The splendor of the silver moon shrouded the center of the 'Valley of Death'. The originally quiet and peaceful valley became violent and restless, and all kinds of destructive grudges were overwhelming, sweeping all directions, shocking, and the crazy roar shook people's hearts. The whole sky was trembling, the murderous aura filled the fields, and it made people's hearts shattered.

The majestic murderous aura came from all directions, and Li Yue's face turned pale:

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xuanyuan, it's all my fault, I was careless."

"Liyue, what does this have to do with you? I didn't even realize that such a situation was hidden. It was my fault, but it doesn't make any sense to say these things now. Don't leave my side for half a step, play by ear, so that you can have a better life." A ray of hope!"

Xuanyuan stared coldly at the four directions, and could see several old corpses of the sage realm attacking and killing them. Their physical bodies were extremely terrifying. Even Xuanyuan at this moment could hardly compare to them. You must know that they were sages long ago. The existence of the realm, although dead now, has already become extremely strong and tyrannical after being entered into the body by the fierce spirit and continuously tempered by the moonlight and starlight.

As soon as the words fell, Xuanyuan's body evolved into two clones with comparable strength to him. Since he was baptized by the 'Hundred Saint Hongguang', and he refined the emperor's blood in the 'Longshou Mountain' in those days, he will The seven visions were condensed together, which made Xuanyuan's strength soar, and Xuanyuan's understanding of "Wanhuashenfa" has become more profound. Compared with before, it is naturally a world of difference.

Seeing that Xuanyuan had evolved two incarnations that were comparable to his strength, Li Yue was shocked. She clearly felt how terrifying these incarnations of Xuanyuan were, and they were not the slightest difference from the real one. , Xuanyuan said in a heavy voice:

"Fortunately, these fierce spirits have lost their intelligence, and only instinctive killing is left. Otherwise, we really have no chance of surviving. I want to see if their physical bodies are stable or my killing Powerful!"

With a thought of Xuanyuan, the 'Human Emperor's Pen' appeared in his hand, and the 'Zhenlong Chessboard' and 'Doutian Dragon Cauldron' appeared on the other two incarnations respectively. These two imperial objects can prove that he is the 'Di Shi' This is why Xuanyuan didn't send him out that day, because in the 'reincarnation', he still has half of the ancient art to get, so it is absolutely impossible to expose that he is 'Di Shitian' 'The identity, otherwise the identity that I have worked so hard to build will be put to waste, and it will be even more difficult to obtain it in the future.

The three imperial objects exude various Taoisms, the 'Renhuang Brush' breathes out the aura of the Renhuang, setting the country with a stroke, and the 'Zhenlong Chessboard' develops two lines of gold and silver around the body, interweaving into a large chessboard. Suppressing the Quartet, revealing all kinds of illusions and blurs, the evolution of various formations, hiding murderous intentions and vitality step by step, full of death and vitality, as long as one wrong step, there will be fatal danger, and the "Doutian Dragon Cauldron" has a majestic momentum , suppressed in the sky above, contains endless mighty power, even the sky dragon can fight, one can imagine what its power is like.

The three imperial objects manifested at the same time, and the vast imperial aura that emanated made those old corpses pause for a moment. There was a kind of instinctive fear. This was the aura of the ancient emperor of the human race, and it was the existence that ruined their previous lives. They have already lost their intelligence, but they still have an instinctive fear of this unique breath, but this is only a feeling brought to them for a moment. At this moment, they have lost their intelligence and only know killing, so they still He rushed to Xuanyuan and Liyue desperately.

"Mr. Xuanyuan, what supernatural powers are you cultivating to be so powerful? The strength of these two incarnations is comparable to your real one!"

Li Yue's expression was shocked, one must know that Xuanyuan had an incarnation that was occupied by Que before, and now Xuanyuan is able to evolve these two incarnations, it's really terrifying.

"It's nothing, my physique, and the supernatural powers I have cultivated, people in the 'Nanyan World' will not know, but you will know in the future." As soon as the voice fell, the statue came up, and its strength was still halfway. Bu Xianxian, or the old corpse who has reached the realm of the sages, is quick and sensitive, as fast as lightning, and the sound of breaking the wind is extremely ear-piercing, making the scalp numb.

Xuanyuan formed a three-talented array of heaven, earth and man, protecting Liyue in the center. At the moment when these old corpses attacked and killed them hundreds of feet around, Xuanyuan wrapped one hand around Liyue's waist, hugging her, with the aura of "all beings are equal" 'In an instant, Xuanyuan took the initiative to attack, and killed the weakest direction.

Liyue's heart beat wildly at Xuanyuan's sudden action, she didn't know why, but at the moment Xuanyuan urged the "power of equality of all living beings", she was shocked to find that her own strength was actually suppressed from the realm of the earth fairy Reaching the realm of Mingxian, Xuanyuan and his two incarnations launched a fierce attack on the three ancient corpses from the left at this moment, and the "all living beings are equal" enveloped them in an instant , the originally terrifying power from them also instantly turned into the realm of immortality.

The strength of Xuanyuan and his two incarnations increased by eleven times in an instant, and it was Xuanyuan who directly activated the "Ancient Jue of the Flowing Moon Fighting God".

From the 'Zhenlong Chessboard', two gold and silver lines criss-cross each other, and each gold and silver line is full of domineering power across the world, which can penetrate everything, especially with eleven times the combat power, it is even more terrifying. The ancient corpse, which was in the realm of a sage, was suddenly torn to pieces.

At the same time, the 'Dou Tian Long Cauldron' slammed down fiercely, and a figure of a Taoist man appeared, stepping on a 'Dao Slaying Dragon', and with every gesture, he could destroy all the heavens and all spirits His mighty power was condensed on the 'Doutian Dragon Cauldron', and as Xuanyuan's incarnation raised the cauldron and slammed it down, another ancient corpse that was half a step into the realm of a sage was directly killed by the shock and turned into a pulp.

The 'Human Emperor Brush' in the hands of Xuanyuan deity spit out all-pervasive sharpness, he raised his hand and swiped a brush, and a chopping character was formed in an instant, and each stroke, every painting of this chopping character was like thousands of golden spears clashing , the chilling air permeated the nine heavens, and immediately cut one of the ancient corpses that was about to step into the realm of the sages to pieces. The shattered bodies of these three ancient corpses were directly collected and swallowed by Xuanyuan into the "Laojun Furnace" .

"What kind of method is this? Master Xuanyuan used it to instantly suppress these ancient corpses who were half-steps into the realm of sages to the realm of life immortals in an instant. It's too terrifying."

Li Yue was shocked again. Xuanyuan's hole cards seemed to be inexhaustible. Every time she used them, her heart would always be shocked. Xuanyuan was always so mysterious in her eyes. Looking at Xuanyuan, Li Yue felt She was getting farther and farther away from Xuanyuan, and it seemed that no matter how hard she tried, it was impossible to reach her. Even though her realm was higher than Xuanyuan's now, Li Yue felt that she was so insignificant in front of Xuanyuan.

"If my guess is correct, this should be the "Ancient Art of Flowing Moon Fighting Gods" that only the sages know. In my 'Nanyan World', I have also inherited this magical power, but it is not complete , It is said that this ancient technique can suddenly increase its combat power by fifteen times when it is cultivated to the highest level, but in my "Nanyan World" who can cultivate this ancient technique to the peak, it can only have twelve times the combat power. Just now However, Xuanyuan has exploded with eleven times its combat power, which is extremely rare." The voice of 'Spirit of the Sun and Moon' rang out from Liyue's heart.

Li Yue understood in an instant, and she also knew this supernatural power, but she never expected that Xuanyuan possessed it and was able to cultivate it to such a high level:

"It is said that the highest person in the "Flowing Moon Fighting God Ancient Jue" practiced by all the saints at that time can only exert fourteen times the combat power, which is the limit, and my ancestors of "Nanyan World" can practice up to twelve times. Doubling combat power is already rare, but Young Master Xuanyuan, at such a young age, can actually cultivate to eleven times combat power..."

Li Yue was filled with emotion, but she didn't know that Xuanyuan obtained the most complete "Liuyue Fighting God's Ancient Jue", and also had Huang Yuechan's master, 'Sage of Heaven and Moon' to give him some insight into his heart , This will allow Xuanyuan to practice so quickly, and in the ancient times, those masters and saints who were able to obtain this supernatural power, I am afraid they also used other ancient techniques to communicate with the "Goddess of Heaven and Moon", learn from each other, and comprehend each other. Therefore, it is difficult to practice this technique to the peak state, except for the disciples of the 'Tianyue Immortal Mansion'.

Although Xuanyuan killed three ancient corpses who were half-step sages with a flick of his fingers, there were even more terrifying ancient corpses approaching from around him!

"Mr. Xuanyuan, I can't do it anymore. There are more and more ancient corpses and evil spirits. You can leave quickly and leave me alone." Li Yue felt a terrifying aura coming, knowing that this time, she must be doomed. Xuanyuan possessed ancient techniques and was able to use the power of 'all beings are equal', so he would definitely be able to escape, but if he brought himself, it would only be a burden that would drag Xuanyuan down.

"What is Miss Liyue talking about? How could I abandon you? Don't worry, I have my own way. Anyway, these ancient corpses and fierce spirits are powerful in origin. I happened to kill them to nourish my Supreme Dao Artifact , Miss Liyue, you are ready to activate the 'Feng Xing Yin Cup' at any time, I will temporarily break this terrain!"

Xuanyuan knew that his "Avenue of Equality of All Beings" could not hold on for long, and the power inside was about to be exhausted, so he couldn't resist for long. The moment he killed the three ancient corpses just now, he used his earth's eyes to see through the land under his feet, and saw After clearing this force, it is called "Forbidden Formation". Although this formation does not hurt people, as long as it can be used in a subtle way, it can kill people directly. For example, if Xuanyuan urged the imperial forbidden jade platform and formations given to him by the pig-headed emperor here, I am afraid that the jade platform would collapse in an instant, without the slightest effect.

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