Devouring the Stars: Zerg Overlord

Chapter 515: Killing Treasure House

When the Lord of Jiuyou joined the Hongmeng and studied "Bloodline Evolution" with Qin Mu's clone placed in Jiuyou time and space, the killing battlefield was also opened.

The battlefield outside the domain, because the battlefield between many universe masters had already been destroyed for the most part.

Many starry sky continents were directly swallowed by space cracks and pulled into the space torrent.

But for a hundred years, the human race mobilized a large number of realm masters and immortals to use the power of the world to create a piece of continent, and then the universe master moved it to the battlefield.

Or there are universe masters who directly moved a piece of huge land from some ruined secret realms to serve as battlefields.

The original battlefield outside the domain was already very large, divided into eleven battlefields, each battlefield was millions of light years away.

Although the battlefield outside the domain is the battlefield of the four peak races of humans, mechanical races, demon races, and insect races, in fact, hundreds of millions of races will send strong people to the battlefield to hone themselves, but it is not enforced like the killing battlefield.

After that, the demon race and the mechanical race were requisitioned, and part of their territory and secret realm was expanded ten thousand times. Even if all the races in the entire universe sent a large number of strong men to the killing battlefield, it would be more than enough.

When the human race first began to requisition the territory of the demon race and the mechanical race, they were still somewhat unwilling and wanted to use some means secretly, but it happened that the universe master in the human race began to break through.

Breakthroughs one after another.

That kind of invisible deterrence was too powerful.

Suddenly, no one dared to have any small thoughts and concentrated on preparing for the killing battlefield.

When the opening time of the killing battlefield agreed at the meeting of billions of races arrived, billions of wormholes in the entire primitive universe opened at the same time.

The strong men of each race could directly reach the killing battlefield by stepping into the wormhole.

After arriving at the battlefield, their positions were far apart at the beginning, giving them a certain amount of adaptation time.

As a major event in the entire primitive universe, the opening of the killing battlefield was watched by countless strong men from billions of races.

Including Qin Mu.

In fact, the entire battlefield is under the surveillance of the Zerg!

Some monitoring units opened the cosmic mirror and connected them in series, so that the entire battlefield was clearly displayed in the Zerg's vision.

At the same time, the virtual universe was always paying attention to this place and recording all battlefield information.

The purpose of doing this was, on the one hand, to record the killing points, and at the same time to specify the killing rankings, etc., to ensure that there would be no problems.

On the other hand, it was to collect some materials and even directly show the scenes in the killing battlefield to the entire universe.

The main purpose of this killing battlefield is to hone the strong, and the battlefield method is naturally different from the extraterritorial battlefield opened up by the four peak tribes before.

In the extraterritorial battlefield, in order to fight against the increasingly powerful humans and Zerg, the battlefield has changed from the initial fight between the strong to a large-scale legion duel.

Personal strength is not important at all. If the millions of Zerg led by Leviathan attack at once, even if you are a genius, you will fall!

In the killing battlefield, in order to hone geniuses, the battlefield has been graded.

Below immortality, immortal battlefield, and venerable battlefield.

The Venerable battlefield is better, after all, there are not many people, and the two major battlefields of Immortality and Immortality no longer advocate large-scale military confrontations, but have changed to individual or small-scale wars.

The purpose is to better train individuals and make the gene seeds work better. Let the participants grow in the flames of war, evolve in life and death, and move towards a higher level step by step.

Of course, Qin Mu does not pursue absolute fairness.

After all, there is no fairness in this world many times.

Looking at the hundreds of millions of ethnic groups who have entered the battlefield, Qin Mu first looked at the battlefield below the Immortal, and randomly found an area where the battle took place to observe.

The three major battlefields are not much different in the division of the area, but the density of people is completely different, which is a difference of hundreds of millions of times.

Especially the universe venerables who entered the killing battlefield, which one is not a veteran?

As soon as they entered the battlefield, most of the universe venerables hid themselves at the first time, and there would be no battle for a while, but the battlefield below the Immortality is different.

On a continent, there are figures everywhere.

Although there was a distance between them, someone soon ran into them.

In the picture, a sturdy man wearing black armor transformed from a low-level colonial suit was vigilantly searching the surroundings, and there was a line of text marks on his head.

Race: Human [Iron Man] Tiechi Li.

Strength: Domain Lord Level

Bloodline: Domain Lord Level [Flame Star Giant Beast Route]

Killing Points: 0


At a glance, the information of this person named Tiechi Li was clearly visible, including some big and small things he had experienced, combat experience, etc., all of which were vividly written on paper.

In the human race, the second world has been spread to the lower human race, and the information of each person is included in the worm swarm.

"After entering the battlefield through the wormhole, I was randomly landed on a continent! There is not even a safe base?"

Tiechi Li held a battle axe in his hand and looked at the surrounding environment, secretly alert in his heart.

This is a vast primitive mountain range that stretches for hundreds of millions of miles. He is located halfway up a mountain, surrounded by towering trees that are hundreds or even thousands of meters high, making the jungle seem a little dim.

"Scan the surroundings! Create a battlefield map!"

Tie Chili thought and asked the biological intelligence brain in the colonization suit to detect the surrounding situation.

"Such a strong gravity, even a star-level creature can't fly on this continent, right?

And there seems to be some kind of interference on this continent, it is difficult to discover the situation in the distance through mental power, I need to be careful!"

Tie Chili was very cautious. He did not fly into the sky rashly, but searched the surrounding environment with his naked eyes.

The past of the Tieluo people was very tragic, because although their tribe was born with a strong physique, they were not good at practicing.

The entire tribe was a slave!

He himself was freed after Qin Mu liberated all the slaves two thousand years ago.

After gaining freedom, he was unwilling to be a weakling. Through the blood evolution ability given by the gene seed, he continued to grow in killing and eventually became a domain master!

"With the ability to transform into a giant star beast, the realm masters of ordinary weak tribes may not be my opponents.

But the rules of the killing battlefield make me a target of public criticism on the battlefield, and I can't easily show up! "

After experiencing countless battles, Tie Chili knew very well what to pay attention to on the battlefield.

He carefully lurked and shuttled in the jungle, looking for suitable prey.

Soon, Tie Chili found an alien with a wingspan of more than 100 meters flying in the air in the jungle, with scales similar to a giant eagle.

"The domain lord of the scale eagle clan? He is really looking for death, daring to fly in the air!"

Through the information of the biological intelligence brain of the colonization suit, Tie Chili instantly knew that it was the scale eagle clan, a relatively weak clan among billions of clans.

Without rushing to act, Tie Chili observed the surroundings and confirmed that there were no other aliens lurking. The whole person quickly shuttled in the jungle and approached the other party.


When he was more than ten miles away from the other party, Tie Chili suddenly broke out, holding a battle axe and slashing at the domain lord of the scale eagle clan in the sky.

In mid-air, Tie Chili's body expanded wildly and instantly turned into a burning human-shaped flame beast.

When the domain lord of the scale eagle clan found the energy fluctuations below, he saw a terrifying giant axe!

He screamed and pressed down fiercely with his claws.

As the domain master of a weak tribe, he rarely leaves the tribe, has less combat experience than Tiechi Li, and has never fought with a human domain master.

Facing the transformed Tiechi Li, he did not dodge or evade, but chose to confront head-on.


The domain master of the Scaled Eagle tribe only felt an irresistible force coming, and then his entire body was torn apart by the huge battle axe.


Just as Tiechi Li killed the enemy, he felt an invisible force coming, and a mechanical voice sounded in his ears.

"Trialist: Human-Tiechi Li"

"Kill the domain master ninth-level scaled eagle, and get 1 killing point (the killing treasure house is open, and all treasures can be exchanged for killing points)"

"Personal killing ranking list is open!"


Hearing a series of voices, Tiechi Li was stunned, but he quickly put away the body of the domain master of the Scaled Eagle tribe, and the whole person dived directly into the jungle below and disappeared.

Shortly after Tie Chili left, the powerful energy fluctuations of the two people's fight attracted a group of people, directly triggering a big melee.

But Tie Chili had already left and lurked again.

"Killing Treasury? Ranking? It's the great master!"

Tie Chili looked up at the sky. The voice did not come from the colonization suit, but from the void.

Then, he found that through the biological intelligence brain in the colonization suit, he could check his own killing point information, exchange for killing treasure resources, and see a list!

"Let's take a look at the killing treasure first."

Tie Chili began to check the treasure resources through the colonization suit, and saw that there were four categories on it.

"Secrets, treasures, weapons, battlefields"

Tie Chili took a deep breath and clicked on the treasure category, and suddenly there were countless dense texts and pictures.

"Blood Jade Fruit 1 Killing Point per piece."

"Life Fruit 1 Killing Point per piece."


"Golden Leaf of the Kras Ancient Tree 800 Killing Points per piece"

"10,000 Killing Points per piece of Wanling Purple Blood Juice."

"Oh my God, what is this! This is the [Life Fruit]. Even if a strong person below the realm master level is not killed, no matter how serious the injury is, one fruit can recover.

It only costs 1 Killing Point?

And the legendary treasure of the Golden Leaf of the Kras Ancient Tree only costs 800 Killing Points?"

Tie Chili's eyes were red.

In the past, these were treasures that he could not touch at all!

But now, as long as there are Killing Points, they can be exchanged?

Because of the authority, he can see that the most expensive treasures are those below 10,000 Killing Points, and there are tens of thousands of such treasures!

Each of them has a function that is amazing.

With a little trembling, he clicked on the Secret Method column.

In an instant, countless Secret Methods appeared in front of him.

"Seven Absolute Lights", "Dragon Rising Nine Heavens Sword", "Snow Seal", "Ghost Shadow Step"...

One by one, the secret methods that are extremely famous in the universe appear on the list like common goods. At a glance, there are at least tens of thousands of them, and this is only the first page.

"Crazy! As long as there are enough killing points, treasures, secret methods, anything can be exchanged!"

As a member of the lower-class tribe, without any power, when has he seen these treasures?

"How to buy these treasures? The secret methods can be directly transmitted, but what about the treasures?"

After forcing himself to calm down, Tie Chili had doubts in his heart.

"I only have 1 killing point, and the cheapest secret method requires 10 killing points. Let's buy a life fruit first. One life fruit is equivalent to one more life.

Saving life is the most important thing on the battlefield!"

Tie Chili directly chose the life fruit in the treasure category and chose to buy it.

Just when Tie Chili was sure, a wormhole with a diameter of about one meter appeared silently in the space around him, and a box flew out of it, and then the space wormhole disappeared silently.

There was no fluctuation during the whole process.

"It can be delivered directly? This is too against the sky, right?"

Tie Chili subconsciously caught the box and looked at the scene in amazement.

With a burst of excitement, Tie Chili opened the box. He took a deep breath. The diffused fragrance made all the cells in his body cheer and jump for joy, as if he had eaten a rare treasure from heaven and earth.

"It's really the life fruit!"

Tie Chili quickly closed the box to prevent energy leakage.

"Incredible, incredible! Killing a 9th-level Scaled Eagle of the Territory Lord can exchange for a Life Fruit!"

"I want to get more killing points! This is my opportunity! The biggest opportunity!"

Tie Chili's eyes were bloodshot, and he turned his head suddenly to look at the energy fluctuations coming from afar.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

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