Devouring the Stars: Zerg Overlord

Chapter 516 Human Genius and Battlefield Control

"This is the best of times!"

Tie Chili's heart was burning.

Today's human race, due to the expansion of territory and various policies within the race, is constantly starting various reforms.

In the past, his tribe and home planet were enslaved, and they would be dragged out and sold as soon as they reached adulthood.

However, because the ethnic group abolished slavery, all tribesmen no longer have to worry about being enslaved, and a Fire Academy was built within the ethnic group, and anyone who reaches the age can enroll.

To learn knowledge that was once out of reach.

You can also improve your bloodline through low-level breeding equipment, and you can also log into the second world to see the vast universe. Everything is so beautiful.


The policies of the top human beings only guarantee their right to live. If you want to become strong, you still need to fight hard!

But that's enough!

Just try your best.

His figure was lurking in the mountains. Although he was extremely excited, he knew very well that the dangers of the killing battlefield were not a place where he could act recklessly.

Even though he could rely on the strength of the incarnation of the starry sky beast to rival the Realm Lord, after looking at the killing rankings, he knew that there were too many people stronger than him on this battlefield, and even on this continent.

As he advanced, a glimmer of his consciousness entered the killing rankings.

There is not just one personal ranking list, which is divided into Tianxuan Continent ranking list and 96 War Zone ranking list.

He glanced at the Tianxuan Continent ranking list where he was.

First place: Human (Chinese) Thundergod (World Lord Level) Killing Points 56,300 points

Second place: Human (Mother Queen)-Claudia (World Lord level) 46230 killing points

Third place: Human (Desolate God Clan) Fu Yin (World Lord Level) Killing Points 23600

The top three are surprisingly all humans!

Until the fourth place, there is a demon clan's royal reincarnation snake-eyed snake, with 22560 kill points!

In less than half a day, someone actually obtained tens of thousands of killing points, and even the top 100,000 had more than 10,000 killing points!

One can imagine how many powerful people there are on this continent!

And he only gained 1 point, ranking outside the tens of billions!

As for the overall ranking?

He just took a look and found that the number one killing point had exceeded 100,000, so he turned it off.

The gap is just too big.

"There are too many strong people, you must be careful, and be more careful!"

Tie Chili was lurking in a jungle, lurking towards the front, where he saw a strong foreigner with strength at the level of a domain lord.

"This little guy is quite cautious! Very good!"

Qin Mu watched Tie Chili kill another Territory Lord-level alien and escape again, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Thunder God is also on the Tianxuan Continent. Throwing this guy to the Immortal battlefield and putting him under the Immortal's will be nothing but a fish fry."

Afterwards, Qin Mu turned his attention to another battlefield.

In the picture, two thunder gods, thousands of kilometers in size, were holding a thunder sword and killing crazily on the battlefield.

Wherever he passed, there was no enemy.

The most terrifying thing is that once Thor is targeted, it is almost impossible to escape with his speed.

"With the blessing of life multipliers, treasures, secret techniques, clones, etc., Thor's strength is already comparable to that of the Invincible King."

The God of Thunder is also a disciple of the Lord of the Universe. As a disciple of the Lord of Youhou, of course he also has a treasure to protect him.

However, Qin Mu did not rush to take action, but allowed the God of Thunder to wreak havoc.

When it comes to setting up a killing field, there is already a well-established set of rules.

The real-time locations of the top 10,000 people on Tianxuan Continent’s killing list will be made public, with the purpose of letting everyone know their locations.

On the one hand, it allows the weak to avoid them.

On the other hand, it is also convenient for these stronger ones to fight together.

Those very powerful geniuses will soon discover that when the killing points accumulate to a certain level, it is almost impossible to obtain killing points by hunting those whose strength is very different.

Only those with similar strength to yourself can obtain killing points.

Moreover, when the strength reaches a certain level, the protection mechanism of the killing battlefield will be triggered, sending the strong ones with excessive strength to a higher level battlefield.

For example, people like Thor will be forcibly sent to the immortal battlefield in a short time.

There is only one purpose for doing this, and that is to cultivate geniuses!

A person like Thor, who is a top powerhouse on the immortal battlefield, has almost no meaning on the main battlefield of the world.

The same goes for Immortal Battlefield.

A genius like Luo Feng can reach the level of a top-notch cosmic overlord when he is immortal. If a strong man who kills cosmic overlords like he kills chickens fights with ordinary immortals, it is purely bullying.

This kind will be thrown into the battlefield of the Venerable.

As for the Venerable Battlefield, if the strength still exceeds the standard, such as the Universe Venerable with 10081 times perfect life, he will not be allowed to enter the killing battlefield.

Ignoring the God of Thunder, Qin Mu looked at the second-ranked Mother Queen, Claudia. Claudia was the top genius in the Queen Mother lineage, and she had also undergone a transformation through the Nirvana Temple when she entered the killing battlefield.

In the picture, the mother nest with a diameter of about a thousand kilometers is suspended in mid-air.

Tens of thousands of Zerg warriors kept flying out from the honeycomb structure of the mother nest.

Each Zerg warrior is about ten kilometers in size, and its strength far exceeds that of the average peak world lord.

Unlike Thor who chased the enemy everywhere, Claudia used the classic Zerg tactics. After releasing a large number of Zerg units, she cultivated a large number of cannon fodder units.

Then she directly encircled and suppressed them in a net-like manner!

Wherever she passed, all the aliens found would be killed.

Even a group of worker insect units had begun to build bases, collect resources, and cultivate more Zerg warriors.

"This is a bit like Zerg!"

Watching Claudia perform a combined attack and kill a genius realm master of the Prison Clan, Qin Mu nodded with satisfaction.

Before the enhancement, the diameter of the realm master's mother nest was only 800 meters, which was too bad.

After the explosive modification, it expanded to 1,000 kilometers!

The gap is incomparable.

As for Fu Yin, the third-ranked wild god, he was a genius among the human race who had experienced countless bloody battles and evolved hundreds of thousands of people through the gene seeds to have clones.

Fu Yin's battle was even more violent.

He actually called out the clone of the tree of life directly!

When the three million kilometer-high tree of life appeared on the battlefield and the domain that controlled time and space appeared, it was a massacre.

His original body and another clone, which was a giant elephant-like beast with a body length of nearly ten thousand miles, four terrifying fangs, scales all over the body, and wrapped in thunder, trampled crazily and killed a large number of alien races.

"Tsk, it's simply a dimensionality reduction attack."

Qin Mu looked at Fu Yin who was laughing wildly on the battlefield. The Wild God Clan was one of the top ten bloodlines of humans before the gene seed appeared. Their body was violent and warlike.

After the gene seed appeared, they were one of the first tribes to accept the gene seed.

The tribes that became powerful because of the gene seed are not just those weak tribes. Those tribes that already have strong bloodlines can also evolve, and even evolve faster than others!

The strength of the top geniuses of mankind is unquestionable, and they are almost leading by a huge margin on the battlefield.

After a few glances, Qin Mu stopped observing these top geniuses.

There are not only geniuses in the human race, but also a large number of weaker and more mediocre ordinary people.

In this scattered battlefield, not everyone will be as lucky as Tie Chili and encounter weaker aliens.

In the tens of thousands of pictures in front of Qin Mu, scenes of humans being killed appear from time to time.

Among them, there is even a genius who has evolved his bloodline to the realm master level, and transformed into a starry sky giant beast thousands of kilometers away, but he was still killed by a top genius of the crystal race.

There are geniuses in humans, and there are geniuses in billions of races!

Some of the top geniuses are only inferior to Lei Shen and others.

There are geniuses emerging among humans, and of course there are geniuses in billions of races.

Moreover, when entering the battlefield, each race, including humans, has no fixed position, and they all appear randomly.

Hunting humans can get more killing points, so naturally there will be many strong people hunting humans.

Faced with this situation, Qin Mu didn't care.

If you want to hone a genius through the killing battlefield, you must accept death.

However, it is the nature of intelligent creatures to stick together. Some human warriors have already begun to unite and plan to establish a fixed base.

For example, the mother nest built by Queen Claudia and the tree of life placed by Fu Yin of the Wild God Clan have attracted a group of human trialists to ask for shelter.

There is no so-called safe spot in the killing battlefield.

In this dangerous battlefield environment, it is extremely precious to have a place to rest in peace.

This is true for humans, and some powerful tribes are also the same.

For example, the demon tribe and the mechanical tribe have spontaneously established safe bases.

However, in addition to these, what makes all the trialists who have killed the enemy and obtained the killing points extremely excited is that they have opened the permission of the killing treasure house!


In addition to humans, among the billions of tribes, as long as they step into the battlefield and kill the first enemy, they can open the killing treasure house.

Like the human tribe and other peak tribes, the strong are better.

There are other weak tribes that go crazy when they see the treasure information above.

"I didn't expect that the killing points in this killing battlefield can be exchanged for domain master-level gene seeds (up to the second generation of gene seeds for them).

And the cosmic-level gene seeds can make up for the potential of the people in the kingdom of God.

The strongest person in our Huo Luo tribe is only a cosmic venerable. In the Nine Domain Alliance, he has basically no say, and his territory and resources are pitifully small.

But the cosmic-level gene seeds that can be exchanged through killing points.

To cultivate the people in my Huo Luo tribe's kingdom of God, my Huo Luo tribe needs a lot of killing points. This is our chance to rise!"

In the Immortal Battlefield, a Huo Luo tribe king screamed wildly.

As crazy as him, there are countless weak tribes and strong people.

Only a little killing value can be exchanged for a large number of gene seeds!

For many tribes, this means a reborn fortune!

This makes them crazy.

Not just gene seeds.

The killing points in the killing battlefield can be exchanged for a total of four categories.

The first category is various natural treasures, such as the fruit of life, the blood jade fruit, or the genetic seeds that drive weak tribes crazy.

These are all cultivated by Qin Mu through the insect swarm.

Although these treasures are open to all tribes, the prices are not the same.

Among them, the human tribe has the lowest purchase price!

The second is the hundreds of millions of weak tribes.

The peak tribe is the most expensive!

Even treasures like the gene seed are not open to other peak tribes, or even some powerful tribes!

For the killing battlefield, the alien races that enter are all resources. Weak tribes have poor risk resistance, so they need support.

So in the battlefield, not only the human race is improving and strengthening, but other tribes are the same.

And the powerful tribes and peak tribes have a strong foundation, resources and strong risk resistance, so they need to be suppressed.

Moreover, this kind of purchase qualification, price, etc. will be adjusted in real time.

For example, if a tribe is weak, support it.

If a certain tribe is strong, suppress it secretly.

In this way, the human tribe can easily control the strength of each tribe.

And with the current size of the insect swarm, just take out a primitive sea or a war ancient tree, and the energy swallowed in every breath can cultivate hundreds of millions of life fruits.

As for other more advanced items, the same is true.

In the Earth period, Qin Mu could cultivate the spirit of plants and trees for sale, not to mention now.

Even the top plant special life can reproduce freely in the insect swarm.

The insect swarm does lack resources, but what it lacks is the resources to convert the divine body into the divine power of the universe lord.

These immortals and things below immortality, just take out a little, it is enough for the entire killing battlefield.

As for the second kind, it is the secret method!

The cost of secret methods is lower, or it can be said that Qin Mu has no cost at all.

Because many of these secret methods were created at random when he was studying the secret pattern diagram.

When these people practiced the secret method, they also became his test subjects. He would collect information from them by the way and optimize them later.

This is not only the case in the low-level battlefield, but also in the universe lord battlefield.

These treasures that are extremely precious to the domain master level, the realm master level, and even the immortal, can be cultivated in large quantities by the insect swarm by absorbing the energy in the universe.

The purpose of choosing to release these treasures and secret methods is to support weak tribes and suppress peak tribes and powerful tribes.

For the geniuses of large tribes, the treasures in the killing battlefield are actually not too precious.

As for the secrets, it goes without saying for them.

Which powerful tribe doesn't have countless secrets suitable for them?

And those trialists from weak tribes, if they don't strengthen a little, are no different from cannon fodder except for their large numbers.

With the evolution speed of human geniuses, it's okay now, but they can't keep up at all in the later stage.

It won't take too long before they will be killed and can't have the effect of long-term training.

Among the four types of treasures, if the first and second types of treasures are welfare-oriented.

And the third and fourth types are income-generating types at that time.

Qin Mu founded the Killing Field, but he didn't really come for charity!

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