The owner of this voice was an old man from the Demon Race, who spent 80 billion Celestial Coins to choose a strange stone.

This piece of momentum is shaped like a big roc, which is the appearance of Tianpeng once incarnated by Fang Yun, and it is called "Tianpeng Spreading Wings Stone".

The incomparable steed, lifelike, is the natural generation of heaven and earth, and the textures on Tianpeng's body come and go. Obviously, it has gone through many calamities, so it left many traces of the Dao brand on it.

"Su Xuan will win." Just when the demon old man was about to start cutting stones, a scream came out suddenly. This voice was like a dead parent. It sounded extremely miserable and made many Everyone shuddered.

Everyone looked at the source of the voice. It was an extremely obscene face, which looked so strange that it made people feel uncomfortable no matter how you looked at it, but the aura emanating from him could not be ignored. It was so deep that people couldn't see through it at all. He twisted his face, sprayed saliva, exposed a mouthful of big black and yellow teeth, and roared frantically:

"Su Xuan must win..."

Seeing this man, Xuanyuan shuddered involuntarily, and cursed in his heart:

"Damn it, where did such a grandson come from? Doesn't this mean that I can't step down? Damn, who has a grudge against me deliberately dared to be so daring? It is clearly to make countless people hostile to me!"

Xuanyuan's head was covered in sweat, and he was very embarrassed to meet such a top-quality guy who jumped out suddenly. Sure enough, countless people's eyes were on Xuanyuan, which made Xuanyuan's whole body full of pressure.

Someone sneered on the spot:

"Just this Su Xuan, compared to my demon seniors, he is far behind by more than 100,000 miles. It's a joke to say that Su Xuan will win."

"Yeah, this uncle, when I took a quick look at you, you didn't look very good. When I looked at you carefully, I found that you looked really weird, even more grotesque than the son of our demon clan. Human race can give birth to a person who looks like you. It's really not easy, are you a bastard born from a hybrid with some ancient royal family, so that you look like you?" A young man from the monster clan teased the extremely frustrated uncle.

However, at this moment, a cold voice came out:

The speaker was Lan Die. She was of the blood of the human race and the ancient royal family. Now that the monster boy said that, she felt that she was deeply insulted, as if the other party was targeting her, which made her heart sting.

The characteristics of Lan Die are extremely obvious. In the 'Emperor Liang City', she has been discriminated against, and her heart has become very sensitive. Now here, under the eyes of everyone, what the other party said seems to be insulting her. I couldn't bear it anymore.

"Oh? I thought who it was. It turned out to be the same kind. They are all bastards and bastards. That's right. There is nothing wrong with it. I said bastards, bastards, did you hear me? Hahaha!" The boy from the monster race , but the prince from the 'Tian Yao Dynasty', named Feng Jiutian.

"You..." Lan Die was extremely angry, but on such an occasion, she wanted to teach him a lesson, but at this moment, the extremely frustrated uncle stopped her, and sneered imposingly:

"Hmph, so what if we have the blood of the ancient royal family in our body? Do you dare to kill us and start a war with our ancient royal family? You'Tian Yao Dynasty' dare to lead an army to enter, and the 'Jiuxuan Tianjian' will fight against our ancient royal family Do you have the courage to fight? If not, then shut up for me!"

Feng Jiutian's face immediately changed when he heard the words. The power of the ancient royal family is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that he is unwilling to be lonely. If he gives the ancient royal family a reason to provoke trouble at this time, his crime will be serious. His aura is not weak, and his strength is also extremely strong. He may be an important figure in the ancient royal family. At this moment, someone whispered a few words in his ear, and his face changed drastically again. It was not because he was afraid of Lan Die, but here is the domain of the human race, the situation is stronger than humans, Lan Die is the daughter of 'Princess Wencheng', and is equivalent to an important figure in the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. ' face? He still doesn't think that if it continues, the 'Nanzhou Dynasty' can be so generous that it doesn't matter, and people have to bow their heads under the eaves. He still understands this:

"Hmph, I don't want to say anything more to you, just pretend that I haven't said these words!"

Uncle Zuo laughed and said:

"A waste like you can only talk about it. Are you unable to get hard, or have you been castrated, why did you get counseled so quickly? What are you afraid of? Forget it, anything else Not to mention, do you have the ability to gamble with this uncle?"

Feng Jiutian was always proud and arrogant, but he was the prince of the 'Tian Yao Dynasty'. He was a 'Nine Colored Demon Phoenix Body'. He had extraordinary strength and never showed weakness to others in his life. When the uncle provoked him once, he immediately became angry. Immediately said:

"Just gamble, am I still afraid that you won't succeed?"

"Okay, I'll be the banker, the odds are two, I'll bet Su Xuan wins, 800 billion celestial coins, bet Su Xuan will win." As soon as Uncle Zuo finished speaking, there was a clatter of celestial beings all over the sky. The coins appeared, real gold and silver, generous, even Feng Jiutian was taken aback, he didn't expect the other party to be so rich, and he picked it up, and there were only 60 billion heavenly coins, which made him blush, He didn't even have much confidence to speak:

"I bet my demon clan's senior wins, 60 billion Celestial Coins."

"It turns out that this is the Yaozu. I thought you were rich, but it turned out to be a group of poor people. It seems that you have not been rich all these years!"

As soon as this remark came out, some members of the Yaozu felt that they were overwhelmed and despised, and they felt very uncomfortable:

"Ninety billion Celestial Coins, bet on me, Senior Monster Clan, to win!"

"180 billion Celestial Immortal Coins, bet my senior Yaozu wins..."

"Three hundred billion Celestial Coins..."

Many people have started to place bets. Of these people present, which one is easy to provoke? Almost everyone has a great background and is powerful. Naturally, they also have savings. The rise, and finally came to an abrupt end at 90 trillion Celestial Coins.

Because some of the monsters said:

"With so many immortal coins, if you lose, can you afford it? Don't bet blindly, everyone. This person is unknown, so I don't believe he has such a large amount of money!"

"Hehe, he can't afford it, but I can afford it, Master Buddha." Peng Fei stepped out, smiling coquettishly, showing his savings in front of everyone, he said loudly:

"Three thousand trillion celestial coins, I bet Su Xuan wins, if this uncle Zuo can't afford to pay you, I will pay you!"

Uncle Zuo glanced at Peng Fei, and said with a hey smile:

"Thank you, Peacock Xiaoming, but to me, it's nothing. My savings are much bigger than yours."

Uncle Zuo directly declined. He likes to eat a lot of things by himself. He looked at the demons and said coldly:

"You demons, don't you look at me with disdain? Don't you think that Su Xuan has no hope of winning? Do you dare to bet? There is an old man from your demons present, don't you agree? Is he not confident? Hahaha!"



"Just bet!"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the strong men among the demons bet one after another, and the betting money suddenly rose to 360 trillion heavenly coins. The demons saw that the demons bet so hard , the other party can also pay out, and naturally they have no scruples when they place a bet. In less than a moment, the bet directly rose to 800 trillion, and it continued to rise and soar. At this moment, Uncle Zuo will Looking at the many human races, he said:

"Why, do the human races dare to take a gamble? Or are you human races scared to pee when you hear the prestige of my ancient royal family?"

Uncle Zuo said another very embarrassing thing, which made many holy sons and strong human races bet one after another. On the body of the two old men and the demons, Jiang Yan was born beautiful, so many people wanted to please her, and the amount reached hundreds of billions of heavenly coins. The'Nanzhou Dynasty' suddenly discovered that they held so many , The money obtained is not as good as this frustrating person's instigation, "Suzaku Immortal Mansion" and "Zifu Immortal Sect" are even worse, because even their disciples have placed bets one after another.

There are almost no people who suppress Xuanyuan Sheng, and they seem to be very bachelors. In terms of momentum, this is a blow to Xuanyuan. Lan Die said slowly:

"Ten trillion celestial coins, I beat Su Xuan to win."

When Uncle Zuo saw the ten trillion Celestial Coins rolling towards him, he laughed and said:

"Hey, Miss Lan is much more ruthless than me in placing bets. Okay, you have a good eye, I guarantee you will win!"

While talking, Uncle Zuo recorded the amount of bets that everyone had bet until no one blocked them. The bets had already accumulated to 4600 trillion. This is an extremely huge number. I saw this Uncle Zuo's money was involved in his own world, and countless people were surprised to see this scene. Uncle Zuo didn't ask anyone to question him, so he said:

"Don't worry, I will still swallow all this money? Here is the Supreme Dao Tool of the 'Nanzhou Dynasty'. Many people from the older generation of the Nanzhou Dynasty have placed their bets. I can still run Is it? But Miss Landie and I are both bleeding half of the ancient royal blood. You are so hostile to us, can we hand over the money to you? If you occupy it, what can I do to get you? So before It’s better to put it here and feel more at ease.”

Hearing his explanation, everyone didn't have much opinion, it was indeed the case, under the power of this supreme Taoist weapon, they didn't believe that Uncle Zuo could run away, in their opinion, this bastard must be the loser It's decided, it's not good to bet on anyone, bet on Su Xuan, do you really think that Su Xuan can win if he has the Kistler King? Even people in the realm of Tianshi and Immortal would not dare to cut open the Kistler King easily, it is too dangerous, what is hidden inside, no one knows, but what is certain is that with Su Xuan's strength, he will definitely not be able to keep it.

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