Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 941: Barbarian King City

(Chapter 2, the keyboard is broken, and the keyboard of the notebook is very difficult to code! There are only two chapters!)

In front of you, there is a piece of green, lush, undulating mountains, and ancient trees thousands of feet high extend to the sky. The extended branches are vigorous, extremely tough, shaped like a black dragon, and the whole body is solid. The existence of ordinary earth fairy realm, even if Even with a full-strength blow, these ancient trees could not be damaged, and an extremely strong world fighting spirit flowed from them.

The sky was gloomy, Pangu was leading the way, and he was full of preoccupations. Xuanyuan's identity was unusual, and he was a descendant of the "Emperor Devourer". Declining at a terrible speed, if Xuanyuan dies, what will happen? He is hesitating whether he should let Xuanyuan look for the mysterious well.

A group of people did not walk fast, walking through the dense forest, while walking, in the sky, it suddenly rained, hitting those thick branches and leaves, the sound of patter, patter, from the small two or three A moment later, the downpour poured over the sky and covered the ground, and the rumbling sound resounded through the sky.

Those raindrops are the size of a baby's head, and they contain an extremely strong fighting spirit of heaven and earth, which is very heavy. Looking up at the sky, Pangu saw thunder and lightning, dark clouds, heavy wind and rain, electric snakes flickering, and thunder rolling , I saw a huge lightning piercing the sky, as if to tear the entire sky apart, splitting into countless branches, falling straight down, illuminating the gloomy sky. Looking at this scene, he said slowly:

"How long has it been? There hasn't been such a heavy rain here. Is something going to happen?"

Among the barbarians, this kind of weather rarely occurs. You can see the hurricane sweeping through, and the black devil in the whirlwind of horns sweeping the four directions. Fanlin resisted everything, and was purified into nothingness by the strands of golden light and the vast Sanskrit sound that came out.

Pangu's voice was a little tired. After knowing that the 'Barbarian Battle Body' did not exist, he immediately disrupted the original steps of the entire barbarian tribe. Now everything will become more complicated. The mysterious forces, together with The combination of fierce gods, don't they know that this is undoubtedly seeking skin from a tiger? Doing so will only lead to their own destruction.

Xuanyuan could feel Pangu's emotions, remained silent, and propped up a grudge barrier from everyone, blocking out all the raindrops that could smash the heads of people in the Douhuang realm.

The atmosphere was very oppressive, Xuanyuan turned his eyes on the earth, and looked in all directions. In this lush and dense forest, there were giant snakes with various colors, a poisonous scorpion with a body as strong as steel, and a scorpion with pimples. , protruding eyeballs, scary-looking poisonous toads, and many other creatures.

These existences have their own spiritual intelligence, guarding this piece of mountain forest, they are all raised by the barbarians, countless poisonous insects are either on the ancient trees, or among the rocks, or in the soil, densely packed, There are tens of millions of them, wriggling endlessly, looking extremely terrifying.

Xuanyuan peered with the eyes of the earth, and he could feel that these snakes and insects were extremely poisonous. Even if the existence of the earth fairy realm was bitten, they would be poisoned to death. Put the poisonous insects in one place, let them devour each other, bite, fight to the death, and the offspring of the poison king who can survive in the end are all extremely poisonous, I am afraid that these snakes and insects are raised by those poisonous insects offspring.

In the event of a war, this dense forest will become a place of death, and they will quietly reap the lives of the enemy. Xuanyuan can see all of this, but he didn't say much.

Even Peng Fei couldn't help feeling emotional, and looked at Pangu who led the way:

"If it weren't for this old man Pangu leading the way, I'm afraid these poisonous snakes and insects would have been culled long ago. The number is really terrible. Damn it, I have goose bumps all over my body when I see Daoist."

After walking for a while, I finally stopped. There is a bottomless abyss in front of me. This is a majestic giant city in front of me. It still gives people a boundless shock in the rain curtain intertwined by the pouring rain. The breath of the sky itself makes people involuntarily terrified. This is the main city of the barbarians. The city of the barbarians is the symbol of the entire barbarians.

The whole body of the Barbarian King City is flowing with the color of bronze. The magnificent city wall was at the end of the chaotic ancient times. The will to depict countless runes unique to the witch clan on it, exuding an atmosphere of chaotic ancient times, made the three ancient characters in Xuanyuan couldn't help throbbing.

At this moment, Xuanyuan became more certain that the three ancient characters in his body must have a certain relationship with the Wu Clan. Originally, he wanted to enter the Barbarian Clan because he wanted to find the secrets about the Wu Clan. Everything about the Wu Clan should be among the barbarians. Maybe the Wu Clan didn't all perish that day, and there must be some terrifying existences that survived and continued among the barbarians. Of course, this is just Xuanyuan's heart. Guess, he didn't dare to ask more, and he should know by then.

The Manwang City was separated from the cliff under his feet by a hundred miles, and connected to the Manwang City on the opposite bank was a huge bridge made of ancient bronze smelting.

This gigantic bridge is ten thousand feet wide, swaying in the storm, the raindrops hit it, making a dull sound, and the water splashed everywhere. Pangu strolled in the garden, stepped on the chains, and flew across like a floating light. Xuanyuan and his party followed closely behind. He peeped at the untraceable witch clan runes on the ancient copper chain with his ground eyes, and knew that there must be a murderous formation inside, but he didn't activate it. Among the barbarians, everywhere There is a murderous intent hidden, if there is no barbarian to lead the way, if you break in alone, I am afraid that you will die on the way.

In less than a moment, they arrived at the gate of the Man Wang city.

Xuanyuan looked up at this majestic giant city. On the tall city wall, there were patches of bloodstains. These blood sacrifices were shocking, at least they were all left by people in the realm of heaven and immortals. Among them were the blood of sages, and even stained with blood The emperor's blood, even the people of the emperor's mirror spattered blood here. It is conceivable that in the ancient times, what a tragic war took place here, and the barbarians can survive after the destruction of the witch clan. There must be many unknown means.

On the city wall, stood a tall man. They were full of vigor and blood, and their spirits were hale and hearty. Their eyes were full of wildness and fearlessness. In the midst of the storm, they didn't even use their fighting spirit to prop up a barrier, letting the raindrops Hitting them, they still stood still, relying on the strength of their bodies to shatter the raindrops, they were full of heroism and fighting spirit.

The gates of the Barbarian King City are wide open, guarded by nearly a hundred, and everyone's strength is at the realm of fighting immortals at rank four. Their physical strength and violent combat power far exceed those of rank five fighting immortals in the land of the human race. characters.

"I've met Elder Pangu." The guard in the head bowed towards Pangu, then looked at Xuanyuan, feeling the aura emanating from Xuanyuan's body, the guard trembled, Shocked face:

"This breath, could it be the legendary 'Barbarian Battle Physique'? I feel my blood boil, and standing with the 'Brute God Battle Physique' actually makes me feel that my combat power has skyrocketed..."

Pangu smiled, noncommittal, now even letting the sons of the clan know that there is a "Barbarian Battle Body" is better than letting them know that the "Barbarian Battle Body" has long since fallen, he said with a gentle smile:

"Hehe, practice hard, the future of our barbarians depends on you young people."

"Yes." Many of the barbarian city defenders looked excited. The "Barbarian Battle Body" is the symbol of their barbarians. Now that the return of the "Barbarian God Battle Body" has encouraged them, it is self-evident.

Xuanyuan didn't say much, but smiled at them politely. Mochou, Yan Ziyun, Lan Die, and Peng Fei were all like this. They were among the barbarians, and everything was up to them. Next, we will see How did the barbarians arrange it.

Xuanyuan and his party entered the Barbarian King City, which attracted the attention of many people, especially the aura of Xuanyuan's evolution into a 'Barbarian God's Battle Body', which made many people happy, and they roared uncontrollably to the sky. Their voices were like thunder. In the meantime, it was the rumble of heavy rain that overshadowed this piece of heaven and earth.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Pangu had a gratified smile on his face and a lot of bitterness in his heart:

"It would be great if it was really a 'Barbarian Battle Physique', but it's a pity."

Pangu stepped up his pace and walked all the way. In the city of Manwang, black stone houses were piled up one after another. These black stone houses exuded an extremely ancient atmosphere, at least they were all left over from the ancient times. The barbarian runes carved by generations of masters to strengthen their homeland.

Xuanyuan can clearly feel that in the entire Barbarian King City, even a commoner has the strength to fight immortals, and every tree and tree are soldiers, and everyone can fight. Presumably, even the capital of the human race, it is impossible to have Such a grand occasion, unless it was in the ancient times.

Soon, Xuanyuan and his party were brought by Pangu into a witch temple in the Barbarian King City. This is a very sacred place in the 'Barbarian King City'. There are countless barbarian people who come here to worship every day, even if they You can't enter the witch hall, but you can also worship at the altar outside the witch hall, so that the barbarian god in the witch hall can bless your son to grow tall and strong, and you can get the blessing of the barbarian god.

"I'm back." Pangu led Xuanyuan and his party into this witch hall, and said softly, but this voice had endless penetrating power, penetrating into the entire witch hall.

I saw a portal manifested, and the gray light flickered. As long as you step in from here, you can enter another world.

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