Devouring The Heavens

Chapter 990: Whereabouts Exposed!

'Valley of Death'.

At this moment, where Xuanyuan and Liyue are located is in the center of the 'Valley of the Death God', with undulating peaks and heavy rocks, black-colored iron pines standing in the middle of the peaks, winding vigorously and powerfully like horned dragons The branches pointed directly at the sky, shining coldly, exuding a strong vitality.

Here, unlike the ones seen in the borderlands, the black clouds covered the entire sky, instead it was cloudless. In the sky, a round of clear moon hung high, sprinkled with silver light, shining on the black valley , watching from a distance, like a lifelike landscape painting.

There is only one thing that makes Xuanyuan and Liyue very puzzled, that is, the two of them have been walking in this area for no less than three days, and there is only night here, but no day, what is going on, no one can explain.

Along the way, they saw a lot of old corpses from the "Fierce God's Nest". Their strength was extremely terrifying. The strength of each corpse was comparable to that of a sage. It has been so many years, and the physical body is extremely strong, which is incomparable to ordinary sages. Xuanyuan and Liyue have experienced the horror of this "Death God Valley" once.

Presumably those vicious spirits have cultivated to a certain level and took over these once terrifying physical bodies. As long as they continue to practice like this, they can also cultivate to an extremely terrifying level.

Here, it is unusually quiet, these old corpses are silently cultivating, without making any sound, swallowing moonlight and starlight, but Xuanyuan and Liyue know that once their whereabouts are revealed, these terrifying existences, There is no doubt that they will launch a storm-like attack to kill them in an instant, because they have seen many people die in the 'Valley of Death' along the way. The purpose of treasure hunting in Shengu' was finally buried here. Basically, they were killed by one blow, and they were attacked by groups without the slightest ability to resist.

The dark mountains are stretching, Xuanyuan walks in the garden here, very comfortable, but Liyue, she is cautious everywhere, for fear that something will go wrong, which will lead to unimaginable consequences. Cold sweat oozes from her forehead, which can be imagined You know, how nervous she was, after all, it was the first time for her to come to such a place.

"Miss Liyue." Xuanyuan walked side by side with Liyue, suddenly he asked and looked at Liyue.

"Huh? Mr. Xuanyuan, what's the matter?" Li Yue looked at Xuanyuan, her eyes were bright, and there was a forced smile on the corner of her mouth, she didn't want Xuanyuan to feel that she was tired.

"I want to ask you, aren't you afraid? If you come to such a dangerous place alone, you are in danger of dying at any time. Even I can't guarantee your safety." With a smile, talking to Li Yue at this moment, it seems to be chatting, the two of them have not had a good conversation along the way.

"I'm afraid, of course I'm afraid, that's why Li Yue is so cautious, not daring to make a single mistake. If something happens to Mr. Xuanyuan, it will be Li Yue's fault, so I will definitely not let Mr. Xuanyuan have anything to do." Yue smiled happily, with bright eyes and white teeth, her smile was bright and refreshing, her heart was clear and flawless, and it was extremely contagious.

"Is it because I have been branded by the Hundred Saints and baptized by the 'Hundred Saints Hongguang'? So I am that important?" Xuanyuan asked.

"I have to admit that this is the most important reason. Since ancient times, there have been very few people who have been baptized by the Hongguang of all the saints. Some of the sages and sages admitted that for so many years, Mr. Xuanyuan was the first one to shock the whole "Nanyan World". I was fortunate to witness all this with my own eyes, but I didn't know much about Mr. Look at how outstanding such a person is, as long as he grows up, he will definitely achieve great success in the 'Nanyan World' in the future, I want to watch him grow all the way, it will be of greater help to me in all aspects!"

"Of course, there is another reason. The president of our chamber of commerce said that you are a person of great luck, so let me go with you. If there is a chance to go to the 'Evil God's Nest' together, then walking with you may be able to pass through Space faults are not necessarily the same, he told me to go my own way, and he didn't stop me!"

Li Yue was very frank, her clear eyes were fixed on Xuanyuan, without any concealment.

Xuanyuan avoided Li Yue's gaze, laughed dumbly, paused, and asked:

"Space fault, what is this?"

For a long time, Xuanyuan didn't understand what was going on with that spatial fault, so it's good to know more now.

"Only by passing through the space fault can we reach the place where the 'sun and moon tides' are located. That space fault is said to be the result of the shocking collision of two ancient emperors that day. It is also difficult to repair. Inside the fault is a brand new space. If you want to go to the place where the 'Sun Moon Tide' is located, you must enter the space of the fault and find the space node connecting the 'Sun Moon Tide'. But this is extremely difficult, and it is very likely that people will get lost in it, and they will never find the way back. It is difficult for people who have not reached the quasi-emperor realm to cross the space fault. Since ancient times, many people, including the sages, have People at the peak level, once they enter the space fault, they can never come out again!"

Li Yue's words were clear and the explanation was extremely detailed, Xuanyuan understood it all at once, but Xuanyuan didn't expect that even the people who were at the peak of the sages would not be able to get out after entering the space fault!

"As long as Mr. Xuanyuan can take me through the space fault and enter the 'Sun Moon Tides', I will very likely get the inheritance left by the 'Sun Moon Emperor'. Once I get it, my strength will be greatly improved. Leaping, breaking through, these are the two purposes of my trip, I hope Mr. Xuanyuan will not be offended!"

"What can I blame? It is Xuanyuan's luck to know Miss Liyue."

Xuanyuan shook his head, smiled, looked into the distance, and muttered to himself:

"Yuan'er, you must persevere. I've come to look for you. There must be nothing wrong with you. As long as you are safe and sound, I am willing to exchange everything in me!"

Li Yue looked at Xuanyuan who looked sad, with envy in her eyes, she said with a faint smile:

"The girl named Yuan'er is really happy. To have such a man, she went from the 'Central China' to a world completely unfamiliar to her, went through all kinds of hardships and dangers, regardless of her own life, just to find her... ..."

"Miss Liyue laughed. If it wasn't for my lack of strength, Yuan'er would not have died trying to save me. Fortunately, she is God's darling and can be favored by God. Otherwise, I would never die in my life." Peace of mind." Xuanyuan smiled a little bit bitterly, and all kinds of things in it are not something ordinary people can understand.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, I suddenly have the idea of ​​going back to the 'Central China' with you!" Feeling Xuanyuan's bitter smile, Li Yue felt sour in his heart. Perhaps Xuanyuan was not having a good time in the 'Central China'.

"Hehe, Miss Liyue, just stay in this 'Nanyan World'. The 'Central China' is no longer as prosperous as it was in the ancient times. The human race fell, the ancient royal family rose, and the seals that suppressed the fierce gods collapsed. I am afraid that a dark era of fierce gods will usher in again, it is a world that is hard to imagine."

Xuanyuan doesn't have much hope for the human race in "Central China", now he can only keep improving his own strength, so that when the disaster happens, he can have the power to do it for the innocent people Something within our power!

"What!" Li Yue was in disbelief. The prosperity of the 'Nanyan World' was all due to the 'Central Shenzhou', the 'Hongmeng Heavenly Emperor' and all the sages. I am extremely looking forward to it, and feel that there must be an extremely prosperous place where everyone can look up and learn. I don’t know how many great people in the "Nanyan World" have directly stepped on the ancient starry road to find the "Central Shenzhou", but one Whether to go back or not, now that Xuanyuan said this, it was difficult for Li Yue to accept for a while. What happened to cause the 'Central China' to decline like this?

"Don't think about it, it's the truth, stay in the 'Nanyan World' well, with your ability, you will definitely achieve a lot in the future, you can be content to be ordinary and become a member of the 'Lihuo Chamber of Commerce', This is already difficult for ordinary Tianjiao people to do, at least those Tianjiao Shengzi in the "Central China", each of them is high above the people, and they treat the people of the Li people as ants. Forget it, it is useless to say these things Meaningful, I hope that one day, you will have a very high achievement, and maybe you will need your help when the 'Central China' encounters a catastrophe!"

Li Yue was stunned for a moment when she heard the words, and said with a wry smile:

"Liyue, what virtue and ability."

"You have that ability." Xuanyuan affirmed.

Li Yue was a little distracted, just as Xuanyuan was talking with Li Yue, the power of the 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' gradually faded away, and only two silhouettes appeared in the moonlight, Li Yue's mind was shocked and shocked Channel:

"What's going on, the 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' can last for a long time, so why does the power inside disappear so quickly?"

"It's not that the power of the 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' is not enough, but that we have stepped into an extremely terrifying situation." This time, even Xuanyuan himself didn't notice the situation, so he immediately grabbed Li Yue's hand and said loudly road:

"Miss Liyue, hold me, don't let go, be careful."

Xuanyuan rotated the eye of the earth, and a very mysterious force emerged from the ground, disintegrating the effect of the "Fengxing Yin Cup". Suddenly, a series of terrifying roars swept across the sky, and only a terrifying figure was seen. The old corpse attacked and killed Xuanyuan and Liyue, and the situation was extremely dangerous.

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