Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 956 Heaven's Beloved

Elder Yaotian laughed softly, as if he was talking to his granddaughter. From his tone, it could be heard that he loved Liyue.

Hearing this, Li Yue glanced at Xuanyuan from the corner of her eye, her pretty face flushed, her eyes wandered a bit:

"Elder Yaotian, Mr. Xuanyuan may be in financial difficulties, and now he is anxious to find out the whereabouts of his best friend, so I want to let Elder Yaotian accommodate!"

"Oh? The economy is a bit tight, so it's not your turn to speak for him, right? There were many people with financial loans in the past. Why haven't I seen you speak for anyone? It's really strange, you girl Why is the elbow out of the way?" Elder Yaotian smiled meaningfully.

Hearing this, Li Yue quickly explained:

"Because Mr. Xuanyuan has been baptized by the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', I think he will have a bright future in the future, so I think even if there is a fee, I can let Mr. Xuanyuan pay on credit..."

"Okay, you little girl, I watched you grow up, do I still not understand you? Knowing that you are kind-hearted and willing to help others, come on, boy Xuanyuan, don't look at Liyue, the girl's strength is only in her life Xian Dianfeng, this girl is less than twenty years old, she is very talented, she is also beautiful, and she has a kind heart. Although she has no big background and is just a helpless little doll, she is really a very good choice. Don't think about it?" Elder Yaotian didn't show his figure, but his voice was rolling.

Xuanyuan was stunned when he heard the words, for a while, he didn't understand the meaning of Elder Yaotian, he paused, he suddenly came back to his senses, and said with a dumb smile:

"Thank you Elder Yaotian for your kindness. Now Xuanyuan only wants to find someone. Xuanyuan sees everything about Miss Liyue. If she asks for something in the future, Xuanyuan will go through fire and water and will not hesitate."

"Elder Yaotian, Liyue will get angry if you continue like this. Don't embarrass Mr. Xuanyuan anymore." "It's just a person who does things in the middle. If you want family background but no family background, you want status but no status, you want strength but no strength, just like a person who drinks water and knows whether he is warm or cold.

There are permanence in the sky, the fate of people is different, and the trajectory of life will never be the same. Just like the two stars of Shangshang, they will never meet again. With the baptism of 'Baisheng Hongguang', I am afraid that in the future, he will achieve greater achievements and be admired by all the people in the whole 'Nanyan World'. There are some things that Liyue knows very well in her heart.

She only hopes that her life is as simple as it is now, without too many changes, and she can live like this for the rest of her life. She doesn't want anything, and she doesn't want to ask for anything. Xuanyuan got it under her professor's guidance. The baptism of "Baisheng Hongguang" is of course Xuanyuan's own perception, even if it is replaced by a person, now as long as she can see that Xuanyuan can benefit the people of the world in the future, she will feel very satisfied and dare not ask for extravagance other.

Sensing the thoughts in Li Yue's heart, Elder Yaotian finally stopped talking about this topic, and said to Xuanyuan angrily:

"Boy, for Liyue's sake, I'll help you calculate for free, and give me the leftovers of the person you're looking for."

As soon as the words fell, an old man with eyebrows like snow stepped out from a chaotic formation. In his eyes, there seemed to be thousands of universes ups and downs, containing endless mysteries of the great way, as if between heaven and earth, everything The secret is in his grasp.

Xuanyuan shook his head, rejected Elder Yaotian's kindness, and said word by word:

"The person I'm looking for, her life is more important than mine. I won't let my senior calculate it for me for free. I also don't like to owe others favors. How much should I ask? As long as I can calculate her exact s position."

For the sake of Yuan'er, it is impossible for Xuanyuan to save this little money. Even if his family goes bankrupt, as long as he can find out the exact whereabouts of Xuanyuan, he is willing to do so.

"Oh? You have a bit of a backbone, okay, just follow what you said, as much as you want, I will not be polite, collecting money from others, and solving disasters and difficulties with others, it is only right and proper!" Originally, he wanted to let Xuanyuan owe Li Yue is a favor, but he didn't expect that Xuanyuan would do this, which made Elder Yaotian feel a little uncomfortable, but he was a little angry when he spoke, because Xuanyuan's move, in his eyes, seemed to refuse Li Yue's kindness towards him is the same, he has always treated Li Yue as his granddaughter, how could he not be angry?

Li Yue was a little anxious, looked at Xuanyuan, and said:

"Master Xuanyuan, don't worry, you don't owe anyone, Elder Yaotian..."

Xuanyuan waved his hand, stopped Liyue, and said gently:

"Miss Liyue, thank you for your kindness. Xuanyuan has taken it, and I will remember it for the rest of my life, but this matter is of great importance. What I am looking for is a woman. For her, I can abandon everything I have, so I don't want Through you, to find her whereabouts, I should rely on my own ability to find her, some things can't be done by others, and I'm not a person who will take soft food."

Li Yue was stunned for a moment, and said nothing more. Elder Yaotian laughed and said:

"Boy, yes, I'm starting to like you a little bit."

The corners of Xuanyuan's eyes twitched, the corners of his mouth twitched, and he whispered:

"I'm not gay..."

"What did you say?" Elder Yaotian stared, unable to understand what Xuanyuan muttered.

"It's nothing, please Elder Yaotian help me calculate." From Xuanyuan's fingertips, a cyan blood drop condensed, this is Yuan'er's blood, using her blood to calculate her position will only be more accurate, You have to know your own body, but you are half of Yuan'er, if you don't have Yuan'er to save yourself, you don't know what kind of situation you will be in.

"What a pure blood. This kind of blood is no longer like the blood of ordinary people. It has already brought divinity. I don't know how many calamities and years it has gone through. It is like a god. This person is no small thing. , in her blood, there is a kind of unfathomable avenue, comparable to the supreme ancient art, who is this woman?"

When Elder Yaotian received the drop of blue blood into his palm, he looked surprised, because it was the first time he had seen this kind of blood. The blood essence of the immortal beasts of various great calamities is comparable, but this drop of blood is different from their blood, because this blood can be intimate with the gods, so it can be seen that this person must have an extraordinary status to communicate with the gods .

"She is my closest relative. I hope Elder Yaotian can help me find out her whereabouts. As long as I can find her exact location, I will do whatever I want, so please." Xuanyuan pleaded heavily.

"Okay, I'll try to calculate it first. I don't know if it's difficult or not. It's just based on my intuition over the years. If I want to calculate this person, I will have to pay a huge price. Boy, you must go bankrupt." Get ready!"

Elder Yaotian's expression became solemn, and he flicked this drop of blue blood from Yuan'er, and it fell not far away, in the center of the Xiantian Eight Diagrams Formation. Then he used his finger as a sword, and carved various runes in midair, sympathetic Heaven and earth, the sky full of stars twists and turns, and the sky is full of brilliance, shining brightly.

Suddenly his body trembled, and he immediately synchronized the movements in his hands, looked at Xuanyuan, and said in a startled voice:

"This girl has great luck, and she is God's darling. In order to protect her, God has covered her up. If I try to forcibly figure out her whereabouts, I will probably be punished by robbery!"

When Xuanyuan heard the words, he was both happy and surprised. He was happy that Yuan'er was still under the protection of God, but he was surprised that if this was the case, how should he find Yuan'er?

"Then what should we do, how can we figure out Yuan'er's whereabouts?" Xuanyuan asked hastily.

"Use your blood to fuse with that woman's blood, and let God know that the person who wants to find her is a person who is close to her. This may reveal the secret, but for me, the loss It is still very big, because it is calculated the whereabouts of God's beloved, so it is very likely to lose life."

Elder Yaotian sighed, looking up at the sky, the stars are shining brightly, he has lived for countless years, and this is the first time he has calculated such an important person, there are not many darlings of the heavens, and he does not know what kind of woman is related to Xuanyuan identity of.

Xuanyuan didn't say anything more, and directly led out nine drops of unrefined, extremely pure Qinglong essence blood. Each drop of these Qinglong essence blood contained majestic vitality, and each drop was round and full, like agate. Among them was a small dragon. Winding, rolling.

Elder Yaotian looked at the nine drops of Qinglong blood essence, his whole body was shocked, and he said in shock:

"This, this is the blood essence of the Qinglong in the legend. The Qinglong once came to my "Nanyan World", as early as in the ancient times, but I didn't expect that he still left his own blood essence, and let me You got it!"

"These nine drops of Qinglong's essence blood should be regarded as my compensation for the shortened life of Elder Yaotian. They can prolong the life of Elder Yaotian. There is even the law of Qinglong in it, and it can also temper the body. It is so rare that Elder Yaotian must also I understand, the dragon's power on the nine drops of green dragon essence blood has been dissolved, and there will be no danger to people, otherwise, a drop of blood from the realm of the ancient emperor is enough to kill the supreme celestial beings, and even seriously injure half-step sages! " Xuanyuan said.

"No need, these nine drops of Qinglong blood essence are enough, you can integrate your own breath or blood essence into it." While talking, Elder Yaotian has already taken out a special jade bottle to pour nine drops of Qinglong blood essence into it. It's included in it.

Xuanyuan nodded, and drew out a drop of blood from his heart. On it were the aura of himself and Yuaner, and on it were his longing for Yuaner. All in all, he only hoped to find Yuaner's whereabouts.

When this drop of scarlet blood merged with Yuan'er's drop of blue blood, Elder Yaotian immediately made a move.

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