Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 945: Providence!

Time passed bit by bit, Xuanyuan searched day and night, and the earth eye was running all the time, but he couldn't find it. In this dense forest, the whole person felt erratic, as if lost in another place. In this world, Xuanyuan only felt an indescribable exhaustion physically and mentally. With humanity, he could listen to the voices of others, but he couldn't hear Mochou's, because Mochou's heart was pure and harmless. Righteous way, the other party has no time for heart, and it is impossible for him to hear it. This is the only flaw in human nature. There is a deficiency in the way. No time for people.

In the past few days, a group of people have been walking together. The mysterious well was not found, but a few fierce beasts were attracted. The result can be imagined. Among other things, just a Fengxianjun is enough to make people frightened. They With a few people working together, these fierce beasts are of course nothing to say. After the first three beasts in the realm of celestial beings were ruthlessly slaughtered, no other beasts appeared again. They all had a certain level of intelligence. What a shame, keep it at a respectful distance, countless ferocious beasts withdrew far away for fear of being implicated.

The heavy rain is pouring, the sky is gloomy, the rain covers the whole world, and the feet are wet. These towering ancient trees in the dense forest are crazily sucking the nectar from the sky. The towering ancient trees have experienced countless years, and some of them have hazy spiritual wisdom. Self-cultivation is the instinct of the heaven and earth spirits.

Stepping on the rain-soaked fertile soil under his feet, watching the thunder snake dancing in the sky, covered with lead clouds, Xuanyuan felt depressed, he always wanted to find it, but couldn't find it, one can imagine the mood.

He understood that no matter whether it was Yan Ziyun, Peng Fei, or Lan Die, they didn't try their best to help him find it, they were just pretending. There was an indescribable powerlessness in his heart. Xuanyuan pinned his hopes on Mo Chou and asked:

"Mochou, have you found any clues about that well?"

Mo Chou shook her head and said helplessly:

"could not find it."

Along the way, Mo Chou didn't look for her wholeheartedly. Naturally, she couldn't find it. She didn't dare to look for it, because if she did, she could hear Xuanyuan's voice all the way, and she was very afraid that she couldn't help but tell Xuanyuan, that would only harm Xuanyuan.

Hearing Mo Chou's response, Xuanyuan felt powerless. Mo Chou is the 'body of a thousand spirits'. If even Mo Chou can't be found, then who else can find it? I have tried my best these days. At this moment, Xuanyuan felt unspeakably tired.

"I said boy, six days have passed, today is the seventh day, you must not find it, don't look for it again, everything is God's will, it is God who doesn't want you to find Yuan'er, because it knows This is a way to die, so I don’t want you to die, so you just obey the destiny!” Peng Fei shrugged and pretended to be very tired, showing the first-class acting skills of a powerful actor. If you listen to other people's voices, you may be deceived by Peng Fei.

"Yeah, Xuanyuan, what Pengfei said is right, don't look for it anymore, you keep running your eyes to look for it, and you haven't found it after so many days, this is also a big deal for you. Consumption, look at you, you are very tired now, don't treat yourself like this again." Yan Ziyun persuaded from the side, feeling very distressed, it was the first time she saw Xuanyuan like this.

"Hehe, this is nothing. Compared with what Yuan'er has endured, all of this is insignificant." Xuanyuan shook his head, looked around with the eyes of the earth, and continued to search. Seeing that Xuanyuan did not give up, Lan Die did not give up. What did you say, Peng Fei and Yan Ziyun were silent, indeed, Yuan'er sacrificed too much for Xuanyuan, no matter what Xuanyuan did for her, it was understandable.

Feng Xianjun also exhausted many methods, but it couldn't find it either. Only Xuanyuan and Feng Xianjun were really looking for the whereabouts of the well.

Time flies, night begins to fall slowly, the clear moon in the sky is shrouded by dark clouds, just like Xuanyuan's mood, is everything really fate?

He could clearly feel that day that everything about Yuan'er was integrated into his body, and what those ancient words referred to was the mysterious well in the depths of the barbarians, and the world connected to it, which Yuan'er was bound to go to. In this world, before Yuan'er's true spirit left, what she said was just that she didn't want to worry about her, and didn't want to take risks for her. Xuanyuan understood Yuan'er.

These ancient characters possess unfathomable power, and will automatically protect the Lord. As a strange rock in ancient times, Yuan'er has experienced countless life and death catastrophes, and has evolved to this day. She is naturally intimate with those ancient characters and can understand the meaning contained in them. In a deep sense, there is an idea in the dark that tells Xuanyuan where Yuan'er is going, and it is precisely because of this that Xuanyuan is sure that as long as he passes through this well, he will be able to find Yuan'er's whereabouts.

Even if he doesn't believe in his intuition, he believes in the power of these ancient characters. Yuan'er saved herself not once or twice. When she was on the isolated island, she used the ancient characters to frighten the dragon's claw finger. Otherwise, I'm afraid At that time, Xuanyuan and Pengfei were probably going to stumble there.

At this moment, Xuanyuan felt a lot of unspeakable helplessness in his heart. Whether it was Yan Ziyun, Peng Fei, or Lan Die, they didn't want him to put himself in danger, so he didn't go looking for it. He couldn't blame them, but felt extremely depressed and lost. .

Looking at Xuanyuan's appearance, Mo Chou felt reluctant to give up and wanted to find it. Seeing that Mo Chou's heart was shaken, the greedy old man hurriedly said:

"Mochou, little girl, hold on a little longer, as long as you hold on a little longer, this kid won't be able to find that well."

Mo Chou was sad, but she didn't want Xuanyuan to die. At this moment, Xuanyuan raised his head to the sky and screamed like a cuckoo crying and a cuckoo crying blood:

"Yuaner, where are you!"

From Xuanyuan's body, three ancient characters emerged, flowing with chaotic ancient rhythms, and each ancient character had unpredictable suppressing power.

The aura from each ancient character penetrates to the nine heavens and ten earths, conveying Xuanyuan's thoughts.

The people around Xuanyuan frowned, obviously these few days have been a huge torture for Xuanyuan.

"Boy, no matter how much you shout, it's useless, admit it, the seven days are almost over." Peng Fei sighed.

"Yes, Xuanyuan, take a good rest, you are too tired these days." Yan Ziyun comforted Xuanyuan.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, since it is God's will, then don't be persistent." Lan Die didn't know why, but seeing that Xuanyuan didn't leave, she was relieved.

"Boy, I've said it all, that mysterious well is very difficult to find, otherwise, the 'Swallowing Emperor' would not have returned in vain that day, so don't be discouraged, this is all hidden. It is doomed, even if you try your best, it will be of no avail, man is not as good as God!" The greedy old man said to Xuanyuan.

"Brother Xuanyuan, Mo Chou is useless and unable to help you." Mo Chou blamed herself very much.

Xuanyuan shook his head and smiled wryly:

"Maybe it's God's will!"

At this moment, a force of space fluctuations was transmitted, and a well was manifested in front of everyone.

Seeing this scene, Peng Fei's eyeballs almost popped out, Yan Ziyun's face was pale, Lan Die's heart was shocked, Mo Chou was shocked, what's going on?

"Hahaha, this well actually appeared by itself. Could it be that these three ancient characters, in the dark, have a pulling force on this well, or is it because of something? Could it be God's will?" Xuanyuan Laughing, I looked at the well in front of me, with a diameter of eight feet, and the mouth of the well was like a gossip, representing eight directions. In the depths of the well, there was chaos, and there was a scorching heat. less than.

Seeing the appearance of this mysterious well, Xuanyuan was overjoyed, the previous depression was swept away, but all the people around him were in a gloomy mood.

Xuanyuan suddenly realized the emotions of the crowd, so he restrained himself a bit, and said with a smile to the crowd:

"It's nothing, you have to trust me, absolutely nothing will happen, I will definitely find Yuan'er, find a supreme body for her, and come back when the time comes."

"I'll go with you. I have the fastest speed in the world. Most people can't catch up with me. With me by your side, at least you will be much safer." Feng Xianjun's thoughts came out.

"That's right, Xuanyuan, I want to be by your side too." Yan Ziyun was also very determined.

"Damn it, although I'm afraid of death, Daoist, but you kid caused a big disaster, such a big shit pot was put on our heads, and now you want to walk away, you give way Lord, I am alone, what should I do? I will go to another world with you too!" After making several decisions, Peng Fei still wants to go to that unknown world with Xuanyuan, where life and death ahead are extremely dangerous.

"Mochou will go with you too..." Mochou was very firm.

"It's very dangerous to go here, and it's not good if there are too many people. I can go alone. If you want to help me, Feng Xianjun, you can go back to the 'Qinglongmen'. I always feel that the last few years will not be peaceful,'Qing "Dragon Gate" is my foundation, so just leave it to me to search for Yuan'er. With you here, if any danger occurs, your natural supernatural powers can also play a big role, and there are "nightmare" Senior Guixian is here, maybe he can help you break through to the realm of sages."

"Also, Pengfei, you too, you are the inheritor of "Feng Shui Ancient Magic", how can I let you go on an adventure with me, you can go to the 'Qinglongmen' for refuge, as long as you use the 'change the world' How to change your appearance into an ordinary person, act in a low-key manner, if you want to help me, you can, help the 'Qinglongmen' set up a few more Fengshui layouts, let the 'Qinglongmen' grow rapidly, this is the greatest help to me."

"Zi Yun, I have worked hard for you all these years. You have your inheritance of the 'Path of Suffering' and your responsibilities. Your master has taught you everything, and she is pinning the hope of this Tao on you. How can you disappoint her when you are born again for the second time?"

"Mochou, you too, 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' is your home. Over the years, they have taken care of you meticulously and loved you very much. No matter what, you can't go with me. I've made up my mind. , I am the only one going forward this time, this is God's will!" Xuanyuan looked up to the sky and sighed.

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