Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 989 Death Valley

The powerhouses of the two camps of 'Nanyan World' have been mobilized one after another, shocking everyone. Almost every commoner knows that there is no Supreme Dao Artifact born, which is a treasure belonging to the human race. They are all devout pray!

The birth of the Supreme Dao Artifact caused a bloodbath in the "Luantu Domain", domain gates that could break through tens of millions of miles were opened one after another, and the righteous forces of the human race from the "Nanyan World" came together, There was an extremely tragic fight with those sons of the sect of the various evil forces who were like locusts densely covering the entire "Luantu Domain" who wanted to find the supreme Dao weapon. In a short time, it is unknown how many people died. In the entire 'Luantu Domain', people were in panic.

Holding a map in his hand, Xuanyuan avoided all kinds of dangerous situations along the way. Fengshui layout, clever use of various methods, avoided the terrifying existence of the major forces, and finally came to a black valley. , stretches endlessly, can't see the side at a glance, on the mountain, exudes a chilly aura, which makes people feel horrible and gloomy involuntarily.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, this 'Valley of the Death God' is an extremely terrifying place, you must be careful everywhere, otherwise, it is very likely that you will die unexpectedly. will fall."

Li Yue frowned, looking solemn, looking at Xuanyuan, she pointed to the map in Xuanyuan's hand, the 'Death God Valley' was marked as a black dot, it was a real death zone.

"How do you say? Is the power 'Death God Valley' very strong?" Xuanyuan frowned. Obviously, he didn't know much about the major forces in the 'Nanyan World', but since he was using the eyes of the earth to investigate this Everything on the edge of the Death God Valley, and then using my own perception, I really feel that this place is full of the breath of death. It seems that as long as it falls into this valley, it will perish. Restrictions, killing powers, and killing games emerge in endlessly. It can be described in four words To describe this place, then kill mountains and rivers!

"'Death Valley' cannot be said to be a big force. The existences in the 'Death Valley' are not human beings, but strong men belonging to the 'Fiendish Nest'. There was a big war that year, and some of the fish that slipped through the net hid in the 'Death Valley'." In the Luantu Domain, the 'Death God Valley' is their gathering place, passed down from generation to generation. At the same time, this valley is also the place where the existences and deaths of the 'Fierce God's Nest' died. After they were defeated that day, they fled with serious injuries. faction, but when we returned to this valley, no one could survive and died strangely, in short, it is very dangerous here."

"Then there is no other road to choose?" Xuanyuan looked at the map, but there was no other road marked.

Li Yue frowned, shook her head, and said:

"If you want to go to the 'Fierce God's Nest', you must pass through the 'Death God's Valley', this is a must pass!"

Xuanyuan nodded, sensing the remnant soul that he used to warm Yuan'er with three lotus lamps. Here, he felt that he was getting closer to Yuan'er, but there was still a certain distance. Could it be that Yuan'er really Is it in the 'Evil God's Nest'? Even if Yuan'er is really in the 'Fierce God's Nest', Xuanyuan will not have the slightest fear!

"Okay, Miss Liyue, what can you do?"

"Well, I brought the 'Fengxing Hidden Cup' from the 'Lihuo Merchant Guild'. With it, we can hide our aura, hoping not to be discovered, and maybe we can pass through here safely!" A ray of light emanated from Liyue's body, covering her and Xuanyuan directly, and in an instant, their figures and auras were all hidden.

"Let's go, Young Master Xuanyuan!"

Xuanyuan nodded, didn't say much, but the greedy old man laughed:

"Hey, I said Liyue is a really nice girl. Look at her, she has come all the way from thousands of miles away. She has prepared everything and thought about possible dangers. Tsk tsk, she is courageous and resourceful. Women don't give in Ah, you boy, let’s take her away and bring her back to the 'Central China', how wonderful, it will help you, and she is also very happy, why not do it?"

"You talk nonsense again, be careful I'll take you in first, you've lived a long time, and you're still so old and dishonest!" Xuanyuan rolled his eyes, despising the greedy old man.

"Hey, I said you boy, why are you so brainless? Also, I told you a long time ago that I am not an old man. Today I will show you my true face!" The greedy old man felt in Xuanyuan's heart. , Condensing his own appearance, at this time, the greedy old man has stepped into the realm of middle-grade Taoist artifacts, he has been able to evolve into a human form, no longer the one that couldn't see his facial features clearly, he could only see a rough shape shape.

Now the greedy old man looks like a handsome young man, his youth is comparable to Xuanyuan's, and his appearance, in terms of normal aesthetics, has thrown Xuanyuan out of the eighteenth street.

Seeing the old man's current appearance, Xuanyuan yelled in his heart:

"Damn it! You're cheating! Greedy old man, why did you suddenly change into this look? You've already lived a long time, and you're not ashamed. What do you want to do with this look?"

"Hahaha, I have lived for a long time. For me, it is only for your human race. However, among the spirits, I belong to the extremely young one. Every weapon of the supreme Dao All spirits can live longer than the existence that created them, compared to those old supreme tools, I am as young as a little doll!"

The greedy old man smiled brightly, showing a mouthful of white teeth. His hair was black, his face was like a jade crown, his lips were red and his teeth were white, he was very coquettish.

Xuanyuan wanted to strangle the greedy old man to death, he was too shameless.

Liyue took Xuanyuan with her "Feng Xing Yin Cup" and flew all the way through the air. Xuanyuan no longer talked with the greedy old man, but lowered his head and watched with the eyes of the earth. There are corpses everywhere in this valley. These corpses have different shapes. From the origin seen in their skeletons, one can feel that they are the existence of the "Nest of Fierce Gods". After death, the bones are thrown here, and the name "Valley of the Death God" comes from this.

In this place, many terrifying and powerful forces were naturally generated the day after tomorrow, and there were also many feng shui killing situations. Xuanyuan even saw a fierce spirit, whose strength was extremely terrifying. Not scattered, day after day of practice, so that they all have strong men who are not weaker than ordinary half-step sages, it is really scary, especially they can walk back and forth here, move freely without being affected, outsiders entering this place, not only have to To guard against those vicious forces, to kill the game, and even more so to guard against their attacks and kills, no wonder Li Yue said that people in the realm of sages will fall if they accidentally enter this place!

Just as Li Yue was moving forward smoothly, when Xuanyuan was looking around with the eyes of the earth, he suddenly said in shock:

"Miss Liyue, stop."

Li Yue was stunned, but still listened to Xuanyuan, stopped walking, and asked:

"Master Xuanyuan, what's wrong?"

Xuanyuan looked forward with the eyes of the earth, and saw ninety-nine mighty dragons circling in the air. The power contained in each dragon was extremely terrifying. On them, various terrifying patterns floated, Every pattern is like a small dragon, the dragon roared again and again, Xuanyuan was horrified, and said:

"In front of me, there is a hidden heavenly force, surrounded by ninety-nine powerful and fierce dragons. This is an extremely terrifying great heavenly force, called 'Ninety-Nine Destroyed Great Heavenly Force', once the Emperor Mirror character enters it If you don’t have the supreme Taoist body protection, you will die. How many people who died in the "Fierce God's Nest" will evolve into such a terrible power. According to records, only tens of trillions of creatures have died. To be able to develop such a terrifying great power, was the battle that day really so tragic?"

Hearing this, Li Yue looked shocked:

"Then what do we do next?"

Xuanyuan looked down at the rugged and winding mountain road, and said:

"We can no longer take the road of airspace. This 'ninety-nine destruction of the sky' spreads for ninety thousand miles. Only by walking out of this airspace from the mountain road can we continue to break through the air!"

Li Yue asked:

"Then can't we fly at low altitude?"

"No, in 'Ninety-nine Shattering Heaven's Power', the ninety-nine dragons have already become intelligent, and they will take the initiative to capture and kill all creatures in this airspace. No, Miss Liyue, hurry to the valley, If you walk the mountain road, it will be too late!"

During the conversation between Xuanyuan and Liyue, he had already felt the change of the 'ninety-nine destruction of the great heaven', he felt as if he was being stared at by a poisonous snake, and Liyue had never seen Xuanyuan so nervous , not daring to be negligent, and hastily descended from this airspace. The moment Xuanyuan fell to the ground, the extremely dangerous feeling disappeared in an instant, and Xuanyuan breathed a sigh of relief:

"This situation is too terrifying. Even though it is still hundreds of miles away, the fierce dragon in the situation has noticed it and wants to attack and kill it. If it is later, it will not be able to escape!"

Li Yue was very cautious, looking around her body, cautiously, not daring to move rashly.

'Valley of Death' is filled with dead air everywhere. There are piles of corpses under your feet, and a forest of white. This is a road made of bones, and there are various chilling auras in it. Not far away, there is a ferocious spirit devouring the death energy in all directions for cultivation, and its strength is not weaker than that of the half-step sages.

If ordinary people come here, if the dead energy enters their bodies, they will gradually lose their vitality soon. This is another reason why this place is named 'Death God Valley'. Like a death god, it harvests the lives of all living things that enter this place. Xuanyuan penetrated his perception in all directions, using "Great Trends Ancient Art" and "Feng Shui Ancient Divine Art" to observe, and found several existences exuding huge vitality!

"Mr. Xuanyuan, follow me. Let's walk through the air. Don't step on the white bones under our feet. Otherwise, we will be noticed by them. At that time, we will be unable to fly." Li Yue said cautiously.

"Hehe, that's not necessarily true, let's go." Xuanyuan collected his mind, and looked at the "ninety-nine destruction of the sky" in the sky from time to time, with lingering fears. Of course, one of the more important reasons is that Xuanyuan thought Get some insight from it.

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