Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 965 Nine Palace Ghost Venerable

Xuanyuan knew that these people wanted to harm him, but now that he was in the 'Nine Palaces of Ghost Mountain', he couldn't fight them in the open. There are a total of 360 heads in the Kingdom, and if they are pulled out, the entire 'Jiugong Ghost Mountain' can be killed alive, or they can be completely wiped out, but this is not the result Xuanyuan wants, as long as the control Once you own a Jiugong Ghost Master, you can control the entire 'Jiugong Ghost Mountain', these 'snatching spirits' are still very useful and cannot be limited to such a small place.

A group of people walked along a rugged mountain road, but at the intersection of several forks, as expected, they wanted to lead themselves to another road with great danger. Xuanyuan observed with the eyes of the earth. If there is one road, it will lead to a gray area, there are several portals in it, and the directions they lead to are all dangerous terrain, which makes Xuanyuan frown.

"Everyone, it seems that this is not the way to reach the peak?" the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' said slowly.

"It's the right way. The most dangerous way is the safest way. Master deliberately used this method to make those who have evil intentions get lost in the 'Nine Palaces Formation'. Follow us Just leave, your current attainments in formations are still far behind ours. You have only been taught by Master a few times, and there are some details that you still don’t understand. Master, his old man’s magical powers The layout of many formations is ingenious." Nine-Tailed Immortal said that she was very convincing, and her smile became gentle, making people feel that she would have bad intentions. Nine-Tailed Immortal also knew, "Seven Star Ghost Huang' received advice from the 'Jiugong Ghost Venerable', and she must have gained something. She should have asked this question because she saw something tricky, but she was already prepared, and everything made sense.

If it wasn't for Xuanyuan's ability to listen to her heart with humanity, she might have been dubious, but no matter what the Nine-tailed Immortal said now, Xuanyuan would never believe her.

"Oh, that's how it is. Please lead the way." The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' suddenly realized, nodded, and stretched out his hand to lead the way.

"Well, follow closely. If you are not careful, you will die. Recently, the relationship with several big ghost mountains is very tense, so this is a last resort. This is why Master asked us to pick you up." Nine tails Xian spoke clearly and logically, thinking he had no flaws, but he couldn't hide it from Xuanyuan.

Just when they started to go to the other road, Xuanyuan led them along the correct road according to the memory of the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor', and the fighting energy in his body reached a peak, and he howled like a pig , resounding throughout the world:

"'Jiugong Guizun' spare my life, spare my life, I am loyal to you and have no second thoughts. If I have made any mistakes, I am willing to use all my family wealth to make up for my mistakes. I also invite 'Jiugong Guizun' Don't kill me, and I really don't know what kind of process I committed, please ask 'Jiugong Guizun' to express it..."

The miserable howl of the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' is very penetrating, and it incorporates the power of the 'Evil Spirit of Seizing the House', so there is no fear that the Nine Palaces Ghost Venerable will not hear it, because the realm of the 'Evil Spirit of Seizing the House' is in the The Supreme Celestial Immortal is a ghostly figure, and his three disciples all turned pale with fright in an instant. They never imagined that the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' would be so sensitive and aware of their intentions , and save yourself in this way!

"'Seven Star Ghost Emperor', what nonsense are you talking about..." Nine-Tailed Immortal turned pale and became anxious all of a sudden. Just as she was about to explain, the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' pulled Xuanyuan and Li Yue to run wildly on that road , like dead parents, screamed:

"'Jiugong Guizun' spare me, if you don't want me to die, why did you send three of your disciples to pick me up and take me into a place of great evil? Isn't that asking me to die? Two supreme treasures, 'Jiugong Guizun', you must not treat me like this, the little one is thinking of Lord Guizun regardless of the benefits of being outside, I really have no second thoughts..."

The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' was full of tears, and the sound reached nine heavens and ten earths, piercing the eardrums of those who are not strong enough. "They are loyal, they can see it, if the 'Nine Palace Ghost Lord' really has no reason to kill the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor', it would be too chilling."

Just when everyone was puzzled, a mighty voice came out from the hall.

"Hehe, it turned out to be the Seven Stars. Come, come, come, it is true that I asked the three of them to pick you up. That road is not a dead end. Both roads are safe. The Nine Palaces Illusory Formation cannot change into a perfect form for a while. ,, the road you are on will become a dead end in just one more day, it's true, so don't worry too much."

Hearing the words of 'Jiugong Guizun', the faces of his three disciples all changed, but at this moment, they knew that what they said was meaningless, 'Jiugong Guizun' deliberately excused them because they were in front of everyone. Under the circumstances, it is not certain how the account will be settled afterwards. Right now, the two male disciples are looking at Nine-tailed Immortal. Whether they are safe or not depends on her. Said that on the surface he is the disciple of 'Jiugong Guizun', but as long as he is unhappy, he can kill himself if he wants to.

Nine-Tailed Immortal originally disliked the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' and was far from ready to kill him, but when she saw Li Yue, she found that Li Yue was better than her in everything, and her physique was special than her. , looks and appearance are much better than her own, and she is still a body of Yin Yin, once dedicated to the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable', her status will plummet immediately, she originally thought, kill the 'Seven Star Ghost' After Huang', she killed Liyue, but now she has no chance. These are just her own thoughts, which are not for outsiders.

A sneer was drawn at the corner of Xuanyuan's mouth, everything was under his control, even Li Yue couldn't help but admire Xuanyuan's wit, the coordination of all these was too perfect, in this way, the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' would be even more There will be no doubt about the authenticity of the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor', which will make the plan run more smoothly.

"Mr. Xuanyuan is indeed extremely intelligent. He was able to come up with such a solution under such circumstances. It is no wonder that the Hundred Saints will recognize him."

All the way was unimpeded, the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' pulled Xuanyuan, and left the moon, leaving only the three people to eat ashes behind, trembling in their hearts, not knowing what the consequences would be, and now they could only pray.

Soon, they came to the ghost hall of the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable', the thick door opened slowly, and there was a loud rumbling noise, apparently 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' was in retreat just now, so they are so Dare to do it.

The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' dragged Xuanyuan and Liyue forward, and said coldly:

"You two, you better be honest with me, the strength of the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' is ten million times stronger than mine, and you will all die with a snap of your fingers, so don't make trouble for nothing, otherwise no one will be able to save you You, if you serve the 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' well, you may be able to have a great fortune, whether it is a blessing or a disaster depends on your fortune."

Both Xuanyuan and Liyue looked very frightened and did not dare to move rashly.

As soon as the words fell, the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' led them into this great hall. Along the way, the will-o'-the-wisps floated, looking extraordinarily gloomy. Inside each will-o'-the-wisp, there were tens of thousands of distorted faces, from which came their A terrifying howl:

"Give me back my life..."

"I don't want to die, let me out."

"It's so painful, you kill me..."

Xuanyuan frowned, and Liyue was even more furious, among them were the souls of humans, monsters, and demons. This kind of ghost fire is called "soul-guiding lamp", and in the dark, it has the power to pull the souls. The destination, however, is actually hell, and there are many of them. For people like the 'Jiugong Ghost Venerable', cultivation is more beneficial. Now there are tens of thousands of such 'spirit-guiding lamps', and how many of them died unexpectedly.

"I still have tasks to complete, I want to go back to the 'Liyue Merchant Guild' to let me go..."

"I have worked hard to prepare for ten years, and I just want to pass the imperial examination and become a blockbuster. I am unwilling..."

All kinds of voices are transmitted from a real perspective, or gathered into a sound with a very strong will. It takes people to experience it calmly before they can know the reason for what they want to express.

"This 'Jiugong Ghost Venerable' is really a hater..." Just as Xuanyuan was feeling emotional, a voice came:

"Hehe, Qixing, you are back again. What good things did you bring me this time? Let me see it well."

"This time I brought two living beings to Ghost Venerable, and each one is a treasure house..." 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' told 'Nine Palace Ghost Venerable' what happened along the way, of course it was very pleasant. To a large extent, Xuanyuan's strength described in other languages ​​has been greatly weakened.

"Haha, well done, well done, Seven Star, do you know why I am so kind to you?" A figure came out from the reflection of countless will-o'-the-wisps. gas.

"Unknown..." the 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' bowed and saluted, and said:

"That's because your father, of course, also exists in the realm of a ghost, but he will leave here in the future. You are his only flesh and blood. Naturally, I will try my best to accompany you."

The 'Seven Star Ghost Emperor' kowtowed and kowtowed to the Nine Palace Ghost Venerable as if he had been pardoned, not to mention how excited he was.

"Okay, get up, let me check these two little dolls first, and see what treasures are on them."

As soon as the words fell, I saw a big handprint, directly grabbing at Xuanyuan!

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