Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 940: Void

"Boy, I say you better not go, even the younger brother of 'Dou Conquer Buddha' will never come back, let alone you, and according to what Pangu said, you want to enter that mysterious well If you do this, it seems that you have to take some huge risks. Moreover, the world that the mysterious well leads to is not necessarily the world where Yuan'er is, so you must think carefully before Yuan'er saves you. If not, put yourself in it."

The greedy old man is obviously a little timid. After all, whether he can come back after going to another world is the same thing. The road to the starry sky is vast and boundless. Going back to the coordinates of the battle qi world, even if you give him a clear route coordinates, let him fly to death, you may not be able to fly back to this world, because it is too far away, since ancient times, only the realm of ancient sages, stepping into the realm of emperor Only those who are in the mirror will go to explore the road to the outer starry sky.

"I don't know, don't tell me these things. Anyway, Yuan'er died because of me. Yuan'er gave me my life. No matter what, as long as there is a chance, I will definitely get Yuan'er back. Only a little bit, I can't wait for the "Three Souls and Seven Souls Undead Tree" a few years later, and Yuan'er can't wait even more. Now that I think that Yuan'er may be in danger at any time, I feel extremely uneasy. I must save her. Come back and give her an unsurpassed body."

Xuanyuan naturally understands what the greedy old man thinks. If he goes away and never returns, then the inheritance of the 'Emperor Devourer' will be lost forever in the outer world, and it is even more impossible for the pig-headed emperor to find them. He really wanted to make a breakthrough, he believed in his own strength, maybe the younger brother of 'Dou Yu Buddha' couldn't come back for some other reason.

Only Mo Chou knew about the communication between Xuanyuan and the greedy old man. Her expression was not very good-looking, but she couldn't say anything. Yuan'er died because of Xuanyuan, and she knew Xuanyuan's temperament even more, and she couldn't stop it at all. ,

Yan Ziyun's face turned pale when she heard this, as if she had already seen something, but at this moment, she could only remain silent.

Xuanyuan looked at the tall and unyielding Vatican trees in all directions, full of strong fighting spirit. They were tall and straight, guarding this piece of barbarian land. There was a kind of gentleness in the boundless fighting spirit, which was a kind of family affection. , For the waiting and missing of relatives, but the waiting came to nothing.

Xuanyuan took a deep breath, looked at Pangu, and asked word by word:

"Senior Pangu, I don't know if the barbarians can let me go to that mysterious well for the convenience of opening the door. If possible, let me go to the outside world through that well, is that okay?"

As soon as Xuanyuan's words came out, Pangu frowned and paused, he suddenly understood, his eyes became sharp:

"It turns out that you came to the Barbarian Race not because of the 'Barbarian Battle Body' at all, but because you want to find that mysterious well leading to the outside world!"

"Senior Pangu, calm down, you are only half right, indeed, I want to find the mysterious well to go outside the territory, but I also came to tell the barbarians about the 'Barbarian Battle Body' news. Seeing Pangu's displeasure, Xuanyuan's heart skipped a beat, and he hastily explained.

"Oh, let me talk about it first, kid. If the answer doesn't satisfy me, I will kick you out of Shiwan Dashan immediately."

Xuanyuan sighed, looked at Pangu and said:

"Twenty thousand years ago, your barbarians produced a 'Barbarian Battle Body' called Panyu!"

Pangu nodded and said:

"That's right, that kid didn't want to stay in the barbarian tribe, so he went out alone, and never came back since then, so we think that it is very likely that the 'barbarian battle body' is the blood he left behind. "

Xuanyuan shook his head and sighed:

"That's not the case, but he died in the catastrophe of the 'Baptism of Sin', and the catastrophe failed."

"What?" Pangu's expression changed, and he said angrily:

"How is it possible? The 'Barbarian Battle Body' of my barbarian clan is capable of supernatural powers and is not afraid of robbery and punishment. No matter what, it is impossible for Pan Que to die above the robbery and punishment."

"Senior Pangu is really discerning. It is true that Pan Que did not die on the catastrophe, but someone sneaked up on him while he was crossing the catastrophe. It is also because of this that he failed to cross the catastrophe." Out, Pangu frowned, his expression furious:

"What, who sneaked up on Panyu?"

Xuanyuan shook his head and said cautiously:

"Pan Yu himself died inexplicably, how could I know who killed him? But that mysterious man is very powerful and well concealed, and it is precisely because of this that I am a little bold speculation."

"What guess? Tell me." Pangu waved his hand and said.

"I'm not sure about this matter, but I can tell Senior Pangu a few things. Nearly ten thousand years ago, a mysterious force suddenly appeared. The royal family and several supreme Taoist weapons jointly attacked and killed the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion' and the Ouyang family, causing these two powerful forces to collapse overnight. I think those who attack Panyu must have a close relationship with them relationship, his heart can be punished!"

"You mean to say that someone has secretly reached an agreement with these fierce gods, and started to kill the great talents of the human race and the ancient royal family bit by bit. ?”

Pangu's expression became more dignified than ever. If this is the case, it would be too terrifying. Before the death of the "Emperor Devourer", the luck seal method left by the "Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor" and Baisheng , although it is weaker than before, but it is not in danger of collapse. However, after the death of the "Swallowing Emperor", the power of this seal has plummeted, and it has become even more unbearable today. Not impossible.

"That's right, that's exactly the case. When I passed through the catastrophe of the 'Baptism of Sin', I realized the will of the dead sons Tianjiao, so I was able to evolve into their various physiques and obtain their various memories, although there are not many of them. , but it is enough."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan began to evolve his own physique and evolved into a "Barbarian Battle Physique". Although there is still a certain gap compared with the real "Brute God Battle Physique", from the surface, as long as he is not an important person in the barbarian tribe , it is impossible to see that this is the "Barbarian Battle Body" derived from the "Body of Ten Thousand Transformations".

"I pretended to evolve the 'Barbarian God's Battle Body' that day. It was a last resort, so I didn't have a 'Barbarian God's Battle Body' at all. I came to the Barbarians this time to find the whereabouts of the mysterious well on the one hand, and to I want to tell the barbarians not to waste their efforts in vain, instead of pinning their hopes on the 'barbarian battle body', it is better to think of a way, how to deal with the situation that may happen next."

"..." Pangu was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "That well is erratic, it is not fixed in any place, it is not easy to find it, and even if you can find that well, it will be difficult. There are many dangers, and the power of the fierce god suppressed by our barbarians has been able to spread."

"What's the name of this fierce god?" Xuanyuan frowned, the terrifying existence of the 'Undead Mountain' is called 'Shou', and the fierce god of the 'Land of Green Underworld' is called 'Ming', each of them has an extremely terrifying Power, even in the realm of the ancient emperor of heaven, is extremely difficult to contend with. The reason why these fierce gods were able to suppress one by one back then was due to the unity of all races in the world. And know.

"Xu!" Pangu frowned, and while they were talking, they walked forward slowly, passing through a large expanse of golden Buddhist forest, and began to grow into vigorous, towering ancient trees that were verdant and verdant, and arrived here Pangu stopped in his tracks, the fertile soil under his feet was filled with an extremely strong fighting spirit of heaven and earth.

"Xu, what kind of ability does he possess?" Xuanyuan's expression was solemn, each of these fierce gods was extraordinary.

"Controlling the power of the void can cross the starry sky. His power has already spread to that 'well of mystery'. If you want to step from that well to another world, it must be dangerous, because as long as its Power, the power to break through this well, I am afraid that you will fall into the endless void of the universe, be exiled forever, and cannot return. When you chose to suppress it here, you wanted to use the power of this well to drive him away. Suppression, if you want to send you to the world closest to this well, you must consume a lot of power. At that time, for you, once the power is consumed, the seal will loosen, which is naturally more dangerous. Think about it yourself .”

"There is nothing to consider. This time, I want to save a person. No matter how dangerous it is, I will try it. Of course, I will not let the barbarians take such a big risk for no reason. Therefore, I am willing to use the disk to save someone." In exchange for the surviving will of Que, as well as the supernatural powers he obtained, many insights, and some memories." As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan injected a part of Pan Que into Pan Gu's body.

"Sure enough, it's really Panyu. I can't make the decision on this matter alone. Let's go to the Barbarian King City first and let them discuss it together." It is really inappropriate to take the risk, and if necessary, you can hand them the three mysterious ancient characters. To know these three mysterious ancient characters, Xuanyuan always feels that he has a close relationship with the Wu Clan.

"Okay, there is Senior Laopangu." Xuanyuan knew that if the barbarians did not agree to this matter, he would have nothing to do, and now he could only take one step at a time.

Peng Fei was surprisingly silent all the way, he looked at Xuanyuan's back, feeling in his heart:

"This kid really has a deep friendship. It's no wonder that Yuan'er would die for him and give up everything he has to fulfill him. It's just going to the outside world, which is extremely dangerous. Without this kid and Daoist complement each other, I'm afraid I will steal everything in this life." The hope of the ancient tomb of the great emperor and sages is about to come to naught..."

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