"Hmph, you two better be honest with me, do you know where this is? This is the 'Nine Palace Ghost Mountain', which is where the gate of the Jiugong Ghost Venerable is. , you are about to turn into ashes, wait a moment before the Jiugong Guizun, kneel down and beg for mercy, maybe there is still a chance of survival."

The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' was pulling two chains with ghost patterns in his hands, pulling Xuanyuan and Li Yue who were bound, and flew towards the 'Nine Palace Ghost Mountain'.

"Do you know who the Nine Palace Ghost Venerable is? That is the supreme existence. With a flick of a finger, your 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce' will be reduced to ashes..."

The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' worships the Nine Palace Ghost Emperor very much, Xuanyuan deliberately let the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' say such words, even if the Nine Palace Ghost Emperor is just a little scum in front of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce', but replaced by the Nine Palace Ghost Emperor Hearing such words, he would feel very refreshed. Not to mention a Jiugong Guizun, even the entire Ghost Spirit Clan may not be able to be the opponent of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'.

Xuanyuan and Liyue looked reluctant, but there was nothing they could do about it. The 'Nine Palaces of Ghost Mountain' had rugged mountain roads, and it was formed by the combination of countless large formations. Ordinary people would get lost when they walked into it, and would eventually be trapped by the 'Nine Palaces of Ghost Mountain'. It's normal for the raised ghost beasts to be devoured, or to die in the midst of a fierce battle.

In the 'Nine Palaces of Ghost Mountain', there are strong people like forests, and those who sweep the ground on the mountain are all immortals, and those who are patrolling are ghost kings of the earth fairy realm, with the breath of the peak ghost king and the breath of the ghost emperor. There are not a few of them, one can imagine how powerful this 'Jiugong Ghost Mountain' is.

"Seven Stars begs to see the senior Jiugong Guizun, wishing the old senior Jiugong Guizun a long life without bounds, a life equal to the heavens..." The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' and Jiugong Guizun are very friendly, this is well known in the entire 'Nine Palace Ghost Mountain' Seeing the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' asking to see the Nine Palace Ghost Venerable, the disciples on the mountain have long been familiar with it.

Because there have been many times that Jiugong Guizun called the "Seven Star Ghost Emperor" in front of everyone, so the "Seven Star Ghost Emperor" was particularly loyal to Jiugong Ghost Zun, and would make offerings to Jiugong Ghost Zun every three days, and now he brought Two big living people, one of them is a member of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce', which caused many people to look surprised. They didn't expect the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' to even dare to provoke the existence of such a giant as the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce'. In order to please Jiugong Guizun, he has already spared no expense.

Not far away, several young people, the aura emanating from them was all in the realm of the ghost emperor. They looked at the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' from a distance, their eyes were dark and cold, and one of the women's eyes With murderous intent in her eyes, and her thin lips like knives, she said coldly:

"This 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' is so considerate. He just sent a batch of belongings to the Master a few days ago, and now he has brought two living people. Could it be that he felt that the Master gave him a few pointers, so he intentionally took this Is the Jiugong Ghost Mountain passed on to him? That's why he spared no effort to please the master, he really has ulterior motives!"

"I really don't know how to live or die. How can a small inner sect disciple compare to us, and he has lived a long time, and his potential is only so small. Is it true that he can step into the realm of ghost master?"

The other man has teeth like saws, a pair of triangular eyes full of murderous light, and a murderous look. On his hands, there are sharp claws like swords, and there is a poisonous corpse on them. If he is invaded, he will suffer great trauma. , and the soul will be eroded, and finally lost himself, even the physical body is occupied by him.

"But having said that, the master seems to be very fond of him, and seems to want to promote him. Look at the two living people he brought this time, and the woman among them seems to have a very special physique. , if we can kill him and give the two of them to Master, firstly, we can avoid our worries, and secondly, we can also get a lot of rewards!" Suddenly someone said such a sentence, which aroused other The two agreed, indeed, if it was an ordinary character, the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' would definitely not bring it here.

"Okay, it's decided like this. This 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' is too short-sighted. He actually wants to break ground on Tai Sui, and he can't even see the situation clearly. Death is also a good thing for him." The woman With a cold smile, it seemed to her that the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' was already a dead person.

In this "chaotic slaughter domain" is a world of cannibalism, the strong eat the strong, naked, naked, and naked. The elimination mechanism of natural selection, the weak and weak can only die without the slightest suspense.

"Then let's lure him to a mysterious space and kill him later. Otherwise, there will be too much commotion, and I'm afraid it will disturb the master, and then it will be bad. Anyway, there is a big fierce force here, and a big killing array There are so many, if there is a big movement, it is said that someone who is not open-eyed has broken into the fierce force, and the master will not take a second look."

"That's right, but if the master finds out that we killed the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' afterwards, what will happen to him? What should we do then? This is a question, after all, the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' keeps telling us Honorable and courteous, if we kill him now, we will cut off a source of wealth for Master, and it is inevitable that he will feel resentful."

"The three of us are on the same boat. The old master only has us three disciples. Is it possible that he will kill us because of a 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor'? At most, it will be a small punishment, and the matter will be revealed." It's over, don't worry, if the master blames this matter, I will be the one to say it, don't forget, the person the master loves the most is me."

"Hahaha, Junior Sister is right, then I will leave this matter to Junior Sister..."

However, both of them know that this so-called love means that this junior sister has an affair with their master, but these things cannot be clearly stated.

The woman had another thought in her heart:

"You two idiots also want to fight with me. If Master blames me, both of you will die at that time. I will say that you forced me to kill the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' with you, and even wanted to kill me. Silence, you will all die together at that time, and in the end only I will be left alone, and I will get the inheritance of Master and his old man, hahaha..."

Since the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' often comes to the 'Nine Palace Ghost Mountain', none of the patrol disciples stopped him, and it was not easy to go up the 'Nine Palace Ghost Mountain', even if the patrol disciples did not stop them, they had to take the correct route. You will get lost in it, the big formation in the mountains changes every nine days, the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' just came a few days ago, the big formation has not evolved, so let him go without others leading the way.

Xuanyuan quietly operated his real eyes, checked the terrain of the 'Jiugong Ghost Mountain', and saw many great ominous forces, all of which were naturally generated between heaven and earth. In some psychedelic places, there are many forbidden teleportation phalanxes. People who are sent into these great vicious forces, once those who don't know the art of power are transported into the great vicious forces, the consequences can be imagined, there must be death and no life.

The place where the 'Nine Palaces of Ghosts' lives is at the peak of the 'Nine Palaces of Ghosts', a ghost palace made of gray boulders, full of ghostly aura, and deadly aura pervades the four directions, penetrating the heart, and there are many extreme ghosts on it. The ancient strange runes have astonishing killing power. Once activated, this ghost hall can be transformed into a high-grade Taoist weapon.

Xuanyuan's face was ashes, and under the control of the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor', he staggered forward, and Li Yue and Li Yue were like prisoners, embarrassed and terrified, at least in the eyes of outsiders.

In Xuanyuan's heart, he communicated with the greedy old man:

"Greedy old man, if you attack that 'Nine Palaces Ghost Venerable' suddenly, can you guarantee that you can suppress it instantly by using the 'swallowing myriad of transformation tools'?"

"Hey, don't forget, kid, the power of the 'Swallowing and Sealing Law' is no problem. I can definitely imprison him immediately by using the Tiangang Supreme Holy Fire and the 'Swallowing and Sealing Law', unless he has already broken through If you have reached the realm of a sage, or a supreme immortal with a perverted physique like you, otherwise, you will definitely not be able to escape." The greedy old man is very confident, because the 'Tiangang Taishang Holy Fire' has too much restraint on the ghosts and spirits , enough to defy the sky.

"Well, that's good." Xuanyuan calmed down, now he could only wait.

Flying indiscriminately is not allowed in the 'Jiugong Ghost Mountain', and walking must be used in some areas. The teleportation restrictions that come and go one after another and the interweaving of great ominous forces make this place full of endless murderous opportunities.

Just as Xuanyuan and his party were advancing, three phantoms suddenly appeared in front of them. Xuanyuan looked up and immediately knew the identities of these three people. The Ghost Emperor has a lot of opinions, because the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' is controlled by Xuanyuan, and everything in his memory has been taken away. He knows that these three people have already murdered him, and now they are blocking the way here.

"'Seven Star Ghost Emperor', it has only been two or three days, and you are here again. What good things did you bring to Master this time?" The woman in the lead, named Jiuweixian, is The incarnation of a demon fox, she looked at Xuanyuan and Liyue, wondering what was special about them.

"Hehe, I won't bother Immortal Nine Tails with this one. When the old man Jiugong Guizun takes a look, he will know what a good thing it is."'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' laughed, bowed his hands, and bowed to the summit hall to show himself Respect to the Nine Palace Ghost Venerable.

"Hehe, since that's the case, then I won't ask any more questions. Master, his old man has a clever plan. He knows that you will definitely come again. Come with us. There are some unrest among the ghost mountains these days. The internal prohibition formation It has been changed, so Master asked us to lead you the way." Immortal Nine Tails turned and left as soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan frowned and didn't say much, now he can only watch the changes quietly.

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