Xuanyuan's hands were like chicken claws, twitching and twitching, the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, and the corners of his mouth twitched violently, he had already guessed who this person was, he was definitely a pig-headed emperor, no one else dared to play so big except him , and he is the only one who dares to be so cruel, it's too wretched, this dead pig's head is a black hole, the money has been put into its pocket, and it still wants to spit it out, it's harder than killing it, no matter whether you win or lose, It doesn't matter anymore, the money will definitely be swallowed by that dead pig, there is no suspense about it.

This huge gamble can no longer be stopped. As the organizer, 'Nanzhou Dynasty' can only hope for money, and they can make money like this. Originally, they also thought about setting up a gamble, but the risk is too high. It's too big, and winning or losing is under the control of others, so they give up.

Now those betting people are very nervous, and the atmosphere on the scene is suddenly raised, because their victory or defeat determines their victory or defeat. This is a rare opportunity to make money. Originally, their interest was not very high. But now I am extremely excited.

After the bets were placed, the competition was finally about to start. Many people were paying attention to the demon elder on the Sifang stage.

The old man of the demon clan suddenly felt pressured. His original relaxed mood disappeared all of a sudden. Invisibly, he seemed to shoulder the responsibility of winning. So many sons of the demon clan pressured him to win. It may not be what people say, now that the strange stone has been selected, it can only depend on luck.

He took a deep breath and picked up a magic knife in his hand. It was only the size of a palm but extremely sharp. He shot like lightning, and the wings on the "Tianpeng Spreading Wing Stone" fell straight down, and a pair of wings were chopped into pieces. Lime, nothing.

His expression didn't fluctuate in the slightest. For people like him who often gamble with stones, he has long been accustomed to it. Although there is pressure from the outside world, after all, he is a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, and he quickly expresses his mood. calmed down.

Quite a few people held their breath and concentrated their minds. Eighty billion heavenly coins for a piece of strange stone can be said to be a sky-high price. Ordinary gods can't afford it. Among them, looking for source stones to supplement one's own economy can be so rich. Most of the others can only hunt those rare beasts, or the human race kills and plunders each other. In the two identities of the hunter and the hunted Constantly alternate.

In order to win, many people gambled their life savings. Whether the old demons can win is very important to them, because their wealth is hard-won , Even if you have a huge background, it is not so easy to make money, especially the Celestial Coin.

The old man of the demon race was always calm in his heart, and his attacks were invisible and invisible, only to see cold lights flickering like electricity.

In less than a moment, I saw that the piece of 'Tianpeng Spreading Wings Stone' had been cut to the size of a human head. At this moment, the old man of the Demon Race made a move that shocked everyone. Picking up the magic knife in his hand, he slashed towards the strange rock in front of him. A sharp howling sound surged in all directions from the air, and the sharp edge of the knife slashed fiercely along the edge of the strange rock, cutting off the space. opened.

I saw a Huamang breaking through the stone skin and rushing straight to the sky. Accompanied by a body of Tianpeng soaring in the sky, it made a screaming sound, which spread in all directions, distant and desolate. The surface of the strange stone was shattered inch by inch. It turned out to be an egg inside, and the surface of this egg was wrapped by a layer of powerful alien spiritual source, which was extremely majestic and powerful, and the old man of the demon race frowned and said:

"This is a Tianpeng in the realm of the sages. Before it fell, it used its own life to turn it into the most quintessential power to seal its offspring. This is to let it survive bit by bit in the endless years. Absorb its life essence, and after these life essences are completely absorbed, this Tianpeng egg will break out of its shell and start far beyond its parents. Hehe, it is not a loss to be able to obtain such a Tianpeng egg, as time goes by, its life essence will turn into a peerless spiritual source, protecting my child."

All the people present gasped when they heard the words. The parents of this Tianpeng egg are the existence of the sage realm. If it is given enough time to grow up, I am afraid that its future achievements will be limitless. Well, the 80 billion celestial coins buy a celestial egg bred by the life essence of a sage who is about to fall in the realm of sages, and make a lot of money. Eggs like this kind of alien beast are priceless in the market.

Obviously, the price of this 'Tianpeng Egg' cut out by the old man of the demon race is incalculable. Countless people who beat the old man of the demon race were overjoyed and extremely excited.

This strange stone came from 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion', they got it unintentionally, everyone can already see the pained look on the face of the old mansion master of 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion', 80 billion Celestial Coins, Compared with this Tianpeng who has grown up to be comparable to the realm of the sages, it is not worth mentioning. This is a great force in the 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion', and the beast has a long life span. Now the old man of the 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion' The Palace Master can only comfort himself with the reason that the little Tianpeng in this 'Tianpeng Egg' also needs to cross the catastrophe, and may die on the way.

Seeing that the old mansion master of the 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion' wanted to open his mouth to make a valuation, the old man of the Demon Race waved his hand and said:

"Let the dao brothers of the Yaozu continue to cut stones. It is difficult to measure the value of such living things with specific numbers. If the Dao brothers of the Yaozu can cut out stones, everyone will think that they are higher than this one." Tianpeng Egg's value, I also recognize that the value of many things is higher or lower, it’s there, everyone knows it.”

The old Palace Master of the 'Tianhuang Immortal Mansion' nodded his head, he is indeed right, so he will not say anything more.

Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan didn't say much. Obviously, they both felt that the value of the strange stone cut out of their bodies must far exceed this sky peng egg, but Jiang Yan looked at Xuanyuan a little No, he asked with a smile:

"Brother Su, why do I feel that your complexion is not very good?"

"It's okay to be taken advantage of by others? Sigh..." Xuanyuan sighed with emotion, this dead pig, he must share half of the money he wins, otherwise he will never end with him.

Jiang Yan smiled and said no more.

The old man of the demon tribe drew the strange stone he had chosen. It was a hideous monster with a total of seventy-two hands, and each hand held a variety of different weapons, such as swords, guns, swords, halberds, sticks, axes, hammers, whips, rings, fans. Wait, it has a ferocious face, full of hostility, and makes people feel terrified when they look at it. This strange stone is scarlet like blood, shocking, as if it has been soaked in countless blood. The name of this strange stone is ' Heavenly Demon Stone', because its behavior is similar to that of the Demonic Demon in the Demon Race.

Around the 'Sky Demon Stone', there was a layer of extremely strong evil spirit, which made people suffocated. The old man of the demon clan smiled lightly and said:

"Originally, I also planned to choose this piece of 'Sky Demon Stone', but the evil spirit is too strong, and it is the origin of my demon clan, so I don't want to move it."

"Then let me cut it."

The moods of many people present fluctuated violently. The win or loss of the two elders of the Demon Race and the Monster Race can basically determine the outcome of this round. In their opinion, that is the case.

The old man of the demon race spent 180 billion heavenly coins to buy this piece of 'Sky Demon Stone'. His method of cutting the stone is very special. The nails on his ten fingers are as sharp as swords. His fingertips are dancing like sharp swords. With the blade, there was a buzzing sound in the air, he was cutting this piece of 'Sky Demon Stone', countless stone chips were shattered, and soon the seventy-two hands and lower body had been cut into pieces, but there was not even a trace of it. breath.

At this moment, from the eyes of the old man of the Yaozu, there were two rays of divine light, as if they could penetrate everything, he suddenly spread his ten fingers, like ghost claws, directly inserted into the statue of the 'Heavenly Demon Stone' Ten small holes were left on the upper body of his body, and when he pulled away in an instant, he jumped back a distance of ten feet, and then his ten fingers intertwined into a large net of fighting energy, each of which was intertwined upwards. The densely packed momentum lines flowed with a way that could not be seen immediately, and there were only large nets intertwined together, surrounded by the 'Heavenly Demon Stone' as the center.

From the ten small holes on the surface of that piece of 'Sky Demon Stone', horrifying blood spewed out, and countless ghosts of Shura, the evil ghost, evolved from it, making a scalp-numbing screaming sound, an extremely huge The power rolled over and rushed straight to the sky. Countless elders of the monster race, seeing this scene, shouted loudly:

"Okay, I won, hahahaha..." Their voices were like thunder. In their view, this kind of power is much greater than that of the demon old man just now. The most precious fairy treasure cut out of it must be far away Far more than 'Tianpeng egg'.

Moreover, the old man of the monster clan opened a big net to prevent the most precious fairy treasure from escaping, so it can be seen that there must be something great inside.

Since the scarlet 'Heavenly Demon Phase' was shattered inch by inch, and the strange stone peeled off layer by layer, phantoms of Shura blood demon dragons were seen manifesting. The momentum makes people tremble.

When Xuanyuan and Jiang Yan saw this scene, they couldn't help frowning. Jiang Yan's reaction was extremely keen.

"This is the 'Sura Spiritual Source' that naturally forms the 'Abi Hell Phase'. For the demons, it is an absolutely rare treasure. It is even more valuable than the 'Tian Peng Egg'. For those who practice the power technique , with the 'Abi Hell Form' naturally generated by the 'Sura Spiritual Source', it portrays a character with supreme killing power, who can kill the sages, and even the quasi-emperor can be severely injured!"

Jiang Yan made a very pertinent evaluation. At this moment, the strength of "Shi Ting" began to show.

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