The fighting energy of the world is lingering in all directions, and it is extremely thick. At this moment, Xuanyuan swallowed the fighting energy of the world without any scruples, washing and tempering everything about himself.

The Kistler King fell in front of him, Xuanyuan did not put it away in a hurry, but telepathically sensed the will of the Kistler King. Xuanyuan found that after he got these three ancient characters, he could communicate with everything in the world. , much stronger than before.

"Feed me with your blood..." In the end Xuanyuan got the message from the power fluctuations emanating from King Kistler himself.

Xuanyuan frowned, and fed it with blood, that is to say, there is very likely a living being inside, just like the "Hundred Aperture Stone Statue" owned by the "Holy Maiden of Cold Sky", it is the King of Strange Stones.

At this moment, Fang Han descended from the sky. Originally, he had carefully selected a strange stone to compete with Xuanyuan. Because the king of the strange stone was extremely difficult to find, even if Kong Dao himself did it himself, he might not be able to find it. He made a judgment, at least Su Xuan couldn't find the strange stone king for a while, so he gave up the search for the strange stone king and chose other strange stones.

However, the result was beyond his expectation. Su Xuan had already found the Kistler King, and it was useless whether the value of his piece of Kistler cut out surpassed that of the Kistler King, because this game is all about finding You can win when you reach the Kistler King, and it has nothing to do with value.

"Brother Su really has profound attainments, Fang Han is convinced." Fang Han smiled and cupped his hands.

Xuanyuan shook his head, laughed and said:

"Hehe, all of this is just a coincidence, luck, luck."

Fang Han smiled, Su Xuan was always like this in his eyes, so he didn't say much, he approached the King of Strange Stones, and watched carefully, after a while, Fang Han made the following evaluation:

"This Kinky Stone King is really extraordinary. Once it is cut out, there must be amazing treasures and even fairy spirits inside. I seem to be able to feel two subtle life fluctuations, but it is very vague and I can't tell."

Xuanyuan nodded. Unless his martial arts cultivation reached the realm of the ancient Shidi, such strange stone kings would never be able to see what kind of existence was conceived in it. It would be very dangerous to cut it open. He looked at it The mountain guard said:

"I've already found the Kistler King, so there shouldn't be any need to cut it open?"

The mountain guard nodded and said slowly:

"Indeed, you have already won this game."

Many ancestors of the "Nanzhou Dynasty" were heartbroken, and they wanted to regret it very much. The Kistler King was left by the "Nantian Emperor". The Zhou Dynasty has lasted forever, but now it was taken away by Xuanyuan. They negotiated with the black dragon, and the black dragon just said:

"If the King of Strange Stone keeps it now, it will cause a catastrophe, so it is best for Su Xuan to take it away."

They also understood that the black dragon had no reason to lie to them, and in front of the world, they could not go back on their word.

Xuanyuan nodded, and didn't say anything more. His left hand pointed like a sword, and he cut a hole in the palm of his right hand. The dark red blood flowed out and dripped on King Kistler's body, staining the mighty battle helmet red. The heroic battle armor, and that exquisite and beautiful face, the appearance of the goddess of war, Nuwa, just makes people look at it, and makes people feel awe. Seeing Xuanyuan's blood, it was quickly absorbed by King Qishi. The Kistler King's body emits a shining precious light, which echoes Xuanyuan, and various avenue patterns are intertwined in the sky.

The mountain guards saw that Xuanyuan's blood was intertwined with the patterns of various avenues, as well as the brand marks of the great calamities of the heavens. The brand of Dao has been integrated into his blood.

Now that Xuanyuan feeds with his own blood essence, he wants to use his own spiritual will to infect the existence in this strange stone king. The infection of will and thought will also have a considerable impact on it. Xuanyuan feels that the day when this strange stone king is not far away, so there is no delay.

The feeding of essence and blood lasted for a day and a night. Outside the mountains and forests, those people in the auditorium were all stunned.

"Unexpectedly, this Su Xuan actually got the Kistler King. It's too unbelievable. Now I feel like a dream. You must know that even if the Kistler King enters it, he wants to find it and capture it. , is not easy!"

"Yeah, what's going on, why even the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' background, that black dragon will let King Qishi follow Su Xuan, is this Su Xuan really a man of great luck? So it is worth pursuing by King Qishi? What is his identity, and who is the person who taught him the three ancient characters behind his back?"

"I don't know, there are too many ancient times, even involving the mysteries of chaotic ancient times, which we cannot understand. It is a blessing that they have survived to this day as the alien species at the end of ancient times. Now, it must have been the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' that allowed them to survive until today, many things, only they can know, if they don't tell, no one can do anything!"

"Look, how strong is Su Xuan's physique? He even used his own blood to feed King Qishi for a day and a night. How many people can achieve his level? Will it be unbearable?"

"The finalists of the other three groups have already appeared, and now they are all waiting for him in front of the 'Southern Desolation Emperor Temple'. Although he was able to find the King of Strange Stones, isn't this air too big? It's really arrogant!"

"Forget it, this one is extremely difficult. Wait a minute, we can see a more exciting showdown."

Xuanyuan repaired his wounds and his face was pale. Rao, with such a strong body, he poured his own blood continuously for a day and a night. For him, the loss was also great. I saw that he directly drew out thirty-six The heavenly ground milk hovered in the sky, and finally merged into the body bit by bit to repair its own loss.

Countless people saw this scene, their eyeballs almost fell out, and they exclaimed:

"Where did this kid get so many fairy-level earth milks? With his current level of seven ranks fighting immortals, he swallowed thirty-six of them directly. Isn't he afraid of blowing himself up?"

"Hey, don't forget, people whose physical bodies are comparable to those in the realm of celestial beings are naturally fearless."

"The geniuses of the younger generation, I see the physique of the world at that time, the 'Human King Saint Physique', 'Myriad Transformation Physique', 'Barbarian God Battle Physique', and 'Dongzhou Divine Physique' could not be found. Xuan is the one who stands shoulder to shoulder in flesh and blood."

"Yeah, I don't know what kind of physique he has to be so powerful, but there are many supreme Buddhist teachings in the Buddhist sect, majoring in the physical body, they are extremely powerful, and this is a matter of course."

Countless people discussed Su Xuan's background and background, but they still couldn't reach a conclusion.

In Kong Daode's eyes, there was an indescribable admiration for Xuanyuan, and he thought:

"A child can be taught, but this child must be a talent that can be made, and his future achievements will definitely surpass straightness."

Kong Daode made the most pertinent evaluation of Xuanyuan based on his years of experience.

After Xuanyuan finished pouring water, he put away the strange stone king, looked at Fang Han, cupped his hands and said:

"Brother Fang Han, I accept it."

"Hehe, Fang Han is convinced that he lost. I hope that brother Su Xuan can win the first place in front of the 'Southern Desolation Emperor Temple' and win back Fang's share!" Fang Han smiled brightly, not worried at all. When I lose, I feel angry, but I feel resentful.

"Hahaha, there is no such thing as easy, I can only do my best, please!" Xuanyuan smiled, stretched out his hand to lure, and walked out of the forest with Fang Han.

"Hehe, this is the battle between gentlemen, Tundi, have you seen it? I think Xuanyuan's achievements in the future will definitely surpass that of the 'Swallowing Emperor', and his temperament is much better than that of the 'Swallowing Emperor'. "The old man with the pig head said with a smile through sound transmission.

"Just a joke, this kid is one billion eighty million miles away from the 'Emperor Devourer'. If you want to surpass the 'Emperor Devourer', you have to see if he can survive this catastrophe. This kid really knows how to do it." Cause trouble for the great emperor, poor emperor, I have worked so hard for him all my life, but he never understands the great emperor..." The pig-headed emperor yelled.

Seeing Xuanyuan walking out of the forest, Yuan'er, Mochou, and Yan Ziyun's hanging hearts all let go. Originally, they thought that the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' might not want Xuanyuan to take away the strange stone king and resorted to some means Now that Xuanyuan walked out of this forest safely, they were naturally relieved.

Mochou and Yuan'er were very excited and threw themselves into Xuanyuan's arms:

"I'm worried about death."

"Yeah, I'm also worried about my brother. Fortunately, my brother is fine."

"I made you worry." Xuanyuan sneered, hugging left and right, this scene made countless people jealous again.

"This kid, what a blessing, no, I really can't bear it." Even the 'Sovereign Son of Suzaku' was irritated.

"He suffered a thousand knives, this kid doesn't know where he came from, it's too terrible."

Xuanyuan looked at Qixuan at the side, and said:

"Mr. Qixuan, you can go to the next match."

Qixuan's expression was a little dull, Xuanyuan was able to break his opinion of Xuanyuan every time, and the strength that Xuanyuan exploded every time was beyond his expectation. He did not expect that Xuanyuan could really step on In front of the 'Southern Desolate Emperor Temple', fight with the other three groups of winners.

"Uh, okay, let's go then." Qixuan came back to his senses, opened a door, and led Xuanyuan and his party into it.

The last game, the four-way showdown, is about to begin.

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