Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 957 Fierce God's Nest?

This drop of blood from Xuanyuan's heart blended with Yuan'er's green blood, presenting a yin and yang pattern, all of which are dark and mysterious, with an impenetrable aura, and there is a great light recognized by the brand of Baisheng hidden in it.

As soon as Elder Yaotian made a move, there was a feeling that there was no secret in front of him in the whole world.

Xuanyuan was startled, I'm afraid that Elder Yaotian's attainments in this method of calculation are not much weaker than those who are too high-ranking in the 'Tianji'.

The stars in the sky are revolving, the stars are shining brightly, and they are falling in the big gossip formation. I can only see that the big formation of one yuan, two appearances, three talents, four images, five elements, six harmony, seven stars, eight trigrams and nine palaces is running in unison on the top, and the blood of Xuanyuan and Yuan'er is drawn A tiny wisp of it goes straight to the heavens and reaches the heaven.

After a pause, a ray of divine light descended and hit Elder Yaotian, his body trembled, and he spit out a mouthful of blood, his eyes dimmed a lot in an instant, and his whole body became much older.

"Elder Yaotian, are you alright?"

Li Yue at the side also exclaimed:

"Elder Yaotian, how are you doing?"

Elder Yaotian smiled wryly, and the formations in all directions became dim and fell silent. He shook his head and said:

"God's darling, it is indeed a great taboo, and it cannot be calculated at all. I used to only see it in the ancient manuscripts, but now it is the first time I have experienced it personally. There are thousands of warnings in the manuscripts. Offend God, don't touch these things, but today I violated a taboo."

"So, there is no hope?" Xuanyuan's heart suddenly became cold, and Elder Yaotian was afraid that the trauma he suffered would not be small.

"That's not the case. If it weren't for your blood essence, I'm afraid God wouldn't reveal a little news to me, because God can feel your deep concern and longing from your blood essence, and you get the 'Baisheng Hongguang' The baptism of ', it revealed a ray of mystery, let me know, even so, I still got this message at the price of 500 years of life, because this is the price of calculating God's darling." Elder Shake Tian thought in his heart With emotion, this is the first time in his life that he encountered such a strange thing. In the past, how could there be such a great danger.

Xuanyuan turned grief into joy, there was news of Yuan'er, anyway, talk is better than nothing, he said quickly:

"Also please let Elder Yaotian know."

"I only got the information that the woman is in the west. Next, whether you can find her depends on the fate between you and her. In the dark, there will be a huge battle for you in the west." Therefore, you should consider it carefully." Elder Yaotian seemed to have learned something in the process of calculation, but he didn't want to say more, just a word, a word of careful consideration, is enough to explain everything.

"Okay, thank you, Elder Yaotian, for this you have given five hundred years of life. If you have any requirements, as long as I can do it, I will try my best to do it." Xuanyuan was overjoyed, no matter what, now he has a definite direction , It's easy to handle, I have a ray of soul imprint of Yuan'er in my heart, as long as I get closer to Yuan'er, I can naturally feel it, now that I know Yuan'er's whereabouts, I won't be like a headless chicken.

"No need, nine drops of Qinglong's essence blood can make my physical body stronger, change my physique, improve my attainments in calculation, and at the same time make up for five hundred years of life. This is enough Now, it’s you, be careful yourself, and see off the guests from the moon.” Elder Yaotian waved his hand, left a sentence, and disappeared in front of Xuanyuan’s eyes, probably to refine the Qinglong’s blood essence.

Hearing Li Yue's words, she felt relieved:

"Master Xuanyuan, come with me."

"Yeah." Xuanyuan followed Li Yue, walked into another portal, and disappeared into this world. In a blink of an eye, the two of them returned to a building of the 'Li Huo Chamber of Commerce' again.

"Miss Liyue, thank you for your help all the way." Xuanyuan bowed and thanked.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, you don't need to be too polite. Please forgive Liyue for talking too much. Is that woman the love of your heart? Is she your lifelong partner?" Liyue asked, with an inexplicable emotion in her eyes.

"Eh? No, but she is very important to me. If something happens to her, I have to save her. I can give up everything for her." Xuanyuan replied firmly.

"Well, I understand, Mr. Xuanyuan, be careful all the way." Li Yue took out a roll of animal skin from her long sleeves, handed it to Xuanyuan, and said slowly:

"Above this is the map of the entire 'Nanyan World'. The black dots marked on it are extremely dangerous places. Mr. Xuanyuan must pay more attention, take care!"

Xuanyuan took the roll of animal skins, feeling in his heart that a woman like Liyue, simple and flawless, is indeed liked by others. Xuanyuan took out a jade tablet, handed it to Liyue, and said:

"Miss Liyue, on this jade card, there is a ray of my spirituality in it. If you encounter any danger, activate this jade card as soon as possible. Even if it is separated by thousands of mountains and rivers, I will Will come as soon as possible."

"Mr. Xuanyuan was joking. Li Yue is just a small person. How can he encounter any danger when entertaining guests in this 'Li Huo Chamber of Commerce' every day?" Li Yue smiled lightly. In fact, she yearned for an ordinary life. Working at the Moon Chamber of Commerce, holding a monthly salary, and practicing slowly, she will be satisfied after a lifetime like this.

"No matter what, Miss Liyue accepts it. The world is impermanent and the world is unpredictable. Keep it by your side." Xuanyuan said.

"Okay, thank you Mr. Xuanyuan for your kindness." Li Yue smiled and took the jade token away.

"Farewell, we will meet later." Xuanyuan cupped his hands and smiled, then turned and left, quietly blending into the crowd.

Originally, the hopes of many great people who were waiting for Xuanyuan to appear were in vain, because Xuanyuan is a "body of all transformations", and with a special physique, it can conceal the aura of "Hundred Saints and Hongguang". In this world, Xuanyuan does not want to be famous, after all, here , he is just a passerby, as long as he finds Yuan'er, he will find a way to leave here, so he doesn't want to leave too much concern here.

After Xuanyuan left, Liyue once again returned to the world where Elder Yaotian was, and asked:

"Elder Yaotian, are you alright?"

"Hehe, it's okay, why are you back, girl?" Elder Yaotian's voice came out.

"I want you to calculate whether Mr. Xuanyuan's life will be in danger during this trip?" Li Yue asked

"You girl, alas, I have already stated many things. He will be in great danger when he travels west this time." Elder Yaotian felt helpless.

"Then Elder Yaotian can calculate Young Master Xuanyuan and confirm whether something will happen to him? Is it an imminent disaster, or is there no danger!" Li Yue worried.

"That won't work. There are many secrets in this kid. According to my method of calculation, I can only figure out his whereabouts unless I join hands with the other six old men. On him, there are supernatural powers to cultivate and conceal the secrets of the heavens, and there are also secrets to conceal the secrets of the heavens." Secret treasure, so I can't see through his origin." Elder Yaotian sighed, Xuanyuan's identity is indeed no small matter, how many people in the younger generation can make Elder Yaotian find it difficult to calculate?

Li Yue was unsure, nodded, and said:

"Understood, Elder Yaotian, can you tell me, where is the most likely place for the person that Young Master Xuanyuan is looking for?"

Elder Yaotian paused for a moment, and said word by word:

"The Fierce God's Nest..."

Li Yue's tender body trembled, and her expression changed drastically:


"I hope not. Wherever we go, the peak sages will perish. Only the quasi-emperor can escape unscathed." Elder Yaotian sighed.

"Liyue, the president is looking for you, you should go there."

Xuanyuan didn't know that after he left, Li Yue went to Elder Yaotian again, and those big figures from various ethnic groups didn't know that Xuanyuan left quietly. Three days after the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce', those who wanted to recruit Na Xuanyuan's big shot couldn't sit still.

"What's going on, didn't someone get the baptism of 'Baisheng Hongguang'? Is he in your 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'?"

"That's right, it's probably inappropriate for a person like this to stay in the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'. Although it's because of your understanding of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce', if you use him in Jiangshan Sheji, it will be the entire 'Nanyan World. 'Blessing."

"That's right, I said you 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' can't be so selfish, you have to think for the people of the world."

"Everyone, don't be impatient. The young man who was baptized by the 'Bai Sheng Hong Guang' has already left. Presumably he doesn't want to be known to others. If he wanted to, he would not leave." A voice came from 'Li Huo The depths of the Chamber' came out.

"What, that boy is gone, how is it possible, the aura of 'Hundred Saints' is extremely strong, and it cannot be concealed wherever he goes, and he has been baptized by the brand of the Hundred Saints, no matter where he goes, he will shine brightly, who is it? You can feel his pure gentleman's breath."

"Yes, with our cultivation base, how could he have the ability to leave under our noses without being discovered by us?"

Many big shots didn't believe the words of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'.

Just then, another voice appeared:

"That boy really left. He seems to want to find someone. Everyone, I won't lie to you, will I?"

"Old president, uh, it's natural. The old president has always been upright and doesn't bother to lie. Since the old president has said so, naturally there will be no lies."

"Forget it, it's a pity, the baptism of 'Hundred Saint Hongguang' carries the hope of all the disciples, what is that young man thinking?"

"Oh, let's go, let's go!"

A group of important people said a few words, knowing that Xuanyuan had left, they didn't have the intention to stay here anymore.

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