
“There is no turning back for the fighters!!!!”

“Kill him!!!!!”

The substitutes in the Inaga Player Bench shouted excitedly.

The official players on the field also showed their greatest strength to support Cheng Gongming.

“Hit it right!!”

“The time has been found!!!!”

“Boom it out!!!!”

The members of the Qingdao team also roared loudly without showing weakness.

“The collision between the ace of Daocheng and the four sticks of Qingdao was extremely fierce!!!”

“Is the winning side the palace that shoulders the trump card?”

“Or is it the fourth stick?”

Fell with the voice of the narrator.

Naruto and Yuki continued to fight. But!

Despite the fact that Naruto Naruto burst out in excellent condition!

Yuki did not fall into the inferior position at all, and also forcibly hit the ball thrown by Narumiya out of bounds!

“The Green Lord’s bat bites all the tricky shots with precision!”

The narrator said in a timely manner: “Because I have hit the outside of the field every time, the number of balls is still 2 good and 1 bad!” ”

“Whether it’s a forked ball.”

“It’s still a bad ball on the high side.”

“This guy hit it.”

Masako Harada frowned and glanced at Tetsuya Yukijo.


“Ah Ming’s current straight ball is fierce!”

“This is a point that can be exploited!”

“But to get the most out of it, you have to rely on hasty tactics!”


“Too many shifting balls…”

“Ah Ming will have the problem of floating upwards…..”

“If this matter is not solved, it will be difficult for [the speed ball] to play a role!”

While Harada Masakuni was thinking.

Cheng Gongming’s eyes flickered

The doji of “Blingbling”.

“Elder Aya!”

“At this time, only this trick can be used!”

“And in order to get through this kind of difficulty in Koshien, haven’t we practiced the ability to resist pressure?”

“I want to vote! Let me vote! ”

“I want to vote! Let me vote! ”

“I want to vote! Let me vote! ”

Facing Narumiya Ming’s expectant eyes, Harada Masako fell into contemplation.

“Ah Ming is also right…”

“If you want to eliminate Yuki, the straight ball is difficult to work!”

“And as long as the [shift ball] is shot low, even if it is a castle, it can’t hit!”

Think of this.

Masako Harada gave the gesture of “Variable Speed Ball”.

Inside: “If you dare to throw high, I will definitely beat you when I go back!” ”

At the same time.

A memory came to Yuki’s mind.

It was the coach who told him to go to the office and say something about making him captain.

: Let me be the captain? But I have no experience! 【Yukijo】

: This is the opinion of all third graders! 【Tablet】

: We have a large number of teams, and I will not ask you to unite the team.

: You just need to use your strength to lead them to become stronger.

“I’m going to use my bat!”

“Completely crush your fighting spirit!”

Turning back, Yuki stared sharply at Narumiya’s pitching.


“Blow him up!!!!”

“Knot City!!!!!”

The people of Qingdao are coming to the rescue.

The people of Daocheng were doing the same thing.

“Only one goal away!!!”

“Three vibrations of him!!!!”

“Kill him!!!!!!”

.. On the field.

Cheng Gong Ming bowed his head.

He listened to the voices of help around him. I took a deep breath slowly.

“Even if you don’t shout it out desperately”

“I can hear you clearly.”

“This time!”

“Only in response to the expectations of the contestants and the audience!”

“Can you really be an ace pitcher!?”

When the voice falls.

Narumiya’s mind flashed the picture of last year’s big violent throw in Koshien.

“And that place!”

“I still have a great vendetta that I have not repaid!”

“How can we just lose here?”


“Must go to Koshien Garden!!!”

Narimiya’s eyes widened and he threw a speeding ball filled with all his convictions with a resolute attitude! The moment Cheng Gong Ming threw out his arm!

The baseball flew to home run at a relatively slow pace!

The shifting ball posture that Naruto is now using is almost the same as that of a straight ball! So much so that Yuki was deceived!

Causes him to swing his bat early!

When it was discovered that it was just a speedball, Yuki had to force his strength! And this practice!

It also completely deforms the posture of the castle and loses all its balance!

“Good value for money”

“His posture is deformed!”

“You can definitely eliminate him now!”

Masako Harada kept an eye on Yukijo.

When he saw Yuki’s posture crooked, his eyes flashed with joy.

If it weren’t for the fact that he could catch the ball thrown by Cheng Gongming 100%, he would have wanted to shout a few words to express his inner excitement.


The posture has been completely distorted of the castle!

But when the ball was about to enter the glove of Harada Masako, he forcibly controlled the bat to hit the baseball!


Cheng Gongming’s eyes widened in disbelief.

“Obviously all deformed, why?!”

Masako Harada couldn’t believe what he was seeing, either. While!!!!!!

But the crisp crashing sound is ringing in your ears!


Masako Harada listened to the sound and looked at the baseball flying high into the air, and his heart couldn’t help but tremble. But!

Now is not the time to be in a daze!

Only to see Harada Masako pat himself, using the pain to force back to God! Subsequently!

He quickly stood up and took off his lower protective gear!

At the same time, he shouted loudly behind Cheng Gongming, “Second base!!!!!” ”

“Middle Field!!!!!!!!”

Alerted by Harada, second baseman Hirai Wing immediately returned to his senses.

He watched the baseball shoot rapidly to the top right, jumped up in a hurry, and straightened his arm hard. But away from baseball!

But it was half a meter off!


“Can’t touch the torture!”

Hirai gritted his teeth and straightened his arms, but this half meter was as far away to him as Tianzhe! Whoosh!

The baseball neatly passed through the second baseman and then fell behind him!

After a brief silence, the supporters of Qingdao erupted into cheers that shattered the clouds!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!!”

“Worn through!!!!!”

“Landed on the ground!!!!!!!”

“This landing point is wonderful!!!!!”

“The runners on the base are all back!!!!!!”

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