The answer of the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' has long been within Qu Zhi's expectations. From his point of view, everything is under his control. Although he cannot control the operation of the entire 'Stone Gambling Competition', he can rely on Focus on your personal connections and change some details. As long as you can do a good job in the details, it is enough to determine success or failure. This is very critical. It can be said that this "Stone Gambling Contest" took a lot of thought .

For Qu Zhi or the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', no matter who they are, they all want to win, but the premise of winning is that they must squeeze out the Kong Dao they think will come, otherwise it will be useless for them. Any opportunity to arrange Kong Daode and Xuanyuan in a group, to a certain extent, is also facilitated by the use of his own relationship, and the use of the contradiction between the "Zifu Shengzi" and Xuanyuan, but No one knows some of the passes, all of this is done quietly, and no one notices.

Qu Zhi looked at Fang Han, smiled and asked:

"What do you think, brother Fang Han?"

"I don't think so." Fang Han said flatly.

"Huh? Brother Fang Han, what do you mean by that?" Qu Zhi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Fang Han with a puzzled expression, not understanding what he was talking about.

"I said, it may not be that Kong Daode, it may be Su Xuan, everything is unknown!" Fang Han's face was pale, but his expression was always calm. Let him have a peace of mind that is usually not there.

"Hahaha, brother Fang Han, are you kidding me? That Su Xuan doesn't know anything about power techniques. Compared with the ancestors of the Confucius family in Zhongzhou, how can he be an opponent? This is not the slightest A match of suspense, Brother Fang Han must have filtered it, right?"

Qu Zhi laughed, he absolutely didn’t believe that Xuanyuan could pass Kong Dao’s test, because Kong Dao was originally with him when he came from the north, and Qu Zhi was not absolutely sure of winning Kong Dao, so he planned to leave Kong Dao until the end. Bringing Huo Shuidong to Xuanyuan's group, and of course letting the six Fate Immortals join forces to deal with Kong Daode was also quietly planned by Qu Zhi, this is Qu Zhi's method.

"That's right. Brother Fang Han, why did you say that? That Su Xuan is not worthy of attention at all. He just came here to make a fool of himself based on his own luck, just to win the attention of beauties. Such a person is really not worth it." It is worth mentioning that Senior Kong Daode is highly respected, and his attainments in martial arts are quite prestigious even in the world of battle qi, how can Su Xuan be compared with Senior Kong Daode?"

'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' put it mildly. By using comparisons to belittle Xuanyuan, he really didn't like Xuanyuan. Although he was used as a gun by Qu Zhi, he still felt very uncomfortable with Xuanyuan. , I don't know where this feeling comes from, but he just has a feeling in his heart that he wants to get rid of Xuanyuan.

"Don't be afraid of the old, but be afraid of the young. Playing with stones, the younger generation gambles more with luck. This is our advantage. We are still young, and God shines on us. Even though the older generation has rich experience , the realm is extremely high, and the attainments are amazing, but so what? As the saying goes, heroes are late, kings are at their end, luck has declined, times have changed, a new generation replaces the old, and the blue is better than the blue. Why should they fight with us? Shi is not purely fighting with power, but a word of gambling, which also shows that luck is also extremely important."

Fang Han said every word, he never dared to have the slightest contempt and slack towards Xuanyuan. His first feeling was that Xuanyuan was an extremely extraordinary character and should not be underestimated. He felt a sense of ingenuity as clumsy and wisdom as stupid, and Xuanyuan sang along all the way, which made him feel that this was not a coincidence of luck.

"Hehe, brother Fang Han is right, but in the face of absolute strength, there is no suspense. No matter how good a fighter's luck is, can he beat a fighting fairy? This is simply impossible If it is Kong Daode, would you like to join us to deal with Kong Daode?" Qu Zhi didn't want to argue too much with Fang Han, as long as Kong Daode appeared, Fang Han would be helpless. It can be said that now it is necessary for the three of them to unite and deal with Kong Daode together.

"Of course I would. After all, Fang Han still has some self-knowledge and won't hit a stone with an egg, but if Mr. Su Xuan comes, so what?" Fang Han asked back.

"Hehe, if Su Xuan comes here, or someone who is as powerful as us comes here, then we will each compete for the victory or defeat of this match based on our strength." 'Sage Son of Zifu' smiled lightly, completely He doesn't care, even if Xuanyuan really came here, he still doesn't take it seriously, he doesn't think his luck will be weaker than Xuanyuan's, no matter how great his luck is, he still needs to have a certain strength, No one can become the last king with luck without the slightest strength.

"That's right, what the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' said is exactly what I want, but in my opinion, it is absolutely impossible for Su Xuan to come here, if he can come here..." Qu Zhi said just halfway through , suddenly his face changed.

I saw a door open, and Xuanyuan descended from the sky with Mo Chou, Yuan'er, Lan Die, Yan Ziyun and Peng Fei.

The 'Fengxianjun' is heroic, full of domineering aura, and extremely handsome, attracting the attention of countless people. Its four hooves stepped into the air, and the terrifying power of the avenue swept across the four directions, which made people feel terrified.

Mo Chou and Yuan'er sat on it, which shocked the hearts of many people present, especially those in the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. No one knew better than them the strength and temperament of this 'Feng Xianjun', and it The background, its ancestor, used to be the mount of the 'Southern Desolate Heavenly Emperor', many people tried to tame it, but they all failed, and now there are two women sitting on its back, how could they not be shocked.

Even when Qu Zhi saw this scene, the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching a few times. He never expected that Xuanyuan would be able to come here, which was beyond his expectation.

Xuanyuan looked at Qu Zhi, laughed and said:

"Quzhi brat, what do you think will happen to you if my uncle can come here?"

Xuanyuan is very coquettish, and his attitude towards Qu Zhi is very contemptuous, everyone present can see that everyone is amazed at Qu Zhi's talent and achievements, calling him a child prodigy, but Xuanyuan is the only one who dismisses him. Yan, tidied up his mood, smiled coldly, and said:

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be able to come here. It seems that your luck is really not ordinary. You really deserve to be a person who has received the Buddha Emperor's inheritance, and you can be regarded as somewhat capable. It's nothing, I just want to say , if you can be here, I will look at you, and now you are enough for me to look at you."

"It's a pity, but you can't get into my eyes. You are no different from those mediocre monks." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, then looked at Fang Han, bowed his hands and saluted:

"Brother Fang Han, please stay safe."

Seeing that Xuanyuan lost face to so many people again, Qu Zhi's face darkened, with an indescribably gloomy, murderous look, obviously between him and Xuanyuan, someone must die.

"Brother Su, it's exactly as I expected. I'm very glad to meet you here. This time we can have a good duel, cough..." Fang Han was delighted when he saw Su Xuan, and everything verified his judgment , when he was speaking, he coughed up a big mouthful of blood due to the disordered breath in his body. Obviously, the trauma he suffered just now was extremely serious.

Xuanyuan directly pulled out six heavenly-level earth milk from his own fighting ring, and injected them into Fang Han's body.

An extremely strong life essence and that majestic battle energy filled every corner of Fang Han's body, causing the injured part of his body to recover at an extremely fast speed, and he could feel the power of these six earth milks. Power, Fang Han looked surprised:

"This is heavenly milk, each one is extremely precious, worth tens of billions of heavenly coins!"

"Hehe, what's the matter? As long as Brother Fang Han can recover to his best condition and fight me, that's the most important thing. I don't think much of the other two. They are destined to be It's just a foil." Xuanyuan didn't even look at Qu Zhizhi and took a look at the 'Zifu Shengzi'.

Fang Han gave a wry smile:

"Fang Han, thank you Brother Su."

Crazy, so crazy, the countless people present had the first impression of Xuanyuan, and they didn't dare to follow the "Zifu Shengzi" in their eyes. Although some people knew that this was a kind of psychological attack, Xuanyuan's attitude remained the same. Make them want to strangle Xuanyuan to death.

Qu Zhi's face was very ugly, and he was already thinking about how to kill Xuanyuan later, and the 'Sage Son of Zifu' also looked very cold, a person who had no research on gesticulation, dared to speak so boldly.

Fang Han began to adjust his breath to heal his wounds, Xuanyuan looked at Qixuan and asked:

"A contestant is injured. Should he be able to wait until his injury recovers before starting the game?"

Qixuan paused, and said:

"I have to ask the other contestants about this. If you agree, Qu Zhi and the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' object, then the competition must begin immediately."

Xuanyuan smiled and said loudly:

"Don't worry, the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion' has a heart as high as the sky, and will never be a villain who takes advantage of others' dangers, and Qu Zhi needless to say, this brother Fang Han is the son of the lord of the 'Hundred Thousand City', who has been guarding the city for generations. Near the border of Shiwan Dashan, he has made countless contributions, as a member of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', his father was an official in the same dynasty, it is even more impossible for Qu Zhi to make trouble, otherwise he would be nothing, right?"

After Xuanyuan finished speaking, he looked at Qu Zhi and the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', and they both nodded. As a party, they still have such a little tolerance.

"Thank you all." Fang Han thanked him and healed his wounds quietly.

Because of Xuanyuan's six earth milks, Fang Han recovered extremely quickly. In less than a while, Fang Han's injury was almost healed. He opened his eyes and said:

"The game can start, please tell me the rules."

PS: I am very happy in today's interview, and I can communicate with you. However, there are too many students asking questions, and I can't answer them. I hope you can understand. As for the comprehensive update in June, we need everyone's support. The way of breaking out , that is, the PK ticket on the WAP side, and the VIP ticket on the 17K side, the total amount reaches 2,000, and I will break out a chapter. summer.

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