liang Xiaoman fell from the sky like a cannonball, and fell headfirst to the ground, half of the flesh on his face exploded, dripping with blood.

"Liang Zhan, do you dare to hit me?" Liang Xiaoman was almost mad, her eyes were full of blood, she screamed, she never thought that Liang Zhan, who took good care of her since childhood, would make a move Hitting herself made her unable to accept it no matter what.

"Why don't you dare? You are playing tricks on everything. Do you really think I dare not kill you? Liang Shisan, listen to me. I am the bloodline inheritance of Emperor Liang. If you have the ability today, kill me, otherwise If so, get away with me." As soon as Liang Zhan finished speaking, he looked at Lan Die and said:

"Sister Lan Die, I hope you don't get angry and implicate others in this matter. Half of the Liang family's blood flows in your body. I always recognize you. You can bring a few brothers back to the Blue Demon Clan together. Nowadays, among the ancient royal families, there is quite an unrest. The Liang family's army is stationed in the 'Blue Demon Abyss' just in case. I don't want the flames of war to spread beyond the 100,000 mountains and make the people of Li suffer. I hope you can put the overall situation first and distinguish the pros and cons That's good!"

"Okay, Brother Liang Zhan, I'll give you some face." Lan Die's eyes were full of mist, and this day has finally come. The Liang family can't accommodate her, so she can only leave. I don't want to get too fussy with the people in Liang's family, but at this point, she has nothing to do. If she stays, Xuanyuan and his party will not be able to keep them at all. It is she who called them in, and now let them face such a situation. The danger, Lan Die is already very difficult to get through.

Looking at the earth fairy powerhouse Lan Die's heart solemnly, he looked at Liang Shisan, as if he was waiting for his order at any time. There are many elite fighters in the 100,000 army on the "Blue Demon Abyss". The soldiers who had followed Liang Shisan for many years suffered huge losses, and he was weighing the relationship in his heart.

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