At the same time as the Green Road supporters cheer!

Spring City Kominato at third base has run back to home base!

And the second base, Miyuki, has already run past third base and is struggling to rush to home base! Wait until Miyuki runs a long way before Carlos of Inagi catches the ball! But this time pass the home run!

Not only will he be unable to kill Miyuki, but he will also let Tetsuya Yuki, who is about to reach second base, take the opportunity to rush to third base! Masako Harada is well aware of this!

So when he saw Carlos pick up the ball, he immediately reminded, “Second base!!!!!” ”


It wasn’t long before the ball was passed out!

Miyuki returned to the stronghold, and Yuki Castle also reached the second!

【Seido score +2】

“Immediately after the third-base runner, the second-base runner also returned to home base!!!!!”

The narrator roared excitedly, “This shot of the Green Dao Lord is!!!!!” ”

“Increased the point difference between the two sides from 7 points directly to 9 points!!!!!!”

“It’s more difficult for Daocheng to overtake!!!!!!”

When the narrator’s voice fell.

The supporters of the Green Road, who were already cheering, shouted even louder. Because!

Such a big point difference!

In addition, Lin Tian’s physical strength is still very sufficient! This means!

The probability of Daocheng turning over is almost zero!!!!! No!

Not almost!

is equal to zero!

“Green Road!!!!!!”




“The supporters of Qingdao are shouting out in oblivion.”

“Daocheng on the other side fell into an endless silence again.”


Masako Harada had mixed feelings at this time. From his point of view!

Naruto Naruto’s [Variable Speed Ball] is not bad! Although the requirements are a little higher…

For example, let Naruya shoot a lower ball, the effect will definitely be very good… But late in the game!

Naruto consumes a lot of physical strength and energy…..

So it’s almost impossible to accomplish higher requirements…


Masako Harada took a deep breath.

He gave the judge a gesture to apply for a suspension.

Then with his head bowed, he trotted silently to the pitcher mound.

Looking at the gray-faced Narimiya Ming, Harada Masako opened his mouth and wanted to say something. But when I think about it, I am now 9 points behind.

All the comfort can not be said. He felt that saying comforting words at this time would only do a worse job.



At this time, the sound of Narita Ming came into the ears of Harada Masako, who was in a state of absenteeism.


Harada Masako looked worriedly at Naruto.

“I’m okay.”

Narumiya turned his head to look at the second base Yuki and muttered, “That ball has been hit, and there is no way..”

“Can only say!”

“The batter is stronger, that’s all!”

Harada Masako’s brow furrowed, “Ah Ming”



“There’s still someone on the base”

“What matters is the next performance”

“Two people are out”

“The first ball later, shoot a little more cautiously!”

Naruto nodded calmly, “I know! ”

Harada Masako was surprised to see that Narumiya had responded so quickly. But if you think about it, you know.

Cheng Gongming’s heart was definitely uncomfortable. But.

There is no need to uncover this scar specifically.

Because that only has a worse effect on the next game. So.

Harada Masako wasn’t saying anything. He turned straight around and went back to home run.

“Fifth stick!”

“Iza Shikizu!”

Accompanied by the voice of a mature woman coming out of the radio.

Juna Isashiki boarded the court and confronted Akira Narimiya. He’s very tough!

In the face of all kinds of balls of Cheng Gongming, he will unceremoniously swing the baton! Of course!

If it’s the kind of tricky [bad ball]!

In order to be safe, Isashiki Jun will also choose to let it go! Twinkle in the eye!

Isashiki and Naruto Naruto played four goals! Number of balls.

2 good balls 2 bad balls!

And after the fifth ball!

Although it is very tricky, but because it is in a good ball area, Isa Shiki is not wrong! When a bang!

The baseball was hit just off the right side! So!

The number of balls has not changed!


The members of the city’s junior high school were stunned.

“Narimiya’s pitching is really tricky!”

“It’s not easy to hit, right?”

“No! He starts swinging from the first ball, which may give the impression of mediocre technique, but he’s actually very good at hitting the ball to the right! ”

“Coach Seido also knows this, so he deliberately put him on the 5 sticks, right?”


“Let the horses come!!!”

Isashiki straightened the bat and pointed at Narimiya and roared.


“This man is really difficult!”

Cheng Gongming wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The previous loss of points had made him feel very irritable.

Now Isashiki was constantly entangled, causing the feeling of irritability to become more intense.

“Is it a special wax collimation ball?”

Masakuni Harada noticed Isashiki’s swinging core, and his head turned on analysis mode.

“Elder Ah Chun!!!”

“Come on!!!!”

“Blow them up!!!!!”

The Qingdao crowd put their horns to their mouths and shouted loudly.

“Kill him with [Finger Ball]!”

Masako Harada gave a gesture.


Narumiya nodded.

The ball is then placed in the glove with the left hand and raised above the head. Followed by!

Raise your right foot high on the side! The next moment slams out!

At the same time, the body also rotates rapidly! When all the power comes together on the left hand!

Narumiya held the ball and threw it with all his might! Shout!!!!

With a speed of more than 140 per hour, Isashi subconsciously swung the bat! But just then!

Isashiki suddenly noticed the characteristics of the “Finger Ball” on the ball body!

Next moment!

He was almost reflexively clutching the bat!


“Stop me!!!!!!”

In a roar!

Isashiki forced the bat on when he was about to swing half of it! Whoosh!

The baseball that came to home base fell violently!

“Sure enough, it’s [Finger Fork Ball]!”

Isashiki breathed a sigh of relief. Almost!

The bat is half way to swing, it’s a little bit closer! Fortunately!

These bad things didn’t happen!

“Bad ball!”

The referee was quick to give a judgement.

“Under the powerful control of Isashiki!”

“He turned the number of balls into 2 good balls and 3 bad balls!”

“Now the pressure has been given to Cheng Gongming’s body!”

The narrator breathed a sigh of relief and continued, “Can Narumiya resist the pressure to eliminate Izamiki?” ”

“Or is it…”

“Accidentally threw the fourth bad ball to send Izzo to base?”

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