Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 854 Jiang Yan

In the "Nine Cauldron Chamber of Commerce", in the training room where Xuanyuan and Pengfei were, there was only poor wood left, sitting on the ground, stunned, and finally came back to his senses and yelled cheating. Obviously at this moment, he still incredible.

He still didn't understand why the practice room that could be provided to a supreme celestial being who practiced continuously for ten years day and night would be exhausted in just eight days. What is going on? How terrible it is to be able to do this!

The instigators, Xuanyuan and Pengfei, had already gone shopping in the 'Southern Deserted City'.

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, the cool wind blows slightly, and the willow branches on the shore of the lake are gently swaying. The lake is sparkling, and there are lanterns floating, which is extremely beautiful. The sound of singing is quiet and elegant, like the sound of nature, intoxicating, and there is a great rhythm in the song. It is clear that the singing woman has a very high level of cultivation. Xuanyuan and Pengfei are quite amazed, and they want to go and have a look. .

The night of the 'Southern Deserted City' is extremely bustling, with brightly lit lights everywhere, and the sound of noise can be heard endlessly. There is a lot of traffic, in twos and threes, or groups of monks, talking loudly about what the 'Stone Gambling Competition' will be like tomorrow. scene, pomp.

Most of these monks are from all over the world. Let them hear the news of the "Stone Gambling Competition" and gather in this "Southern Deserted City". This is a feast that is rare in a thousand years. To try their luck, some want to witness this feast of stance technique duel with their own eyes. In their opinion, this "Stone Gambling Contest" is not as simple as it seems on the surface, and there will inevitably be extremely cruel stance technique killing There are many people who want to observe and see if they can gain anything. Even if they can't face the practitioners of martial arts in the future, they can know how to avoid the opponent's ultimate move.

"Do you know? It is said that this time people from 'Shiting' are also here."

"I know, and that 'Shiting' Tianjiao has appeared in front of the public, and has had a head-on collision with Qu Zhi's son, Qu Zhi, this is the first person who dares to go against Qu Zhi, Those Tianjiao Shengzi figures who came from all over the past few days, came here, they all went to visit Qu Zhi first, how can there be anyone like him, it is simply a mistake!"

"That's true. This person is too ignorant of the rules. I want to ask, are you talking about that silver-haired man named Su Xuan?"

"That's right, it's him. Do you think there is anyone else who can have such a big ostentation besides the Tianjiao in the 'Shiting'? The four women around him are all saint-level figures. The daughter of 'Princess Wencheng' back then, Princess Landie, this is the most intriguing place!"

"I think so, besides 'Shiting', is there any other powerful force in the human race that can be so friendly with the ancient royal family?"

Xuanyuan couldn't help but laugh when he heard the words. These people's imaginations are too rich. Peng Fei, who was at the side, was beaming, as if he had nothing to do with him, and gloated and said:

"Boy, it seems that you have suffered. You have somehow become the proud son of the "power court". I am afraid that many people will target you. This hat is really not ordinary!"

Xuanyuan was also very helpless in his heart, and he didn't know who was the one who suffered a thousand knives, and even said that he was the proud son of the "Shiting", who would practice "Great Power Ancient Art" for him, Xuanyuan really wanted to jump out and scold their whole family. Stupid, but I held back, after all, this is someone else's territory.

However, at this moment, someone yelled and pointed at Xuanyuan:

"Look, Su Xuan, the proud son of 'Shiting', has finally appeared!"

Immediately, many people were attracted by the voice, Qiqi looked at Xuanyuan and Pengfei, and someone immediately responded on the spot:

"That's right, this is Su Xuan, and the immortal monk beside him is the one who walks with him."

Inexplicably, Xuanyuan suddenly became the focus of countless people's attention. Regarding this incident, Xuanyuan had no knowledge at all. He didn't know that the instigator of this incident was Qu Zhi, not someone else.

Even if Lan Die is something he can't deal with, but for Qu Zhi, Xuanyuan doesn't make any difference whether he is the arrogant of the 'Power Court' or not. In the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', he wants to punish anyone he wants. Who, this is unquestionable, a question that no one can resist, without him, 'Kirin sends a child', named by a sage, this weight is enough for the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' to train him as an important minister of the humerus, and it will be inevitable in the future Will become the pillar of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'.

Qu Zhi is only ten years old now, yet he has achieved such an astonishing achievement. He is known as the number one arrogance of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' and a figure of the young emperor level. It's very laissez-faire, because such a genius has been extremely rare since ancient times, so Qu Zhi has great powers in the "Southern Deserted City", calling the wind and calling the rain, omnipotent, and no one will stop his behavior. Lan Die gave a lesson to the public that day. It was the first time for him to be taught a lesson in Qu Zhi's life, which made everyone very emotional. I am afraid that only Princess Landie dared to do this. Others, even if they are characters of the older generation, who would not sell such Qu Zhi a little bit of face?

"I didn't expect him to dare to appear. Do you know what he said? It's really disgusting!"

"I know, he said that he would crush everyone to death with his power, that his power is unique, and no one is his opponent."

"Not only that, but he also said that even if he doesn't use power techniques, with his own cultivation supernatural powers, he is enough to overwhelm the younger generation, and there are not many people in the older generation who are his opponents, unless they are the figures of the supreme celestial beings!"

"It's too arrogant. Even if he is the Son of Heaven's Proud Son of the 'Shiting', how dare he be so arrogant? I don't know what is meant, and I don't know how high the heavens are!"

"However, the organization 'Shiting' is so mysterious, no less than organizations such as 'Six Paths', 'Samsara', 'Immortal Life' and 'Tianji', it does have his arrogance."

"Hmph, it depends on where the arrogance is. This is the 'Southern Desolation City', not in his 'Shiting' territory. I want to meet him for a while to see if he is that powerful."

These remarks quickly spread among the crowd, Peng Fei laughed heartily, and said to Xuanyuan:

"Brother Xuanyuan, it seems that you are really in big trouble this time, and you have suddenly become the target of public criticism. I am surprised, who is it that has a deep hatred for you, who spread such remarks, and brought you such an embarrassment?" Tall hat!"

"He's trying to crush me to death. Who else is there besides Qu Zhi? Don't look at him as only ten years old. This kid is extremely scheming, cruel, and unscrupulous. With his status in the 'Southern Deserted City', It's not hard to spread that kind of bad news about me, and I can't think of anyone else who would do it."

Xuanyuan's heart is like a bright mirror. Back then, Qu Zhi's heart hated him to the core. He had the supernatural power of "killing life and entering reincarnation". He listened to his heart with humanity. He took revenge on Xuanyuan afterwards, but Xuanyuan never expected that he would choose this method. It was indeed a murder without blood, it was so vicious, and there was no one else but him.

Xuanyuan performed 'Killing into Reincarnation' again, and listened to the voices of those people with humanity:

"I didn't expect this person to be the arrogance of 'Shiting'. It's no wonder that there are four saint-level figures around me. It's really enviable. It seems that 'Shiting' has grown to a very terrifying level!"

"Such an arrogant kid, even if you can't kill him, you still have to teach him a lesson, otherwise, I won't be ashamed, even if you are the "powerful" arrogance, you can't be so defiant!"

"How dare you offend young master Qu Zhi, regardless of whether you are the "Sheng Ting"'s proud son, I will definitely let you die without a place to bury you."

"No one who dares to offend Young Master Qu Zhi will end well. Now that there will be a good show, this Su Xuan will die in an ugly way."

"The young master is indeed wise and powerful. He knows that this man is a romantic man. When he comes to the 'Southern Deserted City', he will eventually come to the 'Nan Tianhe'. If he wants to find Jiang Yan and Fang Ze, let us wait here for his appearance. Spread rumors, hey, now that young master Qu Zhi is discussing scriptures with Jiang Yan, this Su Xuan's life may be in danger..."

When Xuanyuan heard the voices of these people, he did not expect that Qu Zhi had indeed come to murder him, but who was this woman named Jiang Yan? In the end, Xuanyuan once again used the humane method of "killing life into reincarnation" to read people's hearts, and then he knew It turns out that Jiang Yan is a woman who is no less beautiful or talented than "Princess Red Bean", but she was born in a place like "Nan Tianhe". 'Princess Red Bean' on par with...

'Nan Tianhe' is the only romantic place in 'Nanhuang City'. The name of Jiang Yan is the best in 'Nanzhou Dynasty', ranking first among the seven beauties of 'Nan Tianhe'. She commanded all beasts and won the love of countless monks, but until now, she has always been in her boudoir, and no monk can win her favor. The people chasing her are like crucian carp crossing the river, endless , even if it is straight and straight.

Although Qu Zhi is young, his heart is higher than the sky. He covets Jiang Yan very much. He visits Jiang Yan from time to time to ask for advice on cultivation. However, Jiang Yan always treats him as a child and has no other thoughts, which makes Qu Zhi want more. To conquer Jiang Yan.

Tonight, the 'Nan Tianhe' is particularly lively because the sons of Tianjiao from all over the world gather here. After hearing the name of 'Nan Tianhe' Hua Kui Jiang Yan, many people come here admiringly. People who come here want to watch a show and see the battle of the Son of Heaven's Pride.

At this moment, there was a voice like thunder:

"Su Xuan, I heard that you said that with your own strength, you can overwhelm the younger generation of Tianjiao Shengzi. Even if it is the older generation, no one is your opponent except the Supreme Heavenly Immortal. I want to see it today. Just how powerful you are, let's see if you, the arrogant of the 'power court', have earned your name..."

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