Diablo Destruction

Chapter 341: Can a dead dog teleport?

"The scariest thing in the forest is not the monster."

Phoenix casually fired an ice bomb, freezing the bucket-thick venomous snake that was hanging on a tree not far away and integrated into the whole tree into an ice lump. He then repeated for an unknown number of times that if he accidentally got bitten by this venomous snake, If you swallow it again, even job changers will feel uncomfortable.

"Because they are not monsters, we cannot know their names. Even the most experienced adventurers dare not say that they have known all the creatures in the forest, so most of the time we do not know how strong the creatures in front of us are. , you may be deceived by its petiteness, you may be confused by its appearance, and you may often misjudge and put yourself in danger, just like that cluster of flowers..."

As he said this, Phoenix pointed to a dozen scattered flowers not far away under the quiet shade of the trees. These flowers looked a bit like tulips - it should be said that they were tulips magnified dozens of times, and the bunched buds were full of flowers. It is the size of a washbasin and is exuding a rich aroma. The pink flower buds and the green shade of the trees complement each other. A few beams of sunlight slightly shine through, rendering the shade as quiet and beautiful as a green forest wonderland.

Oh, I know this. Kane said in his book that there must be some monster hiding underground. They use this beautiful scenery and the fragrance of flowers to attract passing small animals, and then prey on them. The corpses become fertilizer for those huge tulips. It can be said to be mutually beneficial. Reciprocity.

When I said this, Phoenix smiled and said nothing. At that moment, the dead dog who looked fearless and fearless of me was attracted by the rich fragrance and quiet environment. Girls always like it. These beautiful things, dragons are no exception.

"Is everything okay?"

I asked, pointing at the dead dog that was staggering towards the trap with a drunken expression. Phoenix smiled and shook his head, indicating that it was okay. But I still secretly held a flying knife in my hand. The dead dog was my food reserve, how could I let others eat it?

Thinking of this, the dead dog had already reached the foot of the shade of the tree. The unexpected enemy hiding underground did not appear. It lay on the ground beautifully, enjoying the shade under the big tree. It seemed that it wanted to take a nap. However, from our perspective, we found that the huge tulip bud was slowly hanging down, hanging over the dead dog. The bud opened to reveal rows of sharp teeth that were completely opposite to its beautiful appearance. It swallowed the dead dog with a grunt. Go down, then close it immediately.


The roar of a dead dog came from inside the bud, and it seemed to be scurrying about like headless flies, but the structure of the bud was like rubber. No matter how hard it struggled, it was in vain.


You deserve it, you are usually arrogant.

Just when I was about to cut off the whole flower, there was a flash of light beside me, and the dead dog covered in the flower-scented mucus appeared next to me, with its limbs lying on the ground in a large shape. Panting feebly.

Not only Phoenix, but even I, who was halfway through throwing the knife, looked at the dead dog with my mouth wide open in disbelief.

"Old... Brother, if I read it correctly just now. This... this should be the wizard's teleportation, but why didn't I notice the magic fluctuation?"

Phoenix rubbed his eyes in disbelief - even the teleportation skill that he was still one level away from mastering actually appeared on a dog?

"This...if you ask me, I don't know."

I was even more surprised than Phoenix. I knew that the dead dog would automatically teleport to me as long as I left a certain distance, but it was the first time that the dead dog had teleportation skills. That was the first time I had seen it. Is this really still a dog? Could it be that he picked up some strange food to store up? Will eating it cause diarrhea?

"Ga oh——"

After regaining her breath, Leona stood up angrily and roared at the giant tulips. She was just a humble human being, but now even a little flower dared to bully this princess. It comes with a skill that automatically teleports to the other party. Wouldn't you be the first dragon to be eaten by a flower? Shame, shame.

Roaring like this, our fearless Dragon Princess, Her Royal Highness. Shaking his golden curly hair, he rushed forward with great momentum. He was about to start a vigorous fight with that damn piranha.

"Wait, we can't go there now..."

Phoenix woke up and quickly used telekinesis. He caught the dead dog that rushed out out of thin air.

"Ga oh ga oh——"

What do you, a humble human being, want to do? Why do you want to prevent this princess from taking revenge? Do you want to go against our dragon clan? Kill you, this princess will really kill you.

Looking at the golden-haired Pekingese that kept bluffing towards him with a cute look, Phoenix looked at me dumbfounded, brother, are all the things around you so unique?

Soon, Phoenix solved our puzzle. He controlled several large rocks and simulated the sound of rumbling footsteps as he "ran" toward the man-eating tulip. As soon as he reached his feet, countless sharp thorns suddenly protruded from the ground. The hard stone was instantly pierced by these thorns.

"The prey caught by the piranha is just bait. Small animals usually live in groups. When one is caught by the piranha, the others will immediately rush over to rescue them. This is the opportunity for these ground stinging insects to hunt. .”

Phoenix said this, but compared to his explanation, I was more surprised by his ability to control telekinesis. He could control a dead dog while manipulating several boulders at the same time to accurately simulate the roar of a beast. At least to me now It is far from possible. As expected, the wandering mage has many unique skills.

"The combination of ground stinging insects and piranha flowers is not dangerous to us adventurers. I just want to tell you that even some plants and insects know how to use strategies, so don't underestimate any creature in the forest. They Our ancestors have survived here for countless years, and the hunting skills passed down have been quite perfect. In Kurast, many more adventurers die from other accidents every year than from monsters."

I nodded, carefully taking Phoenix's words into my heart, and then I saw the dead dog that was still struggling under the control of his telekinesis.

"I know, I know, let me help you get revenge."

A light tap of your finger. A barrel-thick volcanic explosion was like a ignited firework, accompanied by white smoke rising from the cracked surface, and rushed out of the ground. In an instant, it burned the piranha to ashes. After the volcanic explosion, the charred giant In the pit, many disgusting scorched insects as big as fists appeared, which should be the stinging insects that Phoenix mentioned.

Leona: Hoho~~ You hateful human being, don’t think that just because you signed a master-servant contract, you want to please this princess. Let me tell you, this princess will not thank you for this, not at all. You should apologize to the enemies who dare to rob my princess. Yes, you should die for this princess.

Thinking like this, she still calmed down. After being put down by Phoenix, he lowered his eyes with tears in his eyes and said softly, but he always felt a sense of defeat in his heart...

"Brother, that's not bad. It seems I still underestimated you." Seeing me showing this hand, Phoenix's eyes lit up and he sighed sincerely.

"A slightly improved volcanic explosion is nothing to make a fuss about." I gave him a disapproving look. A Kurast-level druid can do it, right? That's what the old drunkard told me.

The biggest advantage of Druid's third-level skill Volcanic Explosion is that it is impossible to defend against, and almost even assassins can't dodge it. The biggest disadvantage is that it is uncertain. You don't know whether it can hit the enemy you want to hit, and now I The nine-level volcanic explosion he mastered consumes up to 19 points of mana each time, which can be said to be all the magic he has mastered. Including one of the most expensive magic among other professions. If I miss the enemy, wouldn't I be vomiting blood?

Therefore, my first consideration was practicality. I corrected all the random attacks and waste on the original basis. The result of the improvement was just like what I just did, consuming 1.5 mana to release a targeted volcanic explosion, which is much more practical. It's just that I can't control it very well now. If you want to cast it accurately, you must aim at the casting location with your fingers to concentrate your energy.

"Oh, my God. What idiot told you this? I have never seen any druid adventurer in Kurast who can perform this kind of skill. I have seen a few in the Demon Fortress. , to be honest, you druids also have the transformation system and the summoning system. You are far from being able to devote yourself wholeheartedly to magic research like us mages. Therefore, as far as I know, you must at least be at the demon fortress level. Only druids can master this technique. If you don't plan to develop the elemental system, I'm afraid you won't be able to understand it even in Harrogas..."

I'm angry, that old drunkard Kasha has been lying to me, causing me to practice hard all the time, for fear of being laughed at by adventurers of the same level. Bastard, when I return to Rogge, I won't be able to see how drunk the whole camp is. Buy it all and let her enjoy the feeling of being in pain...

"So you've been to the Demon Fortress? Then tell me about the situation there."

I endured the veins on my forehead and asked "pleasantly". Wanderers are not like us adventurers who have to complete any tasks before they can go to the next level, so I am not surprised that Phoenix has been to the Demon Fortress.

"The Fortress of Demons, it is really a ghost place with only steel and blood, the sky and the earth are gray, the monsters are also abnormally strong, I only came out once and I dare not come out again, I'm afraid you are the only one like me, brother. Only with the local skills can you survive there..." Phoenix, who was well-informed, immediately started talking non-stop.

Under the leadership of Phoenix, a competent tour guide, I finally had a general understanding of the forest. Of course, it was only a general understanding. It only ensured that I would not encounter any unknown dangers if I walked along the river. I also encountered many monsters. , such as the Thorny Wood Demon with a negative stealth skill level. This group of mourners who have been eroded by evil forces are incredibly powerful, but their shortcoming of being afraid of fire is very prominent. As long as there is a wizard or a mercenary with fire skills in the team, Dealing with them is not difficult.

Swamp dwellers, this group of nasty monsters who are good at guerrilla tactics, under the guidance of Phoenix, we finally mastered how to lure them ashore and then outflank and annihilate them. Of course, if that doesn't work, we can also use fishing.

There are two other monsters that make me even more disgusted. One is the jungle hunter. It is said to be a hunter, but in fact it is a disgusting big baboon with green appearance and slippery skin like a swamp dweller. It is the sand dune beast that appeared in Lu Gaoyin. An evolved form, what they are best at is using their protective color to ambush people. If the Thorny Wood Demon's camouflage skills are at the negative level, then theirs are at the master level. Even Phoenix, a veteran, was accidentally attacked by one of them when he jumped out of the tree a few days ago without noticing. , and as a result, he didn’t even raise his head in front of us for a whole day.

There is another one, ugh, when it comes to this kind of monster, people and gods are simply outraged. I don’t know how the old guy God created such a helpless thing. The sucker, a flying insect monster, has a sharp straw in its front mouth, and its thin transparent wings are buzzing and fanning. It looks like It's like an enlarged mosquito, with a soft, red belly sticking out from behind. It's a bit scary just looking at the appearance. But it's not enough to make us depressed. What's really disgusting is its ability. The sucker, as the name suggests, although the attack is not high. But it can absorb the opponent's energy and mana. If you are surrounded by dozens of such suckers, even a ferocious barbarian can suck you into a necromancer-like expression in less than a minute...

certainly. One of the two major forces in the forest - dwarves - is definitely indispensable. However, all we encountered along the way were dwarves who were projected or corrupted by evil forces. We did not encounter any purebred dwarf tribes. It was probably them. My IQ is relatively high, so I deliberately avoid places where we adventurers often hang out.

After walking like this for a few days, Phoenix unexpectedly rose to level 36 and learned level 4 skills - especially teleportation, the wizard's ultimate life-saving skill. His strength improved by more than one or two points. He also became more and more coquettish. He used teleportation to wander in front of us all day long. But one time, because he had just learned it and was not yet proficient in it, his teleportation landing point was deviated, and he moved directly into the water. We I was still wondering why a nice, living person suddenly disappeared like this. I didn't realize it until I saw the bubbles popping out of the nearby river. then. Phoenix jumped out of the water screaming, with several piranhas attached to his butt. After this, the little boy calmed down and began to master his new skills honestly, and no longer dared to show off.

Hum, when we reach level 36 and get a staff with teleportation skills, how proud will you be then?

Unknowingly, we have left Kurast for more than a week, but we walked along the winding river, so it is not far from Kurast. If you are familiar with the road, you can go straight through the forest, which is about two days' journey. You can go back.

That day, when we met a tribe of hundreds of dwarfs, Phoenix was excited. He pointed at the two strange totem-like stone pillars at the entrance of the tribe and told me that this was a tribe that had not been affected by evil forces. In the eroded tribe, only these sane dwarves would do these symbolic things when they are full.

Although it was my first time to see this kind of pure dwarf tribe, it really opened my eyes, but Phoenix was probably too excited. It was not the first time he saw it.

"You don't know something. This pure dwarf is particularly easy to deceive precisely because his IQ is neither high nor low." As if he thought of something, Phoenix's mouth was already smiling crookedly, and he took out a weird hat The strange hat, if you look closely, is the same as the indigenous hat worn by the dwarf wizard.

He put the hat on his head, then took out a strange jar, blackened his face and exposed parts with the unknown thing inside, and then took out a short spear that seemed to be often used by dwarves. In the hand, it looks like a dwarf wizard, except that he is a little taller and wears a robe...

"Is this okay?" I widened my eyes and looked at Phoenix stupidly. Although he did look a bit like a dwarf wizard, he couldn't match him in terms of height or clothing.

"Of course. Rather than appearance, dwarves judge similar species more by smell. These materials are all specially made by me. They can completely deceive the noses of dwarves, as long as these dwarves have not been deceived by the same trick before. It's no problem, just watch from the side." As he said that, he shook his clothes and walked towards the dwarf tribe with an excited pace, looking like he was sacrificing himself generously.

"Chirp -" When he got to the gate, Phoenix, who was dressed as a dwarf wizard, was stopped by two dwarfs holding short spears, but he was not attacked. It seemed that there was something going on, so I hid in a small bush on the side. Li was stunned.

After a while, a dwarf wizard led a dozen dwarves holding short spears or kitchen knives, followed by five or six people who wielded hidden weapons. After swaggering all the way over, a closer look showed that the dwarf wizard was still a leader, which meant that this tribe had undergone at least 10 transformations, and its combat effectiveness was already very impressive.

"Wa...Wa yo, this brother is so good...so tall, so big...big."

The dwarf wizard took a few steps forward. Looking at Phoenix, he said, the legend that the dwarf wizard can speak Chinese is indeed true, but the pronunciation is too stiff and not very coherent, just like a foreigner with brain and language impairments speaking Chinese after being drunk.

The average height of the dwarf is about half a meter, and the dwarf wizard will select the tallest and strongest dwarf in the tribe and then ride on its shoulders to show authority, so the height is about one meter. Phoenix, on the other hand, was about 1.67 meters tall, so he was certainly very suspicious in the eyes of the dwarf wizard. If it weren't for the similar smell, he would have ordered his men to throw him into a pot and cook him.

"That, that, that... that's, me... below me. There are... there are two..."

Phoenix imitated the tone of the dwarf wizard, stammered, pointed to his body, and his waist and knees under the robe twisted in an extremely soft posture. It looks like there are really two dwarfs stacked underneath.

When I saw it, I was impressed. The Wanderer was indeed proficient in acrobatics. Not to mention Phoenix's weird posture, just imitating the dwarf wizard's voice so closely was beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Wayo, so powerful? I'm already staggered riding one dwarf, but this brother actually rides two? Listen to Phoenix say this. The dwarf wizard was immediately in awe, but the doubt in his heart was still not completely eliminated.

"Brother...Brother, you, you...where did your clothes come from..."

It pointed at Phoenix's clothes and said, both the dwarf and the dwarf wizard wore no clothes. The only thing covering their shame was the grass skirt made of leaves on the waist. When the wind blew, it really looked like Hawaii.

"Snatched...snatched...from...the big monkey..."

Phoenix seems to have said that. Dwarfs usually call us adventurers big monkeys. As for their natural enemies, the elves, they seem to have pointed ears...

This time. The dwarf wizard basically believed it, but it was still not at ease because it was always suspicious and put forward one last test.

"Brother...brother, let's...show...perform...for everyone."

Phoenix knows that there are only two performances that the dwarf wizards are talking about. One is their signature skill of breathing fire. The raging fire can burn the paladin with high health and thick blood to only half his life in a few seconds. The lethality is very high, and the other one is the resurrection spell. Like the fallen wizard, the dwarf wizard can resurrect his subordinates.

Fortunately, he was not forced to perform the resurrection spell, otherwise his secret would be revealed. Phoenix thought this way. The second-level fire skill of the mage, Hellfire, was just close to the fire-breathing ability of the dwarf wizard. He performed it immediately and also Turning around coquettishly with the pillar of fire.

Therefore, Phoenix, who claimed to have been taken away from his hometown by the "big monkey" and fled here, successfully entered the dwarf tribe. I am not worried. I don't know if he has other means to escape, but just in the past few days The teleportation skills he has mastered are enough for Phoenix to be fearless in the face of danger, of course, provided that he does not transfer it into the dwarf's pot like he accidentally transferred it into the river last time...

Following behind from a distance, I saw that Phoenix and the dwarf wizard seemed to be talking about something, but the distance was too far, so I couldn't hear it at all. After chatting for a long time, he seemed to be enthusiastically invited by the dwarf wizard to talk to him like a fallen demon. Next to the camp-like cauldron, the atmosphere was suddenly silent for a while. Suddenly, a ring of ice exploded from Phoenix's body, freezing all the dwarves, including the dwarf wizard, into popsicles. Then he teleported and he had appeared. At the gate of the tribe, he ran away in embarrassment and shouted, "Brother Wu Fan, come and save me."

I almost covered my stomach and burst into laughter, but my subordinates did not dare to neglect, because without the instructions of the thawed dwarf wizard, the dwarfs guarding the door had already chased after him, and with their speed, they wanted to shoot Phoenix on the butt. Two flowers is a very easy thing.

Instructing Xiaoxue and the others to rush out, I leisurely prepared a giant lava rock, and when the angry dwarf wizard rushed up, he threw it head on. The dwarf wizard escaped with his agility, and also Before I could breathe a sigh of relief, the entire lava rock suddenly exploded under my control, smashing a dozen dwarves including it into a sieve - killing the dwarf wizard is the first task to wipe out the dwarf tribe. , not to mention that they will be resurrected, even I dare not resist the fire-breathing technique alone.

Without the dwarf wizard, the remaining dwarves were all killed by Xiaoxue, the others, and Phoenix who turned around in less than a minute. After packing up the scattered gold coins and potions on the ground, I was quite interested in what Phoenix encountered at that time, and how he was in such a mess. .

"Ugh, stop talking. I didn't expect this damn dwarf to be so hospitable."

As he said that, Phoenix came to the pot and kicked it down hard, knocking over the entire half-man-high pot. The disgusting black soup inside flowed all over the floor, along with all kinds of corpses. , a closer look revealed that there seemed to be a human skeleton inside the corpse.

Damn, I finally know why Phoenix escaped in such a mess. I wouldn’t stick to any of these things even if I starve to death...

"But it's not without gain this time." After smashing the entire tribe to pieces, Phoenix let out a sigh of relief before suddenly turning into a smile.

"Didn't you say you wanted to find the lost Gidbin? I got some information from the dwarf wizard, but I can't guarantee whether it's accurate or not."

I was stunned for a moment, and I was a little touched. It turned out to be like this. I asked Phoenix why he had nothing to do to disguise himself as a dwarf wizard. I just mentioned Gidbin's mission when chatting with him, but I didn't expect him. But he takes it so seriously. Although his temperament is a bit frivolous, he is indeed a warm-hearted and careful good guy. This friend is worth keeping.

According to the dwarf wizard, several dwarves from a certain dwarf tribe in the south seemed to sneak into Kurast last month and brought back a lot of good things. The wizard of that tribe was so impressive that he was afraid of other dwarves. He spread the word about it with his trophies as if he didn't know it, so even the dwarf tribe here had heard about it.

Let’s not talk about whether the news is true or not. Just the vague statement of “a certain dwarf tribe in the south” is enough to give people a headache. However, Phoenix said that the south is exactly the direction of the Spider Forest teleportation station, so even if there is little hope, It's a good idea to drop by and have a look.

In addition, after being smashed by Phoenix, we discovered that there was a spring water and a storage box behind the dwarf tribe. Although it was full, we still drank several sips. It was not easy to find a spring water. There was only one remaining There are not many of them, most of them are in remote corners. It has been a long time since I encountered them in the temple. Is it because I am not lucky in this regard?

As for the storage box, it was the first time I had seen a Kurast-style storage box, so Phoenix fully demonstrated his cowardly demeanor and generously said that he would let me open it and the contents inside would belong to me. In his opinion, what good things could be found in the storage chests of a tribe of hundreds of dwarves?

After confirming with Phoenix again and again, I finally found the mechanism and pressed it. There was a sound of stone, and the stone cover on the storage box moved away. I looked inside. Well, there was indeed nothing good. There were only a dozen gold coins. A healing potion in a bottle, and...

Well, there is also a blue Eagle's Magic Bead, which is really not a gain for me. When I played with the blue Eagle's Magic Bead casually in my hand, our handsome Uncle Phoenix Two drops of male tears fell from my eyes...

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