Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 946 Heading to a foreign land!

"I really didn't expect that it would end like this. I thought you must not be able to find the whereabouts of this mysterious well. You must know that the "Emperor Devourer" tried so hard and tried all kinds of methods, but they couldn't find it. A mysterious well, and now you let this well appear in front of you, it is too unbelievable..."

While Xuanyuan was talking with everyone, Pangu appeared from the mid-air. At the same time, there were several people wearing black cloaks. They couldn't see their faces clearly, but they could feel the aura emanating from them. With that boundless mighty force, the strength of these people is only higher than that of Pangu.

Obviously, these people came to send Xuanyuan on the road, and this mysterious well appeared, no matter what their wishes, they must fulfill their promises. Seeing the arrival of a few great wizards from the Wu clan, Mo Chou, Yan Ziyun, and Peng Fei were all impatient. I didn't expect it to come so soon, which meant that Xuanyuan was about to leave them.

"Brother Xuanyuan." Mo Chou's eyes were full of tears, she was extremely reluctant, and it goes without saying that she was worried in her heart.

"Mochou, don't worry, I'll be fine, but before I leave, I have a treasure to give you."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan gave Mo Chou the Linglong Pagoda of "Suppressing the Sky Spiritual Source" that was used by the "Emperor Qinghuang" to suppress the "Emperor Dragon King" that day. The method of eternal suppression obtained from the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion' by the 'Emperor Qinghuang' for advice, is of great use to Mo Chou, who is practicing the supernatural powers of the 'Linglong Immortal Mansion'.

Mo Chou shook her head and sobbed:

"I don't want it, I just want to go with brother Xuanyuan, and I don't want any other Mochou!"

"Be good, touch your head, be obedient, Mo Chou is the most obedient, take this thing with you, practice hard, the five masters are old, they need your care, you have to take good care of them for me, find As for elder sister Yuan'er, just leave it to me alone."

Xuanyuan looked at Mochou very tenderly. It can be said that Mochou is one of his closest relatives. Seeing Mochou sad makes Xuanyuan feel uncomfortable, and it is impossible for him to let Mochou take risks for his affairs , and Mo Chou must stay in this world.

Mo Chou knew that Xuanyuan was determined and didn't want her to follow her to another world, so she didn't say anything more, and accepted the 'Tiantian Lingyuan', which was naturally formed with an exquisite pagoda appearance, and she knew what she should do next. What to do, if at the beginning, Xuanyuan entered the 'Doulong Immortal Mansion' without the help of the Five Elements Immortal, I am afraid that he would not survive now, so for these five old men, even if Xuanyuan is stronger than them, but in his heart Still respecting them, Mo Chou has a very deep relationship with them.

"Well, Brother Xuanyuan, you must promise me that you must come back to see Mo Chou, Mo Chou will always be waiting for you." Mo Chou tried her best not to cry, but the tears couldn't stop falling, and her smile was far-fetched. :

"Mo Chou doesn't cry, brother Xuanyuan will be fine, he will save Sister Yuan'er and come back, Mo Chou should laugh, so, Mochou waits for the day when Brother Xuanyuan rescues Sister Yuan'er."

Xuanyuan smiled slightly, wiped away tears for Mochou, and said:

"Don't worry, I will definitely come back, Zi Yun, you too, just trust me!"

Xuanyuan looked at Yan Ziyun, Yan Ziyun's eyes were already red, it had been many years, she had forgotten what it was like to cry, now Xuanyuan was about to leave this world, and the road ahead was boundless, life and death were unknown, her The mood can be imagined.

Yan Ziyun knew that once Xuanyuan made a decision, it would be difficult to change, so Xuanyuan took out an imperial object from the ring and said slowly:

"This is the Jiang family's 'Slaying Demon Sword'. I don't have anything to give you. You just take it with you. There are many mysteries in this sword. If you understand it carefully, you will find that it will benefit you a lot. I hope it will be beneficial to you." Useful!"

Yan Ziyun held the 'Demon Slaying Sword' in her hand, which was the emperor's object that Xuanyuan snatched when she was still in the identity of 'Ji Luori':

"I see……"

Yan Ziyun nodded, hugged Xuanyuan gently, pressed against Xuanyuan, sobbing:

"Xuanyuan, you must be safe and sound. I will wait for you. From today onwards, I will wait for you by this well until you come back!"

"Don't worry, I'll be fine." Xuanyuan smiled slightly, looked at Fengxianjun, patted its sturdy body, and said:

"Feng Xianjun, go to the 'Qinglongmen', I will definitely bring Yuan'er back, trust me."

"Okay." Feng Xianjun was very straightforward and didn't say anything more.

Finally Xuanyuan looked at Lan Die and said:

"Miss Landie, thank you for your help all the way, Xuanyuan has nothing to repay, what do you want?"

Lan Die smiled and said:

"In the ancient royal family, do you think I will lack anything? It is Lan Die's luck to have a friend like Master Xuanyuan. Lan Die has nothing to ask for, but hopes that Master Xuanyuan can return safely. Remember being the first one to come to see me, this is my request, what do you think of Mr. Xuanyuan?"

"Hahaha, okay, that's natural." Xuanyuan laughed heartily, with high spirits, the fatigue of the previous few days was swept away, looked at Pengfei, and said:

"Brother friend, I know that you have supernatural powers. You don't care about imperial objects, fairy treasures, coins, and fairy sources. I will give this scepter to you. I hope you can find Yin Yin as soon as possible." Mirror, which forms a complete 'Yin-Yang Mirror', with the perfect body protection of the supreme Taoist, you can protect yourself wherever you go, but my 'Qinglongmen' will trouble you a lot."

"Damn it, I knew that as soon as you spoke, I knew that there was nothing good in your belly, so I gave me a scepter, which is to let Daoist me be a cow and a horse for you, If you don’t take someone like you, you can leave if you want, at least take out all the treasures on your body, otherwise if you are not careful, you will not be able to come back, and these things are not cheap for others, so..." When Pengfei was about to continue talking, he was dumbfounded by Yan Ziyun's eyes. As the saying goes, it is better to offend a villain than a woman. Now that Xuanyuan is going to another world, I am saying this If so, it's no wonder that Yan Ziyun looks like she wants to fight herself desperately.

"Hey, Daoist, my life is suffering. Don't worry, for the sake of your kid saving me, I will definitely do good things for you, but when you come back, see if there is anything similar in the other world." The supreme feng shui ancient art is still the treasure of feng shui, so you have to bring some back to give me."

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan looked at the terrifying existences of the witch clan, and said slowly:

"Okay, seniors, I'm ready and I can go anytime!"

Pangu looked at the people around him, and said slowly:

"You guys do it!"

At this moment, a door opened in an instant, and a man with an extremely obscene appearance stepped out, followed by a man with black evil spirit all over his body:


This incomparably wretched-looking man is none other than the Pig-headed Emperor. He turned green all over his face, looked at Xuanyuan, showed a mouthful of big yellow teeth, and spitted:

"You kid really want to go to a foreign land?"

"Yes, I thought you wouldn't come."

"Damn it, this great emperor has worked so hard, it's so easy to drag you down with shit and piss. I, you actually leave as soon as you say, you have no conscience, who do you want to let the great emperor retire and die in the future! "The pig-headed emperor pointed at Xuanyuan's nose angrily, cursing, and the people present were indifferent. They had seen the 'Tundi' back then, and their strength was extremely terrifying.

"No way, I must go, you can't stop me, I'm going to find Yuan'er, this is God's will." Xuanyuan said.

"That's good, you take this great emperor with you." The pig-headed emperor said: "This great emperor should be born as a 'body of all transformations', even if he dies in another world, this great emperor has to follow."

"Get out, don't follow me, as long as I'm with you, I'll be unlucky, you still stay here, help me support the 'Qinglongmen', if possible, take care of Jingxuan, and Shiwan, if you can The two of them are here, and I believe that as long as they have a certain degree of sovereignty one day, the pattern of the world will definitely change dramatically."

Xuanyuan said every word without any rebuttal from Zhutou Dadi. These are all his arrangements, which need to be completed by Zhutou Dadi, because he is his spokesperson, and Zhutou Dadi seems to be greedy, but in many ways, Xuanyuan does not say much. He is much more experienced than himself, so the pig-headed emperor must stay and go to another world by himself. If he can arrive safely, as long as he keeps a low profile, there will be no great danger.

"If you don't let him go, you have to let me go with you, 'Nightmare Ghost Fairy' keeps my life and true soul with you, your life is my life, I don't want to die without knowing it Now, although my strength has only returned to the strength of the Supreme Immortal, it is naturally enough to avoid some accidents along the way."

The man who spoke was naturally the 'Evil Dragon King'. When he heard the 'Pig Head Emperor' say that Xuanyuan was going to a foreign land, his face turned green. After being suppressed by the 'Emperor Qinghuang' for so many years, now his strength After a slow recovery, if Xuanyuan died, he would never want to live again.

"Don't worry, if I'm really going to die, you won't be able to stop me. In the future, I will break through to the realm of earth immortals, heavenly immortals, and even sages, quasi-emperors, and great emperors. I don't know how terrible the catastrophe and punishment I will encounter. Don't you know? If you can resist for me, it's just a matter of time, you two can do whatever you want."

As soon as this remark came out, the 'Evil Dragon King' became dumb. He made it clear that Xuanyuan wanted to go alone. It was useless to talk. He looked at the terrifying existence among the witches and said:

"Seniors, please send me to a foreign land!"

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