Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 853 Ten Thousand Transformation Tactics

It is less than ten days before the start of the "Stone Gambling Contest", and the time is very tight. Without the time restriction of "swallowing years", it is impossible to complete the description of the terrain, and Xuanyuan does not intend to describe the terrain at the beginning , I have stepped into the realm of the Seventh Rank Fighting Immortals, and I must calm down to practice.

So Xuanyuan spent more than a year cultivating supernatural powers and condensing the "Heavenly Soul", Xuanyuan knew that his own strength is too low now, at least in this "Stone Gambling Competition", it is not enough to look at at all, even if I have a peerless source of spirituality and a source of alien immortals, but the terrain depicted by my current strength will be greatly reduced relatively. Much stronger than now!

When practicing supernatural powers, the greedy old man gave Xuanyuan several choices. One is the supreme Taoism practiced by the "Swallowing Emperor", and the second is the "Zonghengjiao" to practice the supreme supernatural power of "Heavenly Chong Soul". After a while, Xuanyuan finally chose the "Qinglong Taoism-Qinglong Soaring to the Sky Chapter" passed down to him by Qinglong.

Considering the existence of Huang Yuechan, Xuanyuan had to practice "Azure Dragon Taoism". Joining hands with her, the power of attacking supernatural powers is extremely terrifying. Ordinary Taoism can't resist it at all, so Xuanyuan put I have practiced all the seven souls of "Qinglong Taoism", because Xuanyuan has now stepped into the realm of seven-turn fighting immortals, and it is very simple to practice the previous six souls. "It took Xuanyuan more than a year, and finally let him step into the peak realm of fighting immortals of seven ranks, only one step away from the realm of immortals!

It was pitch black in all directions, as if being in a starry universe, Xuanyuan sat cross-legged in it, with dragon aura lingering around him, every inch of his body contained vast dragon power, surrounded by dragon chant, It is obviously a human body, but it looks like a giant dragon coiled up. Peng Fei stood outside the restriction of "swallowing the years" and watched, watching the rapid passage of time and the soaring power of Xuanyuan, which made him feel horrified:

"This Qinglong inheritance is really no small matter. If this kid can safely step into the realm of life fairy, I am afraid that he will soar into the sky. At that time, the sea will be as wide as the fish, and the sky will be as high as the bird. Even if he can't do anything to others, It is not an easy task for others to kill him!"

Pengfei knows very well what it means once Xuanyuan enters the realm of immortality. In the realm of immortality, changing one's destiny against the sky, from seven-turn fighting immortals to immortality, is a transformation of life, a great leap, and a great leap forward. The starting point for the pursuit of longevity, only those who have stepped into the realm of immortality are qualified to pursue longevity, and immortality is the first threshold for the pursuit of longevity!

However, since ancient times, as long as the heaven-defying physique has stepped into the realm of destiny immortals, there will be earth-shaking changes. Just as Xuanyuan stepped into the realm of fighting immortals, he can evolve into anyone's appearance. After comprehending the "Wanhuashen Method", you can use your own hair to evolve avatars, from the fourth turn to the seventh turn Douxian, but Xuanyuan's understanding of the "Wanhuashen Method" has become more profound. It's more comfortable to stand up, and it's just to consolidate Xuanyuan's understanding of the "Wanhuashen Method".

Now Xuanyuan has been able to evolve nine selves, and the strength of each one is in the realm of fighting immortals at the third turn.

"Hahaha, it's only one step away from stepping into the realm of Destiny Immortal, boy, as long as you step into the realm of Destiny Immortal, "Wanhua Body Technique" will definitely make a further leap forward!"

Xuanyuan felt emotional in his heart, and said:

"When will I be able to comprehend the "Water Technique of Ten Thousand Transformations", it's so powerful that it can actually evolve the tactics of the heavens, this kind of supreme Taoism is too heaven-defying!"

"What? Could it be that you have already touched the "War of Ten Thousand Transformations"?" The greedy old man was very surprised when he heard this. At the beginning, he thought that Xuanyuan might comprehend the "Fat of Ten Thousand Transformations" first, but Xuanyuan did it first. Ten Thousand Transformation Body Technique, now Xuanyuan has touched the edge of "Ten Thousand Transformation Warfare". It has to be said that his comprehension is very good. In "Swallowing Dao Jue", even if he comprehends only one kind, it is enough to be used for life. exhausted.

"Well, when the "Wanhua Tianchong Method" was completed, I faintly felt the boundless fighting spirit, and evolved thousands of fighting methods, but I still couldn't catch it. It seems that now I can only use "Wanhuashen Method" first. "Consolidate first, what kind of changes will the "Wanhuashen Method" produce when I step into the realm of destiny? Now I can evolve nine selves, but the strength is too weak, and I can only fight in the third round. Although the realm of immortals can be compared to ordinary Rank 5 Fighting Immortals, they still cannot help me in battle!"

Xuanyuan felt that the "Ten Thousand Incarnations" could not help him when he was fighting the enemy. Even if he could evolve nine incarnations, it was still not the enemy's general, it was nothing, but it was spying on information and creating chaos. , when attracting the attention of the enemy, it is quite easy to use, but the distance from the incarnation of the "Swallowing Emperor" and the scene of the battle with many quasi-emperor-level Tianjiao is completely different and unreachable. At this moment, Xuanyuan Once again, I felt the huge gap between myself and the 'Emperor Devourer'.

"There's no such thing as flying to the sky. When you step into the realm of the immortal, you will get better!" The greedy old man was vague, and Ren Xuanyuan asked him, but he only answered Xuanyuan:

"It's useless for you to ask me. After all, you have to rely on yourself to comprehend and find this path."

Xuanyuan stopped asking any more questions, and began to settle everything he had experienced, as well as various perceptions during cultivation, especially those three mysterious ancient characters, which were the most important thing. The dragon that day The claws made it difficult for Xuanyuan to let go, and Xuanyuan really wanted to find another time to see what kind of existence that dragon was.

After three months, Xuanyuan seems to have a deeper understanding after precipitation, but it is still impossible to decipher the meaning of its words. Even so, it still brings a lot of help to Xuanyuan. There is no small help.

After Xuanyuan settled down, he began to describe the peerless spiritual source that Peng Fei gave him. During the drawing, twelve black holes manifested around Xuanyuan, like a bottomless pit, swallowing the incomparably thick cultivation room, looking in all directions A steady stream of battle energy crazily poured into Xuanyuan's body, and the corners of Peng Fei's eyes twitched:

"Damn it, this kid is simply a pervert. No wonder all the powers in the world want him to die. Now he is only in the realm of Rank Seven Fighting Immortals, but he has such power. If he is my enemy, I don't want him to live anymore, but it's a pity that I can only be in the same boat with this kid in my hard life, Daoist, and I'm also a fallen person at the end of the world..."

Xuanyuan took out the 'Renhuang Brush' and used the 'Renhuang Brush' to describe his own understanding. Every stroke and painting of Xuanyuan was extremely delicate. He also wants to learn something from it, otherwise the 'tuition fee' will be paid in vain, time flies, eight days have passed outside, and more than two years have passed inside.

It took Xuanyuan nearly a year to finish describing the terrain that he wanted to portray. During the process of depicting, Peng Fei was very frightened:

"Xuanyuan is really talented, and he can continue to grow when he is depicting the terrain. Daoist, if I accidentally fall into the terrain he depicts, I will lose a lot of skin if I don't die. It's too insidious. , is too despicable, too shameless, no wonder he can get the inheritance of 'Da Luo Immortal Emperor', it really is not unreasonable!"

When he finished drawing the terrain, Xuanyuan settled down for three days and three nights, and finally felt that he was only one step away from the fateful immortal.

Xuanyuan asked the greedy old man to remove the 'Swallowing Years', and looked around, only to see that the crystals that originally exuded extremely thick heaven and earth battle qi were now dim, with only a trace of battle qi flowing, and the place where Xuanyuan was sitting A battle qi crystal bed directly becomes like a stubborn stone. It can be said that the entire training room is close to being scrapped except for the "Great Zhou Tian Fu Ze Da Xian Shi" which is still in operation.

"Hahaha, Brother Xuanyuan, if people from the 'Nine Cauldron Chamber of Commerce' knew about it, their faces would turn green. This is a training room that is enough for a supreme celestial being to practice continuously for ten years. You actually only use It took two years, and it seems that depicting the terrain is quite expensive!"

Peng Fei gloated and wanted to see what kind of expressions people from the 'Jiuding Chamber of Commerce' would have when they saw this training room.

"Well, it's also fortunate that there is enough fighting energy in the world here, and this training room that can be provided to the supreme immortal is really not built." Xuanyuan was also very emotional in his heart. Compared with Pengfei, Xuanyuan still has a little more conscience. I lived for free, and I scrapped such a training room, Xuanyuan felt a little bit sorry, if it was at the cost of consuming pure spiritual sources, that would be an astronomical figure, which saved Xuanyuan a lot. expenses.

"Hahaha, brother Xuanyuan, do you think we should go? After all, this is someone else's place, and it's not good to live for too long..." Peng Fei laughed a few times, Xuanyuan nodded, deeply thinking Of course, there is of course a bit of a guilty conscience.

"Well, Brother Pengfei really knows this well. It's time to go. After all, it's someone else's place. It's inappropriate to disturb you for a long time..."

As a result, Xuanyuan and Peng Fei walked out of this practice room without bothering the four women in the opposite practice room.

After half a day, when Mu Mu entered this practice room, he saw that the four walls were exhausted, and there was not even a trace of vindictiveness flowing, which made him dumbfounded, and he sat on the ground, stunned for a long time.

This is a practice room where you can earn 10 billion Celestial Coins if you live in it for one day. Of course, this is the calculated price after taking everything into account, considering what the cultivator may do in it.

"Damn it..."

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