
With the referee’s order.

The crowd rushed to the right of the home plate with joy.

The players of the giant rattan roll took a heavy step and reluctantly walked to the left side of the home plate.


After the referee’s voice fell.

Aodo and Ju Mo Da bowed to each other ninety degrees.

“Thanks for the advice!”

“Thanks for the advice!”

After the post-match ceremony.

It’s the award process.


Say it’s an award.

In fact, it is to hand over the winning flag of the previous champion team to Qingdao for safekeeping. Afterwards.

Just leave in their respective teams.

“What a dream!”

Akiko Owada sighed, “I didn’t expect to finally get the ticket to Koshien after six years. ”

“I actually passed the barrier all the way!”

“Get the hardest Haga champions!”


“It also set a record of zero points lost!”

“Even if you see it with your own eyes, you still think it’s incredible!”


Mine Fujio nodded.


“No one thought of that before the game.”

“More critically!”

“The main pitchers of Seido are only in the first grade!”

“Their existence may bring Qingdao to an unprecedented peak!”

“Of course!”

“It is impossible for someone to remain in such a perfect state!”

“And in case their ace suffers from pitching amnesia because of the touching ball, the bright future of the green road will suddenly stop!”

After the Blue Road leaves the Players Passage. Soon surrounded by a bunch of reporters. And!

The newspapers and periodicals where the reporters who came to interview them all have great influence! Visible!

With the green road to win the championship!

The attention received is also a straight uptick! Especially Lin Tian!

The reporters who interviewed him were also the most! But that’s normal.

After all, baseball is the most popular in this country.

The most important thing is!

Lin Tian’s sense of existence was extremely strong!

Just in the first year of high school, you can lead the team to win the championship as an ace pitcher! Just this one thing!

That’s enough to make newspapers and magazines sell! Not to mention!

Lin Tian’s pitching, speed, and batting have all reached professional standards! In a word!

Every aspect of Lin Tian is full of attraction!

Once reported, it will certainly be popular nationwide!!! In fact!

These reporters are also right! Because on the night after the interview!

As soon as the newspaper about Lin Tian was sold, it sold out in an instant! And this one case!

It also made the reporters of major newspapers and periodicals have the right to ask Lin Tian for exclusive interviews! If you don’t agree…

Then follow Lin Tian all the time!

And record Lin Tian’s itinerary! These journalists believe!

As the champion pitcher of the Summer League!

There will definitely be many people who are curious about what Lin Tianping is doing! Of course!

These are all afterwords!

After completing the interview.

The young people walked out of the stadium and prepared to take the school bus back. But!

It’s the same as when I first participated in the Western Tokyo finals↓.

As soon as you get out of the stadium, you are surrounded by enthusiastic spectators!

“Nice fight!!!!!”

“Seido is the champion!!!!!”

“Lin Tian!!!!!”

“Let’s cheer for the next autumn competition!!!!”

Listen to everyone’s encouragement.

Coach Kataoka led everyone to bow to the audience.

“Thank you for your continued support!!!!!!”

The audience laughed and waved their hands.

Shout out loud at the same time

“You’re welcome!!!!”

“We will always support you in the future!!!!!”

“Since they have all won the championship of the Summer League, the champions of the Spring League should not let go of!!!!!”


After interacting with an enthusiastic audience for a while.

Lin Tian and other talents, led by Coach Kataoka, entered the school bus to return to the school.

“It’s all sweaty.”

“Let’s go take a shower.”

“Then gather in the cafeteria.”

“The feast is ready.”

Kataoka got out of the car and said to all the team members.

Everyone in Jin, including Lin Tian, answered loudly. Ten minutes later!

All the team members came to the canteen! And then!

At a glance, you can see the most hearty food! Suddenly!

Everyone couldn’t help but rush in! Time!

The otherwise quiet cafeteria became as lively as the wet market!!! About an hour or so.

Solved all the delicious dinner team members.

He sat idly in the chair next to the dining table and chatted about the just-concluded Hagar.

…… Night.

A Field Observation Room.

Coach Kataoka sits here alone. Maybe it’s the relationship between winning the championship.

So he feels that today’s starry sky is more beautiful than ever. At this moment, the door was suddenly opened.

Coach Kataoka turned his head and saw that the people who came in were Minister Ota and Vice Minister Rei Takashima.

“You’re here!”

Minister Ota said with a smile.


Kataoka nodded, and quickly turned his head back to continue looking at the exceptionally beautiful starry sky.

“I spent almost the whole summer vacation in Koshien Garden, and this sense of fullness has not been experienced for a long time!”

Takashima sighed softly.

There was a pause.

She continued: “But the longer we stay in Koshien, the later the new team will start, and that’s what we need to pay attention to. ”

Kataoka: “That being said, everyone has worked so hard for so long, and they should also take a break, otherwise their bodies will always be in a tense state, and it will not be conducive to the next training.” ”

Ota: “How long does the coach plan to let them rest?” ”

Kataoka: Rei Takashima: “What is the coach going to do with the national sports conference in mid-September?” ”

Kataoka: “In order not to delay the fall conference, I will only let the third-year players play.” ”

Takashima: “If that’s the case, then we have more than a month to train.” ”

…… Following.

Kataoka announced the good news of the three-day holiday in front of all the contestants. Suddenly.

All the players were overjoyed.

Some even packed their bags and took the car home immediately. But!

There are also people who decide silently!

Take this opportunity to train and strive for short track overtaking! So!

These three days of vacation!

There’s always a bunch of people swinging their sticks in the indoor practice room! Obviously!

Want to take advantage of this short holiday!

Get more than one or two players who exceed the strength of their friends! But!

A large group of!!!

Three days later!

The first day of the new team’s launch! Morning!

The first and second grade players came to the A court to assemble!

Standing in front of the team are the coaching team and three managers!

“Whether it’s going back to your hometown before.”

“I stayed in school to practice.”

“There are 59 people in the first and second grades, and now all of them have arrived.”

Takashima said to Coach Kataoka.


Kataoka nodded.

Immediately, he took a step forward.

Then he looked at all the team members and said, “This year’s Summer League is that we won the championship. ”

“But that was three days ago.”

“If you keep immersed in the glory of the past, you will never improve!”

“Everyone can only become strong when they practice and put their goals in the future!”

The team members focused on their heads: “Yes!!!!!!” ”

Kataoka was very relieved to see that everyone was so scrappy. Subsequently.

He looked to the right.

“Then there is a new Lord who will say a word!”

The voice just dropped.

Everyone followed Kataoka’s gaze and looked at it curiously. And then see!

Lin Tian of the first grade!

Get out of the neat line!

“Is it really Lin Tian?”

The same thought arose in everyone’s mind. In fact!

It’s not over yet!

You’ve already expected it! After all!

Lin Tian is the strongest in the team in all aspects! If you don’t choose him…

People will feel strange instead!

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