In the four directions of the 'South Palace', the fighting spirit was rising, and the murderous aura was pervading, covering the four directions, forming a blockade. They didn't want any fish that slipped through the net to escape, and they wanted to kill Xuanyuan and his party. , Because of their counterattack, the soldiers of the Liang family suffered a lot of losses. For them, occupying the geographical advantage could not hurt the enemy at all, and killing and injuring dozens of life immortals and earth immortals was a great deal for them. shame.

Liang Shisan hid in the dark, and there was a kind of extreme heat in his eyes. The reason why he insisted on killing Xuanyuan and his party was because he felt that the supernatural powers they cultivated were not simple, especially that Peng Fei could hook The power of dragon veins and feng shui that moves this place makes him very interested. Originally, he also thought that these people could be easily destroyed, but now they seem to have extraordinary supernatural powers, and of course he wants to keep it for himself.

The supernatural powers of Fengshui thaumaturgy were originally handed down very little, and now he has such a rare opportunity, he doesn't want to let it go.

But Lan Die's attitude was beyond his expectation. If Lan Die was pushed too hard, the gain would not be worth the loss. Everything was just as Lan Die said, in fact, although the Liang family went there under the banner of mediation, in the end The important purpose is to control the battlefield within the 100,000 mountains, so that several ancient royal families can kill each other. As long as any of the ancient royal families is on the verge of collapse, the 100,000 Liang family army will rush forward like a group of lions and tigers. Be the straw that breaks the camel's back and rob them of everything they've accumulated over the years.

The 100,000 troops are all the elite among the elite. Liang Shisan has nine thousand men under his command, seven thousand life immortals, eighteen earth immortals, and two hundred heavenly immortals. confidant.

The purpose of letting them go is to take advantage of the fire as much as possible, and now they are all in the "Blue Demon Abyss", which has the god-king restrictions and feng shui terrain left by the god-kings of the Blue Demon Race. Dajun, if they are shut down and beaten, the final fate will only be turned into ashes, and there will be nothing left.

The horror of "Blue Devil Abyss", Liang Shisan knows well that it is not unreasonable for the Blue Demons to arrange the Liang family's 100,000 elites in the "Blue Devil Abyss". The sharp sword can cause fatal damage to them. Only in the 'Blue Demon Abyss' can they be safe. Regarding this point, the Liang family has always been brooding. , if you do this, it can only be said that the two companies do not trust enough, which is one of the biggest reasons why Landie will be treated like this.

One hundred thousand troops of the Liang family stationed in the 'Blue Demon Abyss', the leaders of the Liang family pretended not to know the deep meaning of the Blue Demons. They understood that this was a means of self-protection for the Blue Demons. It means to take refuge, but the deeper meaning is to let Lan Die take hostage in the Liang family to show their sincerity. People have to bow their heads under the eaves. Lan Die has always understood this truth, so despite any gossip , she tried her best to bear it, but now she can't bear it anymore.

Lan Die's resolute attitude made Liang Shisan finally retreat. From Liang Shisan's point of view, even if Pengfei Xuanyuan and his party had some supernatural powers, they couldn't compare to the elite confidantes he had cultivated for many years. If Lan Die is really forced to death, everything will be irreparable. Since the Blue Demons dared to arrange the 100,000 Liang family army in the "Blue Demon Abyss", they had already expected the possible step of turning against each other. If Lan Die is forced to death, the lives of the Liang family's 100,000 troops on the other side are in danger.

The Blue Devils' wrists, the Liang family knew very well. On the side, Liang Xiaoman was stepped on the ground by Liang Zhan, with an expression of anger on her face, but she was helpless because her supernatural powers were restrained by Liang Zhan's secret techniques. Even her ability to speak It's all gone. This is the control of the Liang Emperor's bloodline over the supernatural powers cultivated by the Liang family members. It is used to suppress the rebellion of the Liang family members. Only those who have inherited the Liangdi bloodline can use it!

At this moment, the atmosphere froze, and Liang Shisan's figure gradually appeared from the sky. His iron-colored battle armor was covered with ferocious animal faces, as if tens of thousands of beasts were roaring and roaring, and there were ancient patterns of the avenue flowing on it. , This is the best set of middle-grade Taoist implements. It is only one step away from stepping into the upper-grade Taoist implements. It is no small matter. The materials are all rare and refined. Rhyme, this is the perception of the ancient sages, it is extremely rare to integrate into it.

Liang Shisan's figure is tall and straight, tall and mighty, with a hulking back, eyes like knives, two sword eyebrows, and black and white long hair, each of which is full of sharpness and fierceness. He feels like a mountain of soldiers, as if Every look in his eyes, every movement, has the feeling of millions of soldiers hidden in his body, which is extremely compelling. This kind of temperament can only be bred and nurtured by countless conquests and continuous honing from the fighting of hundreds of millions of troops. made.

Liang Shisan looked at Lan Die, and asked slowly, saying:

"Lan Die, do you really decide to leave the Liang family for these irrelevant people? You have the blood of my Liang family flowing in your body. I really don't want you to leave the Liang family. Besides, you are super-savvy, and your roots are so strange. I have always wanted to bring you into Emperor Liang's realm to practice hard for a period of time, and after a few years, you will definitely have a breakthrough, so don't let my painstaking efforts go to waste!"

"Really? One bit of a bitch, one bit of a bastard, I really can't see that the Liang family treats me as their own son and daughter, and there is no need to pretend to be acting. If Liang Xiaoman doesn't get the support of these people behind you, she will be safe." Dare to do that?" Lan Die looked at Liang Xiaoman coldly, at this moment Liang Xiaoman who was stepped on by Liang Zhan couldn't help but trembled, Liang Shisan's eyes just glanced at Liang Xiaoman lightly, and her whole body was shocked. He was sent flying out, spit out a mouthful of blood, and passed out immediately.

"Lan Die, what you said is a bit biased. I never let her do this. It's just that Xiao Man is spoiled by me, so don't worry too much about her words. I know Lan Die is kind-hearted. , I will definitely not want to plot anything in my Liang family, these people must be instigating you, so this time I just want to kill them, and give my Liang family peace!"

Liang Shisan looked at Xuanyuan and his party coldly. Why did Xuanyuan have such a powerful physical body that could kill the strong Earth Immortals at Rank 7 Fighting Immortals? To be able to mobilize such a huge force of feng shui to fight for themselves, all this can only prove that what they practice is absolutely the supreme Taoism, the supreme thaumaturgy, Liang Shisan is very coveted in his heart, and he has not given up until now , planning to attack them.

"They met me by accident, and I felt that I had a destiny with them, so I invited them into my Liang Mansion as guests. You don't have to put a high hat on their heads, anyway, I will take them away. As for the 'Blue Demon Abyss', don't worry, we I will not involve the 100,000 troops of the Liang family in the private affairs of the younger generation, and my royal father will not let me mess around. Even if I can, I will give brother Liang Zhan face if I don’t give you face. Public is public, private is private , I can still distinguish clearly.”

Lan Die looked at Liang Shisan coldly, who could know the bitterness in her heart, the reason why Xuanyuan and his party were invited was not because she was worried about the safety of 'Emperor Liang City' from the bottom of her heart? In the end, kindness was treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, which made Lan Die completely cold-hearted towards the Liang family, and didn't want to stay here for a moment!

"..." Liang Shisan nodded and didn't say anything more. Lan Die's identity is sensitive, so she can't be moved, and she has a strong personality. As for Peng Fei and Xuanyuan's group, in Liang Shisan's view, as long as they send someone to follow them secretly, as long as they separate from Lan Die, they can still kill Lan Die halfway, and then everything will still be his own.

"In that case, if you want to go back to the Blue Devils, go back and be careful along the way."

As soon as the words fell, Liang Shisan glanced at many Liang family soldiers and disappeared in front of everyone. It wasn't that he didn't want to use force, but that the ancestors from another line of the Liang family also came, but they didn't show up.

"Guys, I, Landie, am sorry for you. If you want, you can go back to the Blue Demon Clan with me. By then, you will have a deeper understanding of the ancient royal family. I think this is the compensation I can make to you. !" Lan Die looked at Xuanyuan and his party, her pear-blossoming rainy face was full of apology, she never thought that the matter would develop to such a point, this matter made her lose face.

"Hehe, it's okay, Miss Lan doesn't have to blame herself for all this has nothing to do with you. We should be grateful for you being able to protect us like this. There is no reason to blame you. We just want to enter the Hundred Thousand Mountains. Miss Lan returned to Lan The demon race just fits our wishes, and there will still be a lot of things that need to be pointed out by Miss Lan." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, his gentle smile made Landie feel a lot more comfortable, and fortunately Xuanyuan and the others didn't take offense, otherwise, she would really I feel that I can hardly raise my head to face them.

"Yeah, Sister Landie, don't blame yourself, it's not because of you, but that old man named Liang Shisan, seeing my brother Su Xuan and Peacock Xiaoming's supernatural powers are weird, coveting their supernatural powers Means, so I borrowed the conflict between you and Liang Xiaoman to trouble them! Speaking of which, it doesn’t have much to do with you!” Mo Chou smiled, and unabashedly expressed Liang Shisan’s thoughts , Let Liang Zhan suddenly realize that the fighting power of Xuanyuan and Pengfei is indeed extremely terrifying, and everyone is innocent and guilty.

Liang Zhan sighed, looked at Yan Ziyun with some deep meaning, paused, and said slowly:

"Sister Landie, be careful all the way. When I become the Patriarch, you are welcome to come back at any time."

"Thank you brother Liang Zhan, then we will leave." Lan Die and Xuanyuan and his party bowed their hands and said goodbye, and then sent the jade platform out of Lan Die's fighting ring together, and instantly moved it towards the direction of Shiwan Dashan. go.

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