Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 875: The Final Showdown of the Azure Dragon Group

"Kong Daode, he actually gave up. It's unbelievable that a person of his level actually gave up. Isn't he afraid that he will be shackles in the future?"

"Hehe, it's nothing. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. For a man of his kind, winning or losing is not very important."

Countless people still find it difficult to accept Kong Daode's words. If Kong Daode wins this match, everyone will feel that this is a matter of course, but Xuanyuan won. This is what people look forward to The gap is huge.

There are only two source stones in this game, let the stone gamblers compete for them, Kong Daode has no choice, Xuanyuan has already cut one of them, if the value contained in that source stone is greater than the "Yuanying holding stone" ', he would not choose the latter.

"Master Su, I lost this match. I hope you will work hard in the next match. As long as you can win the next match, then you will be able to become the representative of the Qinglong team and reach the 'Nanhuang Emperor Temple'. Show your skills."

Kong Daode had a warm smile and a gentle voice, as if an elder was teaching Xuanyuan earnestly. There was something in his words, and Xuanyuan bowed his hands to listen.

"Senior Kong won the prize, it's pure luck to be able to come here, but since I won Senior Kong, I will naturally win back the share of Senior Kong, even if I don't know how to do it, who can say I don't know how to do it?" Can't people who are skilled in gambling bet on stones?"

"Hahahaha, good, well said." Kong Dao laughed heartily, came to Xuanyuan, patted his shoulder, and said earnestly:

"Although you pretend to be very similar, you can't hide it from me. You are right to hide your clumsiness. I am afraid that this 'stone gambling contest' will be against the arrogant people of the 'Power Court'. This belongs to your younger generation. We People of the older generation just come to have fun, if they enter the contest and use the big to bully the small, even if they win, they will lose their face, so it's up to you."

Xuanyuan's heart was shaken, he didn't expect that he would have supernatural powers, and Kong Daode had seen through him, Xuanyuan touched his nose embarrassedly, and said with a smile:

"The junior will definitely live up to the expectations of the senior."

The friendly conversation between Xuanyuan and Kong Daode made everyone present feel like they were dreaming of a spring and autumn dream. A person who has no knowledge of posture skills actually won a victory against a person whose skills in posture techniques are in the fairyland of terrain. Existence, what kind of concept is this, and the relationship between two people can still be so harmonious.

This is so unbelievable, many people find it difficult to accept this result, Kong Daode actually lost to Xuanyuan.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone would think it was a big joke, but the people present saw that Xuanyuan won just like that, without using the slightest tricks, he just relied on himself The powerful physical body and the unexpected means won this match, and at the same time won the recognition of Kong Dao. Being optimistic from the bottom of their hearts, rather than making superficial articles, made them admire Kong Daode even more as a human being.

"Well, I will watch you. After the 'Stone Gambling Contest' is over, if you are interested in martial arts, you can come to the Confucius family in Zhongzhou to find me. I hope some of my personal opinions can bring you some help !" Kong Daode left a word for Xuanyuan, stepped out, and entered the auditorium directly.

Xuanyuan nodded and said no more, wondering if he could meet that Fang Han in the next round? In Xuanyuan's heart, he already had a rough guess about the opponent he would meet in the next round.

He looked at Hong Teng and said:

"Referee, declare me the winner."

Hong Teng's heart was about to bleed, that piece of 'Yuanying Holding Stone' was dug out by himself, but after several judgments, he didn't dare to take the risk after all, but he never thought that everything is cheaper now , and also helped him win the first place in the field, which made Hong Teng want to die.

But as a referee, Hong Teng had no choice but to go through this procedure. He suppressed the urge to vomit blood in his heart, and said:

"This match will be won by Mr. Su Xuan."

"Hahahaha, good luck, I originally thought that there must be nothing good in the origin stones displayed by the three major forces, but now that I look at it, it's really not the case, or I don't know which fool took this yin-yang treasure and strange stone It was treated as rubbish, but it made me a fortune, hahaha, happy, happy..."

Xuanyuan was able to listen to the voice of the heart with humanity, so he naturally knew who the person who missed this strange stone was. He said this because he wanted to disgust Hong Teng. As soon as he finished speaking, Xuanyuan led Mo Chou and his party under the guidance of Qixuan , and left gracefully.

Hong Teng's face turned purple, his throat was sweet, and he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. He was so angry that his intestines were green with regret. Whoever got a piece of peerless spiritual source and a rare fairy who was born with a natural appearance Jane will feel like vomiting blood if she misses it.

Qixuan was speechless at the moment, he had already expressed his shock at Xuanyuan's luck beyond measure, how could a person's luck be so good, but Xuanyuan's strength was hidden in it, only Qixuan What Xuanta couldn't see was that among the onlookers, there were many people who didn't speak, who were silent, but they felt that Xuanyuan was by no means as simple as it appeared on the surface, especially Xuanyuan's last move, which suddenly broke out. Ten times the strength of the physical body, that burst of power made countless people terrified. This kind of terrifying power of the physical body is the person present, no matter who is fighting the immortals at the seventh rank, even if it is burning their own lives, they will completely expend themselves. It is impossible to achieve the most glorious moment, not to mention that Xuanyuan's body has not been damaged at all, which is even more shocking.

Qixuan opened a door and took Xuanyuan away.

In a lush mountain forest, the flowers and trees here are exuberant, and the mountains and mountains are rolling and full of vitality.

I saw that among the mountains, the terrain is stretched out, and the avenues are intertwined. Countless people enter it, and they all feel that they are incomparably small.

Outside the mountains and forests, there is a vast sky. Someone from the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' used their supernatural powers to manifest everything within this mountain.

The pavilions are suspended in the sky, and the carved beams and painted buildings are extremely exquisite. There are various restrictions on them. The restrictions between each pavilion are interlinked. If they are activated at the same time, they will form an incomparable avenue of restrictions, with boundless power.

"You say, who will come here first?" Someone immediately started talking.

"Needless to say, he is naturally a child prodigy of my 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. To be honest, he has received the sage art inheritance from the ancient sages. If there is no 'power court' in the world, no one can compete with him. "There were people from the Qu family bragging on the spot, but even so, many people still agreed with him.

Sure enough, a child with an immature face came out of a door, he was straight, his clothes were a little tattered, it was obvious that he stepped here after a hard fight, he Full of confidence, determined to win this game.

Immediately afterwards, another door opened, and the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' walked lightly. There were five old men beside him, each of whom was above the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' in terms of power, unfathomable,' The Son of the Purple Mansion looked so weak, his robes were bulging, and his face was a little pale. It seemed that it was not easy for him to step into this place, and he expected to meet Qu Zhi here. thing.

After a while, another person came out from one of his gates. He was from the Nanzhou Dynasty and the son of the lord of the Hundred Thousand City. Fang Han was covered in blood. In the stone competition, he was seriously injured, and he was able to win obviously after a life-and-death posture showdown. I saw that as soon as he entered this portal, he began to heal his injuries, gradually recover, and do his best for this competition. get ready.

Now the whole group is waiting for the arrival of the fourth person, and they will finally have a showdown here to decide who can represent the Qinglong group, set foot on the top of the 'One Yuan Mountain', and compete with the representatives of the other three groups.

"'The Son of the Purple Mansion' was not good for me that day. Here, I apologize to you." Qu Zhi bowed his hands to the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', but there was no sign of apology on his face. , on the contrary, it is a bit of a joke.

"Hehehe, I was greedy on that day. No wonder I was used as a gun once. Don't worry, there will be no next time." 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' looked calm, and his laughter was very cold. Human heart.

"'The Son of the Purple Mansion', brother Fang Han, I have a suggestion, listen to it, if you disagree, then wait to lose, this is not about me personally, but about you and me. "Qu Zhi understands the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion'. If some things involve his interests, no matter how much hatred he has with himself, he will smile away the enmity, as long as the interests are big enough and tempting enough.

"Please speak." Fang Han sat cross-legged in the air, closed his eyes, and meditated to heal his wounds.

"The last person is Kong Dao from the Zhongzhou Dynasty. His attainments in martial arts are only one step away from reaching the realm of Tianshixian. It is extremely terrifying. I think the three of us will join forces to injure him first. , clear this round, and then compete with each other, what do you think, otherwise, with his strength, he can definitely defeat us one by one. If we hit him hard first and let him exit, the three of us will be left to compete At least everyone has a chance to win, and if we don't work together, the consequences can be imagined." Quzhi's words made the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' ponder for a moment, then paused, 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' Nodding, putting aside personal feelings, it is indeed the best choice for the three of them to join forces:

"Okay, I can do it here."

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