Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 885 The Millennium Feast

The top of 'One Yuan Mountain'.

The 'Nanhuang Emperor's Temple' stands tall, and its whole body is made of an extremely ancient star ancient stone.

These ancient stones in the early morning are all made of stars that fell from outside the domain, fell into this world, and then were collected, integrated into the treasures of heaven, materials and earth, refined, and carved with restraining patterns on them, which contain the ability to sense the stars in the sky. Mystical power, once the restriction is activated, can echo with the stars in the entire sky, and even summon stars from outside the domain to attack and kill powerful enemies. It is extremely terrifying, and even the quasi-emperor will be severely injured.

The "Nanhuang Emperor Temple" is simple and majestic, magnificent, full of the atmosphere of the ancient rhyme of the avenue, extremely long, full of vicissitudes of life, here is the beginning of the civilization of the "Nanzhou Dynasty", and here is their continuation from generation to generation. This is the holy place in their hearts, inviolable.

The 'Southern Desolation Emperor Temple' is like a majestic giant, standing upright, and those who come to it will involuntarily feel admiration, and will not dare to offend in the slightest.

In the sky, there is even more the power of faith gathered by countless people. This is an extremely terrifying force, even if only a part of it falls down, it is enough to crush a figure in the realm of the sages.

You must know that this is the power of faith that has been condensed over an unknown number of years. Every trace is extremely thick, and every trace is extremely concise. Huang Tiandi's impulse.

In front of the "Nanhuang Emperor Temple", there is a square platform, which is made of mottled bronze-colored boulders. There are traces of untraceable emperor patterns on it, which were made by the "Nanhuang Emperor" himself. What has been portrayed has extremely strong defensive power, even if it is a figure in the realm of a great emperor, it is difficult to break it, unless he is carrying a supreme Tao weapon or a semi-superior Tao weapon.

This square platform covers an area of ​​129,600 zhang, and on the edge of the square platform, there is a bottomless abyss, but above it in all directions, there are pieces of square ancient stones, suspended in the mid-air, countless, Each piece of square ancient stone can only accommodate two or three people sitting on it. From here, you can see everything on the Sifangtai, condescending.

On these floating ancient stones, people from all over the world are sitting here. People who can gather here to watch this peak duel of stone gambling, or people with amazing identities and backgrounds, or those with incomparably powerful strength, look around. Among the three people on the stage, someone said:

"I really didn't expect that such a young woman would appear in this duel. It's really surprising."

"This woman is not simple, do you know who she is?"

"Oh? Who is it?"

"Hey, how can you say that you are old, this woman is the number one talented woman of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', Jiang Yan, her talent and beauty, almost everyone in the younger generation of Nanzhou knows, everyone knows Ah, this is a newly rising generation, although she comes from 'Nan Tianhe', she can be compared to the younger generation's Tianjiao Shengzi, even worse."

"It seems that there are talented people from generation to generation. In the place of 'Nan Tianhe', there have been many strange women since ancient times. I never thought that there would be such a woman today. She can break through at a young age. With all the obstacles, it is really not easy to come to this 'Nanhuang Emperor Temple'."

"The other two places were snatched by members of the Demon Race and the Monster Race. They are all figures of the older generation and are not well-known, but their attainments in martial arts are extremely terrifying. It seems that she If you want to win, the chances are not great."

"Who do you think is the representative of the Azure Dragon Group?"

"It goes without saying that he is naturally a child prodigy of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', Qu Zhi, who has inherited the power skills of the ancient sages, which is very important, and it is difficult for many people to match."

"That's not necessarily the case. 'Zifu Shengzi' is no worse than Qu Zhi. I think 'Zifu Shengzi' has a better chance. He is older than Qu Zhi and has more experience. A layer of advantage is not comparable to straight and straight."

"Hehe, anyway, it's either Qu Zhi or the 'Sage Son of the Purple Mansion', it's these two people."

While everyone was discussing, portals opened in the sky, and a group of people descended from the sky.

These people are all spectators who have just come here from the venue where they were looking for the King of Strange Stones, and they all paid extremely expensive tickets.

Arranged by the strong men in the 'Nanzhou Dynasty', they took their seats one after another. Finally, in the sky, I saw a silver-haired man standing with his hands behind his back. His face was so beautiful that it seemed unreal , he smiled coquettishly and looked around.

Beside him, there is an extremely pink-looking monk with a pair of peach blossom eyes that are really attractive, but he is extremely handsome, and the treasures of the Dharma all over him make him look like a generation of immortal monks, full of charm. Faerie spirit.

Behind the two of them, I saw a 'Fairy Horse' standing in the air, full of vitality and blood, full of strength between breaths, and two picturesque women sat behind it, although they were white She covered her face with a veil, but that kind of flawless air of ethereal perfection made people tremble.

On both sides, a woman is wearing a water-blue neon dress, with blue hair fluttering in the wind. She is also covered with a light veil. Her blue eyes are like stars, and the charm revealed in the corners of her eyes is intriguing. , In her body there is a power from the blood of the ancient royal family.

On the side, there is another woman in white, with white hair all over her head, giving off an extremely cold and unapproachable aura. Her eyebrows are very cold, and her eyes are like sharp swords. Ordinary people look at her, They all felt that their eyes were about to be pierced by a sword, which was extremely uncomfortable.

Qixuan, who led the way, stepped out and said calmly:

"The winner of the Qinglong group, Su Xuan."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar. You must know that in the eyes of many people, it was either straightforward or the "Sage Son of the Zifu". How could it become such a Su Xuan? Although Xuanyuan has made a lot of noise in the "Nanzhou Dynasty" these days, only people in that time period know him. Compared with Qu Zhi or a "Zifu Shengzi", the name Su Xuan has nothing to do with it. Fame, and now this group of dark horses has been inexplicably killed, which really shocked many people.

"Su Xuan, who is this, why have I never heard of it before?"

"Maybe it's a late-stage star of some big force."

Then, the news about Xuanyuan's previous match gradually spread among the crowd, and many people looked at Xuanyuan with unconcealable shock in their eyes.

Xuanyuan looked calm and looked around. Here, he saw many old acquaintances, such as 'Dragon Saint Son' and 'Dragon Saint Daughter', 'Xuanwu Saint Son' and 'Xuanwu Saint Daughter', 'White Tiger Saint Son' ' and 'White Tiger Saint', 'Suzaku Son' and 'Suzaku Saint', 'Cold Sky Son' and 'Han Tian Shengnv', 'Luan Xian Shengzi' and Tsing Yi, Ji Chen and 'Princess Pingyao', Cheng Yin and Cheng Yang, Zhixie and an older person from the "Linglong Immortal Mansion", as well as his own apprentices, the gourd baby Fu Jingxuan, Jiang Tushen, and the eight little devil kings of the Eight Immortals of the Eastern Region, and then... The first person is Wuyang from the Zongheng Sect, and even Ouyang Han came. At the same time, Xuanyuan also saw the three brothers and sisters Shihou, Shiba, Shida, Mo Shuai, Shi Zhong, the 'Son of the Ancient Demon' and Xuanyuan There are many faces that I don't know, such as the Demon Race Tianjiao that I don't know, but their identities are not inferior to those of the previous ones, and their strength is even worse than that. A proud person.

It can be said that this time, most of the world's young generation of aristocrats from aristocratic families gathered. There are two reasons for them to come here. It is very likely that it will appear in this competition. Many people are extremely afraid of this mysterious force. Therefore, it is the first time they heard that the "Potent Court"'s Tianjiao will be born, and they have to come to pay attention. , This is the secret enemy, and it is very likely that they will come out in the future to confront them.

However, the two places present have been divided between the demons and the demons. They are obviously the existence of the older generation, and the "Shiting" is composed of human races, and there is not much connection with the demons and demons. Apart from the two of them, only Jiang Yan and Xuanyuan are left, and Jiang Yan was born in the 'Nan Tianhe'. It is well known that the famous prostitutes of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' are famous and famous. In all directions, everyone knows everyone, and naturally it is impossible to come from 'Shiting'.

Only the last Xuanyuan was left, Xuanyuan who was able to defeat Quzhi and the 'Sage Son of the Zifu' suddenly became the focus.

"It seems that he is really very likely to be the arrogance of the 'Shiting'."

"No, if he is the Heaven's Chosen Son of Power, how could he be selected by the 'Da Leiyin Temple' and become the Buddha Emperor's inheritance!"

"How could it be him?" At this moment, the voice of 'Dragon Fighting Son' immediately attracted the attention of countless people.

"Why, does the 'Dragon Son' know these two?" asked the 'White Tiger Son'.

"That's right, the two of them have a good relationship with Xuanyuan. One is from Buddhism, the other is from Taoism. They are both famous prostitutes. I don't know how many women have been harmed by the two of them, so they became 'Samsara' and 'Six Paths'." The person on the co-killing list is now in the "Qinglong Gate" under my "Doulong Immortal Mansion", I didn't expect him to become the representative of the Qinglong group, and there will be a peak stone betting duel here!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people present were in an uproar. What is going on? If the identities of these two people are not the sons of the "Potent Court", then the "Potent Court" will be in the where?

After all, the rumors are still not credible. At this moment, Xuanyuan looked at the 'Dragon Fighting Son' and said with a sneer:

"'Dragon Fighting Son', you are the whore, and your whole family are all whores..."

As soon as this remark came out, many people in the room laughed. The face of the "Sage Fighting Dragon" turned blue, and he glared at Xuanyuan. He didn't say much. Have the last laugh.

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